What causes bed bugs to appear and infest in city apartments?

Pediculosis is a disease that consists of the appearance of lice and nits on the hairy parts of the human body - the head and genitals. Lice are parasites that live, feed and reproduce only on humans. They do not breed on other species, such as cats or dogs, so you cannot become infected with head lice from pets or stray animals. Lice are transmitted only from person to person, since in order to exist they need human blood, which they feed on. But there are quite a lot of options for where lice come from in humans. Let's look at them below.

What types of lice do humans have?

The reasons for the appearance of lice are related to their characteristics and lifestyle. There are three types of parasites that live on humans and feed on their blood:

  • head louse - lives and lays eggs on the scalp, it needs hair to move and attach nits to them, without hair the insect will not be able to move on the head, but it may well leave eggs, gluing them to the skin scales;
  • pubic louse - lives on parts of the body on which not only hair grows, but also contains apocrine glands that secrete a special secret that is attractive to parasites; this is the genital area, around the anus, in the armpits, on the eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • The body louse is a specific species that does not live on the human body; it prefers to lay eggs not on it either, but uses a person only for food, going out to hunt him, the rest of the time he hides in clothes, bedding and accessories, and other textiles.

Each of the three species lives in a strictly defined place, that is, the pubic louse cannot parasitize the head, and the head louse cannot parasitize the genitals. And they are transmitted from person to person in the same way: a head louse will try to get on the head, a pubic louse on the genitals, a body louse on the clothes next to the person.

Heartburn concept

Heartburn may be a symptom of a serious illness

The main component of gastric secretion is hydrochloric acid. It causes an acidic environment. The walls of this organ are isolated from its action by special mucus.

In the esophagus, the acidity level is much lower and there is no such film. In a normal situation, food that enters the stomach cannot move in the opposite direction. This is provided by the teres muscle. Its scientific name is sphincter.

For a number of reasons, the natural process is disrupted. The products, together with hydrochloric acid, fall back into the esophagus and corrode the mucous membrane. The result is a burn of the organ, which manifests itself in certain symptoms.

The disease in question is often not perceived as a serious problem, but this is not correct. It can be a symptom of serious illnesses. And we are talking about disorders not only of the digestive system.

Myths associated with lice

There are established opinions about what causes lice to appear, but almost all of them are myths, that is, they have no basis and do not stand up to criticism:

  1. Lice appear in those who do not maintain personal hygiene. This is not entirely true. Parasites themselves do not spontaneously generate on dirt. Of course, if a person rarely washes and changes clothes, then the risk of not noticing lice is greater. But because of the dirt, insects do not appear.
  2. Lice are caused by stress. Again, by themselves, they do not originate in a person experiencing stress. Psychological difficulties can lead to the fact that a person does not pay attention to the physical condition, but due to stress, lice do not develop.
  3. Lice appear exclusively on people leading an asocial lifestyle, while “decent people” cannot have them. Everyone can catch insects with equal success. Status and wealth are not decisive here. People with low social responsibility may not be able to get rid of insects or do not consider it necessary. But the risk of contracting head lice does not depend on lifestyle. Lice, alas, exist in all levels of society.

Ways of infection with pediculosis

The most basic way you can catch parasites is through direct contact with infected people. The head louse moves from head to head when touched or if you simply pass or stand very close to an infested person. Insects move through hair very quickly. Pubic lice pass from one person to another during sexual intercourse or while sleeping in the same bed in close proximity.

The second way is when using the personal belongings of an infected person. Lice can be found in a variety of objects:

  • hats;
  • clothing and underwear;
  • combs, hairpins, elastic bands and other hair accessories;
  • towels;
  • bed sheets;
  • pillows and blankets.

You can easily catch lice on public transport. On the seats of trains, buses, and planes, especially on soft textile headrests, including those with individual napkins, insects can go unnoticed and easily move from there onto their heads.

Causes of burning in the chest

The list of “causative agents” of the problem is quite long: from irritating foods to serious diseases.

Heartburn after eating

Heartburn often occurs after eating fatty foods.

Excessive production of hydrochloric acid occurs as a result of eating certain foods. These include:

  • smoked meats;
  • marinades;
  • fatty, spicy, fried foods.

The causative agents can be foods with high acidity. These include some fruits (especially citrus fruits). Heartburn after tomatoes and dishes prepared with them is due to excessive formation of gastric juice.

Errors in nutrition are the most common cause of this phenomenon.

Heartburn with bloating

Sometimes heartburn is accompanied by bloating

The combination of such phenomena indicates disturbances in the healthy intestinal microflora. The presence of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract is rapidly increasing. During their life, gas is produced.

The main location of the latter is the intestines, but penetration into the duodenum and stomach is also common. The result is a combination of such phenomena as:

  • flatulence;
  • burning in the chest;
  • constant belching;
  • specific smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • stool disorders, nausea, discomfort in the abdominal area (manifest in later stages).

The danger lies in the high probability of intoxication of the body with waste products of bacteria, prolonged stool disorder, and disturbances in the process of food digestion. The result is a suppression of the immune system, a change in the color of the skin.

Heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn is common during pregnancy

Women carrying a child are well familiar with the phenomenon in question. Reflux (the release of “sour” food from the stomach into the esophagus) is observed at different times.

Is it possible to get lice without close contact?

Lice cannot fly or jump far, as, for example, fleas do. But they move quite well on different surfaces. The insect can crawl a distance of 30 - 50 cm. This means that there is no need for close contact to pick up lice. That is, a person with lice could sit on a bench in the park, put his hat on it, from which the louse had crawled onto the bench, and leave from there. And another person, sitting down on this bench in half an hour or an hour, can become a new victim of the insect.

It is worth saying that the risk of lice infection exists only on the condition that the carrier becomes a female, which, if it comes into contact with a new person, will lay at least one egg. If you pick up a male or an immature larva, the disease will not develop.

Under what conditions can lice appear?

In general, lice live outside the human body for up to 4 days, and nits for up to 2 weeks, but these are exceptional cases. Most parasites live outside humans for up to two days. These insects need to feed on blood 4–6 times a day; they cannot go without food for a long time. They also need a suitable air temperature for normal existence. The optimal temperature for them is 33 – 36 degrees, so the human body temperature is ideal for them. When it drops to 23 degrees or increases to 40 degrees, they can survive, but at other levels they die.

At the same time, lice survive quite well in water. For some time they may be under slight pressure from a load, for example, under pebbles or sand. Therefore, we can conclude that lice can be picked up on the beach. Lice are also often caught in baths and saunas, massage parlors, swimming pools and other public places with seemingly increased sanitary requirements. Simply washing the surface with water will not kill lice or guarantee that they are not there.

Can bedbugs appear from dampness?

What was said in the previous paragraph is completely true for this issue. Bed bugs cannot appear in a house due to dampness or other similar factors. It is necessary to understand that there are conditions that favorably influence the rate of increase in the number of bedbugs in a person’s home. In other words, they do not cause insects to appear in the apartment, but act as an important factor in the rapid growth of the parasite population.

Such conditions include:

  • temperature ranging from +25 to +35 degrees;
  • normal or slightly increased level of natural humidity in the premises;
  • hidden corners in an apartment or house;
  • infrequent or poor quality cleaning of rooms and other areas of the home;
  • permanent residence in the house or apartment of the residents.

Another factor that has a positive effect on the size of the bedbug population is the lack of a prompt response from homeowners to the fact that parasites have appeared in it. In this case, nothing prevents the latter from reproducing calmly and quickly. As a result, there is a natural expansion of the habitat when insects appear in neighbors’ apartments.

Where are you most likely to get lice?

Parasites spread most quickly in places with high concentrations of people. The more people there are, the more contacts between them, the more favorable conditions for the spread of head lice. One person can infect dozens or even hundreds of others. High-risk places are objects in which a person is forced to stay for a long time and in which he cannot influence the sanitary condition:

  • hospitals;
  • prisons;
  • barracks;
  • hotels;
  • camps;
  • educational institutions.

Also risk areas are:

  • public transport;
  • sports facilities;
  • swimming pools;
  • hairdressing salons.

However, you can catch lice in any public institution and even on the street.

Treatment of heartburn

Heartburn medication must be prescribed by a doctor

The first mandatory stage of therapy is to identify the cause of the phenomenon in question. Suppressing symptoms does not give long-term results and the problem soon returns.

In case of single or rare manifestations, an independent analysis of lifestyle, diet, bad habits, and so on is possible. Regular manifestation of a painful condition is a good reason to visit a specialized specialist.

The latter will conduct a survey, order the necessary laboratory tests and, based on the information received, make a conclusion about the cause of heartburn. The final stage is the appointment of an optimal treatment regimen.

The most common method of dealing with a burning sensation in the chest is to take special pharmaceutical drugs. However, this is not the only way. Folk and traditional medicine offers other treatment options.


Antacids will quickly relieve the symptoms of heartburn, but will not cure the cause of the disease.

To relieve symptoms, drugs of various groups are used. It can be:

  1. Antacids. Their action is aimed at suppressing acidity in the stomach.
  2. Alginates. Reduce the effect on the esophageal mucosa.
  3. Antisecretory drugs. Inhibits the production of gastric secretions.
  4. Prokinetics. They increase the intensity of contractions of the esophagus, improve the functional abilities of the sphincter, and promote the rapid movement of food.

Their use improves the condition, but we should not forget about the need to treat the underlying cause. Otherwise, you can prepare for a constantly recurring painful condition.

Why do lice appear more often in children?

Lice affect both children and adults. Due to their age, children are more likely to be in close contact with other children during games or communication. Children tend to hug more and touch their heads. In addition, they are more relaxed about exchanging clothes and wearing other people’s hats. In kindergartens and schools, in children's health camps, children are in fairly large numbers in a limited space, which creates suitable conditions for the spread of lice.

For some reason, some parents believe that there is no need to remove lice from children, that this is an age-related phenomenon that will go away on its own. It is not true. If left untreated, head lice will lead to dangerous scratches that become infected and can even cause blood poisoning. In addition, the child will be nervous due to constant itching.

By the way, not all children suffer from itching when parasites appear. Or they cannot tell what exactly is bothering them. Therefore, it is important to regularly and carefully examine the child’s head, thoroughly wash and comb the hair, so as not to miss the initial stage of lice infection. If detected early, getting rid of lice and nits is much easier.

What to do if there are bedbugs in your apartment?

Detection of traces of bedbugs, the insect itself or its nests means only one thing: it is necessary to urgently take measures to get rid of such a neighborhood. In practice, the problem is solved in one of two ways. The first involves the owner’s actions on his own:

  • placing in rooms and other premises plants with a strong odor, for example, wormwood, tansy, etc., which are deservedly considered quite effective folk remedies for exterminating or repelling bedbugs that have appeared in a person’s home;
  • thorough cleaning of the home in order to physically destroy the parasites that have entered the apartment;
  • independent use of various chemicals related to insecticides. Today's Russian market offers an extensive list of such products, many of which are very potent.

The second approach to solving the problem involves turning to professionals - a specialized organization, for example, the regional sanitary and epidemiological service. In the vast majority of cases, this scheme of action turns out to be much more effective. Its only drawback is the higher level of expenses.

But the money spent is compensated by the guaranteed destruction of bedbugs that have infested the apartment. It is achieved through the competent use of modern insecticides, technologies for their practical use and appropriate professional equipment. An additional advantage is the reasonable price level for processing services. A bonus of such cooperation is the provision of warranty obligations, which are documented. This means free pest control if bedbugs reappear.

How to protect yourself from lice

As mentioned above, lice can infect anyone. There is no absolute guarantee. But to protect yourself, you must exercise reasonable caution:

  • do not use other people's things;
  • avoid contact with people who may be carriers of parasites;
  • after visiting a place where there may be lice, inspect the scalp and clothes for the presence of insects, thoroughly wash your hair with an anti-lice product, wash clothes at high temperature;
  • treat the room in which the infected person finds himself using insecticides or pediculicides, for example, MediLis-Bio, MediLis-Super;
  • If lice are found on one family member, then treatment should be started immediately and prevention should be carried out for all household members.

Modern professional anti-lice products allow you to get rid of them in one day. The main thing is to follow the instructions and observe safety rules when working with them.

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