Dry skin during breastfeeding in a mother - why does the skin dry during lactation

Most women, while waiting for the miracle of having a baby, are faced with such an unpleasant problem as dry skin. She becomes very sensitive and prone to irritation. This organ in this state cannot fully perform its protective functions. This causes a woman to experience very unpleasant sensations. The most common cause is a lack of moisture in the body. But sometimes these are also the consequences of improper care. The body is being rebuilt, and accordingly, it is necessary to change cosmetic and hygiene products. Dry skin in pregnant women is a reason to reconsider your usual care methods. Maybe even change the approach to daily cosmetic procedures.

How to solve a problem

Dry skin most often appears in pregnant women on the arms, legs and face. This can be dealt with if you follow certain rules:

  • maintain hygiene;
  • cleanse your skin regularly;
  • use moisturizing creams;
  • establish a balanced diet and drinking regime.

Many manufacturers make special cosmetics for pregnant and nursing mothers. Such products do not cause allergies and are made from natural products. On our website we have collected the best cosmetic and hygiene products that have been tested and are safe for pregnant women.

Causes of dryness during the postpartum period

But then the happy moment came - the baby was born. You are no longer pregnant, but the problem has arisen again. Dry facial skin after childbirth is a very common occurrence. It's all about hormones, or rather, one thing - estrogen. Immediately after the birth of a child, its production decreases sharply. But it is he who is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Insufficient or improper care is also to blame for the appearance of dry skin in a nursing mother. This is understandable. All the time is spent on the baby and there is no longer any strength or desire left to take care of oneself. However, to avoid unpleasant sensations, you need to set aside 15–20 minutes a day for yourself.

Dry skin during breastfeeding is an unpleasant problem, but, fortunately, it can be solved. To do this, you need, firstly, to establish a balanced diet for mothers. Secondly, choose a good care complex. Now there are a lot of high-quality cosmetic and hygiene products that will help with this. For example, breast pads. They are very helpful if there is a problem of excessive lactation and milk leakage. After all, they not only solve an aesthetic problem, but also perform a hygienic function. Breast pads protect the nipple from infection in possible cracks.

Don't have time to go shopping for cosmetics and hygiene products? You can always order online. Our website for maternity hospital bags offers a large selection of high-quality cosmetics and hygiene products that will definitely help solve the problem of dry skin. All products are completely safe for mother and baby. Buy everything you need, and very soon dry skin will become moisturized and beautiful again.

How I restored my skin after pregnancy and childbirth

In a wondrous land where moths sow golden dust, days are filled with charm, babies fall asleep on their own in their cribs, and young mothers are fresh as the morning dew - this is where pregnancy and childbirth are renewed, launching processes of unprecedented rejuvenation.

For those who chose the “red pill” of reality, the birth of a new life pretty much battered all resources, including the most external ones.

I completely stopped recognizing my skin from the moment my daughter was born. Not to say that this is dryness and flabbiness, or a bad color. No, this is something more global. It was as if a good layer had been taken out from under the skin, a kind of depot that provided elasticity, relief, hydration, and quick recovery. And this applies not only to the face - hands, décolleté, everything. The skin around the eyes - I’m generally silent. Sleepless nights will turn anyone into a panda, and add a scattering of crow's feet to the mix. This is some kind of milestone, by God!

By the way, before pregnancy I had generally normal skin, prone to sensitivity, quite thin, but without rashes.

Home care was no longer suitable at that time, and then we will talk about the products that helped me and continue to help me bring my face back to normal. Now the child is one and a half years old, and only closer to this time I am more or less satisfied with the condition of my facial skin.


, which played a good role in relieving dryness, discomfort and eliminating flaking -
Hada Labo Gokujyun Hydrating Lotion Hyaluronic Lotion

By the way, I found out about it in one of the posts and something clicked inside me - I need this, it will help! Thanks for the recommendations! A product that really works. I started using it between the cleansing/toning and moisturizing stages. In the morning and in the evening. The result appeared after 2-3 weeks. Excellent toner, light, moderately slippery, not sticky. Moisturizes perfectly! Looks like a clear, odorless liquid gel. After continuing to use it for a few more weeks, I realized that I no longer needed this extra step. I use it occasionally, when I need a little more hydration than the cream alone provides. I always take it on sea holidays.


: 400 UAH (about $17) for 170 ml

Next, I began to notice that the usual micellar water

It really dries out the area around the eyes.
After studying the reviews, my eye fell on Flower Water with Cornflower for Klorane Floral Water Make-Up Remover.

Designed to gently and effectively remove makeup and impurities from the skin. It has a pump, but here it fails - when pressed, it shoots a fountain of this floral water even through a cotton pad. Consumption by! But I forgot about the discomfort during makeup removal and the dryness caused precisely by using the previous micellar water. I can confidently recommend the Klorane product: it cleanses, there is no veil in the eyes, it does not tighten. Mascara, shadows, cream shadows, eyeliner will be removed - I use 2-3 cotton pads for each eye, I don’t spare any expense. Consumption is normal, the smell is light, herbal.

Price: 600 UAH (25 $) for 400 ml

of cleansers was important

If earlier it was gels or foams, now the skin requires the softest texture. I settled on the Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser with Shea Butter.

Cleans great, smells amazing. The downside is that it costs quite a lot. Intensive makeup does not wash off well. I use the product to cleanse my facial skin of the most minimal makeup (light concealer and eyebrow gel) and what the street air provides my skin with during the day. Doesn't tighten the skin and is extremely comfortable. On the occasion of discounts, I buy 2-3 packages at once, I really love the product. One tube is enough for 3-4 months.

Price: 800 UAH (about $34) for 125 ml

Next I use Clarins Extra-Comfort Toning Lotion with Aloe Vera

After I have washed off the foaming cream, without wiping my face with a towel, I immediately go over my skin with a cotton pad and toner. The moisturizing effect is noticeably enhanced and subsequent care is applied like clockwork. The tonic is orange in color, like liquid jelly. Not sticky. Just right for dry skin) Comfortable. The smell is herbaceous-floral, light. For 2 tubes of Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser with Shea Butter, I use 1 can of toner.

Price: 1000 (about 40$) UAH for 200 ml

Skin around the eyes

- this is my current sadness. It was as if she had betrayed me) She said: “Well, you weren’t carefree for long, now you’ll get it and sign it”

Patches-patches-patches. Currently Petitfee & Koelf Agave Cooling Hydrogel Eye Mask


There’s probably no need to describe it here. I stuck it on and waited. We keep these patches for 10-15 minutes instead of the usual 30-40 (at least, all the previous ones were explained this way in the instructions). I sculpt them both in the evening and in the morning, when possible. Their most obvious effect is smoothing the skin and brightening it. That's really good. It's a pity that it won't last long)

Price: 350 UAH (14 $) for 60 pieces

Eye cream

Right now it's Skincode Revitalizing Revitalizing Eye Contour Cream

This is a cream for those who can’t get enough of light gel textures (those who have turned 30). The texture is creamy-gel, so dense, so nourishing! The skin absorbs it in 5-10 minutes. The jar lasts exactly 3 months. I am delighted with this cream and buy it again. Of course, it will not smooth out what is already shrunken and wrinkled. But it will completely nourish small goose, chicken and turkey feet. Love him! I praise you!

Price: 1000 ($40) UAH for 15 ml.


When your skin is like newspaper, the last thing you want to do with it is peel it, even with rollers. I decided to try acids, even though I’m a complete novice at it. Knowledge comes down to a couple of videos from bloggers. This led to the purchase of Derma E Night Peeling Gel

And I have never regretted it. The thing is great! No friction, no stretching! I just apply it at night and in the morning, voila - I'm beautiful. However, for me there are nuances. The instructions say to apply generously. In this case, my skin turns very red and there is a burning sensation, I would say complete discomfort, I want to wash it off. Sleeping like this is not an option at all, and I’m afraid that it will not lead to a positive result. If I apply a very thin layer, the skin reacts calmly, I sleep with this product on my face and don’t even feel it. In the morning the complexion is beautiful, even the pores are a little brighter. Peeling, even if it happens occasionally, goes away without a trace! I use peeling once a week during the months of inactive sun.

Price: $19 for 60 ml.

Daily face cream

Bioderma Sensibio Rich Soothing Cream

Since I have blood vessels and redness close to the surface of my skin - my faithful friend, I chose this cream, it has a calming effect. Indeed, the skin quickly acquires a uniform color, as if the barrier is being restored. Especially after masks, when you wash off the residue with water, the skin turns red, so this cream quickly soothes. Moisturizing is also a solid five.

Price: 500 UAH ($20) for 40 ml

A product that I enjoy using from time to time is oil

Rosehip Seed
Life-flo Pure Rosehip Seed Oil

An oil with a specific odor (reminiscent of fish) and excellent emollient properties. I use it in the evening - I apply the oil to my face, damp from toner, after warming 4-5 drops in my palms. After about 20 minutes I blot the residue with a napkin.

The oil soothes and softens. It works especially well on skin after sunbathing - in the morning there is no trace of redness if you suddenly get too much sun.

Price: 140 UAH ($6) for 30 ml.

And the last thing is my very favorite. This is a face mask

. Masks for everyone)

Institut Esthederm Intensive Hyaluronic Mask.

It appeared in my arsenal on the recommendation of a cosmetologist and I am very happy about it. The mask is thick, like cream, with a noble aroma of expensive perfume. You can use it in two ways: apply it for 15 minutes and rinse off, or leave it on all night (that’s how I’m friends with it). It can be applied to the area around the eyes! Moisturizes perfectly. The consumption is small, it is a pleasure to apply. I will note that it does not moisturize superficially, the skin seems to be saturated in depth (according to my feelings).

Price: $69 for 50 ml

1.5 years after the birth of the child, I see that my face makes me more happy than sad. Overall hydration is at a good level, there is no dryness or flabbyness. The area around the eyes remains my focus; I want to nourish it even more. I use all the products described both constantly (washing, toning) and when subjectively necessary (oil, mask). The totality of efforts is not in vain, so until I enter the second round of childbearing, I will walk like a beauty)

Thanks for reading,

I am Polina


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