Carrots against acne: benefits, home recipes, reviews

We have been told since childhood that carrots are one of the healthiest foods. Moms and dads loved to tell their children that carrots improve vision and also help them grow faster.

But few people know that carrots are also an excellent skin care product for both teenagers and adults. Let's talk in more detail about this amazing property of the orange vegetable. And at the same time we’ll find out how carrots cope with pimples, blackheads and other rashes on the face.

Composition and properties of nutrients

It has long been known that carrots are a storehouse of vitamin A, which really helps preserve vision and is involved in the growth process of the body.

But speaking in medical terms, it would be more correct to call the beneficial vitamin beta-carotene . And from it we get the same vitamin called retinol. Thanks to beta-carotene, carrots get their bright sunlight.

But how does this substance help cope with pimples, blackheads and other skin imperfections? It turns out that everything is simple.

Once in the body, beta-carotene begins to transform into vitamin A, which has a direct effect on the skin. With regular use of carrots in food, these beneficial substances help:

  • Reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Accelerate the process of skin restoration.
  • Even out your complexion.
  • Do not allow the epidermis to dry out.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • They tighten the skin, making it more elastic.

This means carrots can also be used for acne. This will especially please those who do not want to deal with chemical pharmaceutical drugs, but want to be treated with traditional natural methods.

In addition to the famous carotene, carrots also contain other vitamins that also actively affect the condition of the skin.

First of all, these are B vitamins , which take an active influence in metabolic processes, help skin cells function better, enhance regeneration processes, and also have protective functions.

Vitamin PP controls the secretion of sebum, helps get rid of dead cells on the surface of the face, and significantly reduces the likelihood of the inflammation process spreading.

Vitamin K helps get rid of excess pigmentation.

Ascorbic acid improves cell nutrition, increases collagen production and makes the skin more elastic, while slowing down the aging process.

But in addition to vitamins, carrots also contain minerals. These are iodine, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium . And they also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

This composition allows us to conclude that carrots are one of the best natural get rid of acne, blackheads and other skin imperfections.

Useful microelements in carrots

Carrots, which can be bought in a store, on the market, or grown in your own garden, contain in large percentages:

  • vitamins A, C;
  • potassium;
  • carotenoids.

The presence of these microelements in the right quantities has a beneficial effect on both the skin and the general condition of the body.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is present in carrots in the form of beta-carotene, which improves the condition of the skin, makes bones stronger, and increases the functionality of the visual organs. Drinking a glass of freshly prepared juice daily is much safer and more effective than swallowing pills, which usually have side effects.

Vitamin C

One way to avoid problems with acne is to saturate your body with collagen. This microelement prevents the aging process and maintains the elasticity of the skin at the required level. To produce collagen, the body needs vitamin C. Carrots are one of its sources. Vitamin C also improves immunity and suppresses skin bacteria that contribute to the appearance and development of acne.


A lack of a mineral such as potassium in the body leads to acne, dry skin, and muscle spasms. The need for this micronutrient can be easily met by drinking a glass of fresh carrot juice, thereby maintaining a healthy electrolyte balance.


Cleansing the liver of toxins is a must when fighting acne. Since carrots contain a large number of carotenoids (antioxidants), drinking the juice squeezed from this vegetable improves immunity, makes the skin lighter, slows down the aging process, and prevents cell wear.

How to make carrot juice

For effective detoxification, you should drink carrot juice on an empty stomach in the morning. Refrain from drinking packaged juices from the store, as in this case there is a high risk of getting harmful chemical flavors, preservatives and sugar, which are added to the juice in large quantities, along with the product.

It is better to prepare fresh juice immediately before drinking. To improve and diversify the taste, add a pinch of your favorite spices. Here is an interesting recipe for a vitamin cocktail:

• 8 carrots;

• 1 apple;

• 1 lemon;

• 1 pineapple.

Grind the indicated components in a blender and, after squeezing out the juice, strain. Add a little salt and roasted cumin seed powder. If desired, add sugar, but the amount should be minimal.

It is forbidden to drink carrot juice if you have diabetes because of the high sugar content. If you have some allergies you should also avoid the product. But there are several ways to take advantage of it without consuming it internally.

Indications for use

Carrots are used not only for acne and pimples. You should pay attention to this popular root vegetable in the following cases:

  • In winter, when the skin needs additional protection.
  • For rough skin on the face, for example, when constantly working in the wind.
  • Pale and gray complexion.
  • Pigment spots that appear in certain areas.
  • Suddenly, pimples and blackheads began to appear, as well as other inflammatory elements.
  • I would like to reduce the depth and number of wrinkles.
  • You need to get rid of acne quickly and without a trace.

All these indications for the use of carrots can occur at any age. And in all cases, carrot masks will be one of the most effective.

How to choose masks for dry skin

In this case, carrots are combined with products that soften the epidermis and saturate it with healthy fats. For example, with cream. Use a blender or grater to puree the carrots. We dilute with heavy cream to a paste consistency. This carrot mask for acne will give your skin smoothness and reduce the number of fine lines and wrinkles. No cream? You can replace them with milk - mix three spoons with the same amount of carrot puree.

Nothing nourishes dry skin like natural olive oil. Mix two teaspoons with the yolk and grated medium-sized carrot. If you use this mask regularly, you can forget about irritation and peeling forever. And one more recipe for dry skin. Add one large spoonful of thicker cream to an egg yolk (one chicken or two quail). Mix. Combine with two tablespoons of carrot puree.

How to use carrots for acne and blackheads

Carrots can be used in the treatment of acne in a variety of ways. For example, adherents of traditional methods recommend eating several carrots a day raw. This is the only way to preserve all the vitamins of this fruit.

Indeed, carrots that get inside affect the body in several directions at once.

First of all, all beneficial substances are absorbed quite quickly, and thanks to the blood flow they are distributed throughout all organs and systems, including reaching the skin.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, carrots also contain healthy fiber. It is not absorbed by the body, but it helps cleanse the intestines. And this is also useful in the fight against acne.

And even carrot juice will be useful only when combined with fatty foods. Remember this when you try to treat acne with carrots. Never drink more than one glass of carrot juice per day. It’s better to dilute it half with water.

Large amounts of beta-carotene can cause metabolic problems and also cause yellowness in the face, palms and eyes. This color obviously will not make you look beautiful.

But there is another, no less effective way to use carrots in the fight against acne. Cosmetologists recommend using this vegetable as a means to prepare a carrot mask for acne. In this case, you can use both grated carrots and its juice.

Both methods can be called effective. But to get quick and long-lasting results, it is best to use masks.

Reviews on the use of carrots against acne

I have been suffering with problem skin for several years. I read a bunch of sites about how you can cure acne, improve your complexion, reduce the “oily” skin, restore elasticity and freshness to the skin. I tried many means for external use, as well as for internal use. I started, of course, with “external” means, for example, creams, ointments, lotions, soap, alcohol, various masks, etc. Then, finally, I realized: that you also need to treat from the inside! Problematic skin, as I personally saw, in my case is a signal of poor nutrition. I began to think that I was eating the “wrong” thing? The Internet helped. I searched and searched and found the answer. My secret to getting rid of ugly, problem skin is very simple: giving up sweets, chocolate, cakes, pastries - sweets. I started drinking unsweetened tea, replacing sweets with dried fruits or candied fruits. And in parallel with getting rid of sweets, introduce fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, and bran into the diet. That is, you definitely need to eat something fresh a day, for example, a couple of apples or kiwis, a banana, etc. I also stopped eating smoked sausage and ham. I also found information that eating carrots has a very good effect on the skin. I tried to eat a small carrot (grated on a fine grater) a day. It's very tasty and healthy. About the effect: complexion improves, fat content decreases. That's noticeable! Naturally, the effect will be if you give up sweets.


And bowel cleansing helped me with acne. Only it was a cleansing diet (2 months): kefir, apples, carrots, etc. Nothing sweet or fatty. The blackheads have disappeared, as have the circles under the eyes.


If you include carrots in your diet and regularly use homemade cosmetics made from the vegetable, you can get rid of acne. However, the use of orange root vegetables in the fight against rashes is effective only if there is an integrated approach to the problem.

Effective masks

Using carrots correctly for the face against acne, you can solve the problem of rashes and make your skin better, giving it elasticity and a healthy color.

The carrot mask is absolutely hypoallergenic, so it can be used for any skin type. You can easily prepare carrot masks for pimples at home. Natural cosmetics made from carrots are unable to cause allergies or negative reactions, which means they are suitable for any skin type. In case of excessive skin rash, it is recommended to use carrots both externally and to include them in the diet: drink pure carrot juice, eat grated vegetables and add them to various dishes.

A carrot mask for acne should be applied exclusively to steamed and cleansed skin. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, after which the face is washed under cool running water. After 4-6 minutes, use a nourishing cream. The first positive results will be noticeable almost immediately. The masks should be repeated twice or thrice a week.

For those with dry dermis

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add the yolk of 1 egg and 1 large spoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the finished mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask. This combination of products perfectly nourishes the dermis, dries out inflamed tubercles and significantly improves the color of the facial skin.

For oily skin

In people with increased production of subcutaneous sebum, acne appears more often. Therefore, it is recommended to use products that not only cleanse the epidermis of rashes, but also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A carrot mask prepared according to the following algorithm can cope with this task:

  1. Prepare 2 tbsp. l. carrot puree, 1 egg white and 1 spoon of flour.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Apply the prepared mass to a cleansed face.

Universal mask

You can get rid of unwanted manifestations thanks to a universal mixture, which, in addition to vegetables, includes honey and eggs. An effective and fast-acting mask prepared according to this recipe will help eliminate acne from any type of skin:

  1. Grate the carrots and take 2 large spoons of the resulting mush.
  2. Add half as much honey and 1 egg yolk.
  3. Beat the prepared products vigorously to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Cover the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

This carrot mask narrows the voids in the outer covering of the body, eliminates foci of inflammation, darkened pigmentation spots on the skin and provides reliable protection against ultraviolet exposure.

Making Carrot Acne Remedies

Refreshing ice

Grind one or two large root vegetables on a fine grater and use gauze to squeeze the juice out of the pulp, or immediately pass the carrots through a juicer. Pour the resulting bright orange liquid into ice molds (to save money, you can mix it half and half with mineral water), freeze. An excellent remedy for preventing rashes and maintaining skin tone is ready. Use ice every morning, remembering to rinse your face with warm water afterwards to avoid yellow streaks.

Vegetable scrub

By combining a paste of finely grated carrots with semolina in a 2:1 ratio, you will get a gentle scrub that will not only help exfoliate dead skin cells and even out your complexion, but also neutralize incipient inflammation. If the skin is dry, dilute the mixture with 1-2 tsp. olive oil; If you are fatty, it would be better to replace it with milk.

Women with normal and oily skin can use the scrub twice a week, and no more than once a week for those with thin and sensitive skin.

Face masks

The simplest

Nothing extra - simple, fast, useful

For those who always don’t have time even for themselves, there are two options for an extremely simple recipe that requires only a root vegetable, a fine-toothed grater and 15 minutes of free time.

  • Take one medium-sized carrot, wash it, grate it and apply the resulting pulp to your cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. For dark-skinned women, the duration of the procedure can be a quarter of an hour, but for girls with fair skin it is better to limit it to 8–10 minutes.
  • Grate the carrots and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp. Soak a piece of gauze with cut holes for the eyes, nose and mouth in it, apply it to a clean face and leave it there for 8-15 minutes.

To get rid of acne, you should resort to using the products discussed twice a week, for prevention - once every 7-9 days. However, girls with very fair skin should increase the time interval, otherwise they risk acquiring an original “sunny” shade, which they are unlikely to be happy with. Carrot masks are made in courses consisting of 10–12 procedures, after which the face is given a couple of months to rest.

To ensure that your introduction to a healthy vegetable goes without incident, for the first procedures, try to select light-colored root vegetables. They contain fewer coloring pigments, which means the likelihood of unwanted consequences from using the mask will be reduced.

Milk, starch, vegetable oil and other components of cosmetic masks not only partially neutralize the coloring properties of carotene, but also enhance the effect of carrots with additional beneficial substances. Don’t be lazy to make various “beauty mixtures” more often - this way you will see the result sooner.

With butter and yolk

  1. Process one small root vegetable on a fine grater. You should get 2-3 tbsp. l. mush.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. l. fatty oil - olive, jojoba, almond. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Grind everything with 1 egg yolk.

The mixture is applied in an even layer to clean facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes, and after 10–15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask will get rid of acne, flaking and excessive dryness, but women with oily skin should not get carried away with it: too much oil will aggravate the problem.

Masks with oils are good for those with dry skin.

With honey

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. grated carrots.
  2. Mix with 1 tsp. liquid honey.
  3. Add egg yolk to the mixture.

The mask should remain on the skin for no more than a quarter of an hour. Rinse it off with warm water, and then carefully treat your face with a good nourishing cream each time. You can repeat the procedure, depending on your desire, 1 or 2 times a week, but no more than 10 times in a row.

With whipped egg white

  1. Finely grate the carrots to obtain 1 tbsp. l. mush.
  2. Beat the whites into a stiff foam.
  3. Combine both components, mix and thicken with a pinch of ground oatmeal, wheat or rice flour, and starch.

The mass is carefully applied to cleansed facial skin and left to act for 20–30 minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water, and then be sure to use a moisturizer. Girls with oily skin can use this product twice a week, but those with dry skin can use this product no more than once every 7-9 days.

Adding 1 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice, you will get a mask that, in addition to fighting pimples, will tighten pores and remove oily shine.

With carrot juice and milk

  1. Using a fine grater and gauze or a juicer, get 2 tbsp. l. carrot juice.
  2. Mix it with 3 tbsp. l. milk.

The liquid mask is applied to the face in 2-3 layers using a soft wide brush or cotton pad, left for a quarter of an hour and removed with warm water. The mixture is very effective against red and inflamed pimples.

A variant of the recipe for young ladies with sensitive skin: boil a piece of carrot, turn it into a puree, dilute with a spoon or two of milk and lubricate the areas covered with pimples. You can keep this mask for 20 or 30 minutes, and you can do it from one to three times a week.

With mashed potatoes

Potatoes are another assistant in the fight for a clean face

  1. Grind a small carrot in a blender or grate it, and then squeeze the pulp to get 2 tbsp. l. juice
  2. Boil half a small potato in its skin and mash with a fork. You will need approximately 1 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes.
  3. Mix juice, potatoes, add egg yolk.

Apply the resulting mixture to a well-cleansed face. The duration of this mask is 15–20 minutes. It works best on combination and normal skin.

If you replace the yolk of a chicken egg with two quail ones, the value of the mask will increase many times over.


  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. finely grated carrots or carrot juice.
  2. Combine with 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream or sour cream.
  3. Mix the resulting mass with one chicken or two quail yolks.
  4. If you have dry skin, you can add 1 tbsp here. l. vegetable oil, olive or almond.
  5. For ease of use, thicken the mixture with oatmeal ground into flour.

Keep the mask on the face for 20–25 minutes, remove with warm water, and then wipe the skin with an alcohol-free toner.

Video: Three in one

This mask is considered moisturizing and nourishing. But its components are selected in such a successful way that they will also benefit those with problem skin.

Is there a mask with vegetable extract from Elena Malysheva?

Recently, the Internet has been flooded with messages about a miraculous mask based on carrot extract, which the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva allegedly presented to her fans. We are talking about the Carrot Mask Hendel product produced by a German company, which is designed to completely clear the face of acne in 1-2 months, no matter how terrible the condition it is in. Alas, using the name of a popular TV presenter is very reminiscent of an advertising stunt, since it is not possible to find a video recording of the program during which the presentation allegedly took place, and photographs of Malysheva with the coveted tube in her hand suspiciously resemble the result of Photoshop processing. Even greater doubts are raised by the fact that Elena Vasilyevna herself has repeated more than once: acne needs to be treated from the inside - for example, by introducing the same carrots and other healthy foods into your menu.

On the other hand, on independent sites, the Carrot Mask Hendel collects both sharply negative and positive reviews. If the cunning of cunning marketers does not bother you, and your financial situation allows you to risk a certain amount, you can easily test the effectiveness of the miracle remedy for yourself and form your own opinion about it.

How a carrot mask treats acne

The effectiveness of a carrot mask is very simple to explain. everything here is based on the vitamin composition of the root vegetable and its benefits. When using masks, there are several clear advantages over using carrots for food.

  1. The active substance in carrots acts directly on the skin, or rather on the existing problem. In this case, it will be pimples, blackheads and other purulent rashes. Improvements can be noticed after the first procedure.
  2. Carrot masks can also be used as a preventive measure, especially to prevent the appearance of teenage acne. It is also recommended to apply the mask at the first signs of inflammation.
  3. At home, carrots help get rid of excess oil on the skin, soften dry skin, get rid of rashes and age spots, and improve complexion.

Now it’s time to understand what recipes are best to use when treating pimples, blackheads, ulcers and other imperfections.

Healing masks against acne

Through special formulations it is possible to improve skin tone and enrich it with essential vitamins. Regular application helps improve protective functions, relieves inflammation and saturates the epidermis with useful components. In turn, carrots are a hypoallergenic product. That is why it can be used to treat acne at any stage of development. With constant use, the vegetable restores the correct complexion. Using carrots, it is possible to eliminate pigmentation, which may be present on human skin in excess.

If acne is present on a person’s skin for a long period of time, then obvious signs of exhaustion can be recorded. Thanks to carrots, a person will be able to prevent the aging process, eliminate wrinkles and restore elasticity. Many women noted that after using the mask, the grayness and yellowness on their skin disappeared.

Carrot masks can be used to treat any type of skin. However, before starting the course, it is best to consult a cosmetologist.

Indications for use

Carrot masks have not only a cosmetic, but also a healing effect. They are indicated for the following skin problems:

  • signs of withering, aging;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gray complexion;
  • frequent inflammations and rashes;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds.

To solve cosmetic problems, apply a carrot mask twice a week. When used for prophylactic purposes – 1 time every 10 days. The formula of the mixture should be changed every 2 months to avoid the addictive effect.

What effect can you get?

After applying the mask, the course achieves the following results:

  • skin color is evened out, a pink tint appears;
  • the face becomes fresh and looks rested;
  • the contour of the oval is tightened;
  • turgor increases;
  • water balance is normalized;
  • Small folds and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Careful skin care will help maintain the achieved effect for a long time.


Below I will give several actually effective recipes that can be used several times a week. And among them everyone will be able to choose something for themselves.

For dry skin

A carrot mask is ideal for dry skin. with its help you can relieve irritation, peeling, and also saturate it with vitamins and all the necessary minerals.

To prepare a carrot mask for dry skin, follow these steps:

  1. a few tablespoons of carrot juice with the same amount of olive oil . Add the yolk of a chicken egg and a drop of honey . This mask recipe will speed up the healing of acne and pimples, and also make dry skin elastic and velvety.
  2. of carrot puree, the same amount of cream and one yolk will help solve the problem . Literally after the first procedure, the areas of peeling disappear and do not appear again.
  3. You can try making a comprehensive face mask, which will not only help get rid of acne, but will also be an excellent nourishment for the skin. For such a mask you need to prepare 2 tablespoons of boiled carrot puree , 1 chicken egg and a spoonful of any vegetable oil .

For oily skin with scrub effect

Oily skin is a problem for many teenagers. The appearance of an oily sheen, a constant feeling of fat and pimples that appear literally every day - these are the main problems that a carrot mask helps to solve.

  1. The first mask has a complex composition. Mix 2 large spoons of grated carrots starch , add a spoonful of corn flour , 1 egg and literally a drop of lemon juice . Apply to the skin, and after the procedure, be sure to lubricate your face with moisturizer.
  2. To get a natural and simple carrot-based scrub, you just need to mix the grated vegetable with semolina . Then add a drop of milk and wipe your face. It is better to do this after a bath. then be sure to apply moisturizer.

Fast acting

If you need to deal with acne quickly, normalize sebum secretion and return your skin to a healthy appearance, you can use the following recipe.

Mix equal amounts of carrot juice , olive oil , lemon juice , orange , natural yogurt and yeast .

Apply to skin with a brush, wait 10 minutes and rinse with water.

To tighten pores

A carrot mask helps eliminate not only pimples and blackheads on the face, but also tightens pores. There are special cooking options for this.

  1. Mix oatmeal flakes carrots , add sour cream . Beat in the white of a chicken egg and a teaspoon of flax oil . Mix everything and apply for 15 minutes.
  2. carrots , grated as finely as possible, with flour , add the pulp of a medium tomato , a drop of olive oil and the same amount of lemon juice .

To soften

If the skin is very rough, you can use a carrot mask along with the cream. With its help you can relieve almost all irritations and inflammations.

The mask must be made in several stages.

  1. Boil the potatoes , turn them into puree, put just 1 tablespoon on a saucer.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of grated carrots .
  3. Mix in the yolk of a chicken egg .

Apply to face, wait 15 minutes and rinse with water. Be sure to apply moisturizer afterwards.

For peeling

To quickly get rid of flaking areas on your face, you can use the following masks:

  1. Mix carrots oatmeal . Add a teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of olive oil , add the yolk . The mask will be nourishing, therapeutic and preventive.
  2. The second option is simpler - mix olive oil and carrots and apply to your face.

For teenagers

A carrot mask for acne for teenagers can be considered an ideal natural remedy. It will not only relieve inflammation, but also tighten pores, eliminate oiliness and make the skin healthy and beautiful.

  1. 3 large spoons of juice with a tablespoon of honey and one yolk . Leave on face for 15 minutes, rinse, apply cream.
  2. Mix carrot juice boiled mashed potatoes , add a couple of quail egg yolks .
  3. Mix grated carrots with potato starch , add lemon juice , beat in 1 egg white

Benefits for the skin

Carrots are one of the ancient root vegetables cultivated by humans. This vegetable is not only useful to include in your daily diet, since it contains a whole range of vitamins necessary for the body, but also to use a carrot mask for acne at home. The benefits of carrots are undeniable: it promotes the normal growth of a child, strengthens the immune system and helps prevent the development of anemia.

  • Carotene. Moisturizes the skin and has a powerful rejuvenating effect on epidermal cells. Gives elasticity and matte tone to the skin;
  • Vitamin A. Protects cells from free radicals and improves their renewal process, giving the skin smoothness;
  • Vitamin RR. Has a tonic effect on the epidermis, protects against harmful environmental influences;
  • Vitamin C. Relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of minor skin lesions;
  • Folic acid. Protects facial skin from ultraviolet radiation, preventing the appearance of age spots after acne;
  • Antioxidants. They help keep the skin fresh, young and toned for a long time.

Carrot masks are useful not only for those with problematic or oily skin. They also have a positive effect on aging and dry skin.

The main benefit of carrots for oily and combination skin is the large amount of tanning vitamins - carotene and vitamin A in its composition. These substances not only affect the functioning of melanin, but also promote the regeneration of epidermal cells. Also, the juice of this root vegetable contains a decent amount of ascorbic acid, known for its properties to relieve inflammation and disinfect the epidermis.

Even the simplest carrot mask for a problem face, which can be prepared at home, will help get rid of acne and pimples.

#1: Mask made from carrot pulp and one egg yolk. You need to peel and grate the middle root vegetable, then combine it with the beaten yolk. Apply a thick layer to cleansed face and neck and leave for at least 20 minutes.

#2: If you have large red pimples, then carrots with fermented milk products will help. Lactic acid will help eliminate the inflammatory process, and carrots will help restore damaged pores. For one vegetable, take from 2 to 4 tablespoons of any dairy product (ryazhenka, kefir, sour cream). The mixture is thoroughly mixed. If desired, you can add a few drops of your favorite oil. Apply for 10 minutes.

Reviews claim that a carrot mask can not only nourish or regenerate facial skin, but also cleanse better than many scrubs. This is due to the strong mineral composition and ascorbine in the juice of the root vegetable.

Photo – Carrot mask

#3: Carrot peeling recipe:

  • The carrots are grated on a fine grater. You can use both puree and vegetable juice;
  • Next, add the yolk and heated tea tree essential oil to the selected ingredient (take no more than 2 drops;
  • Then a tablespoon of oatmeal is added to the mixture. For enlarged pores, you can even use ordinary Hercules flakes;
  • This mixture is infused for 20 minutes, after which you need to add 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream.

The mass is applied to any problem areas of the body and rubbed thoroughly with your fingers. You need to rub in a circle, preferably following the massage lines. After 5 minutes of manipulation, you need to leave the scrub mask for further effects. Rinse off after 10–15 minutes. We recommend considering recipes for oatmeal masks.

#4: Carrot mask recipe for oily skin with potato starch, which draws out all the crap from the pores. It is recommended to steam your face first, otherwise the product will be less effective for acne and comedones. Root vegetable puree is mixed with 1 tablespoon of natural starch and the same amount of any fermented milk product.

If homemade carrot masks do not inspire confidence, then you can buy the famous face product from Hendel Garden - Hendel's Garden “Carrot mask” (average price 20 USD). The product is sold exclusively at dealerships or at the company's partner pharmacy. This remedy is used for pimples and blackheads.

Carrots are also actively used to eliminate dryness and the first signs of premature aging. In most cases, to treat roughness, it is applied in its pure form, after squeezing out the juice. Afterwards, it is recommended to rub the treated area with any available lightening product.

We suggest you read: How to quickly remove swelling from your face the day after drinking

Grated carrots

#5: For dry, mature skin, a product with honey and carrots is perfect. The vegetable is grated and combined with two spoons of heated sweetness. Be sure to mix the puree thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Apply to all problem areas and leave for at least 7-10 minutes.

#6: Carrot mask with white clay for face. It has a lifting effect, cleanses of dead cells and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The same amount of water is taken for one part of kaolin, then grated carrots are added to the mineral mixture. Apply to face and neck, keep until completely dry.

#7: Carrot puree with oils. For example, coconut and shea butter are suitable for dry and sensitive skin. They need to be melted in a water bath, then measure out 2 teaspoons. Mix with root vegetable puree and apply to dry and flaky areas.

#8: Boiled carrots are good for tired and grayish skin. It can perfectly moisturize without staining your face. You need to boil the vegetable, peel it and mash thoroughly with a fork. If desired, mix with any other moisturizer (coconut, milk). Apply to face and neck, leave for 15 minutes.

Contraindications and precautions

The only contraindication for external use of carrots is individual intolerance to the product (this is extremely rare).

When using the product in combination with other ingredients, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the components included in the mixture. An allergy test is recommended before use. A small amount of the composition is applied to the elbow for 8–10 minutes: during the day there should be no negative manifestations (irritation, burning, redness, peeling, etc.). Otherwise, you should stop using the product.

A side effect of regular use of carrot cosmetics is a change in complexion. However, when used correctly, this phenomenon does not occur. If staining has occurred, it is recommended to wipe the skin with lemon juice or add the product to homemade masks (a teaspoon of juice per 2 tablespoons of product).

If your skin tone has changed when using carrots, lemon juice will come to the rescue.

Rubbing with ice is contraindicated for:

  • allergies to cold;
  • rosacea;
  • excessively dry and sensitive skin;
  • open damage to the epidermis;
  • pustular and inflammatory rashes.

How to use it correctly

Before applying the mask, you need to wash and cleanse your face. It is not allowed to apply a mask to cosmetics.

After washing, you should wait until your face is completely dry. After applying the mask, it is recommended to keep it on for no more than 15 minutes. If the procedure is prolonged, the skin may turn yellow.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening, before bed. You can prepare no more than 2 masks per week. Treatment is carried out only in courses. Each of them consists of a period of using the mask, which is 1 month, after which a break of 2 months is required.

How to properly apply a mask to your face

Carrot face masks for acne should always be freshly prepared.

Before applying them, you need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and other contaminants. You can use a scrub or any natural-based cosmetic product.

Regardless of what additional components the mask consists of, it should be applied with massage movements, without touching the eyes and mouth. For convenience, the mask can be applied with a cotton swab or a special brush made of soft fibers.

You need to keep this cosmetic product on your face for no more than 10 - 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm running water or herbal decoctions.

In order to get rid of rashes, smooth out wrinkles, and make the skin color even, you need to use the mask at least 2 times a week.

To prevent carrots from turning your facial skin orange, you need to use boiled or steamed carrots. If the skin becomes too orange after the mask, you need to wipe your face with a cotton swab after moistening it in lemon juice.

If you have any doubts about whether a carrot mask will cause allergic reactions, you need to take a test before applying it to your skin. It is enough to take a small amount of a ready-made mask and apply it to your wrist. If no pronounced redness appears on the skin, there is no itching or any rashes, then you can safely carry out the procedure.


Despite the usefulness of carrots, there are restrictions on its use. The use of masks based on it is prohibited if the following factors are present:

  • wounds, other skin damage;
  • allergy to the components of the composition;
  • pallor of the skin (the coloring pigment will give the face a red tint);
  • dermatological diseases with manifestations in the face and décolleté.

Reference! It is impossible to predict the degree of skin staining with carotene composition. To avoid unpleasant results, you should test the mixture on the back of your hand, leaving the product on for 10-20 minutes.

Remedy from HENDEL

If you don’t want to bother with homemade carrot masks yourself, you can use a ready-made option from the famous Hendel company.

What does the manufacturer promise? The packaging describes in detail all the advantages of using this carrot mask. For example, it helps:

  1. Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Even out skin tone.
  3. Get rid of enlarged pores.
  4. Will quickly restore all damaged areas.
  5. Copes with pimples and acne.

The carrot mask contains only natural ingredients that help the skin become healthy, soft, and velvety. And most importantly, the mask helps get rid of all inflammatory processes on the face.

Using a carrot mask is simple. it is applied to cleansed facial skin. The exception is the area around the eyes. The exposure time is no more than 15 minutes, after which the product should be washed off with water. And after 30 minutes, apply your usual moisturizer to the skin.

Hendel's carrot mask has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect.

Why do homemade products work worse than pharmaceutical ones?

Large cosmetics companies, having their own factories and laboratories, invest huge investments in research and innovative development. Their cosmetic formulas have been improved over the years, tested and certified. Don't be afraid of "chemistry". Each component is added to the composition for a reason. Preservatives allow the product not to lose its properties longer, emollients prevent the composition from stratifying, and enhancers help the active substances penetrate deeper into the epidermis. But to prevent the benefit from turning into harm, it is better for a cosmetologist to select products for the care of problem skin at home.

Carrot masks for oily skin

Cosmetic masks for acne made from carrots are ideal for all skin types, but the best results are achieved on oily skin, which, due to the increased number of sebaceous glands, is often subject to various defects. The carrot mask should be applied for 10 – 15 minutes, then rinsed off with cool water or a decoction of herbs.

Recipe: You will need 1 tbsp. l. starch + finely grated carrots + 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 egg white. Apply to the face for 10 - 15 minutes.

Recipe: You need to boil 1 carrot, grind it into puree, add egg white from 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of wheat flour.

Recipe: You need to make carrot puree from 1 medium-sized carrot, add 1 tbsp. mashed potatoes and egg white. Using a mask allows you to cleanse your face of acne and other rashes and give a healthy glow to your skin.

Recipes at home

Ingredients included in carrot masks.
The mask mixture is prepared immediately before the procedure. Do not use large quantities of ingredients. The composition will be unsuitable for the next treatment due to the loss of medicinal properties.

Carrots go well in a mask with natural yogurt, liquid honey, sour cream, and egg yolk.

Carrot mask for acne and blackheads

The mixture is prepared from carrot juice or puree (2 tbsp.). The main component is combined with grated potatoes (1 tbsp) and yolk. The product is distributed over the skin of the face and neck with a spatula. Leave for 15 minutes, then wash off with a warm decoction of chamomile. This composition is good for eliminating acne, especially in teenagers.

For acne, carrot puree (2 tbsp) is combined with homemade milk (2-3 tbsp). The consistency of the mixture should be thick to avoid spreading on the skin. You need to keep it for 25-30 minutes. The remains are washed off with warm broth or water.

Carrot mask for oily skin

The peeled root vegetable should be grated on a fine grater. Mix the resulting gruel (2 tbsp) with talcum powder (1 tsp). After steaming your facial skin, apply the mixture for 25 minutes. To wash off the residue, use a decoction or water (the temperature of the liquid should be between 25-30 degrees). The recipe is suitable for regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and combating acne.

For dry

Finely grated carrots (3 tbsp) are combined with olive oil (10 ml) and beaten egg white (1 pc). The product is applied to the face and décolleté. To obtain the desired effect, a 15-minute exposure is enough. The combination of ingredients provides complete nutrition, hydration, and a lifting effect.

Rejuvenating mask with carrot juice and starch

Squeeze the juice from 2 small root vegetables (you need to get about 30 ml of liquid). Add potato starch (2 tbsp). The product is applied to the skin of the face and neck along massage lines. Exposure time – 25 minutes. Use cool liquid to wash off residues. Effect: intense hydration, nutrition, elimination of wrinkles. The composition gives freshness and evens out the color of the skin.

Exfoliating scrub mask

You can eliminate peeling with a mixture prepared from grated carrots (2 tbsp puree), natural yogurt (1 tbsp), egg yolk (1 pc.), coffee grounds (1 tbsp). Leave the product on your face for about 15 minutes. To remove residues, use warm water or herbal decoction. Effect: nutrition, regulation of the sebaceous glands, increased turgor.

Carrot mask with tanning effect

The recipe is relevant for the winter period, when the intensity of ultraviolet radiation decreases. The dye in carrots gives the skin a pleasant bronze tint. In addition to aesthetics, it provides intensive nutrition and hydration. To prepare the mixture, take root vegetables grated on a fine grater, yogurt (2 tbsp.), and liquid honey (1 tbsp.). Leave the product on the skin for 25-30 minutes. Use cool liquid to wash off residues.

Your questions and our answers

What are the benefits of a homemade natural carrot mask?

A homemade carrot mask is useful for everyone – for any skin type and at any time of the year. it helps replenish the lack of vitamins, improves complexion, eliminates all pimples and blackheads, helps eliminate fine wrinkles, and eliminates sagging skin.

Therefore, carrots must be present both on your table and as a face mask.

How to choose the right carrot

A good carrot must be firm, without mold, rot or noticeable damage. It is better to choose long specimens, but short and thick carrots are recognized as fodder carrots and have a minimal amount of juice.

It is best to grow carrots yourself or buy from a trusted gardener.

How to make cosmetic ice from carrot juice

Cosmetic ice made with carrot juice is also great for fighting acne.

The juice must be squeezed out of several root vegetables, poured into molds and frozen. It is recommended to wipe your face with this cube in the morning and evening after washing.

Author - Anna Mikhailova, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the first category, specialist at the Academy of Scientific Beauty. Especially for the site “Treating Acne”.

Carrot scrub

Carrot pulp (two tablespoons) is mixed with one tablespoon. l. semolina. The product is distributed over the skin with light movements along massage lines. The procedure is carried out for a couple of minutes, then washed with warm water. This scrub can be used no more than twice a week. The product gets rid of blackheads, removes dead cells and relieves inflammation.

We reviewed the most effective carrot mask recipes for acne for all skin types. Choose the one that suits you best and act!

Recommended entries:

  • Carrots for acne
  • Oatmeal for acne
  • Calendula for acne


Natalya, 33 years old After 30, facial wrinkles became more expressive. To preserve youthful skin, I decided to try anti-aging masks. What I liked most was the one made from carrots, sour cream, and honey. The mixture nourishes, moisturizes and gives a bronze tint. In the spring I look like I just came from the sea. I carry out procedures once a week from January to May.

Margarita, 28 years old Since my youth, I have been fighting acne using any available means. Somehow I came across a recipe for acne made from carrots, starch, and natural yogurt. This composition is perfect for my skin type. Sebaceous secretion began to be released less intensely, which reduced the number of blackheads on the face. After 3-4 procedures, the redness in the inflamed areas completely disappeared. When using the mask 2 times a week for 1.5 months, you can forget about the problem with acne for a long time.

Carrot face masks for acne and acne. Reviews

Natalya: “The carrot mask is my salvation. I love the fresh smell of this vegetable, and after the mask my skin looks really fresh. And most importantly, this mask helps get rid of oily sheen.”

Olga: “I have incredibly oily skin, especially on my forehead and chin. No matter what I tried to eliminate this fat content, it was all to no avail. And then I read about a carrot mask and decided to try it. the result was excellent. I used the one that also contains lemon juice.”

Alexey: “I didn’t like it. Firstly, I consider all masks to be some kind of feminine activity. And secondly, walking around with orange skin is not very fun.”

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