Causes of acne on the forehead: why they appear, what causes them and why men and women become covered in inflammation

Causes of acne on the forehead in women and men: how to find treatment

The main reason for the physiological development of the defect is the inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands. It occurs due to their improper functioning, blockage, more active sebum production, as well as other related processes. It’s worth taking a closer look at why this might happen.

Inappropriate cosmetics

Incorrectly selected care and decorative products have an unpredictable effect on the skin. Therefore, when you have to choose which of the offered products to purchase, it is better to take the jar or tube that has o.

It doesn’t hurt to take products solely according to your skin type, or even better, according to your doctor’s recommendations. It would not be amiss to remind you that in winter you should give preference to richer, richer and thicker creams, and in summer - light and airy fluids. This will help normalize all metabolic processes in the dermis and avoid blockages.

Poor nutrition

Many people think that the development of rashes on the forehead, and on other parts of the face and body, is in no way related to food, as was previously thought. In fact, what we consume has a direct bearing on the health and quality of our skin. Fast carbohydrates, such as bread, cakes, buns, sweets, chocolates and other things, provoke acne.

At the same time, carbohydrate-free or low-carbohydrate diets can normalize metabolic processes in the integument, and also help eliminate toxins and waste. Many people experience similar effects by eliminating lactose-containing foods from their diet. However, there is no scientific basis for such phenomena yet, so it is better to simply balance and rationalize nutrition.

Illiterate care

Often people with oily skin are sure that they should choose the most aggressive products to get rid of visual signs of the sebaceous glands, and then they think why the forehead is covered with pimples, acne develops on it and all this progresses very quickly. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because the overdried, exhausted dermis begins to secrete sebum even more actively, protecting itself from the damage caused.

If you can’t cope with the selection of funds on your own, it makes sense to turn to a professional. Skincare products should be gentle, moisturizing and nourishing. After procedures such as peelings, scrubs, sunbathing, you need to give the skin everything it needs for its normal functionality.

Hormonal imbalance

This is the most common reason why acne appears on the forehead of all existing ones. It is because of improper hormone production that adolescents during puberty and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding suffer greatly from acne. Then a real storm breaks out in the body, ugly formations “bloom” on the face, which are difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to get rid of if the root cause is not stopped.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The intestines regulate about 75-80% of human immunity, so it cannot help but influence the dermis. Even a slight imbalance in the microflora turns out to be a provoking factor for the formation of a huge amount of sebum.

The activity of the glands is also affected by improper functioning of the liver, pancreas and the stomach itself. To find out exactly the cause, you will have to visit a doctor, get tested and undergo the necessary tests.

Thickening of the stratum corneum

There is even a special term - hyperkeratosis, which means that due to an excessive amount of keratosis, a horny thickening occurs on the uppermost layer of the epidermis. Dead epithelial cells can no longer exfoliate as they should, so the ducts of the glands become clogged, and they themselves become inflamed. When a person additionally takes care of his face and body incorrectly, the situation can seriously worsen and require lengthy and difficult treatment.


It is forbidden to squeeze pimples on the forehead, as this can cause infection, increase the number of rashes, and also provoke serious health consequences.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

Treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin is often a lengthy process. This is assumed to be the active secretion of subcutaneous sebum in this area of ​​the face. Treatment begins with eliminating the root cause that caused such a pathology.

Cosmetic treatment

If there is minor damage to the skin of the forehead, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist in order to implement a set of measures to counteract subcutaneous acne. These include the following:

  • Professional masks that prevent the appearance of rashes.
  • Cleaning the skin.
  • Microdermabrasion. A skin peel that uses hard crystals to remove dead skin cells. It has a beneficial effect on accelerating blood circulation and improves the general condition of the dermis.
  • Acid peeling. Identical to the above method, however, the active component is able to penetrate deeper into the cells.
  • Laser resurfacing. The top layer of cells is removed using a laser.
  • Disincrustation. Opening the tumor and removing pus.
  • Mesotherapy. The introduction of medications under the skin that help eliminate the inflammatory process and restore it.

These measures can be taken after prior consultation with a doctor.

Drug therapy

In difficult situations of skin damage in the forehead area, systemic and local treatment is prescribed:

  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Use of systemic retinoids.
  • Hormonal treatment.
  • Use of vitamins.
  • Autohemotherapy.
  • Use of topical retinoids

The selection of drugs should be carried out by the attending physician.


Physiotherapy and hardware methods for treating internal acne in the forehead area involve:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation (has a beneficial effect on eliminating rashes and counteracts pathogenic microorganisms).
  • Phototherapy (used for speedy tissue restoration).
  • Magnetic therapy (characterized by a resorption effect).
  • Ozone therapy (eliminates swelling, inflammation and destroys harmful bacteria through oxygen).
  • ELOS therapy (influence on inflamed areas with blue light pulses).

Before prescribing such manipulations, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out.

Types of acne on the forehead: when to seek help

There are several main types of rashes on the face, which can be caused by a variety of reasons, which we have already described above. Often these unpleasant moments can also be accompanied by a constant oily sheen, uneven relief, pigment spots, and a gray-earthy tint of the integument.

At such moments, people simply do not know how to determine the extent of damage and risks. When it is just a couple of formations before menstruation, then there is no particular cause for concern. If pimples pop up, come out and come out on your forehead, break out and don’t go away, you should definitely find out why they pop up.

  • It is necessary to visit a dermatologist who will prescribe all the necessary tests and studies.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to make an appointment with a gastroenetrologist, endocrinologist, and for women, also with a gynecologist.
  • Additionally, you should contact a cosmetologist, he will prescribe exactly those procedures that will help cope with such an unpleasant skin defect.


The formations are usually not accompanied by an inflammatory process, so blackheads do not cause any particular trouble other than their appearance. Most often, their localization is observed in the T-zone, on the forehead, nose and chin.


These nodular seals in the thickness of the dermis are often red in color and can be easily felt with the fingers. They are obtained as a result of blockage of the gland ducts, which as a result become inflamed, and sometimes quite seriously. Due to the location of their appearance, they are also called subcutaneous or internal. It is better not to try to deal with the problem on your own, because in the end you can get a scar or scar that can remain with you for life.

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These pimples, unlike those previously described, already have access to the surface and even have a white purulent head, which is visible to the naked eye. Often they can be quite painful, so they cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Usually, doctors and cosmetologists agree that they should be treated with various drying products based on salicylic or similar acids.

Nodules and cysts

Such consequences can result in a severe form of acne development. Blocked ducts cause the formation of a sebaceous plug, the diameter of which can easily reach one centimeter or even much larger. In the process, some fuse together, forming large pathological cavities in the tissues, filled with sebum, which cannot come out.

To treat such formations there is no way to use cosmetics; they simply will not help. You will have to take a serious course of antibiotics, retinoids and other medications prescribed by your doctor, while simultaneously carrying out various cleansing procedures, such as professional deep peels and other things.


Due to the further formation of inflammation, infection of the damaged area with bacteria that are constantly present on the human skin, an internal purulent pustule appears.

On the outside, it is a white or yellow growth that protrudes above the skin and has no way out. Since the pus is completely hidden by a layer of skin, it is extremely difficult to eliminate such a formation.

In certain situations, the accumulation of pus leads to the rapid development of a rash. During advanced pathology, large nodes will give the skin its characteristic bumpiness and bright red color.

Pimples in the forehead area may not form purulent pustules for a long time, causing itching, discomfort, and pain when touched. Small internal pimples are often located, in addition to the forehead, on the nose and lips, causing general inflammation in these areas.

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When the disease is caused by a subcutaneous mite, the rash is multiple, has an unnatural reddish tint and is localized under a thin layer of skin. In some situations, symptoms are supplemented by itching and flaking.

Acne in women and men: are there any differences?

Before getting rid of acne, it is worth understanding whether there is a difference in their formation and treatment.

  • The male dermis is much thicker and oilier, and therefore can be several times more susceptible to various inflammatory processes. In the body, androgens, that is, hormones of the stronger sex, are responsible for the functioning of the glands.
  • In the female version, the culprit is most often an imbalance of substances such as progestogens and estrogens. Even after the body goes through puberty, there remains a risk of hormonal imbalances due to the presence of menstruation, pregnancy and lactation.

When the defect is caused by other reasons, for example, poor quality care or gastrointestinal diseases, then no difference by gender is observed. The only provoking factor is naturally oilier skin and sometimes various concomitant diseases.

Is it possible to squeeze out

The human immune system, protecting itself from the spread of infection throughout the body, blocks the source of inflammation, protecting it from healthy tissues. The site of infection is additionally saturated with immune cells, thus supplying white blood cells to the affected area. Subcutaneous pus consists of dead leukocytes and microbes.

Anyone who squeezes a pimple wants to get rid of the purulent contents. If you remove the source of inflammation, the skin will heal faster, but another scenario is also possible.

Possible complications:

  • sepsis - blood poisoning;
  • detachment of a blood clot - a plug formed at the site of removal of pus may come off;
  • infection - squeezing increases the risk of formation in its place and nearby 5 of the same;
  • skin trauma - consequences in the form of scars, cicatrices, skin pigmentation and dimples.

Rules and tips

If the situation has not yet become critical and it seems that you can cope with it yourself, it makes sense to learn a few simple recommendations from real professionals:

  • We must not forget about hygiene for a second; the skin should always remain clean and well-groomed. But this does not guarantee getting rid of acne. To protect yourself as much as possible, you should thoroughly wash all sponges, makeup brushes and other accessories after each use. If you see that they are not washed, just replace them with new ones; there is no need to skimp on your health. About once a week you need to change your pillowcases, and replace your regular towel with disposable paper ones.
  • An inspection of your cosmetic bag should be carried out every six months, or better yet, every three months. Everything is sorted out, shelf life, appearance, smell, consistency are assessed. At the slightest suspicion, it is better to send the tube or box for scrap.
  • Sometimes the introduction of a new product into your skincare routine causes small rashes on the forehead and face, so you need to keep an eye on this. By temporarily stopping it and then starting to use it again, you can find out if this is the reason.
  • Deep facial cleansing is not an easy procedure, all its stages must be thoughtful and safe, so it is better to entrust such an important task to real professionals.

Many experts recommend following the advice of Korean women, because they are distinguished by truly beautiful, smooth and even dermis, which they can maintain for many years. They begin any treatment with complete cleansing using micellar or hydrophilic oil. Only then do you use foam, milk or tonic for washing.

At the cosmetologist's

When several small formations arose during PMS or during puberty, there is little point in turning to a professional. However, when the problem becomes more serious every day, the situation worsens, and while health is normal, there is simply no other way out.

Laser resurfacing

It became a direct “heir” to such a procedure as dermabrasion due to the advent of new technologies. Its essence lies in mechanical damage to the integument (microburns), which the body must urgently restore, while at the same time coping with the cosmetic defect. It also makes it easier for dead epithelial particles to peel off and stimulates cellular renewal and metabolic processes inside the dermis.

Chemical peeling

Various acids are used for such cleaning:

  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • azelaic;
  • ferulic;
  • salicylic;
  • dairy;
  • almond;
  • phytic and others.

Another option that has a right to exist is retinoids, which also have a similar effect. All this significantly speeds up the metabolism of the skin, giving it the opportunity to renew itself faster.

In this case, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for the fact that rehabilitation after them is quite long (from several hours to 5-7 days). It may be accompanied by severe itching, redness, peeling and other unpleasant phenomena. If you feel like something is going wrong, you should definitely consult a doctor for competent advice.

On one's own

When figuring out what causes small pimples on the forehead in women and men, it doesn’t hurt to look at home methods of combating it.

  • It is necessary to improve your diet, give up unhealthy foods, and introduce more natural foods, vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich cereals into your diet.
  • Pay attention to proper care, follow all the advice of cosmetologists, thoroughly cleanse the dermis, moisturize and nourish it in a timely manner.
  • Make various homemade masks and peelings in a timely manner, but only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Check your health, get tested, conduct all necessary studies and tests.

Particular attention should be paid to hygiene procedures, which we have already discussed above. This is the only way to be sure that there is no additional bacterial and microbial load on the integument.

Cosmetical tools

The modern market offers a colossal number of products of varying degrees of quality, presented in a wide range of prices. It is worth understanding that high-quality cosmetics cannot be cheap, so it is undesirable to follow the lead of intrusive advertising.

Moisturizers or serums

Life-giving moisture is necessary not only for dry, but also for oily skin, contrary to popular misconceptions. Feeling a shortage, it begins to more actively release sebum to the surface, which causes congestion and inflammation. Therefore, this point must be given sufficient attention.

Cleansing masks

Such products should not be used often, as this can lead to the opposite effect. The optimal regimen is 1-3 times a week, according to the directions on the package. After about 3-4 you can notice visual results.


Chemical or mechanical peelings, and we are talking about them, are needed for high-quality exfoliation of keratinized epithelium. You must be extremely careful with such products, use them only according to the instructions, strictly following all the steps.


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How to cleanse your face of comedones

To get rid of closed comedones, you will need to perform 2 mandatory steps:

Mechanical skin cleaning

A widely known and not always popular procedure. In the case of white comedones, it is irreplaceable .

Resorption or dissolution of closed comedones with external means is impossible. Only mechanical intervention can remove existing blockages.

The disadvantage of this method is that the effect is temporary . New elements will appear later, because... the skin functions as before.

It is carried out at least once a month until the complete disappearance of white comedones, which is only possible with concomitant external therapy.

* Read more about the most popular procedure - skin cleansing and options for its implementation here .

External use of retinoids

The drugs of choice for closed comedones are retinoids.

Retinoids are a well-studied group of substances derived from vitamin A, used in dermatology to treat problem skin with acne, and in cosmetology to correct age-related changes and hyperpigmentation.

How retinoids work:

  • Retinoids naturally affect the processes of keratinization and exfoliation of skin cells - eliminate hyperkeratosis;
  • They normalize the production of sebum - quantity and composition - preventing the retention of secretions inside the pores.

In accordance with the Federal Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Acne, 2015, retinoids are the first-line drugs for acne correction , including the initial stages.

Benefits of Retinoids

Why else are retinoids attractive in terms of choice for eliminating white comedones:

  • Physiological – they are a substance familiar to the skin, because the body itself supplies vitamin A to the skin in low concentrations;
  • Have no toxic effect;
  • Penetrates well into the skin, reaching the necessary layers.


In order not to worry about how to solve the problem, you can simply prevent it by taking various preventive measures in time:

  • Proper deep cleansing.
  • Timely care.
  • Selecting suitable cosmetics.
  • Regular checks for internal problems and diseases.
  • Maintaining hygiene.
  • Proper diet and balanced nutrition.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Rinse off decorative cosmetics at night.
  • Visiting a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Let's sum it up

Thus, it became completely clear why a lot of acne appears on the forehead of girls and women, children and teenagers, boys and men, because the reasons often lie on the surface. By providing the skin with competent, high-quality, and most importantly, timely care, you can most often get rid of the problem or even prevent it using good, proven and reliable means. However, sometimes this is associated with the development of any diseases, then you definitely won’t be able to do without contacting a specialist.

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