Rash on the sternum in women. Causes, photos, how to treat

The skin of the breast is very thin, sensitive and especially susceptible to negative environmental factors. The appearance of various rashes on the chest can be a completely harmless phenomenon, but some types of rash are symptoms of a viral or infectious disease, or a malignant pathology and require immediate treatment.

The rash can appear in people of any gender and age, most often it appears in women and children. Based on the location, type, shape, and intensity of the rash, one can determine the type of pathology and stage of the disease. The rash may appear only once, or it may occur constantly.

How to treat

A rash on the chest is treated based on the cause that caused it.
For example, if it occurs due to non-compliance with proper nutrition, nutritional correction is required, if in case of an allergic reaction - taking antihistamines. Nutrition - if neoplasms occur due to non-compliance with proper nutrition, it is necessary to reconsider your diet. It is formulated so that the food included in the daily diet does not contain large amounts of carbohydrates and fats. An excess of any vitamins, even beneficial ones, negatively affects the condition of the skin. The diet includes fruits and vegetables, fiber, which is beneficial for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to consume healthy fats, namely vegetable fats (olive, etc.). The diet includes lean meat, fish, dairy products

Confectionery products, strong coffee, tea, salt, and alcoholic beverages are excluded. Maintain personal hygiene. Daily water treatments will help maintain normal skin health. Insufficient hygiene of the epidermis causes not only a rash, but also skin diseases, which often occur with severe inflammatory processes. It is recommended to swim several times a day (preferably in the morning and before bed). In the summer, you can take a shower during the day, after going outside. Using cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type. You need to choose any cosmetic product based on your skin type. It is not recommended to abuse it. Both insufficient care and its excess cause problems with the epidermis. Often cosmetics clog pores, which is the source of rash formation. This applies not only to the skin on the sternum, but also on the face and other areas. Normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can get rid of tumors on the dermis of the sternum by normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases occurring in this area are accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin. For this purpose, drugs with bifidobacteria or lactobacteria are prescribed, which remove toxic substances from the body. Relief of an allergic reaction. If an allergic reaction is present, the rash is eliminated by taking antihistamines. These are prescribed only after confirmation of the diagnosis in the laboratory. Wearing clothes made from natural fabrics. Often synthetic material causes allergic manifestations on the epidermis in the form of characteristic neoplasms. It appears on the sternum when wearing underwear or outerwear. In these cases, it is necessary to choose products made from hypoallergenic material. These are cotton, viscose, linen, silk. Normalization of hormonal levels. In adolescents, the rash disappears on its own and does not require specific therapy. This also applies to pregnant women and women during menopause. If the rash occurs against the background of diseases of the hormonal system, appropriate therapy with medications is prescribed.


Doctors warn! Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of parasite infection (Accarida, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which should protect the body from various diseases. The head of the Institute of Parasitology shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out that’s enough. Read more .

Only a doctor can determine how to get rid of acne on the chest after determining the source of the tumors. In each case, the therapy will be different. Self-medication can cause negative consequences.

Even more interesting:

Many women perceive a rash on the chest as a cosmetic defect and do not take any active steps to eliminate this problem. But rashes of various types are not so much a matter of aesthetics as a signal that some disturbances have arisen in the functioning of the body.

A rash on the sternum in women can appear for various reasons. The effectiveness of their treatment directly depends on the accuracy of establishing the etiology of the origin of the rashes.

It is worth noting that both women and men face the problem of chest rashes, but this problem still causes more trouble for the fair half of humanity. A rash on sensitive skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands often causes pain and various types of irritation occur. Because of the rash, a woman cannot afford to wear a dress with an open neckline, as well as tight-fitting clothes, which often contribute to the appearance of unpleasant itchy sensations.

Allergic rash

In any case, parents are recommended to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the rash on the baby’s body. If a specialist discovers an allergy, then it is necessary to identify its form and irritant. Typically, the causative agent may be the following:

  • the body's reaction to the weather (sun or cold);
  • food allergies (in which the allergen product can be consumed by both the baby and the mother, if the former is breastfed);
  • heredity (a child is at risk if at least one of his parents is predisposed to allergies);
  • cosmetical tools;
  • animal hair, dust, pollen;
  • vaccination vaccines.

Once the cause of the rash is known, the next important step is to completely eliminate the irritant. It will be easier to do this in cases where the reason lies in external factors that they simply stop using (if they are creams, powders, detergents and other hygiene products). In the case where skin manifestations are the result of consuming certain products, it is important to exclude the product itself. The first signs may appear as early as an hour and a half after eating the allergen. Breastfeeding mothers must follow a diet and avoid spicy, fatty, chocolate, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and alcohol. In such cases, it will be more difficult to get rid of the rash, since the product must be digested by the intestines, leave the baby’s body, and only after that the spots on the body will begin to disappear. You should know that when the pathogen reaches the baby through mother's milk, the process is delayed and recovery occurs after two weeks. Parents who themselves suffer from allergies should be extremely attentive to what their child is surrounded by and what he eats. Unfortunately, such babies are more prone to skin diseases than others. In this case, the irritant of an adult and an infant can be completely different. At the genetic level, only the predisposition itself is transmitted.

Almost always, allergies as a disease can be prevented. To do this, you will need to fulfill simple requirements:

  • maintaining ideal cleanliness in the room, frequent wet cleaning and ventilation;
  • introduction of complementary foods no earlier than four months from birth, and in some cases no earlier than six months. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it: if the introduced product is not suitable, then it should be offered to the baby again after one or two weeks;
  • Diet compliance by a nursing mother. Drinking large amounts of liquid, broths and soups. Complete exclusion of harmful products;
  • You should not self-medicate and try to prevent this or that reaction with the help of medications without appropriate doctor’s recommendations;
  • maintaining hygiene and sharing a healthy lifestyle between mother and baby.

Walking in the fresh air, swimming, and hardening will have a positive effect on the health of all family members.

Urticaria and dermatitis are also types of allergic reactions. In the first case, there is a sudden appearance of itchy blisters on any part of the body. Such symptoms can occur from insect bites, from interactions with chemicals, and from eating strong allergens such as cow's milk, nuts, and honey. It is important to consider that prolonged exposure to the pathogen can worsen the baby’s condition, develop into edema and, at the same time, complicate breathing. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the presence of the irritant as quickly as possible and consult a doctor. Treatment occurs with the help of antihistamines and sedatives.

Dermatitis , like other types of allergies, is provoked by prolonged exposure to an irritant, increased sensitivity and predisposition to similar manifestations. Symptoms include inflammation of certain areas of the child’s skin (most often the hands, groin, cheeks), possibly burning and discomfort. Dermatitis is divided into several types:

  • diaper (long-term interaction of delicate skin with irritants, such as wet diapers, diapers. Here you should change the diaper more often and wash the baby with running warm water before each change.
  • Use wet wipes only when necessary, and apply a special protective cream under the diaper.);
  • atopic (an outbreak occurs at the immune level, as the body’s response to respiratory and contact irritants. Localized on the cheeks, thighs, arms. Characterized by peeling lesions.);
  • allergic (lack of vitamins in the body, consumption of allergic pathogens in food, lack of fresh air, moodiness, hyperactivity).

As in other cases, it is very important to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible and begin treatment in order to prevent transition to a chronic form. All allergenic foods should be excluded from the baby's diet; to reduce itching, the doctor will prescribe the use of a cream or ointment, and also prescribe the necessary medications to eliminate the causes. It is worth understanding that the problem always lies inside, and it is important not only to eliminate external symptoms, but also to completely destroy the original cause of the disease. When an allergy manifests itself against the background of vaccinations for a child, it is important to take into account the child’s predisposition in advance, notify the doctor about this and follow a number of measures prior to vaccination. Such events include the following:

  • taking tests;
  • use of antihistamines two to three days before vaccination;
  • close observation on the day of vaccination and refusal of new products.

Parents need to know that any vaccine contains a potential pathogen. It can be chicken egg white, gelatin and other components that make up the drug. Therefore, after the vaccination has already been done, you need to stay with the child in a medical facility for about half an hour, in order to observe and take measures, if necessary. Most often, doctors do not recommend going for walks on the day of vaccination, especially if the baby is still very small and fragile. It will be necessary to monitor the general condition and possible changes for two weeks.

Rash caused by infections and viruses

Only a specialist can recognize the etiology of the formation of a rash on the baby’s skin and prescribe the need for treatment. But in cases where skin manifestations are accompanied by fever, stool disturbances, vomiting, and difficulty breathing, then most likely the nature of the disease is directly related to infection. Infectious rashes are caused by diseases such as:

  • chickenpox (caused by the appearance of blisters containing liquid inside. The areas of spread itch and itch, and the temperature rises to critical levels. Throughout the maturation of the blisters, the child is a carrier of the infection. The affected areas are treated with brilliant green. If all the doctor’s instructions are followed, recovery occurs after 21 days.);
  • rubella (this type of infection is characterized by cough, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, intestinal dysfunction, and, as a result, diarrhea and vomiting. The rash is usually not palpable, but appears in the form of redness of the skin. Most often, this disease occurs in children older than two years, but infants can also be infected, especially those who do not have the appropriate vaccination. The disease proceeds without complications and does not require special measures. It is only important to maintain bed rest and reduce the risk of rubella infection for other small family members, since five to seven days, an infected infant can infect unvaccinated children.);
  • measles (the main reason for its appearance is the lack of vaccination. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, and symptoms begin to appear no earlier than a week later. As a result, it is not possible to notice the disease in time. Only after a few days do the symptoms of the disease make themselves felt : the temperature rises, a small rash appears first on the inside of the cheeks, head, and then throughout the body.The child’s immunity weakens, so it is necessary to feed it with vitamins during this period, and allow the body to cope with the disease on its own.

It is recommended to help the baby during this period, based on the symptoms that appear: antipyretics, throat sprays, nasal drops, as well as bed rest and frequent fluid intake. Treatment can take place both at home and in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor, in order to eliminate the possibility of complications). A dermatologist or allergist will help you make the correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to undergo tests and, if necessary, skin scraping. An important role is played by external factors, the nature of the rashes, their localization, as well as the accompanying deterioration of the baby’s condition. In any case, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s instructions regarding treatment and compliance with certain rules. The duration of allergies is also particularly influenced by the child’s immunity: the stronger it is, the sooner it will cope with the disease. Parents are required not to panic, but to notice the slightest manifestation of symptoms in time and contact a doctor as soon as possible.

Properties of scabies and causes of infection

This disease is caused by the so-called scabies mite. Scabies is transmitted as a result of direct physical contact with an infected person or with personal items of the patient, after which the first symptoms begin to appear almost immediately.

Redness in this area can also be caused by excessive sweating, which is quite common in diabetes. If the rash under the breast is associated with a fungal infection, it is usually red or pink in color and contains many bumps in which the fungus lives. You can get rid of this problem with the help of special ointments. A rash that occurs due to hormonal imbalances is very often observed in women carrying a child. It also often occurs in girls during adolescence, during the formation of the mammary glands. Representatives of the fair sex with large breasts may experience redness in the décolleté area during the hot season. They usually go away quite quickly on their own, but if they don't, it's also worth visiting a doctor.

How to get rid of pimples?

Who to contact?

Do not neglect a timely visit to a specialist - if you notice a rash on your chest, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. It is he who will be able to determine the cause of the rash.

If going to a dermatologist for some reason is difficult, you need to visit at least a cosmetologist (this will be a little easier, since there are now cosmetology offices in every region)

In this case, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that the specialist must have a medical education. This is a very important point, because many practicing cosmetologists only take courses and can only help with local elimination of the problem, which is not a complete solution.

You need to find the cause and deal with it, then the manifestations will go away by themselves.

An experienced specialist will be able to eliminate not only the external manifestations of the rash, but will also prescribe appropriate medications to treat possible internal ailments. He will also discuss the diet that will need to be followed for further recovery.

Consult a doctor to identify the problem and eliminate the rash faster

Simple remedies for acne and comedones

If for some reason a visit to a dermatologist or cosmetologist is impossible, you can use traditional medicine that will help eliminate rashes:

  1. Lemon juice helps with various types of acne. Since citrus has antibacterial properties, it can be used to make a tonic. The recipe is as follows: lemon juice and clean water are taken in equal proportions, a few drops of tea tree oil are added to them, all this is poured into a spray bottle. After spraying, you need to wait for the liquid to dry, then rinse off. The procedure should be carried out several times a day until the rash completely disappears.
  2. Another tonic, the preparation of which uses sea salt, also has a drying effect. The principle is the same as in the first recipe: we make a not very concentrated solution of sea salt and spray it on the skin several times a day.
  3. Tar soap also dries pimples well, which significantly speeds up their healing process. It can be used daily. Just remember that such a product should not be used for a long time: there may be a risk of dehydration, which will cause peeling of the skin.
  4. If you have severe rashes, you should also remember to regularly iron your bed linen.

A rash on the chest can be a serious sign

There are many reasons why rashes of various types and nature appear on the human body. Let's consider the main diseases, as a result of which our skin is exposed to such an unpleasant phenomenon as a rash on the chest, head, or limbs.

The rashes vary in appearance, so you can determine the diagnosis that is the cause of their appearance. There are bubble formations that may contain liquid and gradually open. Skin blisters vary in size, reaching several centimeters in diameter. If the contents of the bladder are filled with pus, then the element of the skin rash will be called an abscess.

In addition, if the body has an allergic reaction to a certain irritant, a blister may form on the skin, as well as a rash without the formation of blisters.

A rash on the chest, or on other parts of the body, can be formed by nodes and nodules of various diameters that violate the integrity of the skin, which is also one of the manifestations of a skin disease. After healing, a scar may remain on the skin.

If a rash or skin formations appear on your body, especially if you have not previously noticed such manifestations on the skin, be vigilant, because this may be a sign of not only a mild allergy, but also a rather serious disease, the consequences of which may become irreversible for you.

If you know for sure that the rash appeared as a result of using a new cosmetic product or food product, there is no need to worry. As a rule, allergies are accompanied by urticaria, which easily goes away after taking antihistamines or ointments for external use. Your task in the future will be to avoid consuming such a product.

If symptoms on the skin of the legs do not go away for a long time, it is worth taking a blood test for sugar, since diabetes mellitus may manifest itself in this way.

Particular attention should be paid to spots on the skin that spread during a severe general condition of the body, accompanied by elevated body temperature, because this is how a rash with meningitis appears. If you have any suspicions regarding this diagnosis, or your condition worsens, immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital

In this case, every minute is precious, because a disease such as meningitis often leads to serious consequences and even death.

Many common childhood diseases, such as measles, rubella, and mumps, are also accompanied by skin manifestations. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, so if your child is sick, the body temperature is quite high, and the rash on the chest, limbs and even on the oral mucosa continues to progress and spread, call your local pediatrician to prescribe the necessary medications for your baby.

If you are infected with a sexually transmitted disease, among other signs, you will notice different manifestations on your skin depending on the type and severity of the disease. A rash with sexually transmitted diseases usually spreads in the genital area and may be a signal of the onset of infection. For example, with syphilis, spots with veins resembling marble may appear on certain parts of the body.

When diagnosed with HIV or AIDS, spots form on the skin that do not go away, gradually turning pale and then regaining sharp outlines. In this case, a rash may appear on the chest, limbs and face.

In addition to the above, rashes on the body are accompanied by diseases of internal organs, such as the kidneys, liver, and heart. Monitor the health of your skin, because it, like a mirror, reflects the general condition of the body, thanks to which you can always get rid of any ailment at an early stage.

Possible consequences and complications

If left untreated, the rash can cause complications.

The following are considered the most common:

  • Brain damage as a result of infection.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • Neurosis associated with constant itching and discomfort in the affected area.
  • Scars where acne occurs.

  • Incurable hormonal disorder.
  • Spread of the rash to other parts of the body.

In addition, atypical rashes can become a sign of severe infectious diseases, which, when progressing, lead to death.


If the rash is just a couple of spots or pimples and goes away quickly, there is no need to worry. The symptom is unpleasant, but not dangerous:

  • Blockage of sebaceous ducts. Whitish rashes and black spots in the chest area, between the mammary glands and in the folds under the breasts occur due to poor personal hygiene or increased sweating. Often occurs during the hot season. Women with large breasts or overweight are at risk. Synthetic clothing makes the problem worse.
  • Hormonal imbalances. A few pimples may well appear due to stress or taking hormonal contraceptives. This problem usually affects teenagers, pregnant women and women during menopause.
  • Poor nutrition. Excess carbohydrates in the diet, as well as fatty, spicy and sweet foods, cause consequences in the form of minor rashes on the chest in women.
  • Tight underwear. A bra that doesn't fit properly rubs your delicate skin, especially under the straps and underwires. As a result, redness appears. Dying and synthetic fabrics can cause small pustules to appear.

Most often, the reason lies in poor-quality underwear and hormonal disorders.

Causes and associated symptoms

Rashes under the breasts occur for various reasons, most often these are harmless factors that do not require radical measures during the treatment process.

The phenomenon is often observed in the hot season, due to humidity caused by increased sweating. This primarily affects overweight women.

Another common reason is large breasts, which require special underwear. Usually it has wide harnesses and rough fabric with dense bones, which presses under the breasts and does not allow the skin to fully breathe.

In addition to this, there are a number of other factors: prickly heat, infection, hormonal changes, allergies and others.

Rashes appear in women in different ways, in the form of: scales, blisters, papules, pimples and crusts. Elements can be both small and large. In addition, the rash can be red, silvery-white, yellowish, etc.


Quite often, various infections are accompanied by a rash: chickenpox, measles, lichen, rubella, pharyngitis and others. Other symptoms are also noted: general malaise, weakness, dizziness, high fever, nausea, headache. If the above symptoms are detected, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible, especially if the woman is pregnant.

Autoimmune disorders

One of these diseases is psoriasis. It is characterized by a large number of small bubbles and silvery-white scales.

Breast diseases

In rare cases, elements of the rash indicate serious processes in the body that occur in a latent form. Among them: mastitis or lactostasis. Mastitis is caused by infections that occur as a result of cracked nipples. In advanced situations, surgical intervention is required.

Lactostasis is characterized by stagnation of milk in the breasts in nursing women. The phenomenon causes blockage of the ducts in the glands, causing them to swell and hurt. There is redness and rash on the surface and around, and itching is also present. It is necessary to get rid of milk stagnation as soon as possible.

Hormonal imbalance

The period of puberty or pregnancy is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. As a rule, the rash has the appearance of acne and disappears after stabilization of hormone levels or childbirth.

Allergic reaction

One of the most common causes of rashes is allergies. It most often occurs on food, fabrics and other allergens from which the linen is made. In this case, pimples appear on different parts of the body, the chest is no exception.

To exclude food from the list of irritants, you should observe the body’s reaction after consuming a certain product included in the list of allergenic: seafood, citrus fruits, honey, nuts, out-of-season fruits and vegetables, etc.

Often a negative reaction appears soon. Allergies can also be caused by products containing dyes, flavors and other chemicals. In this case, you need to switch to a hypoallergenic diet.

The fabric of the bra may also well become the “culprit” of the rash in a tender place. Tight-fitting clothing does not allow the skin to breathe, and underwear is often made from synthetic fabrics.

Another reason for the appearance of rashes is the detergent used to wash the clothes. Then you will need to change the product to another with a more gentle composition.

With allergies, the elements of the rash are similar to urticaria and look like small papules without a rod.


Fungus manifests itself in a similar way. He especially loves moisture and warmth, which is often stored in the folds under the breasts. The phenomenon is typical not only for women, but also for overweight men. In this case, you will definitely need to consult a specialist who will determine the exact cause of the fungus and prescribe the correct treatment.

Candidiasis has its own symptoms:

  • redness and swelling at the site of fungal infection;
  • pustules and blisters;
  • erosion at the site of opening of papules.

Special antifungal ointments and creams are used as treatment.

High sweating

Among other factors, it should be noted the excessive secretion of sweat under the mammary glands of women or overweight men. In this case, there is a high probability of common prickly heat.

It is necessary to wear loose clothing and carefully monitor hygiene: regularly wash the affected area, wipe dry and use products that eliminate moisture.

Possible diseases, symptoms

When a rash appears, experts do not always associate it with any natural factors. Quite often, acne becomes the result of diseases and acts as the first sign.

Prickly heat

Miliaria is a common pathological condition in which small white pimples appear on the patient's skin, located very close to each other. In this case, quite often the rash merges, the surface becomes lumpy.

The condition usually manifests itself in the summer, when the sweat glands work harder. Rashes form on the sternum, but at the same time the area under the mammary glands, as well as the feet, are affected. In most cases, there are no other symptoms, but sometimes itching occurs. When you scratch the pimples, they become slightly larger and fill with clear liquid.


Urticaria is a common disease characterized by the appearance of small, red, painful rashes on different parts of the skin. In women, the rash often spreads to the chest area.

In this case, other symptoms are present in the form of watery eyes, severe itching, and peeling of the skin. The cause of the disease is an allergic reaction to household chemicals, medications, and cosmetics. In addition, the reaction is often associated with the use of food or specific seasonings.


An infectious disease that affects patients of all ages and is characterized by the formation of a red rash on the sternum, abdomen, and back. In this case, the rashes merge into large red spots, severe itching and irritation appear.

In addition, the patient’s body temperature rises, weakness and lack of appetite are noted. The condition is considered dangerous and requires timely treatment.

Syphilitic rash

A rash on the sternum often appears in women at an advanced stage of syphilis. The cause of the disease is a pale spirochete, which penetrates the body and affects internal organs, weakening the immune system.

In this case, the patient develops small reddish or white pimples on the sternum. Additionally, there is weakness, loss of appetite, and headache. Symptoms increase gradually, but the disease can progress quite quickly.

Scarlet fever

Streptococcus pyogenes causes the development of scarlet fever. The disease is considered a childhood disease because it mainly affects children, but can occur in adults. In this case, the rash is located not only in the sternum area, but also in the area of ​​the elbow and knee bends.

Additional symptoms of the disease include weakness, fever, and nausea. The patient's body is weakened, severe intoxication is observed. The rash disappears after recovery.


A common dermatological disease caused by scabies mites. It penetrates the skin and causes itching. After scratching, a small flesh-colored rash appears on the sternum.

Usually there are no additional symptoms, but with a long course of the disease, infection may occur as a result of damage to the skin and penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the wounds.


Chickenpox does not often affect adult women, but it can cause a rash on the chest area. In this case, pimples are small in size, their outer film is damaged when scratched, and an ulcer remains in place of the film.

After some time, the ulcer becomes covered with a crust. When this crust is removed, a scar remains at the site of the pimple. In addition, there is a deterioration in the general condition, nausea and headache. When infected with chickenpox, the body temperature always rises.


Acne is a fairly common problem among women of all ages. In this case, pimples are large in size, have a white head, and often fester. When scratching the lesions, damage to the outer layer is possible, which provokes bleeding and pain, and often causes inflammation.

In most cases, additional symptoms are absent in the initial stages. If the cause is a hormonal imbalance, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and pain appears in the lower abdomen.

Atopic dermatitis

A dermatological disease that is hereditary in nature and is accompanied by the appearance of small blisters on different parts of the body. Typically, the disease manifests itself in early childhood, becomes chronic, and the patient regularly experiences periods of exacerbation.

In women, the rash appears not only in the sternum, but also on the arms, torso, and limbs. The rash is accompanied by unbearable itching, which forces the woman to scratch the affected area. Weeping spots remain in their place, and infection develops.

Contact dermatitis

The symptoms of the disease resemble the atopic form, but the condition is not hereditary, but manifests itself upon contact with any objects or chemicals. In this case, the patient reports the formation of a rash in the sternum area, the itching is moderate, and complications rarely develop.


Folliculitis is an infectious disease caused by streptococci, characterized by the appearance of small foci of inflammation in the area of ​​hair growth on the body. Hair is also present in the sternum area, so the pathology often manifests itself in the form of a rash in this area.

Hair follicles are affected quite often, causing pain and itching. The woman notes a deterioration in her health, sometimes her body temperature rises.


A rash on the sternum in women, the causes of which are often associated with chronic diseases, can be the result of psoriasis. In this case, reddish flat spots of different sizes appear in the chest area. The skin becomes dry, itching and irritation are observed. The disease is severe, relapses occur 2 to 5 times a year.

Seborrheic dermatitis

A disease of fungal origin, accompanied by the appearance of lesions in the sternum and other parts of the body. In this case, the fungus provokes dryness, itching and flaking.

Usually the pathology affects the scalp, which leads to partial or complete baldness, but it can also affect the sternum area and other parts of the body.


A disease of viral origin, provoked by the activation of the herpes virus in the body and characterized by the appearance of large pimples filled with clear liquid on the torso, ribs and middle back. The disease rarely causes a rash on the sternum.

An accompanying symptom will be unbearable pain at rest and with movement, headache, and weakness.

Reasons for the localization of acne on the chest

Many people believe that rashes on the chest are a sign of some kind of skin disease. But it is not always the case. Single pimples or rashes in the décolleté area (as in any other place) in adulthood are the result of a pathological process occurring in the human body. It may be due to a number of reasons, according to which dermatologists divide all rashes into three main types:

  • Infectious origin - both large and minor pimples, which are usually a sign of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, rubella, measles or scarlet fever. Precisely because every rash can potentially have an infectious cause, if it is detected, in any case, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.
  • Dermatological origin. The most common manifestation of this type of rash is acne, which most often affects people with oily skin. At first it appears in the form of black dots, later - pustules with a yellowish filling. Also one of the ailments of the dermatological type is herpes. Many people believe that this type of rash is typical only for the lip area, but quite often it affects the entire body. Sometimes herpes can be confused with chickenpox, but it is worth remembering that the former affects only one area of ​​the body, while the latter disease affects the entire body.
  • Allergic origin. This type of rash is often confused with an infectious one due to the similarity of the manifestation - both pimples are similar to hives. You should be extremely careful with this kind of problem, since if the rash affects the area of ​​skin in the chest area, then due to swelling there is a high risk of suffocation.

Why do rashes occur in the chest area in women (including during pregnancy)?

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause acne on a woman's chest.

The cause of chest rashes can also be temporary. For example, hormonal rashes are typical for many women only during the premenstrual period. Another temporary cause could be any stressful situation, overwork or simple nervous tension (for example, anxiety before an exam or a date)

Particular attention should also be paid to rashes during pregnancy - they may be associated with changes in the woman’s hormonal levels

External factors

Listed above are the so-called internal causes of acne. But you can also name external ones, including:

  • infection through constant scratching and touching the skin;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic or low-quality materials. This point also includes putting on friends’ clothes. Very often, even the slightest discrepancy between skin types causes a rash;
  • untimely change of bed linen;
  • Excessive skin care, improper use of oils, creams and other cosmetics, or selection of inappropriate body products.

Inappropriate body cosmetics also cause rashes

Types of rashes on the sternum in women

Depending on the condition that caused the rash, there are several types of rash.

The most common are the following:

  • The white rash usually appears in the sternum area due to excessive use of cosmetics that clog the pores. It is small in size and can disappear even without the use of medication.
  • Scarlet pimples almost always indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the skin pores or sebaceous ducts. They can cause pain and are almost always accompanied by itching.
  • Purulent acne occurs as a result of pathogenic microorganisms joining the inflammatory process. They are painful, large and often damaged, leaving a weeping surface in their place.
  • Rashes with a blackhead in the middle of each lesion are the result of prolonged clogging of pores and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. In most cases they are painless, but if left untreated they can develop into inflamed lesions.
  • Hair-centered pimples usually result from inflammation of the hair follicle. This type of rash is painful and can cause complications.
  • Very small pimples of varying shades almost always indicate the development of an allergic reaction to food, cosmetics or medications.

  • Small bubbles filled with clear or cloudy liquid. In most cases, this type of rash indicates a viral disease.
  • The rash, caused by fungal or other dermatological diseases, most often appears as reddish spots surrounded by flaky skin.
  • Small single rashes that provoke itching and inflammation can serve as a sign of scabies mite damage. Usually the first manifestations are a rash in the sternum area.

Sometimes the rash may have an atypical appearance. In this case, a comprehensive diagnosis is required to identify the root cause.

Causes of rash under the mammary glands

The appearance of skin rashes caused only by a local reaction to irritation is quite rare.
Most cases of inflammation and rash on the sternum are a symptom of a serious disease that requires prompt and thorough diagnosis. Most often, the causes include a weakening of the immune system, which has lost the ability to resist pathogenic external factors. Causes of the rash include:

Allergic reactions. First, the skin turns red and spots appear on it, which later take on the structure of blisters with watery contents. After some time, the blisters burst, the skin peels and becomes wet, and then crusts appear on it, causing noticeable itching.

It is very important for the patient not to bring the disease to the final stage and to begin treatment in a timely manner. This will avoid extensive inflammation, Quincke's edema and respiratory arrest. Skin pathologies

More often caused by a malfunction of the sweat glands, less often by serious skin diseases that require qualified treatment. Infectious diseases or consequences of diseases of internal organs. Often there are cases of chickenpox, viral pharyngitis, ringworm, and less often - the consequences of syphilis, which could not be completely cured. Consequences of stress. The transition of stressful states into depressive states causes the production of corresponding hormones in the body. Their excess causes inflammation on the chest, along the spine, and on the arms. Tangible discomfort and severe itching force the patient to seek medical help. Treatment consists of taking sedative drugs that normalize the body’s condition and calm the nervous system. Diseases of internal organs. This could be liver failure, adrenal diseases, dysbacteriosis, internal inflammatory processes, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment of breast skin pathologies

The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor after examining and examining the patient, studying the medical history and identifying the cause of the pathology. For this purpose, laboratory diagnostics and instrumental studies are carried out.

Laboratory diagnostics include general and biochemical tests of blood and urine, analysis of bacterial culture and scraping of the pathological contents of rashes and other tests. This allows you to determine the cause of the rash and choose the most effective treatment method.

Depending on the type and nature of the rash, treatment is carried out by specialized specialists - an infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, mammologist, therapist or oncologist.

With all pathological changes in the skin of the breast, you can contact qualified multidisciplinary specialists. The clinic’s patients have access to a modern diagnostic laboratory, which performs a large number of laboratory tests, as well as modern diagnostic equipment of an expert level, which allows us to provide medical services at the level of world standards of treatment.

Effective treatment methods, especially if the rash itches

Before you start using the drug, regardless of whether it is prepared at home or is a patented medical product, you must first consult a dermatologist.

Reliable home and folk remedies

When the diagnosis does not show the presence of diseases of an infectious nature from itching and acne, traditional medicine can help remarkably:

  1. Oak bark compress. To prepare it, you need to have 3 tablespoons of oak bark and 200 milliliters of boiling water. The ingredients are mixed and infused in a tightly closed container for 6-8 hours in a warm, dark place. The infusion is then filtered and used for compresses. A piece of gauze should be moistened in the solution and, with a little squeeze, applied to the affected area of ​​the body.
  2. You should take 4-6 basil leaves and crush them in a mortar with cool boiled water until a homogeneous paste is formed. Apply the resulting mixture to your chest and leave until completely dry. Remains of unabsorbed mixture must be removed with warm water. The procedure is carried out once in the evening when the itching worsens.
  3. If you have rashes under your breasts, cornstarch can help. It is an effective remedy for reducing itching and burning sensations, but if used incorrectly, the risk of developing fungus increases. In order for starch to help and not harm the patient, the actions should be as follows. You need to wash the affected area with clean water and baby soap. Then dry it thoroughly using a towel and only after it is dry under the breasts, you can sprinkle the rash with corn starch, leaving it to act for 10-15 minutes. After time has passed, rinse off any remaining medication with cool water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until complete recovery.
  4. Masks made from the famous turmeric. That this spice has antibacterial, antifungal and disinfectant properties. And this is exactly what is needed to treat acne on the chest and under the breasts. You will need 1 teaspoon of turmeric and warm milk. By mixing the ingredients, you should get a paste, which immediately after preparation is applied to the area of ​​the rash. The mask exposure time is 30 minutes, then its remnants are washed off with warm water. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day for 7 calendar days.
  5. Well, a simple way is to use a soda solution. To prepare it you will need 100 milliliters of boiled warm water and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Carefully mix the ingredients and apply the solution to the problem area and let it dry. The procedure must be repeated 2 to 3 times during the day.

If the rash and itching do not subside within 48 hours when using traditional medicine, then you need to contact a dermatologist to identify the true cause of the disease and prescribe medication.


For treatment, drugs from different groups are used to provide a complex effect and prevent complications.


Preparations based on vitamin A or retinol are considered the best means in the fight against rashes of various origins.

Retinol AA product based on tretinoin or retinoic acid. It is used to combat various rashes, stimulates regeneration processes, relieves inflammation and eliminates itching. Prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to non-pregnant women to eliminate acne, prickly heat, pimples that appear during menstruation. It is necessary to treat the affected surface 2 times per day. Course duration is 7-14 days. The product is not used if you are hypersensitive to its components
Retinoic ointmentContains isotretinoin. Prescribed for dermatitis of various forms, acne and acne. It must be applied pointwise to the affected areas 2 to 3 times a day, the course duration is 10 days. The product is not used during pregnancy and lactation, malignant neoplasms and intolerance to its components
RoaccutaneThe drug is in capsule form containing isotretinoin as an active substance. Used for various types of acne, acne, rashes caused by hormonal imbalance and other factors. You need to take 2 capsules 2 times a day for 3 weeks. The drug is not prescribed to lactating and pregnant women, patients with severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver

Any of the remedies is used only after consulting a doctor.


Among antibacterial agents, several of the most effective can be identified. They help cope with severe infectious diseases accompanied by a rash:

  • Azitral is an antibiotic from the macrolide group, which contains azithromycin. The drug is considered effective and is prescribed for rashes that are the result of infectious diseases and inflammation. The patient is prescribed 2 tablets per day, which must be taken for at least 5 days in a row. The product is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women or patients with allergies to its components.
  • Ciprofloxacin – antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones with the same active component in the composition. Prescribed for rashes caused by inflammation or infection. The patient is prescribed from 2 to 4 tablets per day, the duration of treatment is 10 days. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergies to its components, renal and liver failure.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed only by a doctor after examination.

Probiotic therapy

Probiotics contain beneficial microorganisms that normalize intestinal microflora and improve digestion. This helps eliminate rashes caused by such disorders.

The most popular probiotic is Linex, as well as Bifiform. The drugs should be taken for at least 7 days in a row, 2 capsules per day. For women during pregnancy and lactation, medications are not contraindicated, but consultation with a doctor is required. If you are allergic to the components of the composition, medications are not prescribed.


Among the immunomodulators, Isoprenosine and Viferon can be distinguished. The drugs are prescribed for rashes caused by weakened immunity, penetration of the herpes virus or other pathogens.

Isoprinosine contains a component of the same name and has a pronounced effect. You need to take 2 tablets 3 times a day for at least 10 days in a row. Contraindications to treatment will be urolithiasis, intolerance to the components of the product.

Viferon contains human interferon and has a pronounced antiviral effect. Patients are usually prescribed rectal suppositories. You need to administer 1 piece daily before bedtime. The duration of the course is 10 days. The product is approved for pregnant and lactating women. A contraindication for treatment would be an allergy to its components.


Antiallergic drugs are always used, especially for urticaria, psoriasis, and dermatitis. They are also prescribed for rashes caused by stress, pathologies of internal organs and other reasons.

Zodak is a cetirizine-based product that helps quickly eliminate rashes of various origins. You must take 1 tablet per day for at least 7 days in a row. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, or if you are allergic to its components.

Zyrtec is a drug with cetirizine as the main component. Helps cope with allergic rashes. The course is prescribed for 7-10 days; the patient must take 1 tablet per day. Contraindications for use include lactation, pregnancy, and severe renal failure.

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