Modern topical therapy for patients with psoriasis with damage to the scalp

Treatment of psoriasis on the scalp is complicated by the fact that the spots can spread to the entire scalp. In addition, with this form, the signs of the disease are especially noticeable to others. Because of this, patients strive to get rid of it in any way possible, often acting rashly and thereby worsening the situation.

Translated from Greek, “psoriasis” means “itching disease,” but this does not fully reflect the entire clinical picture of the disease. With this pathology, red, scaly spots appear on different parts of the body, which rise above the skin. They cause severe itching and inflammation, and when the scales are removed, they cause bleeding.

Causes of scalp psoriasis

The causes and symptoms of psoriasis on the scalp are very diverse. Doctors still cannot accurately explain the nature of the disease. According to the leading theory, the cause is heredity. If a person has a predisposition to accelerated renewal of epidermal cells, then there is a high risk that his immune system will react to this inadequately. As a result, psoriasis will begin to develop. It is based on the accelerated renewal of skin cells, in which it simply does not have time to cleanse itself.

The starting point for the development of the disease can be the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • strong emotional shocks;
  • past infectious disease;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • taking certain medications;
  • hormonal imbalances, impaired metabolism;
  • vaccination.

Prevention methods

An additional condition for containing the worsening of the disease is to follow several recommendations:

  • Switching to dietary nutrition. Experts strongly advise patients with psoriasis to avoid foods containing simple sugars, animal fats, as well as foods with a high degree of allergenicity (nuts, alcohol, chocolate, etc.). The basis of nutrition for psoriasis should be fermented milk products, vegetable oils, cereal-based cereals, as well as dietary types of meat and fish.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. For personal hygiene, you should use delicate products that do not contain dyes, artificial fragrances, or aggressive synthetic components. Water procedures should last no more than 15 minutes, and the water should be warm.
  • Wearing underwear made from natural soft fabrics. It is better to choose loose-fitting clothes so that they do not rub or restrict movement. Products made from natural cotton and knitwear will be optimal. Synthetics and rigid fabrics must be excluded.

Some patients may require psychocorrection, taking specialized medications with a sedative, sedative or antidepressant effect.

Signs of psoriasis on the head

Symptoms and diagnosis of scalp psoriasis are inextricably linked. It is by external signs that a preliminary diagnosis is made, to confirm which additional studies are subsequently prescribed. Characteristic symptoms of scalp psoriasis:

  • peeling of the scalp;
  • severe dandruff;
  • thinning and hair loss;
  • noticeable redness of the skin, including along the hairline;
  • reddish psoriatic plaques;
  • severe itching.

Over time, the scales begin to peel off, and if we consider what is dangerous about psoriasis on the head, then first of all it is partial hair loss. With a very acute form of the disease and insufficient therapeutic measures, there is a risk of complete baldness. An unattractive appearance of the scalp causes psychological problems that require the help of a psychotherapist.

What cosmetics and skin care products can be used for psoriasis?

For psoriasis, you can use mild alkaline soaps, deodorants, decorative cosmetics, etc. Products for sensitive or children's skin are best suited. If you are allergic to any perfumes, use the same hypoallergenic products that you used before the first exacerbation of psoriasis. It should be remembered that substances that cause allergic reactions may be included in air fresheners and fabric softeners.

If the skin in the armpits is inflamed, it can be washed with saline solution. Until the redness of the skin goes away, it is not recommended to use deodorants. Products containing alcohol and fragrances should be avoided.

You can use regular and waterproof cosmetics for eyes, lips and face.

To remove hair, it is better to use cold wax, which is less irritating to the skin than hot wax, depilatory creams or shaving, especially if the plaques are located on the legs and armpits.

Types and stages of scalp psoriasis

Treatment for scalp psoriasis depends on the stage and type. The disease can occur:

  • In a light form. Only small isolated lesions with minor scales are observed on the skin.
  • In severe form. The entire scalp is covered with plaques of large size and thickness.

During psoriasis, there are several stages. It all starts with a progressive stage, when new plaques appear and existing rashes spread to neighboring areas of the skin. At the stationary stage, the condition stabilizes: new spots do not appear, and existing ones remain. Improvement is observed only at the regressive stage, when the symptoms gradually disappear, and pigment spots form in place of the plaques.

Psoriasis: symptoms (photos)

The first symptoms of psoriasis most often appear at the age of 15-25 years. However, the disease can manifest itself at any age.

Red spots on the body

Nail damage

Fever, malaise

Severe forms of psoriasis are accompanied by fever

Deformation of toes and hands

General treatment regimen

Specialists at the PsorMak dermatological clinic in each individual case select for patients individual and most effective treatment for psoriasis on the head and other areas of the body prone to psoriatic lesions (extremities, abdomen, groin area, etc.).

As is known, modern methods of treating psoriasis widely use medications containing glucocorticosteroids (hormones of the corticosteroid subclass). However, the head physician of the PsorMak Institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Vladimir Fedorovich Mak categorically does not recommend the use of hormonal treatment. Steroid ointments not only cause rapid addiction, but also often contribute to the occurrence of complications - for example, the addition of fungal infections to the psoriatic process, creating favorable conditions on the skin for their reproduction.

Doctors at the PsorMac Institute for Healthy Skin have developed effective treatment regimens for various forms of psoriasis without the risk of harmful consequences for the health of patients. Depending on the stage of the disease and the area of ​​its spread, the following therapeutic measures may be prescribed:

  • the use of non-hormonal healing ointments made according to the original recipe of Mak V.F.;
  • nutrition correction;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • antifungal therapy (if necessary);
  • IRT (acupuncture) is the use of thin medical steel needles on certain acupuncture points located on the arms, legs and back.

Since the most fertile ground for the occurrence of psoriasis is psychosomatics, the PsorMak clinic also carries out comprehensive work with the psycho-emotional status of patients. With the help of professional psychological work, you can significantly reduce stress levels and direct the patient’s mental resources to fight the disease.

How should you wash skin affected by psoriasis?

Photo: madeaw_ec /
While washing, try not to rub or stretch the skin.

It is better to give preference to showers rather than baths, as they dry out the skin. However, to relax, you can sometimes take a bath, but provided that it is not too long and the water is not very hot - a maximum of 37-38°C.

Soap should be neutral and fragrance-free.

After washing, do not try to remove dead skin on your elbows and knees.

Dry your skin with a towel very carefully, pressing it lightly against your body.

Thoroughly dry all folds and hidden areas of the skin. Pay special attention to the ear canals and the skin behind the ears, armpits, folds of skin under the mammary glands, the umbilical area and groin, as well as the skin between the toes.

Sign up for a consultation at PsorMac

It is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis - it is a chronic disease. But achieving long-term and stable remission is quite possible. The main thing is to start treatment on time, for which you need to contact a specialist as early as possible.

The PsorMak clinic offers a 15% discount when making an initial appointment through the website. You can choose a specific specialist yourself. Among them are experienced doctors, including academicians and those who have completed internships in foreign clinics. You can see the results of treatment by our specialists in the corresponding section on the website. Don't wait for the best time to visit a doctor. Detection of scalp psoriasis at the initial stage is the key to faster and more successful achievement of remission.


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HOW TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT at the PsorMak Institute for Healthy Skin

1. Click the button you see below -
Make an appointment

2. Fill in the fields in the form that appears. Be sure to check the correct phone number so that our specialist can reach you. After filling out, click on the “Submit” button.

3. Wait for our specialist to call. He will answer any of your questions and agree on the date and time of your visit to PsorMak.

The initial appointment includes:

  • Visual examination , which will allow the specialist to get a general understanding of the condition of your skin and the pathology itself.
  • Collecting anamnesis - finding out information about the development of the disease, living conditions, previous diseases, operations, injuries, chronic pathologies, allergic reactions, heredity, etc. Together with a general examination, this allows you to make a fairly accurate diagnosis and choose a method of treatment and/or prevention.
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