What are sebaceous plugs on the scalp? How to deal with them? And what are the consequences if you leave everything as it is?
Excessive oily skin and sweating can lead to a number of aesthetic problems. And not only
Vitamin A in carrots
Carrots against acne: benefits, home recipes, reviews
We were told that carrots are one of the healthiest foods
photo of pimples on a girl's body
What disease do small itchy pimples on the body indicate?
Why do pimples appear and itch on the body?58 If small pimples all over the body itch,
Provoking factors for psoriasis: obesity
Palmoplantar psoriasis - treatment, causes, symptoms, prevention
Palmoplantar psoriasis in the photo with description Photo 1. Provoking factors for psoriasis: obesity. Photo
Whitening mask for rosacea made from raw potatoes
Whitening mask for rosacea made from raw potatoes
At any age, women strive to have beautiful and healthy skin and actively look after it
Why do red and white pimples appear on the elbows and knees in the form of rashes?
Appointment with a dermatologist at the clinic. Call a dermatologist at home. Reception is strictly by appointment, registration
Psoriasis on the face - photo, treatment, description of the initial stage
Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious skin disease that affects the skin, nails and joints. There are several
How to cure acne on hands?
How to get rid of acne on your hands
Beautiful skin is not only the dream of any woman or girl, but also the best indicator
A child has purulent pimples on the body: causes, symptoms and treatment
What causes pimples on a baby's head and what do they look like? Causes of acne
Symptoms of drug allergies
Treatment of skin itching and irritation: medication and physiotherapy
Food allergy is a condition where the body reacts to a certain food as if it were harmful.
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