How to remove pigment spots on the face and neck. Folk remedies, pharmaceutical ointments, creams

What is poikiloderma

Poikiloderma is a collective term for skin atrophy that gives the skin a mottled appearance.

Poikiloderma Siwatta is a benign dermatosis characterized by uneven pigmentation.

Localization : face, neck and upper third of the chest.

Never under the chin.

Skin manifestations

  • Pigment spots gradually merging
  • The color of the spots ranges from reddish to brown, with an uneven and symmetrical arrangement
  • There is a mesh pattern on the surface of pigment spots, telangiectasia

Over time, atrophy develops - a “parchment” appearance of the skin. Synonym of the disease: reticular pigmentary poikiloderma of the face and neck. The disease was first described by the French dermatologist Siwatt.

Whitening creams

Before using a whitening cream containing mercury, consultation with a doctor is required, since uncontrolled self-medication can lead to very disastrous results: both mild cosmetic damage to the skin and more serious problems associated with allergic reactions are possible. In case of contraindications, products based on hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol can be a worthy replacement for such creams. But they have one significant drawback - a short shelf life - after 10 days the preparations lose their whitening properties. Dermatologists recommend choosing whitening ointments based on fatty creams. It is better to cleanse the skin using cleansing lotions or sour milk. Washing with plain water during treatment is highly undesirable.


The etiology of the disease has not yet been identified, the exact cause is unknown.

Scientists were able to find out a number of factors that provoke the occurrence of Siwatt’s poikiloderma:

  1. UV rays - prolonged and regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to the formation of solar elastosis in the dermis, hyperkeratosis and atrophy of the epidermis.
  2. Hormonal factors - occurs more often in fair-skinned women during the postmenopausal period.
  3. Allergens are agents that can cause allergies, intoxication and poisoning of the body. In particular, it is often provoked by wearing chains containing nickel or other alloys.

Dark spots. Treatment and prevention

If you are familiar with age spots and a geographical map on the face, then this article is for you! The most frequently asked question about age spots:

Why did I get
a pigment spot ?
Let's start with the fact that, of course, there are different spots in this:

They can be congenital - like freckles; there are local, fairly large pigment spots that appear in the first years of life. There are pigment spots that appear on the face over time, with age. And my patients are the ones who care about them.

Why do age spots appear?

Pigment spots can be a sign of internal diseases and you should consult an endocrinologist and therapist to rule out a possible disease, for example, the thyroid gland. There are also diseases in which age spots appear quite often - these are diabetes mellitus and oncopathology. In these diseases, pigment spots in patients are in 10th place and, first of all, people treat the underlying disease.

Most often, pigment spots appear against the background of hormonal imbalance. One of the most common causes of age spots on the face is a hormonal factor:

  • pregnancy
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries

any contraceptives that have hormonal activity:

  • patch
  • taking oral contraceptives (pills)
  • intrauterine device

One of the reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face is skin trauma. After a rash, when we squeeze pimples on the face, a stagnant spot appears, and then a pigment spot forms. Spots may appear after procedures if these were traumatic procedures. For example: burn, peeling or laser procedure.

If the skin is prone to the appearance of pigment and in addition there are additional factors in the form of hormonal imbalance, then a pigment spot will not hesitate to appear on your face. Post-traumatic pigmentation mainly appears not on light skin, but on skin of the third, fourth and fifth phototypes. For those people whose skin does not turn red in the sun, but immediately gets a good, even tan. These people have a very high risk of developing post-inflammatory pigmentation. Remember this!

Video - Why did a pigment spot appear?

Video with a story from a cosmetologist about the appearance of pigment spots on the skin

Another reason is taking photosensitizers.

Photosensitizers - what are they?

Photosensitizers are drugs that, when taken orally or applied to the skin, increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. That is, by increasing the skin's sensitivity to sunlight with the help of these drugs, you risk getting age spots.

What are the types of photosensitizers?

They can be external. Ordinary essential oils that are included in various creams. For example: essential oil of bergamot, clove, grapefruit. If you are taking any medications orally, be sure to read the instructions. It should state that this drug may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Could these be tetracycline antibiotics? fluoroquinolones. These could be vitamins B1, B2, iron, zinc, copper, which you take orally in some complexes.

Never forget! The main stimulator and provocateur of age spots is solar radiation. You may well get a pigmented spot simply because you have a genetic predisposition. Have you sunbathed a lot? Do you spend a lot of time in the solarium? If you do not control the flow of sunlight to your skin with creams with filters, then you can fully expect that, if not at 20-30 years old, then certainly at 40-45 years old, you will get a decent-sized pigment spot, which will be very difficult to deal with. get rid of.

Interesting fact about the modern appearance of age spots

Every day we communicate more and more closely with our phones, smartphones, computers, tablets. For many, this is a full eight-hour workday in front of a computer. You must know! Electronic gadget screens and computer screens, smartphones and tablets emit a special light - blue. It is also called blue. This is the main spectrum of radiation and light provokes chronic, low-grade inflammation in the skin (with prolonged and regular exposure). This is one of the reasons for the appearance of age spots! Not acne or some kind of inflammation, but a clear acceleration of skin aging and the appearance of various neoplasms, including age spots.

Video - Are pigment spots caused by a smartphone?

One of the reasons for the appearance of age spots on the face. Modern conditions contribute to skin pigmentation

Smartphone screens and age spots

My friends! If you think that with uncontrolled and unlimited communication with your mobile phones, nothing will happen to your skin, you are very mistaken!

How do gadgets affect our skin? How can we minimize exposure to radiant screens?

Our lives are very closely connected with various mobile phones, tablets and computers. Some people have been sitting in front of a screen for decades and have no idea how harmful this screen can be to their health. My topic is skin and I will talk primarily about it.

There is a main spectrum of radiation from computer screens, tablets and phones. This is cyan or blue light. It has a very harmful effect on the skin. With prolonged regular exposure, sluggish inflammation occurs in the skin and this leads to premature aging of the skin and the formation of pigment spots on the skin.

This may not happen right away. You may not notice anything for 10 years, but in the future, when a problem arises, it will be very difficult to deal with it. usually very complex and of course there are negative effects on the entire body:

  • deterioration of sleep
  • risk of cardiovascular disease
  • deterioration in health
  • fatigue

First of all, you need to limit your time with monitors and phones. If you sit in front of a computer all day, then you don’t need to be stuck on your phone all night. For “smartphone maniacs” there are special blue blocker glasses. They protect your eyesight from screen blue light. Phones and tablets have special modes, they are called differently. You just need to look for this vision protection mode. Reading mode and blue light filter. The blue filter will help you communicate safely with your gadget.

If we talk about the skin, then there are no creams with special filters against blue or blue light. But, you can include in your home care creams and lotions that contain antioxidants to protect the skin and block free radicals - they prevent accelerated aging and the formation of age spots. And of course, you need to use modern products in peptide complexes that properly protect the skin.

Course of poikiloderma

The course is slow, but progressive and irreversible.

The beginning is the appearance of age spots, a peculiarity: the spots have a mesh pattern due to telangiectasia. The spots gradually merge, forming conglomerates. Gradually, nodular rashes form on the spots.

A little later, as the process progresses, areas of skin atrophy appear.

Possible general malaise: weakness, headache and loss of appetite.

Pigment spots on the face, neck, décolleté and shoulders. Is it possible to eliminate them?

Considering the relevance of the problem of age spots, we invited dermatologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor at the Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Svetlana Andreevna Masyukova, to answer the most exciting questions.
Svetlana Andreevna, age spots on the face, neck, décolleté, shoulders and arms are often a serious cosmetic problem. What is the reason for this cosmetic defect? Who is most susceptible to it?

The main cause of age spots is solar radiation. Against the background of solar radiation, exogenous and endogenous causes of the appearance of age spots are distinguished. Exogenous include injuries and inflammatory processes in the skin, cosmetic procedures (chemical peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and other procedures that injure the skin). Endogenous include genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, somatic and skin diseases.

Age spots can appear at any age. Elderly people, as well as pregnant and lactating women, are more susceptible.

How often do such patients come to you?

These are quite common cases in the practice of a dermatologist, and even more so a dermato-cosmetologist. There are more such patients in late summer and autumn.

Can this be called a disease? And how does it proceed? Is it possible to eliminate pigment spots?

Age spots (hyperpigmentation) are not a disease in themselves, but can be a consequence of a number of diseases or a symptom of a number of disorders.

I would not call patients with hyperpigmentation sick, although in some cases pigment spots are a significant cosmetic defect that affects the quality of life of patients, and sometimes their ability to work.

Answering your question whether it is possible to eliminate age spots, I can say that quite often we manage to eliminate age spots. The result largely depends on the joint efforts of both the doctor and the patient, but the most important condition for success is proper sun protection.

Why does exposure to the sun lead to the appearance of age spots?

Exposure to direct sunlight is the most common reason why there is a sharp activation of melanin synthesis in the skin. Melanin is a substance designed to protect our skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. The cells that produce melanin are called melanocytes. Moreover, individual groups of melanocytes in the same person differ in their activity. The appearance of pigment spots is a consequence of the fact that certain groups of melanocytes react to UV radiation differently. In any case, sun rays, especially in summer, play a crucial role in the appearance of age spots, as well as in increasing their size and color intensity.

What rules of behavior in the sun should people with age spots follow?

First, avoid exposure to the sun. Secondly, it is advisable to wear white or light-colored clothes that reflect the sun's rays and emit less heat.

A hat and sunglasses are equally important.

Thirdly, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50.

The complex of the above measures allows you to minimize the damage from UV radiation and reduce the risk of new age spots.

You have listed general recommendations. Are there any therapeutic agents aimed at eliminating age spots?

Certainly. A cosmetologist, taking into account the skin type and phototype, the cause of hyperpigmentation, and concomitant diseases, will select a method for treating age spots. According to the mechanism of action, treatment methods can be divided into those that reduce melanin production (depigmenting drugs, mesotherapy), exfoliating procedures (peels, microdermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing, cryotherapy) and selective photothermolysis (laser therapy, IPL therapy). Moreover, the maximum effect can be achieved with an integrated approach. However, in 100% of cases, in my recommendations I point out the need to use special sunscreens designed to meet the needs of skin prone to hyperpigmentation. These products contain not only UV filters that provide very high protection against UVA/UVB rays (SPF 50+) and blue light, but also components that prevent the appearance of age spots, help even out skin tone and improve complexion. It is preferable to choose these photoprotectors among the so-called “pharmacy” lines of medicinal cosmetics.

What special sunscreens can you recommend for those who already have age spots? What do you use in your practice?

Of course, I study and test all the new products from the world's leading manufacturers. Currently, I consider NEOTONE RADIANCE SPF 50+ to be the drug of choice, the innovative formula of which prevents and eliminates age spots, while simultaneously providing a very high degree of protection against solar radiation - SPF50+ and blue light.

How to use this product correctly?

Apply the cream in the morning to clean, dry facial skin as a basic care 20-30 minutes before going outside. Reapplication is carried out as necessary. It can also be used as a base for makeup.

Svetlana Andreevna, thank you for your professional opinion!

Reasons for the formation of age spots

Dark areas on the face appear due to:

  • spending a long time in a solarium or in the sun, especially without protection;
  • use of bad or hormonal cosmetics;
  • taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • aging, occur after 45 years;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy, when the female body is completely rebuilt;
  • lack of minerals or vitamins in the body;
  • diseased liver or thyroid gland;
  • long-term handling of synthetics and rubber objects;
  • skin-damaging procedures;
  • neurogenic factors;
  • depression;
  • psychotrauma;
  • impaired blood circulation, while the culprits for the appearance of pigmentation are decay products and toxins;
  • improper functioning of the gallbladder, the resulting cholesterol disrupts lipid metabolism and contaminates blood vessels, causing brown spots to appear;
  • intestinal contamination, in which metabolism is also disrupted, and the pigmentation is then reddish;
  • patients with cardiovascular system, especially after 40 years;
  • stress;

  • kidney disease, problem areas then have a yellowish tint;
  • squeezing out blackheads;
  • allergies to food or cosmetics;
  • heredity, with genetic predisposition;
  • abuse of essential oils and perfumes;
  • frequent use of scrubs and peels.

Freckles arise from an excess of ultraviolet radiation without the use of protection.

Chloasma is hormonal in nature and appears when:

  • endocrine dysfunction;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Benign neoplasms in the form of birthmarks can be easily removed using cryotherapy or laser. In older people, dark brown lentigines often develop from sun exposure. In those who have impaired melanocyte formation, white spots appear on the skin, which is also called vetiligo. This phenomenon is considered hereditary.

Rash on neck

A rash on the neck is primarily a signal of a malfunction of internal organs or pathologies, and not just an aesthetic problem. There is a wide range of reasons, and only a doctor can name the exact one after examination and tests.

According to statistics, people encounter the problem of a rash on the neck no less often than on the back or any other place, but do not pay enough attention to it. Before buying expensive drugs, we strongly recommend visiting a doctor who can establish an accurate diagnosis, otherwise you are more likely to harm your body. Below, you can familiarize yourself with the main reasons that cause a rash on the neck in adults:

  • Problems with human hormonal levels. For example, in adolescents, red rashes on the face signal the process of restructuring taking place in the body from childhood to adulthood. In this case, such a rash is normal, but drugs that eliminate it are still used for aesthetic purposes. It is also considered normal to have red spots on the face during the menstrual period and in pregnant women. As for rashes in other people associated with changes in hormones, this is a definite failure. It is imperative to deal with it, since such problems can negatively affect all processes of human life. Hormone tests are used for diagnosis, which will confirm or refute problems associated with hormonal levels. It should be noted that rashes of the first type, associated with changes in the body, and those that occur due to hormonal imbalance, differ from each other. Age-related red rashes resemble blisters or acne in other words, they are bright in color, rich, inflamed and watery. As for spots in pregnant women and with women's problems, they are more like the allergic nature of the rash. In addition, there are many other types of redness due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Vitamin deficiency is another reason why there may be protrusion of red spots on the face and body. In this case, a lack of vitamins weakens the immune system, and redness of various types appears as a protective reaction. In order to determine which vitamin is missing in the body, you should undergo a certain examination.
  • Allergy. Here we can note the most common irritant that causes a rash on the neck - vitamin D. That is, a reaction to the sun. It is not uncommon for food to be an irritant, especially citrus fruits and various fruits. But other factors should not be excluded: animals, alcohol, clothing materials and much more.
  • Bad habits, in particular smoking. In addition to the fact that they weaken the immune system, a rash on the neck may be the body’s reaction to tobacco, or more precisely to the nicotine it contains.
  • Severe stress. Due to a malfunction of the nervous system, a person develops red spots on the body, in particular on the neck. Typically, this occurs after a strong shock or due to a stable state of stress.
  • Side effects of medications. When taking new medications, redness of the neck is a very common reaction.
  • Strong changes in body temperature. Due to hypothermia or, conversely, overheating, red spots form on the skin, and after a short time they disappear.
  • Poor quality cosmetics. Often, hazardous substances may be added to products; be especially careful with counterfeits of expensive brands.
  • Pathologies and diseases of internal organs. The most common case is problems with the thyroid gland. But identifying the exact epicenter of the disease and its nature will only be possible through examination and testing.
  • Problems with the reproductive organs. This problem can occur in both men and women.
  • Prickly heat. This disease is associated with poor hygiene and, as a result, infection in the body. In the absence of timely treatment, red spots may not be a problem. It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist to avoid complications and spread of the disease.
  • Syphilis. Redness in the neck area usually appears six months after infection. They can have different sizes and color intensity. Over time, they will cover the patient's entire neck. Before obvious redness appears, areas of the skin begin to darken. In the first stages of syphilis, small pimples appear throughout the body. Which disappear and appear again at different intervals. At the stage of redness of the neck, hair begins to fall out and most internal organs malfunction. This disease can only be treated with the help of an experienced specialist.

As you can understand, there are a huge number of reasons that cause a rash in an adult, and only a specialist can determine the exact cause, who will prescribe the most effective treatment.


A modern method that helps not only get rid of excess pigmentation on the skin, but also prevent its further appearance. A beam of light emitted by a special device is directed to the pigmented area of ​​the skin for a certain time. Thanks to a given range of light waves, the effect occurs only on the spot, without affecting areas of clean skin. Usually, 3 sessions within a month are required to completely get rid of age spots. After the procedure, it is recommended to protect your face from direct sunlight.

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