Common causes of itching, flaking and redness of the scalp

If the scalp itches and flakes, various dermatological pathologies are most often suspected - psoriasis, seborrhea or eczema. Symptoms of diseases differ; only a dermatologist or trichologist can determine them. In women, peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis may appear due to hormonal changes (during pregnancy, menopause) and the use of low-quality cosmetics. Increased physical (more typical for men) and emotional stress also lead to activation of fungal microflora.

For the treatment of adult patients, special drugs and folk remedies are used. In infants, the skin often peels off all over the body, but this is not a pathology. Such symptoms go away on their own. Scabs on children can be moistened, softened, and then carefully combed out. If peeling and itching begins in an older child, then this is a sign of a disease, the treatment of which is carried out in the same way as in adults.

  • Treatment at home
      Vichy Dercos shampoos
  • Estel Aqua Otium
  • Instant Clear by L'Oreal Professionnel
  • Natura Siberica “Protection and nutrition”
  • Nizoral
  • Keto-plus
  • Dermazol
  • Bioderma Node DS
  • Sulsena
  • Sebozol
  • Folk remedies
      Onion mask
  • Oil mask
  • Oatmeal mask
  • Egg mask
  • Olive-linseed mask
  • Herbal rinses
  • Nutrition rules
  • Pathological causes of flaking scalp

    Peeling is often a symptom of the disease. Among the most common reasons:

    • psoriasis;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • seborrheic dermatitis.

    Psoriasis of the scalp is a chronic disease in which pink papules are formed, raised above the skin. A characteristic feature of such spots is scales on the surface. If you clean them off, droplets of blood will appear, like dew. Peeling in psoriasis is local in nature, small spots can merge into larger ones, but clean areas of skin still remain.

    In this case, a special plant-based ointment will help remove peeling and itching, which will relieve inflammation and moisturize the skin. Peeling in psoriasis is the result of too rapid division of epithelial cells.

    Neurodermatitis is often localized in the occipital region. The disease has a hereditary predisposition, its causes are still unknown. With this dermatological pathology, a person experiences severe itching and the skin begins to peel off.

    Seborrheic dermatitis leads to dandruff. The causative agent is yeast-like fungi, which each of us normally has. But with increased sebum formation, fungi become more active and lead to disease. The scalp begins to itch, and dry white scales fall on the shoulders. In this case, special antifungal agents will help remove flaking of the scalp.

    Alternative Methods

    Used in especially severe cases.


    Comprehensive approach:

    • taking special drugs that create fluorescence, psoralens orally;
    • exposure to a prescribed dose of UVA.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, different treatment regimens are used. They all come down to two phases: cleansing (2-3 sessions per week until symptoms disappear) and maintenance (once a week for a month, can be extended at intervals of once a month).

    Important! Photochemotherapy is contraindicated in children. Women should use contraception to prevent pregnancy during treatment.

    Laser therapy (physiotherapy)

    Prescribed as an additional means of combating dandruff. The treatment is carried out with a laser beam that focuses photons (low intensity light). Photons improve blood circulation and help activate enzyme metabolism, resulting in the restoration of damaged tissue.

    Plasmolifting (plasmotherapy)

    The procedure involves subcutaneous injections obtained as a result of processing the patient’s blood in a special centrifuge (obtaining plasma rich in platelets and active components). It not only relieves dandruff and itching, but also helps with other hair problems (loss, weakened condition, etc.).

    Plasmolifting has a number of contraindications, which include:

    • allergy to anticoagulants;
    • chronic or acute diseases;
    • menstruation period;
    • presence of tumors, hematomas;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • pregnancy and lactation.

    Vitamin therapy

    Recommended for vitamin deficiency resulting in dandruff. The complex of vitamin preparations must include vitamins and microelements: A, F, E, B (1–6, 8, 9, 12), H, C, selenium.

    Other causes not related to illness

    Sometimes itching and flaking of the scalp may not be associated with pathogens and internal diseases. Dry skin and flaking can result from:

    • stress;
    • vitamin deficiency;
    • using incorrectly selected cosmetics;
    • staining with permanent dyes;
    • exposure to an aggressive environment;
    • dehydration;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • poorly performed cosmetic procedures.

    Since itching, flaking and redness of the scalp have many causes, it is worth consulting a doctor as soon as the problem arises.
    The sooner a diagnosis is made, the easier it will be to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It is useless to treat peeling on your own, because sometimes pharmaceuticals are needed, and in other cases it is enough to take vitamins. September 3, 2020
    Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

    Treatment at home

    Treatment at home is carried out using special shampoos and folk remedies.


    Many shampoos contain components that help not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also, for example, get rid of fungus.

    Vichy Dercos

    The shampoo restores the acidity level of the skin and eliminates the cause of seborrhea. The composition contains vitamin E, salicylic acid, keratin. The product can be used every day.

    Estel Aqua Otium

    Professional moisturizing shampoo. Contains amino acids and betaine. You are allowed to use shampoo every day.

    Instant Clear by L'Oreal Professionnel

    The shampoo has antifungal and bactericidal effects, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Contains glycerin, zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, thermal water. Suitable for everyday use.

    Natura Siberica “Protection and nutrition”

    The product has a moisturizing and cleansing effect, accelerates hair growth. Contains coconut oil, glycerin, vitamin E, cedar milk, licorice extract. Allowed to be used daily.


    It has an antimycotic effect, and destroys not only fungus, but also spores. Eliminates itching. Should be used three times a week.


    It is a therapeutic antifungal agent. Removes flaking and itching. Suitable for everyday use.


    A drug that has antifungal and bactericidal effects. Must be used every day for 5 days.

    Bioderma Node DS

    The drug normalizes the microflora on the scalp, has an antifungal effect, and prevents dandruff and itching. Can be used every day.


    Shampoo and paste are produced under this name, which can be used together for complex therapy. The product suppresses yeast-like fungi, which is what causes dandruff and itching. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week.


    The product has an antifungal and disinfectant effect. For medicinal purposes it is used once a week, and for preventive purposes - twice a month. Contraindications include individual poor tolerance to shampoo components.

    Folk remedies

    You can get rid of itching and flaking of the scalp with special homemade masks.

    Onion mask

    Preparation of the mask:

    1. Grind a large onion in a meat grinder and apply it to the scalp.
    2. Wait 40 minutes.
    3. Rinse off the paste with warm water.

    If you feel an unbearable burning sensation, you should wash it off immediately. To remove the unpleasant odor of onions, it is recommended to add apple cider vinegar, citric acid or essential oil (rosemary) a few drops to the liquid.

    Oil mask

    Recipe and application:

    1. Heat unrefined olive oil in a steam bath.
    2. Mix 5 parts of the product with 1 part of fresh lemon juice.
    3. Apply the mixture to your head and wait 20 minutes.
    4. Wash off with shampoo with a neutral acidity level.

    Oatmeal mask

    First you need to prepare a decoction based on any medicinal herb. It is best to use nettle, plantain or chamomile. Recipe:

    1. Pour a pinch of herb into 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes.
    2. Cool and strain.
    3. 6 tbsp. l. warm broth mixed with 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. After 10 minutes they will swell.
    4. Rub the resulting mass into the scalp and cover with a plastic bag.
    5. Keep for 2 hours.
    6. Wash off the composition with neutral shampoo.

    They use not only flakes, but also whole grains of oats. Preparation:

    1. 4 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight.
    2. Grind in a blender.
    3. Apply to scalp and leave for two hours.
    4. Wash off with shampoo.

    Egg mask


    1. Take 1 raw chicken egg.
    2. Pour a glass of vinegar.
    3. Wait until the shell dissolves.
    4. Mix everything and add 1 tbsp. l. melted pork fat.

    Apply the home remedy to the affected areas of the scalp. Wash off after half an hour. After this, you need to treat the same places with zinc ointment.

    Olive-linseed mask

    Recipe and application:

    1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. olive and linseed oils.
    2. Heat a little in a steam bath and rub everything into the scalp.
    3. Cover with plastic wrap and wait half an hour.
    4. Wash off with shampoo with a neutral acidity level.

    These masks should be applied 2 times a week. It will take approximately 10-15 sessions. They remove dead skin particles, nourish, moisturize, accelerate hair growth, eliminate itching and flaking of the epidermis.

    Herbal rinses

    In addition to masks, rinses that can be prepared at home are also used. For this, chamomile, nettle, coltsfoot, calendula, and calamus are used. Plants can be taken one at a time or mixed in equal parts. Recipe:

    1. 6 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the raw materials and heat for 10 minutes.
    2. Leave for an hour.

    Before use, the composition must be strained. If you use only calendula to prepare the rinse, then you can add 1 tbsp to the resulting liquid. l. lemon juice or vinegar.

    Treatment of itchy scalp in adults and children

    Treatment should begin with a detailed diagnosis. Based on the results of studies - laboratory tests, trichoscopy, phototrichogram - the patient will be prescribed local therapy (shampoos, ointments, lotions, etc.), medications, hormones, vitamins, microelements - in each case, the treatment plan will be personalized specifically for a specific person. Some ailments, such as parasitic infections, can be cured fairly quickly. Some, for example, skin diseases, require more multi-stage and lengthy treatment.


    Initial consultation: RUB 4,500

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    Initial consultation: RUB 9,500

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    Initial consultation: RUB 4,500

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    Gynecologist-endocrinologist, oncologist
    Initial consultation: RUB 6,000

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    Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist
    Initial consultation: RUB 4,500

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    Getting rid of the manifestations of psoriasis

    If there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of this disease, then the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. They relieve the itching.

    In case of severe damage, medications containing calcium (chloride and gluconate) are used to desensitize the body.

    When detoxification is necessary, doctors prescribe absorbents.

    If psoriasis is of an autoimmune nature, it should be treated with immunosuppressants.

    The disease is well controlled by glucocorticosteroids, produced in the form of creams and ointments. With their help, inflammatory processes are cured, which has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp.

    Taking vitamin D and keratolytics has a similar effect.

    If an infection of bacterial origin is associated with external signs of psoriasis, antibiotics must be taken.

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