Male papillomas on intimate organs: what causes them and what are the symptoms


The reason for the appearance of papillomas in men on the body is the penetration and active reproduction of HPV in the body. The virus is transmitted:

  • with unprotected coitus (traditional, oral, anal);
  • with a blood transfusion taken from a person with HPV;
  • upon contact of mucous membranes or skin, especially if there is damage to it (scratches, abrasions, cuts).

You can become infected in public places (sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, etc.), in hairdressing salons and beauty salons, where proper antiseptic treatment of instruments is neglected. There is also a risk of infection in dental offices if instruments are not properly sterilized. But the virus is not transmitted simply by interacting with an infected patient.

Its cunning lies in the fact that after infection, papillomas do not appear immediately. These neoplasms appear on the skin or mucous membranes when the disease becomes active. Namely when:

  • weakened immune defense;
  • intense physical activity;
  • stress and nervous exhaustion;
  • the presence of other diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Viruses concentrate in certain places of the skin and mucous membranes, change the structure of epithelial cells, resulting in the formation of papillomas.

What is genital papilloma?

This is a type of STI caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Appear in the form of a small tubercle or group of pimples in the area of ​​the external genitalia. Some genital warts are so small that they are practically invisible to the naked eye.

Causes of papilloma on the genitals

Almost all cases of genital warts are caused by HPV. Most often, these formations spread through direct skin-to-skin contact during vaginal or anal sex. The virus that causes genital warts can spread and be transmitted to another person even if one of them does not even have visible signs of papilloma infection on the skin or mucous membranes.

Less commonly, they are distributed in the following ways:

  • Performing oral sex on someone who has HPV or genital warts;
  • Receiving oral sex from someone who has HPV or genital warts on their mouth, lips or tongue;
  • During childbirth, from a woman to her child;
  • Masturbation with HPV-contaminated hands or objects;
  • By household means (shared towel, underwear, hygiene items, etc.).

How long does it take for them to appear?

Papillomas usually appear within a few months after a person has sexual contact with the types of HPV that cause the genital lesions. Sometimes they appear in just a few days or weeks, while for other people, genital papilloma does not appear until years later. Some people can get HPV, but never genital warts.

Find out in more detail what genital warts look like and how to remove them quickly and painlessly, how much it can cost and where is the best place to go with this problem in Moscow!

Clinical manifestations

Genital papilloma viruses usually appear in the form of various types of rashes on intimate areas. They are flesh-colored and may be flat or look lumpy like cauliflower. Some genital warts are so small that they are not visible.

In women, papillomatous lesions can be:

  1. Inside and on the walls of the vagina;
  2. On the vulva, cervix or groin;
  3. In or around the anus;
  4. In the lower parts of the rectum;
  5. On the lips, mouth, tongue or throat (this is very rare).

In men, genital papillomas can grow:

  1. On the penis (around the head);
  2. On the scrotum, thigh or groin;
  3. On or around the anus;
  4. Inside the anal canal;
  5. On the lips, mouth, tongue or larynx (very rare).

Genital papilloma viruses can cause itching, burning and discomfort. Talk to your doctor if you think you may have these growths or if there are risk factors or possible causes for them.

Treatment methods

There is no cure for HPV, but genital papillomas can and should be removed. If you decide to remove warts, do not use special medications at home on your own. Most of them are intended for professional use and can cause harm if applied incorrectly.

Methods for removing papillomas on the genitals in women:

  • Electricity
  • Laser ray
  • Low temperatures (cryotherapy)
  • Surgical excision
  • Radio wave removal

Questions and answers about genital papillomas

1. Do genital warts need to be treated? Some people choose not to treat genital warts. If left untreated, genital papillomas may disappear, remain the same, or significantly increase in size and number. The prospects for the process depend on immunity, the amount and type of virus, sexual activity and the presence of concomitant STIs.

Even if you treat genital papillomas, you can still spread papillomatosis and the virus that causes it to other people. Doctors do not yet know how long you will be contagious after all the papillomas appear and are removed.

2. Will I still have HPV if I have my genital warts removed?

Yes. Even if you undergo treatment, you may still have HPV in your body. This is why these growths may return to the genitals after treatment ends. You can still pass HPV to other people after your skin tags are removed.

3. How does the disease affect pregnancy?

If you've had warts that go away on their own or after treatment, you probably won't have any problems during pregnancy. Papillomas on the genital organs in women during pregnancy often:

  1. Bleed and grow (in size and quantity) due to hormonal changes in the body;
  2. The birth canal is blocked - if this happens, a caesarean section will be required.
  3. Expose children to types of HPV that cause papillomas in the respiratory tract, a very rare condition called recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.

4. Can women who have sex with women get skin tags?

Yes. It is possible to get genital papillomavirus or any other STI if you are a woman who only has sex with women. Talk to your partner about her sexual history before intimacy, or better yet, visit a good gynecologist in Moscow and get tested for infections!

Prevention measures

The best way to prevent skin tags on your external genitalia or any other infections is to not have vaginal, oral, or anal sex. If you are sexually active or otherwise sexually active, reduce your risk of getting viruses by taking the following steps:

  1. Get the HPV vaccine. It is approved for people ages 9 to 45 and protects against the types of virus that cause most genital papillomas and most cervical cancers. Contact our clinic where you can receive this vaccine.
  2. Use a condom—be sure to put it on before your penis touches your vagina, mouth, or anus. The virus that causes genital papillomas can affect areas not covered by the condom. Other birth control methods, such as birth control pills, shots, implants, or the IUD, will not protect you from disease.
  3. Get tested - Make sure you and your partner get tested and tested for HPV.
  4. Be monogamous—having sex with only one partner can reduce your risk of developing the disease. Be faithful to each other - this means that you only have sex with each other and no one else.
  5. Your risk of getting the disease increases with the number of partners you have.
  6. Watch how much alcohol you drink and keep your own drink under control. Some people use alcohol or drugs to make a person drunk or high. Someone who is drunk, drugged, or under the influence of drugs may not be in control of the situation or fully understand what is happening. There is a real threat of sexual violence and possible infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

The steps listed above work best when used together. Be reasonable and careful, avoid unambiguous situations and unforeseen troubles!


Symptoms of papilloma virus in men

Skin growths can take different forms:

  • Thread-like papillomas on a thin stalk appear in the axillary region and groin, on the face and neck - they grow up to 5 mm in length and are often injured;
  • flat neoplasms appear on the hands and forearms, face and legs, representing a collection of nodules with a shiny top;
  • in the genital area (on the penis, often on the head of the penis), pedunculated growths with a sharp end are formed - condylomas, these neoplasms provoke itching and burning in the anus, discharge with an unpleasant odor and bleeding from the anus;
  • on the palms and feet there are round formations (spikes), they cause itching and discomfort when walking, after a certain time the surface peels off, a black dot appears in the middle;
  • On the back of the hand, fingers and knees, the human papillomavirus in men manifests itself as simple warts growing up to 10 mm in diameter.

If papillomas occur on the pubic part and in other places, you should consult a dermatologist. If you are in doubt whether you have papilloma or not, look at the photos of these formations. But in any case, do not hesitate to visit a doctor!

Reasons for appearance in the intimate area

Growths in men appear as a result of infection with papillomavirus. HPV transmission occurs through the mucous membranes of the genital organs during sexual intercourse.

The pathogen can enter the body through damaged skin.

HPV resides in epithelial cells for life and produces a new generation of viruses that spread throughout the body. Under the influence of unfavorable factors of the external and internal environment, cell proliferation and the appearance of papillomas occur. Activation of the virus in men is provoked by the following situations:

  1. Infectious diseases that weaken the immune system (herpetic, staphylococcal, various viral infections).
  2. Insufficient supply of vitamins and minerals to the body.
  3. Hormone imbalance.
  4. Sharing of bath amenities. HPV is easily transmitted through soap and washcloth from a carrier of the disease to a healthy person.
  5. Nervous breakdowns, exhaustion of the body, mental disorders.
  6. Sex with a carrier of the infection.
  7. Promiscuous sexual contacts. Frequently changing sexual partners is considered a common method of transmission.
  8. Long-term use of immunosuppressants and antibacterial drugs. The drugs help weaken the body's defenses, which is a signal for the active proliferation of microorganisms.
  9. History of tuberculosis, syphilis, AIDS.

HPV can persist in the human body for a long time without external manifestations. Harmful factors create favorable conditions for the activation of the microorganism. If you remove the provoking factor, you can remain a carrier of the virus without clinical manifestations.

Possible complications and precautions

The asymptomatic course of the disease and late presentation to the hospital pose a serious danger to the patient’s health. The disease can result in complications:

  1. Papillomas almost never degenerate into malignant tumors. The virus develops in the zone of dysplasia of the epithelium of the genital area, which ends in cancer. This happens less often in men than in women.
  2. Injured growths on the perineum often become infected with the development of purulent inflammation.
  3. An unpleasant complication of the disease is bleeding.

Simple measures to prevent human papillomavirus infection help to avoid the following conditions:

  1. Leading a healthy lifestyle is the key to good health for many years.
  2. Proper nutrition and periodic intake of vitamin supplements strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of relapses.
  3. Treatment of chronic diseases prevents the weakening of the immune system and the occurrence of papillomas.
  4. If symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor to undergo treatment and reduce the risk of complications.

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How does the papillomas removal procedure take place?

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is caused by a virus. The growth can appear on any part of the body or on the mucous membrane. In most cases, laser treatment of papilloma is used to remove it without scars or scars. It is especially necessary to pay attention to papillomas located on the penis, as they can become malignant.

Most often, growths form in the armpits and groin, on the limbs and neck, and genitals. The greatest danger is represented by growths that are located on the mucous membranes.

New growths located on the skin do not always need to be removed - sometimes it is enough to observe them and periodically visit a doctor for examination. The main indications for laser removal of papillomas in Moscow at Delta Clinic:

· Education brings discomfort;

· The growth is often injured or subjected to friction;

· The formation has become larger and changed its shade;

· Papilloma is located in the intimate area;

· The lesion itches or bleeds.

Before removing the formation, an examination and examination is carried out. Removing papilloma in Moscow with a laser in the clinic involves heating and destroying the cells of the growth. A number of studies can be carried out in advance to ensure the quality of the education.

No special preparation is required before removal. The treated area is disinfected, and anesthesia is applied if necessary. The growth is removed, then the area is treated with a compound to prevent infection. After the intervention, the doctor may recommend therapy to reduce the risk of relapse.

To recover faster after the intervention, you need to follow your doctor’s recommendations. Do not wet the area with water for 2-3 days. The crusts cannot be peeled off. The wound should be moistened with an antiseptic, mechanical impact and UV radiation on the wound should be avoided. Hair removal should not be done until the area has completely healed.

You can find out the cost of removing papillomas with a laser from our specialists. The advantage of the manipulation is that it gives a positive result, there are no unpleasant sensations, the operation is performed quickly and does not affect healthy cells. The laser can be used on any part of the body; no long recovery or complex care is required.

There are some limitations to laser removal of lesions. Their presence is determined by a doctor. These include infections and inflammations, some chronic diseases, oncology, exacerbation of herpes, etc.

Alternative methods for removing papillomas

If a growth appears in the intimate area, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will determine the further treatment plan and choose the most suitable method of removing the growth. To find out the price of laser papillomas removal, contact Delta Clinic. Our specialists are attentive to patients and have extensive experience. Our clinic is equipped with high-precision modern equipment.

The indication for tumor removal is the growth of papilloma, its frequent injury, unaesthetic appearance, etc. The removal procedure takes very little time. The main ways to eliminate growths:

· Laser removal. During the procedure, the patient does not feel pain, the manipulation does not lead to scars. The likelihood of relapse is minimal.

· Radiosurgery. Education is affected by radio waves. The procedure is quick and does not require tissue restoration.

· A liquid nitrogen. No pre-anesthesia is required. After exposure, the formation dries out and disappears.

In addition, coagulation using high temperature or exposure to the growth with electric current is possible. The latter method is relevant if further examination of the tissue is required. If the operation is performed correctly, the risk of complications is reduced to zero.

Use of medications

There is currently no specific therapy for HPV. However, it is possible to eliminate warts in the genital area and other parts of the body. In addition, it is possible to get vaccinated against the most common types of the virus. Most HPV carriers do not require therapy, however, it is advisable to remove warts if they become injured or change their appearance.

One of the drugs that can be used for HPV is Podofilox. This gel is applied to the growth and helps eliminate it. However, there is a risk of the growth occurring again after some time. Another drug is Imiquimod. After treatment, re-formation of the growth is possible.

Your doctor may recommend alternative treatments. One of them is freezing the growth with liquid nitrogen. Laser radiation can also be used to remove warts. When performed correctly in a clinical setting, manipulation does not lead to adverse reactions or scars.

Since HPV is a virus, the likelihood of relapse depends on immunity. To reduce the risk of papillomas after treatment, it is recommended to switch to a healthy diet, periodically exercise and stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

To reduce the likelihood of illness, it is important to use condoms when having sex with new partners. The best way to protect against HPV is vaccination, preferably before puberty.

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