What causes acne on the chest - why it appears and how to treat it

Do you suffer from a complex about your appearance and can’t improve your personal life? Are you embarrassed to go to the beach and water park because of acne? Don't you like your reflection in the mirror? Then start today to carry out simple procedures for caring for your skin and then you will soon forget about the problem of acne. Skin care is a daily procedure. Take time for yourself and those around you will notice the results. Do you want to hear compliments? Earn them.

Be sure to contact a specialist if you cannot cope with the problem at home or if your acne causes severe itching. Do not self-medicate. You may harm yourself.


Based on external manifestations, acne has several varieties. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Red ones indicate blockage of the sebaceous ducts simultaneously with the development of the inflammatory process. Secretions that contain sebaceous glands are a suitable environment for the reproduction and activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. White - characterized by blockage of the ducts, against which the accumulation of excess fat occurs. Such formations can be provoked by disruptions in metabolic processes or frequent use of cosmetics in the décolleté area.
  3. Minor rash. In this case, acne may take on a different shade. The cause of such rashes is often an allergic reaction to any product or clothing, excessive sweating, poor nutrition or lack of hygiene procedures.
  4. Blackheads are dead tissue that cannot be peeled off, which leads to an excess of them, as a result of which the pores and sebaceous ducts begin to become clogged.
  5. Pimples located around the hair. This manifestation indicates inflammation of the hair follicle. Common causes are pathologies of internal organs or lack of nutrients in the body.
  6. Purulent is the end result of red type acne. This process indicates that the inflammatory process has transitioned into an infectious one, and the purulent contents are a product of the body’s fight against pathogenic bacteria.

If the abscess is large, accompanied by itching and does not disappear within a week, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. It is likely that this could be a boil, which can only be gotten rid of surgically.

Rashes on the chest are often a symptom of pink zoster.
This is a non-contagious disease. It goes away on its own after 6-8 weeks and does not require treatment in the absence of subjective complaints. It is important to take the appearance of a rash in the chest area seriously and consult a doctor as soon as the problem begins.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Preventive measures

Men and women with problem skin prone to breakouts need to take preventative measures to avoid acne.

It is important to follow the following rules:

  • Perform daily hygiene procedures using mild detergents; it is useful to add a drop of tea tree essential oil;
  • In summer, wear clothes made from natural materials;
  • Use homemade body scrubs;
  • Initially, adjust the menu so that it consists of healthy products;
  • In summer, use sunscreens and gels.

Also, one of the most important preventive measures is the treatment of any diseases, from colds to internal pathologies. It is necessary to achieve a complete cure, otherwise the disease becomes chronic, causing complications that also appear on the skin.


There are several reasons for the formation.

Lack of hygiene procedures, or, conversely, excess

If you do not take care of your skin in a timely manner, then as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of sebum, sweat, and dead epithelial cells, the sebaceous ducts begin to clog, resulting in the formation of a pimple. In case of too frequent use of cosmetics, gels and soaps, the skin becomes dry.

Pimples on the chest can be a manifestation of clogged sebaceous glands, allergies, infection, hormonal imbalances, etc.

Symptoms depend on the cause, most often itching, redness, and pain with suppuration. The exact cause and diagnosis are made based on examination and laboratory tests.

Treatment is prescribed after identifying the cause. Antiseptics and various ointments are used locally; sometimes general antihistamines and antibiotics are prescribed; diet therapy.

Against this background, peeling, cracking, irritation and redness occur. The resulting small cracks become a path for infection to penetrate into the layers of the skin. Once bacteria penetrate the pores, the inflammatory process begins.

Poor nutrition

Eating fatty and spicy foods and fast food leads to problems with the liver, stomach and pancreas. Toxins are released and spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. In this case, it is the skin that reacts first, which leads to rashes.

Allergic reaction

Anything can provoke this condition. Starting from deodorant and ending with house dust. In this case, as a rule, small red pimples form.

Wearing the wrong clothes

When the body comes into contact with synthetic materials, normal sweating does not occur. As a result, the skin becomes dirty and the pores become clogged. Subsequently, against the background of this, the inflammatory process begins to develop, and a pimple is formed.

Hormonal imbalances

A similar phenomenon can be observed not only in women, but also in men, regardless of age category. Most often, the appearance of rashes is provoked by an imbalance of female hormones. In rare situations, a rash occurs when thyroid hormones are disrupted.

Weakened immune system

In this condition, bacteria easily penetrate the body, which leads to rashes.

Diseases of internal organs

The skin reacts extremely sensitively to any changes in the functioning of the body. Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of somatic pathologies. It is possible to determine which disease caused the rash only based on the results of the examination.

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If the chest is covered with acne, then there may be violations of the following systems:

  • endocrine;
  • sexual;
  • reproductive;
  • mental;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

Frequent stressful situations

In addition, lack of sleep and excessive stress on the body also affect the condition of the skin.

How to cure at home

Purulent pimples on the chest often appear when personal hygiene rules are not followed. It is important to keep your laundry clean and shower twice a day. Change your bed linen more often. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics. It is especially important to fulfill these conditions for teenagers. Be sure to shower after playing sports or dancing.

Tanning is a good preventative measure. If there are no contraindications, visit the solarium. Just use UV protection. This way you can bring great benefits to your body.

Brewer's yeast has a good healing effect. This natural drug is indicated for the treatment of acne. Their content of essential vitamins will help you improve your skin condition. Take 10 tablets a day for a week, and then, after a break, you can repeat the course.

Baths with herbal infusions are good for relieving inflammation. Use chamomile, string or calendula. Before using the bath, rub your body with a massage mitten so you can achieve a better effect. Baths with sea salt are rich in mineral elements and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin.

Rinse your skin with water and lemon juice to reduce the risk of staph infections.

Acne can be burned with iodine solution or salicylic acid. It should be noted that salicylic acid has good anti-inflammatory properties, helps in the treatment of blackheads and lightens acne spots. It is important to remember that these products are applied exactly to the inflamed area, because... they can cause peeling of healthy skin.

Acne under the breasts in women can be caused by prolonged wearing of clothes made of synthetic materials, because... it does not allow the skin to breathe. If you have this problem, buy yourself a bra made of natural fabric and shower more often. Rubbing your chest with an alcohol-based lotion or toner will help keep your skin clear.

Pay special attention to self-care before the onset of menstruation, use herbal infusion wipes and tonics for oily and problematic skin. Cleanse your skin thoroughly in the evening, before going to bed. You can use masks made of clay, white or black, they have a drying property. This way you can reduce the body's reaction to hormonal changes.


Concomitant symptoms in each case will manifest themselves differently depending on the reason for which the rash appeared. Most often, the appearance of acne in the chest area is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Itching. Rashes are not always accompanied by such manifestations. Often this condition can occur due to an infection or allergy.
  2. Redness.
  3. Progression. In some cases, the rash may quickly spread to other parts of the body. Acne often begins to appear on the back, stomach and neck area.
  4. Soreness. Painful sensations are observed mainly when the endings of nerve fibers are damaged. The pain has a pulling character and degree of intensity.

Regardless of what caused the rash and what form it has, in any case it causes a lot of inconvenience. With constant contact of the skin with clothing and cosmetics, it is constantly irritated, which further aggravates the situation.


Only after identifying the true cause and undergoing the necessary examination can a specialist prescribe competent treatment. It is important to remember that in no case should you self-medicate, so as not to provoke the development of even more serious problems. Regardless of the type of rash, the approach should be comprehensive.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

You can remove a rash in the chest area with the help of medications prescribed by your doctor.

Based on the fact that many factors can cause acne, medications are selected individually in each case.

In cases where the rash was caused by an allergy to something and is accompanied by severe itching, a specialist usually recommends taking a course of antihistamines, supplementing the treatment with sorbents.

How to get rid of acne quickly

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting about 85 percent of the population.

The rash, which was caused by the penetration of a fungal infection, has similar symptoms. However, in this case, the treatment will be slightly different. To eliminate the problem, you will need to take antifungal drugs.

If the skin becomes infected, the above medications will no longer help. In this case, only antibiotics will be effective.

Nutrition also plays an equally important role in the treatment of chest acne. The general condition of the human body depends on diet. This is why dieting is so important for your skin.

For rashes, experts recommend avoiding:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fatty, fried, spicy foods.

The diet must include vegetables and fruits, dairy products, food of animal and plant origin.

New products should also be treated with special attention. And also to those that can provoke an allergic reaction.

Skin condition and nutrition

The first thing you should do is analyze your diet. Make a list of what you eat, where and in what quantity. This way you can clearly see what you are eating. Then make a list of foods that should be in your diet. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits. To avoid intestinal problems, you need to consume fiber. It is better if the vegetables are steamed. Eliminate spicy, salty and fried foods from your diet; these foods are bad for the liver and can cause digestive problems. Food should be light and tasty.

Make it a habit to drink green tea instead of coffee and eat dried fruits and nuts instead of buns and sweets. A small piece of chocolate is all you can afford. Don't let this make you sad. Believe me, your beauty and health are worth some sacrifices. In addition, raisins, dried apricots, figs and dates are very tasty.

Give up chips and fast food for the sake of your skin. Your food should be varied and tasty. Learn to cook and treat yourself to small masterpieces of your culinary art.

A prerequisite for solving skin problems is drinking clean water. By drinking 8 glasses a day, you will normalize your digestive system and notice a significant improvement in your skin condition.

If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then you need to exclude unwanted foods. To relieve symptoms, use antiallergic medications prescribed by your doctor.

You can take a course of vitamins specifically designed to improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails. You can purchase them at the pharmacy.

Proper nutrition is the best remedy. By changing your diet, you will change your life. Let her be beautiful.


To prevent acne from appearing on your chest, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Don't squeeze the pimple. This can cause certain complications.
  2. Do not scratch the rash and avoid excessive rubbing, which can further irritate the skin.
  3. Review your diet. Consume only healthy foods that do not cause allergies.
  4. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. Carefully observe hygiene and regularly perform skin care procedures.
  6. Spend more time outdoors .
  7. Ventilate rooms frequently
  8. To live an active lifestyle .
  9. Avoid nervous tension.
  10. Treat in a timely manner .

If you correctly determine the cause of the appearance of rashes in the décolleté area, then you can get rid of acne in the shortest possible time. When the first symptoms appear, you should not delay a visit to a dermatologist, who will be able to correctly diagnose and select effective treatment methods.

When using any traditional medicine methods, in order to avoid more serious problems, it is also recommended to consult with your doctor.

Treatments that require more time and a higher budget

While all of the above methods are worth trying, some acne cannot be treated without the help of more intensive methods, ranging from dermatological interventions to spa treatments. These methods usually require a large investment of both time and money and should be considered based on your actual capabilities. wallet

Dermatologists who specialize in skin diseases may prescribe oral or topical medications to treat acne. Unfortunately, few dermatologists work in public clinics, and most often work in independent private practice. Because of this, the treatment process can cost you “ for a pretty penny."

While the treatments listed above are usually easy and inexpensive, there are some creams and medications available over the counter to treat acne that are more expensive, although they may also be more effective. When considering these more expensive creams and treatments, be sure to read product reviews and pay close attention to the skin type and problem you're targeting; Not all products are designed for oily or sensitive skin Generally, salicylic acid creams are effective in treating acne on both the face and body.

Other treatments may be available in SPA and dermatology departments. These include: microdermabrasion, chemical peels and light therapy. Each of these therapies has increased risks compared to home treatments or topical medications, but can also provide much greater benefits.

Microdermabrasion involves removing the topmost layer of skin, revealing the healthier, more youthful skin underneath. Chemical peels do the same thing, although they cause more blemishes and redness. Light therapy, one of the fastest, though not exactly cheap, ways to get rid of acne , seeks to eradicate the root cause of acne through light therapy, treat acne on a more permanent and consistent basis. As with any procedure, consult with a qualified professional and weigh all possible consequences before embarking on a specific type of therapy and treatment.

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