Causes of small pimples with a purulent head in children: what to do
Why do acne appear on the body Main reasons: Allergies. This may be the body's reaction to
Tips on the soles of the feet
Chicks on legs: causes and treatment methods
Beautiful hands A serious ailment among diseases of adults and children is pimples on the hands
What does a Mongolian spot look like on a newborn's tailbone?
When there is a lack of oxygen in the tissues, the skin turns blue. While applying a tight bandage to
Red dry spots on the legs of a child
Red dry spots on the legs of a child
Clinical picture Symptoms of many dermatological diseases depend on the degree of exposure to the provoking cause and on
New growth on the tongue
Tongue cancer: how to recognize the disease at an early stage, types, causes, symptoms, treatment
The epidemiology (prevalence) of tongue cancer is on average 5 cases per 100 thousand population. Among
How does an alcoholic's face change when he abuses alcohol?
If after a stormy party you have red spots on your face and on your body
What to do if watery pimples appear on the legs, fingers and feet: what does this mean and how to treat them?
If pimples appear on the toes, this may be a manifestation of scabies, allergies, excessive sweating,
Growth phases.jpg
Baldness (alopecia) - causes, types, treatment approaches
Symptoms Acne rashes on the head can have different appearances depending on the stage of development.
Triderm - the gold standard for the treatment of skin diseases
Composition Ointment for external use 1 g active substances: betamethasone dipropionate 0.643 mg (equivalent to
Pimples on the neck
Red, painful pimples that itch appeared on the neck: cause, treatment. Pimples on the neck: which organs are responsible for, which organ is sick?
Why do acne appear on the neck? The article describes the causes, symptoms and treatment methods. For
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