What are sebaceous plugs on the scalp? How to deal with them? And what are the consequences if you leave everything as it is?

Excessive oily skin and sweating can lead to a number of aesthetic problems. And not only on the face, but also on the body, especially in places that are usually covered by clothing (heat, humidity and lack of ventilation often lead to unpleasant consequences). A fairly common case is acne, acne on the back.

Dealing with this problem at home is difficult and not always effective (after all, a person cannot even examine the problem area himself). Cosmetologists come to the rescue: in our clinic you can get your back cleaned for acne.

Why do acne appear on the back?

There are several reasons: disruption of normal ventilation (this happens if you often wear clothes made of synthetic, poorly breathable fabrics), improper hygiene (frequent or infrequent washing), visiting a solarium (it dries out the skin), excessive production of sebum due to hormonal and other disorders.

The health of the skin is also affected by poor nutrition (excessive love of sweets, spicy and fatty foods), allergies (for example, to washing powder or certain types of products), and seasonal decreased immunity.

Depending on the factor that provoked the appearance, acne on the body can be of different types: blackheads - comedones (usually observed with increased fat content and enlarged pores), red convex acne - signal inflammation of the comedonal cavity, ulcers (this is the third stage, purulent rashes appear if ordinary comedones are not treated).

Who is recommended for deep atraumatic back cleansing?

It is believed that cleansing should occur independently, i.e. without outside help. The sebaceous glands secrete enough secretion onto the surface of the skin to keep it smooth and soft, and its protective function to work.

Due to the deplorable state of the environment, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hormone dysfunction and improper care, the condition of the sebaceous glands becomes worse. There is an excess of fat on the skin. If dead cells are not exfoliated in time, they accumulate in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. When exposed to air, fat oxidizes, which causes comedones - the so-called “black spots” - to appear. The source of inflammation is called acne (or scientifically, acne), and such skin is considered problematic.

Cleaning is prescribed for the following cosmetic defects:

  • Excessive sebum secretion;
  • Increased dryness;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Blackheads, pimples;
  • The appearance of acne;
  • Formation of age spots;
  • Photoaging;
  • First age wrinkles;
  • Aging skin;
  • Gray or uneven skin color;
  • Uneven skin surface.

Acid solutions have a beneficial effect on skin of any age. In addition, atraumatic back cleansing normalizes the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin fibers, which means that the process of rejuvenation is underway.

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Types of cleaning

The main thing to do to solve the problem is to get rid of dead epithelium, open the pores and clean them. We use several techniques:

  • mechanical back cleaning (involves cleaning contaminated pores manually, using an antiseptic and special soothing agents;
  • hardware back cleaning (using special equipment - ultrasonic unit, vacuum attachments, special brushes):
  • complex cleaning (combines several types of procedures: hardware cleansing, manual manipulation, peeling).

In many cases, an integrated approach turns out to be the most effective. It allows you to get rid of impurities, regulate sebum production, tighten pores, and improve the condition of the skin in general. Ultrasonic back cleaning allows you to start the process of tissue regeneration and accelerate cellular metabolism. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin increases, the skin becomes denser, smoother, and tighter.

The type of peeling is selected by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the problem. This can be glycolic, retinoic, milk peeling. All of them help to improve the health of problem skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and improve the outflow of contents from the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

How to remove pores on the body?

It’s not possible to completely remove pores; it’s quite normal that we see them. But you can make them much smaller. To do this, you should follow some recommendations regarding skin care:

  • It is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin, but this process should be gentle. Washing should take place in 2 stages. Initially, the makeup is dissolved, after which the skin is, so to speak, “additionally cleaned” using foam or gel. The main thing is that the product does not dry out the skin. An excellent option is products with salicylic, glycolic, lactic or mandelic acid. They are able to lighten blackheads, but do not have a deep effect;
  • exfoliation is required. If you are concerned about your pores, then you need to provide internal cleansing. That is, remove dead cells. Salicylic acid helps with this. This is one remedy that can penetrate deep;
  • retinol, vitamin C, niacinamide. These products can tighten pores. In addition, they affect the production of collagen, which helps provide skin elasticity. The visibility of pores directly depends on its density;
  • excellent skin hydration. If you make a sheet mask, you can immediately notice how the condition of the skin changes. It becomes homogeneous. After all, there is a “puffing” effect here. Over a period of time, a moisturizing patch is created on the skin. It provides its surface layers with enough moisture. This effect is temporary, but real. If you regularly moisturize your skin, its appearance will be more neat;
  • Does it interfere with skin shine? Use mattifying creams. They do not affect pores or their size, but can remove fat. After all, it contains adsorbent substances. Silicone-based primers can even out the texture and pore pattern. That is, a film is created on the surface and fills the unevenness. Thanks to this, the skin becomes smoother.

How is the procedure done?

There are several stages: preparation, treatment with an antiseptic and a pore-opening agent, a cleaning procedure, application of a drug that tightens pores and soothes the skin. If necessary, you can make a mask, carry out darsonvalization - after getting rid of impurities and dead cells, the skin becomes very receptive to cosmetics.

As a final stage, we use an anti-inflammatory composition - it consolidates the result and helps prevent the formation of new acne.

Why should you contact specialists?

It is very important that any procedure is performed by a professional. He knows all the nuances of the procedure and its implementation. Additionally, it is important to consult with a professional before performing any work.

After all, it is important to know whether this procedure is suitable for your skin, whether it will be effective, whether it will give the desired results, whether it has contraindications or side effects. All these points are discussed during the appointment. A cosmetologist will always explain the situation and tell you which procedure is best to correct the defect.

What result should I expect?

Thanks to the use of in-office cleansing, you will get smooth, clean, smooth skin without acne or inflammation. The production of sebum will be reduced, and the appearance of the skin will noticeably change for the better - the relief will become smoother, density and elasticity will appear. You'll be able to wear backless dresses and bikinis on the beach - even if all these joys were previously unavailable.

To make an appointment for back cleaning in Moscow, fill out the form online or call at any time convenient for you +7 (495) 636-29-30. Clinic of cosmetology and dermatology “BL” is located at st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6.

Contraindications to deep atraumatic back cleansing

Although cleaning is safe and low-traumatic, it happens that its implementation may be unacceptable. First of all, this concerns individual intolerance to drugs contained in the acids used.

In addition, there are some other contraindications:

  • Skin diseases, including eczema, herpes, psoriasis;
  • Pustular skin lesions caused by an increase in the number of staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria;
  • Damage to the epidermis (burns, cuts, abrasions);
  • Keloid scars;
  • Large or unusual moles;
  • Oncological diseases.

When these phenomena are not observed, nothing will interfere with the back cleaning procedure.

Skin of any age (no matter what quality) needs care, which will result in a disinfecting, restorative, rejuvenating and nourishing effect.

Maximum results can be achieved if the skin is not damaged and there is no risk to blood vessels. The effect lasts for a long time and does not require a tedious recovery period.

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Home remedies for clogged pores

Clogged pores are very unsightly, and using drugstore products can sometimes be expensive. If you want to get started in the fight against acne, home remedies that are great for removing blackheads can help, and skincare products will be made from products that can be found in every home and do not cost too much. Below we will present you with cheap and proven ways to combat acne that will help you get beautiful and smooth facial skin.


Steam is great for cleansing your face and all you need is a bowl, water and a towel. If you want to make homemade "sausage", boil water, then place it in a large bowl and place it on the table so that you can easily bend over the bowl. We then cover the head with a towel to create a greenhouse. The procedure should be performed carefully so as not to cause burns. The skin will be clean and in excellent condition for subsequent care.

Lemon-cucumber tonic

Lemon juice perfectly cleanses the skin, so it should also be used for daily care. Moreover, it tightens pores, making it ideal for people with large and visible pores. To make a cleansing toner, mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup rose water and 1/2 cup cucumber juice. The toner should be applied with a cotton swab in places where the pores are clearly enlarged.

Natural yogurt mask

It can be used daily before bathing and has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin. To do this, apply fresh yogurt to your face. After a few minutes, simply wash off the mask. The skin of the face immediately becomes elastic, nourished, and the pores are significantly reduced. Moreover, by using a yogurt mask, we remove dead skin and reduce the amount of sebum produced.

Papaya mask

Clogged pores can be effectively removed using a papaya mask. This is a very simple and quick method that will work in a situation where we don’t have much time to prepare the mask. Papaya should be crushed and applied to the face, leaving for 8 minutes. Then wash the mask with cold water and enjoy the sensational effect, because the papaya mask has exfoliating properties and perfectly removes excess sebum, and most importantly cleanses and removes clogged pores.


Laser treatment of enlarged pores is effective regardless of the cause of the problem. It could be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • unfavorable genetics (history of acne, oily skin);
  • period of active puberty;
  • negative impact of external aggressive factors on the skin;
  • unbalanced diet (predominance of fatty, fried foods, fast foods);
  • improper use and/or choice of skincare and decorative cosmetics;
  • metabolic problems;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • stress.

The most effective treatment will be with complex work. On the one hand, internal balance, on the other, a beautiful appearance, because the skin is a mirror of the internal system of the body. The clinic's experienced cosmetologists will help you choose the best option for your particular case.

What are the benefits of deep atraumatic back cleansing?

  • No mechanical injuries that occur during banal home cleaning with your hands, when you have to press, stretch and even slightly tear the fabric;
  • Carrying out a procedure that is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, dry, inflamed, aging skin;
  • Minimum contraindications (cleaning can be carried out even with progressive rosacea);
  • Ridding the epidermis of comedones, pustules (pimples or blackheads), relieving inflammatory processes in certain areas;
  • No traces after the procedure (redness disappears in a matter of hours);
  • Instant transformation of the skin after cleansing, that is, you don’t have to wait until the skin becomes perfect.

Interestingly, a small concentration of acids makes the procedure painless and does not cause inconvenience. With atraumatic back cleansing, you can only feel a slight tingling sensation if the skin is hypersensitive. Please note that cleaning with acids does not risk spreading infection to the skin. At least, the anti-inflammatory result of cleaning is great, as evidenced by the rapid disappearance of redness.

It is of great importance that the procedure can be performed even in spring and summer. If you have the necessary preparations and knowledge, cleaning can be done at home. Treatment of a certain area of ​​the skin with products is also practiced.

Signs of sebaceous plugs.

There are no obvious signs as such.
They don't itch or itch or anything like that. Many girls noted that when they scratched their heads with their hands, they found an incomprehensible substance under their nails, but this was not them either - it was a dead layer of epithelium or particles of dandruff. Their presence can be checked using a special skin diagnostic device. But this is again a controversial issue in the sense of making a special appointment with a trichologist and seeing what’s there if nothing bothers you. Sebaceous plugs are quite insidious in nature; they do not appear in any way, but they significantly “spoil” your scalp and the appearance of your hair. By clogging the mouth of the follicle, they disrupt the metabolic processes inside it and, as a result, the hair becomes thinner, begins to grow slowly and is “so-so” in quality. Sebaceous plugs are also one of the causes of hair loss.

Our hair grows in so-called “families”, i.e. One bulb should normally produce 2-3 hairs of the same diameter. A common case in girls is when two hairs are of normal thickness, and one is really thin and the sebaceous plug is right there. This indicates that the hair did not have enough nutrition and is forced to grow like this, and then it will fall out completely at an early stage.

Sebaceous plugs are also a common cause of dandruff. They contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora on the scalp.

Of course, I looked at my scalp using this device and found sebaceous plugs. There are not many of them, but they exist. (But I physically cannot examine every follicle!) And there is also hair of different thicknesses in the place where it accumulates. This fact saddened me, because my hair can look thicker)) To be honest, I hadn’t thought about this problem before, but it turned out to be terribly interesting)

Now I tell girls who complain about constant hair loss and poor hair growth, but have already tried literally everything, to pay attention to the problem described above. Perhaps the reason is an abundant accumulation of sebaceous plugs. In this case, you need a competent specialist who will examine the scalp and give appropriate recommendations.

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