Tibetan gymnastics for the face - unity with nature and harmony

Ancient knowledge in modern realities

Chinese gymnastics for facial rejuvenation has gained immense popularity among modern beauties. But despite its widespread use, many people wonder about the effectiveness of this technique. In this article, we will try to answer all related questions on the topic.

Every woman dreams of smooth, radiant facial skin that will highlight the beauty and youth of its owner for many years. Representatives of the fair sex are capable of going to great lengths to get rid of at least a few wrinkles: buying expensive cosmetics, regularly visiting a beauty salon, trying traditional medicine on themselves, and even undergoing surgery.

However, there are no less effective alternative methods of skin rejuvenation. Among them, the palm belongs to Chinese facial gymnastics, which Eastern monks kept secret for many years. Incredibly, just a few facial exercises can not only significantly smooth out uneven facial skin, but also relieve it from sagging and fatigue. Regular technically correct performance of the entire complex of Chinese gymnastics will normalize not only the skin of the face, but also the general state of health. The leading position of exercise in the list of the most effective anti-aging methods is due to its many unique advantages.

Origin of Chinese gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Massage techniques for the beauty and youth of the face were practiced in almost all nations of the world. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra, the French beauty Jeanne Sauvall, the American creator of the facial fitness complex Caroline Cleeves, the British Catherine Murray and many others were among the first to evaluate and open to the world sets of exercises that allow the face to look young and fresh. However, the primary source of facial gymnastics is the wisdom of eastern monks, who not only shared centuries of knowledge hidden from humanity, but also gave detailed instructions on how to perform each individual element of the complex. It was Chinese facial gymnastics that laid the foundation for the development of a number of modern interpretations of it.

Benefits and effectiveness of Chinese gymnastics

The Chinese facial rejuvenation technique has the following advantages:

  • toning facial muscles
  • giving the skin elasticity, firmness, smoothing out wrinkles (both deep and facial)
  • improvement in general condition, complexion, appearance of the epidermis
  • optimization of the functioning of individual organs: vision, smell
  • improved blood flow
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system, bringing blood pressure back to normal
  • removal of facial swelling
  • restoration of the skin around the eyes, strengthening of muscles, removal of blue discoloration
  • rejuvenation and tightening of facial contours

A set of Chinese gymnastics exercises has won the attention of the most recognized massage therapists and cosmetologists in the world, and its effectiveness has already been appreciated by millions of women, including Russians.

Precautionary measures

The cosmetic version of massage does not harm the body. You just need to follow the instructions exactly. Therapeutic, energetic effects require special knowledge. It is allowed to conduct such sessions on your own after instructions from an experienced master. Wrong actions can cause harm rather than benefit.

They refuse to perform Tibetan massage in the following cases:

  • open wounds, skin inflammations (cuts, sunburn, acne, herpes, boils);
  • inflammatory, viral diseases;
  • problems with facial nerves;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • oncology.

It is not recommended to conduct sessions for pregnant women, with increased temperature or blood pressure. It is also advisable to wait out severe physical exhaustion of the body.

Recommendations for implementing the Chinese complex

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to carefully study the recommendations of the Tibetan monks who passed on to us the experience of Chinese rejuvenating gymnastics:

  • Lead time. The activation of the endocrine glands occurs in the morning hours. That is why you should start the gymnastic complex immediately after waking up. Optimal time: 6-7:00. If the daily routine does not coincide with the specified time period, a slight deviation from it is allowed. However, the effectiveness of Chinese gymnastics may decrease slightly.
  • Location of execution. The most suitable location is the bed. The most important condition, in this case, is the comfort of the performer and the absence of excessive softness of the coating. Otherwise, it is allowed to change the location to a gymnastic mat on a hard floor.
  • Additional exercises. If you start your morning with any other methods (yoga, exercise, meditation), then it is absolutely not necessary to give up your usual routine. But the gymnastics under discussion requires priority implementation. Immediately upon completion, you can begin performing other complexes for the face and body.
  • The right attitude and motivation. It is important to set yourself up for regular exercise, regardless of external circumstances. The complex itself takes no more than 10 minutes, but requires daily execution. An excellent motivation can be the visualization of the desired effect and the mood for an extremely positive effect, which in 2-3 weeks will become so obvious that the need for auto-training will disappear on its own. It is important not to stop there and continue regular exercise.
  • A comprehensive approach to rejuvenation. The effectiveness of Chinese gymnastics is undeniable, but overall skin rejuvenation requires a competent, comprehensive approach. You should not neglect facial care procedures, proper separate nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, proper rest, and measured physical activity. It is a comprehensive approach to the problem that will enhance the positive result and significantly reduce the time to achieve it.
  • Nutritional requirements. There is a list of products that accelerate the aging process of epidermal tissue. These include:
Foods containing excess sucrose and fructosesweets, carbonated drinks, baked goods
Liquids containing alcoholall alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks
Foods high in trans fats and carbohydratesfast food, semi-finished products
Fatty meat and meat productsPork, lamb in any form, sausages, sausages and other prepared meat products

In addition to the above food products, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and caffeine-containing drinks, include more vegetables in the diet, divide the usual portions into 5-6 meals, stop smoking and consume at least two liters of purified drinking water per day. In addition to the above food products, it is necessary to limit consumption salt and caffeine-containing drinks, include more vegetables in your diet, divide your usual portions into 5-6 meals, stop smoking and consume at least two liters of purified drinking water per day.

  • Warmth of hands. Chinese sages believe in the special power of energy transmitted through the hands. That is why, before starting to perform rejuvenating facial gymnastics exercises, it is necessary to warm up your palms by rubbing them against each other.
  • Evenness of breathing. Measured breathing can relax the nervous and cardiovascular system, providing a state of harmony and tranquility. Specific breathing techniques are a fundamental component in many Chinese practices. During the charging process, you need to carefully ensure that your breathing rhythm does not get disrupted.

Following the list of these simple recommendations can not only enhance the effectiveness of Chinese facial massage exercises, but also bring all functional systems of the body back to normal.

Basic rules of classes

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles at home is aimed at strengthening the facial muscles, which are very closely intertwined with the skin. Increasing their tone entails a visible improvement in the external condition of the face.

In order for the results of training to be noticeable and last a long time, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Regularity - it is enough to exercise 3 times a week for 15 minutes for the effect to become noticeable. Any time during the day is suitable, but no later than 20-00 pm.
  2. Consistency – it must be strictly followed. Starting with the eyes, bridge of the nose and forehead, then move to the cheeks and lips, ending with the effect on the chin and neck area.
  3. It is important not to overdo it , otherwise you can stretch the delicate skin or pump up the facial muscles.
  4. You need to prepare for the lesson - wash your hands and thoroughly remove makeup, slightly moisturize your face, collect your hair so as not to interfere. It is advisable to ventilate the room.
  5. Posture is very important - straighten your back, pull your head up, lower your shoulders. The landing should be comfortable.
  6. Compliance with breathing technique plays a decisive role. You need to inhale deeply and freely, exhale with effort. Muscle tension as you inhale is replaced by relaxation as you exhale.
  7. Each exercise involves 8-10 repetitions.
  8. At the very beginning of classes, it is important to observe your face in the mirror and evaluate the consequences. If it turns out that some manipulation has an undesirable effect on the face, it should be immediately excluded. Here, as in fitness, everything is individual.

You can start doing facial exercises to get rid of wrinkles at any age, and the earlier you start doing it, the better and longer-lasting the results will be. Ideally, the first experience will take place under the guidance of an instructor. When starting to practice on your own at home, you need to remember some contraindications.

Contraindications to facial gymnastics:

  1. Cuperosis.
  2. Botox injections.
  3. Plastic and other facial surgeries.
  4. Mesotherapy.
  5. Hypertonic disease.

  6. Recent injuries.
  7. Oncology.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles at home for women over 50 years old has some features. They are shown a set of exercises with increased load. In an effort to refresh aging skin, you need to be careful and avoid stretching.

By consistently applying the proposed correction system, you can slow down the aging process and model a tightened facial contour, eliminate a double chin, sagging cheeks and other undesirable signs of age.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Face fitness for facelift, rejuvenation, muscle tone. Master class from Elena Karkukli

A set of Chinese gymnastics exercises and instructions for their implementation

The names of all components of the gymnastic exercise complex include the name of the mythological bird “phoenix”. The Chinese used this metaphor for a reason, because the phoenix symbolizes eternal renewal and immortality, burning itself and rising again from the ashes. The sequence of performing Chinese gymnastics is structured and contains the following exercises:

1. “The Phoenix Spread His Wings”

Stand on your feet, straighten your back. Warm up your palms by rubbing them together and concentrate on doing the exercise. Close your palms tightly and bring them to the bridge of your nose. After a few seconds, turn your hands around, covering your eyes with the backs of your hands. Apply light pressure to your eyelids. Repeat them eight times, then leave your palms in the same position. Next, only the eyes are involved, the hands remain motionless. Open your eyes and make eight circular movements with your eyeballs in a counterclockwise direction and back. Raise your eyes to the ceiling eight times, lower them to the floor. Thanks to this exercise, the muscles of the eye area are strengthened, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, the overall health of the eyes is strengthened and restored, and vision is improved.

2. "Phoenix in the sky"

The exercise is performed in the same position as the previous one. Perform massage movements on the upper part of the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows with three connected fingers: thumb, index, middle. Movements should be smooth and versatile. You should start the gymnastic exercise from the bottom up, then to the sides. The result will be not only the smoothing of wrinkles, but also the prevention of respiratory diseases, relief from dizziness and migraines.

3. "Phoenix at rest"

Place your palm near the outer corners of the eyes and use the pad of your thumb to massage smoothly in the direction of the temporal region. This exercise, like the two preceding it, requires eight repetitions. Technically correct implementation of this exercise guarantees complete elimination of facial wrinkles around the eyes and normalization of the nervous system.

4. “Phoenix preening its feathers”

Place both palms on your cheeks and move the middle part from your cheekbones down to your chin. Repeat the movement eight times. In this exercise, it is recommended to use moisturizing cosmetics to achieve greater effectiveness. The result will be improved blood circulation, getting rid of pigmentation and wrinkles.

5. "Song of the Phoenix"

Covering the area of ​​the nose and mouth with both palms, make sure that the thumbs press on the cheeks and the index fingers are on the wings of the nose. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue, close your lips back. The exercise is slowly repeated eight times in a row. Once this stage is completed, perform rotational movements with your tongue, touching the roof of your mouth and the bottom row of teeth. The number of repetitions is the same. Through this exercise, the facial contour is corrected and restored.

6. "The Phoenix Drinks Jade Water"

We leave our hands in their original position, covering their mouth and nose. Close your lips tightly, stretch them 8 times in different directions: first to the left, then to the right, up and down to the chin. Squeeze them tightly again and swallow the saliva three times as your mouth fills with it. The effectiveness of the massage is aimed at smoothing out circumlabial facial wrinkles, normalizing blood flow to the lips, restoring their natural color and elasticity.

7. "The Phoenix Meets the Enemy"

Lightly tap your warm palms on the skin: chin, forehead, cheeks, cheekbones, neck area. It is recommended to perform the exercise continuously for at least a minute. This exercise activates the processes of cellular metabolism, stimulation of nerve endings, and preserves the health of not only the face, but also the hands.

8. "The Phoenix Preens"

Run your fingers through the hair from the frontal area to the back of the head. Massage movements should be light, painless and repeated eight times. The effect of the exercise extends to relieving hypertonicity and fatigue of facial muscles.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the improved and expanded technique of performing gymnastics exercises in the following video.


There are no clear instructions in Chinese medicine when you should not practice Qigong. However, facesave.ru recommends that you consult with your doctor to know if you have any restrictions.

In addition, there are some temporary contraindications:

  • Severe physical fatigue (does not apply to massage);
  • Taking a course of medications;
  • High body temperature;
  • Infections;
  • Exacerbation of allergies, chronic diseases.

During pregnancy, menstruation, and low blood pressure, procedures should be performed with extreme caution.

Bottom line

The wisdom of eastern peoples in the field of alternative medicine is undeniably great, because it is not for nothing that the whole world admires the beauty of Japanese, Chinese, and Tibetan women. The techniques that they awarded humanity are not only popular at the present stage, but are also the founders of many massage techniques. Their achievements and legacy in the field of beauty and health are unparalleled, thanks to which they have earned worldwide recognition, respect, and honor. Chinese facial gymnastics is considered an excellent alternative to expensive drugs, and can make a woman a decade younger.

And also an article about lymphatic drainage exercises for the face.

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Foot massage

Gently, without sudden movements, we sit up in bed and begin massaging our feet and toes. We count to 30. We finish the foot massage by stroking the legs with movements up to the knees and from the knees to the hips.

That's all! We get out of bed in a great mood. Make this pleasant and very simple massage a part of your life, and soon you will really like yourself. And those around you will notice that you have looked noticeably younger!

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