How to quickly remove a bruise: pharmacy and folk remedies

In addition to aesthetic discomfort, hematomas are characterized by pain and worsen the quality of life. That is why there is a desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible, and not wait several days for the bruise to resolve naturally. A properly chosen anti-bruise ointment will help remove the hematoma in a short time.

Instant Recipes

Unfortunately, there is no instant cure for bruises. Typically, bruising completely disappears within 12-15 days after skin injury. But, if you follow our recommendations, then you can get rid of small purplish-red (fresh bruises that form within an hour) or blue-violet (take on this shade in the first day) spots on the skin in 2-3 days.

Note! The most you can hope for is to use the tips below to try to make a fresh bruise lighter (less noticeable) within 8 to 12 hours of treatment.

A bruise or hematoma is formed as a result of rupture of small blood vessels under the skin, which occurs as a result of injury to the skin. Such damage can be removed with folk remedies, for example, using an ice cube. But if a bruise appears under the skin on its own, then you cannot do without the advice of a specialist and the use of medications. This defect may be a consequence of a disease of the circulatory system.

Removing dark circles under the eyes with fresh cucumber

Of course, this is not a product that is easy to get in winter. But, at worst, these are not Soviet times - there are no queues for sausage, and there are, as a rule, fresh cucumbers in supermarkets.

The method of using cucumbers as a remedy for eliminating bruises around the eyes is indecently simple: cut the cucumber into wheels, put the “wheels” on the eyes, cover the “composition” with a napkin (this is for aesthetes). Keep the cucumbers on the face for about 15 minutes.

Alternatively, you can grate the cucumbers – you’ll get more healthy juice, but the porridge will spread all over your face. In general, choose for yourself.

A large amount of so-called “living” water contained in cucumbers helps to immediately restore the balance of the skin around the eyes, significantly moisturize it and thereby tone it. Among other things, this vegetable has a whitening effect, so you can safely say “goodbye” to bruises under the eyes.

Folk fast-acting remedies

There are plenty of ways to get rid of bruises in a short time. But when choosing a recipe for quickly resolving a bruise, you need to carefully study what components are included in its composition. After all, if a person is allergic to any product, then in addition to a bruise, a rash may appear on his skin, which is usually accompanied by itching.

Ice therapy

Auxiliary element:

  • Ice cube (frozen foods can be used).

How to use: Apply ice to the fresh bruise and hold for at least 10 minutes.

Result: Ice stops the leakage of blood from damaged vessels, relieves swelling, preventing the formation of a blood clot, and prevents the color of injured skin from changing from red to blue.

Note! If you are on the go and have nowhere to get ice, then soak a handkerchief in cold water and apply it to the injured area, this way you can avoid the appearance of a very noticeable bruise.

An effective remedy for a bruise on a leg or arm

Auxiliary element:

  • Elastic bandage.

How to use: Immediately after a bruise, bandage the sore spot; the sooner you do this, the less bruising there will be.

Result: The bandage will prevent the blood vessels from dilating, which usually happens when they are damaged. As a result, blood will not enter the surrounding tissues and the bruise will not increase, but will not disappear. To completely remove a bruise that has already appeared, use special gels (see names in the “Medicines” section).

Heat treatment

In order to resolve the hematoma, you can apply heat to it, but this should only be done on the second day after its appearance. Auxiliary element:

  • A bottle or heating pad with warm water.

How to use: Apply heat to the bruise 4 times a day for 15 minutes.

Result: After heating the bruise site, the blood vessels dilate, the blood thins and its circulation accelerates, as a result the bruise disappears in 1-2 days.

Tar soap quickly copes with hematomas on the body; the video below explains how to carry out the treatment procedure:

Turpentine and honey - compress for the night.

This composition is effective for blue-violet hematomas that appear on days 2-3.


  • Natural honey - ¼ cup.
  • Gum turpentine - ¼ vodka glass (100 g).
  • Vaseline - 0.5 tbsp. l.

How to prepare: Combine the ingredients and mix until smooth. How to use: Apply the mixture to a cotton pad or a bandage folded several times, apply the compress to the bruise and secure with an adhesive plaster.

Result: Turpentine and honey improve the condition of the skin and increase blood circulation in healthy vessels. If the bruise is not large, it almost disappears within 8 to 12 hours.

Cabbage leaf for fresh hematoma


  • White cabbage leaves - 2-3 pcs.

How to cook: Pass cabbage leaves through a meat grinder. Using gauze, squeeze the juice out of them.

How to use: Soak a cotton pad in cabbage juice and apply to the sore spot. Change the compress every 20-30 minutes if you want the bruise to disappear faster than in 2 days.

Result: Cabbage juice contains: retinol - relieves inflammation, removes spider veins, soothes the skin; vitamin C - restores damaged tissues; Vitamin K - relieves swelling and inflammation.

Meat compress


  • Meat plates.

How to cook: Take a piece of any raw meat, cut it into slices.

How to use: Place the meat on the bruise, cover the top with a piece of bandage and secure with an adhesive plaster. Use a new piece of meat every hour. When you go to bed, apply a mesh of iodine to the bruise site.

Result: After 2 days of such procedures, the bruise almost completely resolves.

Very often, bruises are a consequence of contusions. You will learn how to treat bruises from this material.

Medicinal cake


  1. Horseradish root.
  2. Natural honey.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. One yolk.
  5. Flour (any).

How to prepare: Peel, wash, grate the horseradish and squeeze out the juice. Take 1 tsp. juice, add the same amount of butter and honey to it, mix everything thoroughly. Then add the chicken egg yolk and flour to the mixture. Knead a soft dough and make a cake out of it the size of the bruise.

How to use: Make a compress at night. Place the cake on the bruise, cover it with polyethylene and a bandage on top, and secure it with a bandage. Additionally, cover the sore area with a warm towel.

Result: By morning the bruise becomes paler, after 2-3 days it almost disappears.

You can try to get rid of a bruise using a banana peel; you can learn how to do this from the video provided.


Pharmacy ointments and gels help get rid of bruises by relieving inflammation and swelling at the site of the bruise. In addition, the components of such drugs accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells and increase blood circulation in healthy vessels, due to which the hematoma quickly resolves.

Note! At the beginning of treatment, you need to use drugs for bruises that can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, for example, the “Zhivokost” product, then you need to use only warm compresses and warming ointments.

Pharmaceutical compositions for bruises of various origins are made on the basis of medicinal herbs, heparin (a substance that prevents blood clotting), non-steroids (a group of agents that accelerate the restoration of damaged cells), vegetable oils and even bee or snake venom.

Larkspur (comfrey root)

The drug is available in the form of ointment, gel and cream. The product has a healing and analgesic effect, relieves swelling and resolves bruises. It is recommended to use it for bruises near the eyes; most importantly, make sure that the substance does not get on the mucous membrane.

Application: Rub the gel or cream 3-4 times a day into the hematoma. If you purchased ointment, then make compresses with it at night.

Result: Bruises disappear in 1-2 days.

Approximate price: 209 rub.


The drug is made on the basis of freshwater sponge badyagi (algae). Available in the form of cream, gel and powder. The product promotes vasodilation and normal blood circulation, due to which swelling in the injured area of ​​the skin goes away and the bruise resolves. "Badyaga" is not used to treat bruises on damaged skin.

Application: Rub the product into the skin, preferably immediately after injury, 4-5 times a day.

Result: The bruise goes away in 2 days, but provided that the affected area is frequently treated with gel or cream (you will have to endure the pain, which occurs from frequent massage of the bruise site).

Approximate price: 60 - 100 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of ointment and cream, made on the basis of a medicinal perennial plant - arnica montana. The healing properties of this flower promote rapid healing of wounds, resorption of subcutaneous hematomas and relief of muscle pain. After applying the cream to the bruise, local blood flow is activated, which in turn contributes to the disappearance of traces of subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Application: Apply ointment or cream to the bruise without rubbing, leave to let the product absorb on its own. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times during the day. The course of treatment can last 2 weeks, but keep in mind that blistering dermatitis may occur at the site of application of the ointment.

Result: Small bruises 2-3 cm in diameter, disappear within 2 days.

Approximate price: from 40 to 230 rubles (the cost depends on the form of release of the product and its quantity in the package).

"Heparin ointment"

The drug contains heparin (promotes the resorption of blood clots) and benzyl nicotinate (a vasodilator). The last component improves tissue absorption of heparin.

Application: If the bruise is 3 - 5 cm in diameter, then apply ointment to it in a layer of 2 - 4 mm at least 3 times a day.

Result: Small 2-3 day bruises disappear within 5 days.

Approximate price: 60 rub.


The product contains the active component troxerutin, which strengthens the walls of capillaries, relieves inflammation and swelling, and promotes the resorption of subcutaneous blood clots. Available in the form of ointment and gel.

Application: Rub the ointment or gel into the bruise 2-3 times a day.

Result: After the first day of using the drug, the bruises begin to disappear.

Approximate price: 120 rub.

"Heparoid Zentiva"

The active ingredient in this remedy for bumps and bruises is heparinoid. The substance helps restore damaged tissue, increases vascular permeability, prevents the formation of bruises and resolves existing hematomas.

Application: Apply a thin layer of ointment (1 mm) to the bruise and rub in with massaging movements until the product is completely absorbed. Treat the hematoma in this way 3 times a day. If you have a very large bruise, then it is better to make a compress with this ointment at night.

Result: A small bruise disappears within 2-3 days, but treatment of a large hematoma requires at least a week.

Approximate price: 170 rub.

"Viprosal V"

The product contains gum turpentine and snake venom (viper), due to which it has an analgesic and warming effect, relieves swelling and normalizes metabolic processes in the skin. After applying the ointment to the bruise, the tissues warm up and blood circulation improves, which in turn promotes the resorption of blood that has frozen under the skin.

Application: Soak a cloth in warm water and wipe the bruised area. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the bruise and rub it into the damaged skin for 2-3 minutes. After using the ointment, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent it from coming into contact with the eyes. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day until signs of injury disappear.

Result: Thanks to the warming effect of the ointment, small bruises disappear in 2-3 days.

Approximate cost: 30 g - 130 rubles. 50 g - 200 rub.

Note! Doctors recommend monitoring the bruise during treatment. If, instead of lightening, it becomes swollen and has a very purple color, then most likely the injury has become infected. This means that the recipes given in the article will not be useful to you yet. Urgently go to see a doctor who will conduct an examination and select the correct course of treatment.

Cosmetics to solve the problem

To successfully tint a bruise, you need a whole range of cosmetics, depending on the type of skin and the characteristics of the hematoma.

For special makeup you will need:

  • moisturizer or lotion;
  • concealer;
  • Foundation;
  • powder.

Of course, you may not have all of these products on hand; you can replace them with basic cosmetic products.

Reliable concealer

Concealers with a dense structure cope better with the camouflage function. Its use is considered mandatory if the bruise is localized around the eyeball. Before applying the product, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with lotion and moisturize with cream.

It is not recommended to use a thick pencil for affected areas that are covered with wrinkles. It is better to give preference to soft textures, because they are able to smoothly even out the surface of the skin. Stick-shaped products are convenient. The product is applied pointwise and blended with a sponge.

When choosing a concealer color, you need to pay attention to your skin tone if the bruise:

  • blue, then orange will do;
  • violet-bluish – yellow;
  • dark red – blue;
  • brownish tint – green;
  • yellowing – purple concealer.

First, the product is applied and left on the skin for a while, after which it is carefully shaded so that its borders extend beyond the affected area.


If you don’t have concealer, you can use foundation, but it should be thick. It is recommended to apply it in a thin layer, otherwise all wrinkles will be emphasized. To obtain results, you must first moisturize the skin. The task is not easy and requires patience, a certain skill and a creative approach.

When choosing a foundation, you need to focus on your skin type. The application process is carried out with a finger or sponge using rubbing movements in the direction from the center to the periphery. For fixation, you can use transparent powder.

To distract attention from the bruise, it is recommended to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes by applying eye shadow and eyeliner. In this way, it will be possible to highlight the advantages and disguise the disadvantages.

Quick corrector

A soft crumbly corrector can also mask a hematoma; it is applied to the borders of the bruise and in the central part, and shaded with a brush. Before the procedure, you need to carry out basic skin treatment.

The color should match the tone of the makeup, all boundaries and transitions from healthy skin should be smooth. To complete the look, use blush and contouring products.

Rescue powder

It is better to give preference to varieties endowed with the ability to hide skin defects. A yellow bruise can be disguised with bronze-colored powder. It affects the tone of the face, masking the yellowness of the bruise, giving the skin a tan tint.

Applying decorative cosmetics makes the appearance bright, preventing an insidious bruise from ruining plans.

Question answer

Why do red itchy spots appear on the skin when treated with badyaga? Maybe I am allergic to the drug?

This is a common side effect and also a sign that the medicine is working. Badyaga is an algae, it consists of microscopic needles that cause irritation of the skin, against the background of which vasodilation occurs and blood circulation increases. Redness and slight itching also appear. The drug promotes rapid resorption of hematomas, so if you want to quickly remove a bruise, then be patient.

You don't have to endure itchy skin; there are many ways to get rid of it. Find out the reasons for its appearance and start treatment.

I have hard bruises after injections, how can they be cured?

In this case, compresses with tar soap help. There is a video above in the article showing how to do them. An iodine grid, which is drawn on the affected area of ​​the skin once a day, also helps.

Bruises appear on my legs for no reason, how can I remove them?

Nothing happens without a reason, so consult a phlebologist who diagnoses and treats vein diseases.

Where can I buy gum turpentine to make a remedy for bruises?

Gum turpentine is sold in pharmacies in the form of oil, in 100 ml bottles. It is also called turpentine oil. The approximate cost of the product is 150 rubles.

Can ointments that contain snake venom be deadly to humans?

Such dangerous ingredients are added to medications in microscopic quantities. In addition, it is not the poison in its pure form that is added, but an extract from it. Therefore, the drug cannot pose a mortal danger to humans.

Why do some people bruise more often than others?

Typically, the incidence of bruising increases with age. A slight blow or scratch is enough to cause a bruise in an elderly person, but in children they do not occur with much more severe injuries. This is due to the fact that blood vessels become fragile with age.

Another reason may lie in the medications used that prevent blood clotting. These medications include prescription arthritis medications (non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Nupril) or naproxen (Aleve) and over-the-counter medications such as aspirin. Warfarin (Coumadin) is often prescribed to prevent blood clotting in patients suffering from plaque in the blood vessels of the legs or heart. This medication can cause extremely severe bruising. And cortisone-based drugs, for example, Prednisone, increase the fragility of blood vessels. In addition, people with hereditary (hemophilia) or acquired (cirrhosis of the liver) bleeding disorders suffer from bruising, which, among other things, can lead to fatal bleeding.

What to remember:

  1. You can cure a bruise in 2-3 days if you use one or more of the remedies listed in the article correctly and regularly.
  2. Immediately apply ice or a cold compress to the injured area. This way you can slow down blood circulation in damaged vessels and thereby prevent the accumulation of a blood clot under the skin, i.e. bruise formation.
  3. A warm compress and warming ointments are used only on the second day after a bruise; they help to increase blood circulation and resolve the hematoma.
  4. Before using a folk recipe to get rid of a bruise, make sure that you are not allergic to its ingredients, for example, to honey, which is a strong allergen.
  5. If your bruise has not gone through all the paths of “blooming” (from red to blue-violet and light yellow), but remains purple, it means that an infection has entered the skin due to injury. See your doctor immediately.

And a few words about preventing bruises

If bruises occur too easily, you may not have enough Vitamin C. It strengthens the walls of the capillaries, reducing the likelihood of ruptures and hemorrhages. Ascorutin can be recommended from pharmaceuticals, citrus fruits, kiwi, sweet peppers, etc. from products.

Increase your intake of carrots, apricots and citrus fruits that contain bioflavonoids. This will increase the effectiveness of vitamin C in the body. Another good source of bioflavonoids is grape seed extract.

The recommended dose is 20-50 mg daily. A susceptibility to bruising may indicate a deficiency of vitamin K, which is abundant in broccoli, Brussels sprouts and leafy green vegetables. Naturally, ready-made drugs are also sold.

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