Diaper rash in the groin in women: how to treat, causes of occurrence, description with photos, ointments, creams and reviews

Diaper rash in the groin in women is a lesion of the skin as a result of its contact with sweat and other natural secretions. Irritation typically occurs in areas of greatest fluid secretion and increases when the inflamed area of ​​skin is subjected to friction against tissue or the body.

This unpleasant condition can appear in both young and older women. It causes a lot of discomfort with itching and pain. It is much easier to eliminate it in the early stages. In advanced situations, to avoid problems, therapy is necessary, which can take more than one day.


Diaper rash in the groin in women appears in most cases due to excessive sweating. In a humid environment, bacteria actively spread, causing inflammation, irritation, as well as rashes, burning, itching, and an unpleasant odor.

At first, this unpleasant condition manifests itself as discomfort, as well as redness, then boils and pustules appear. At the last stage - cracks, crusts, discharge, smell.

Initially, representatives of the fair half notice discomfort in the groin area during physical activity. A slight burning sensation occurs, which is accompanied by strong sweating during diaper rash in the groin in women. In the photo you can see the pronounced manifestations of the disease.

Over time, the situation worsens, and it becomes painful for the patient to move. When examining the skin, you can find the following:

  1. Redness.
  2. Irritation.
  3. Rashes.

The lack of necessary therapy leads to further progression of the unpleasant condition, as well as to destruction of the skin, which is manifested by the occurrence of the following lesions:

  1. Weeping eczema.
  2. Itching.
  3. Pustules with crusts.
  4. Cracks with blood.
  5. Unpleasant smell.

Symptoms also depend on the cause of the diaper rash. If it is just rubbing, there is a burning sensation, redness, rash, and itching. Why does a woman have diaper rash in her groin?

Types of infectious diaper rash

With diaper rash, optimal conditions are created for infection of the affected areas. The most common intertrigos are fungal and streptococcal in nature. Streptococcal diaper rash is more common in the folds behind the ears, candidiasis and mixed rash - in the inguinal-femoral and intergluteal folds, under the mammary glands in women.

Candidal diaper rash

Fungi of the genus Candida are saprophytes of the skin, its permanent inhabitants. Against the background of inflammation in conditions of increased sweating, fungi acquire pathogenic properties and begin to actively multiply. Candida diaper rash is often recorded in people with reduced body resistance, including diabetes mellitus. The lesions are localized mainly in the folds under the mammary glands, in the groin and in the folds of the abdomen in women, in the inguinal-scrotal region and anus in men, in the interdigital spaces of the hands and feet.

In large folds, small vesicles first appear, which quickly open, and erosions appear in their place. Further, the area of ​​erosion due to peripheral growth increases in size, forming large areas of dark red lesions with a shiny and moist surface and clear boundaries. The shape of the lesions is irregular; along the periphery, a white strip of exfoliating epidermis and foci of elimination are formed. Painful cracks form in the depths of the folds. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.

Due to excessive sweating of the feet, diaper rash may develop on the legs. Infection with yeast-like fungi ranges from 2 to 5%. The lesions are most often localized in the 3rd and 4th interdigital folds. The skin in these places macerates, peels off and acquires a whitish color. Cracks form deep within the folds. Patients are concerned about burning and itching, and when bacterial flora is attached, pain occurs. The course of the disease is persistent and prone to relapse.

Rice. 14 and 15. Redness, irregular shape of the lesions, the presence of exfoliating epidermis along the periphery in the form of a white fringe and dropout lesions are the main signs of candidal intertrigo.

Rice. 18 and 19. The photo shows candidal diaper rash in the folds of the abdomen of a man and a woman.

Rice. 20 and 21. The photo shows candidal diaper rash in the anal area.

Rice. 16 and 17. Diaper rash in the interdigital spaces on the hand and foot. A fringe of dead epidermis is visible along the edges of the lesion, with reddened skin underneath.

Candidal diaper rash in men

Intertrigo in men occupies a special place among diaper rash. The skin in the inguinal-scrotal area is especially delicate and with increased moisture, friction and contact with urine quickly becomes inflamed. This is facilitated by excessive sweating, insufficient ventilation, excessive hair growth and wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics. With the disease, significant infiltration of the skin is observed, severe itching appears, and significant scratching leads to the formation of pronounced weeping lesions.

Rice. 22 and 23. The photo shows yeast diaper rash in the groin of men.

Rice. 24 and 25. In the photo, candidal diaper rash in the groin of men. On the right side of the photo, dropout areas are clearly visible along the periphery.

Streptococcal diaper rash

In some cases, diaper rash is complicated by a bacterial infection. The main causative agent is group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS, S. pyogenes). The disease is most often recorded in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Streptococcal intertrigo is characterized by the appearance of many blisters on fairly large areas of hyperemic skin. The lesions quickly open and a continuous eroded surface is formed. Deep painful cracks form in the depths of the folds. Patients are bothered by itching, burning and pain. With prolonged exposure to provoking factors, the disease takes on a long course.

Rice. 26 and 27. Streptococcal intertrigo of the intergluteal region.

Reasons for appearance

The main source of an unpleasant condition in the groin in women is considered to be the regular action of the following factors:

  1. Increased body moisture in this delicate area due to excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  2. The presence of urine and secretions from intimate organs on the skin, especially when there is a problem with urinary retention, and infectious inflammation of the genitals.
  3. Mechanical friction.

How to remove diaper rash in a woman's groin? Each of the above reasons or their simultaneous occurrence occurs if:

  1. A woman neglects personal hygiene.
  2. You are overweight. An increase in body weight leads to the appearance of chafing where there might not have been one at a normal weight.
  3. The ambient temperature is higher than standard values.
  4. Synthetic clothing and underwear.
  5. Underwear that is small or ill-fitting.

Most people consider diaper rash to be a minor problem that goes away on its own over time. Without treatment, there is an increased likelihood of serious complications that can have a disastrous outcome. How to treat diaper rash in a woman's groin?

When the inflammatory process in the groin cannot be eliminated or reduced by hygienic methods and simple care products in a few days, you need to consult a medical specialist.

Such a problem with the skin may be one of the signs of certain pathological processes, for example:

  1. Infectious lesion of internal organs.
  2. Thyroid diseases.
  3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

When a doctor's help is needed

In some cases, it is better not to risk treating yourself in order to avoid disastrous consequences and complications.

You cannot do without qualified help if:

  • self-treatment does not bring visible relief within 7 days;
  • there are disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • the woman has diabetes;
  • after a short period of time, redness appears again;
  • ulcers and visible disturbances in the surface condition of the skin appeared on the surface of the inflamed tissue;
  • there is a genetic predisposition.

    In some cases, it is better not to risk treating yourself in order to avoid disastrous consequences and complications.

In some cases, the cause of the disease can only be identified through laboratory testing.

How to distinguish diaper rash from another ailment?

Diaper rash between the legs can be distinguished from other skin lesions by the following features:

  1. The skin in the groin area is affected, and also becomes red and swollen. This is most noticeable in the folds.
  2. The irritations itch and hurt, especially when in contact with clothing or water.
  3. The pathological process appears gradually. As it develops, the signs of an unpleasant condition intensify. In the later stages, it may look like a continuous area of ​​hyperemia, which is covered with wounds and ulcers.


The entire inflammatory process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Elementary.
  2. Average.
  3. Heavy.

The initial stage is characterized by slight redness of the groin area. At the same time, the skin is not damaged - there are no ulcerative lesions, erosions or open wounds on it. But there is slight discomfort.

The middle stage is characterized by the appearance of irregularities on the body in the form of cracks and abrasions, which creates the possibility of infection. Unpleasant sensations from touch intensify. Simple hygiene procedures do not help - the inflammatory process does not subside.

The severe phase has all the symptoms of a progressive process. Bleeding ulcerations and erosions can be seen in the groin area. In certain areas of the epidermis, the formation and secretion of an initially transparent secretion, and then pus, is observed. At this stage, severe diaper rash occurs in the woman’s groin.

All this is accompanied by an unpleasant aroma, fever, redness and swelling between the legs. A representative of the fair half of humanity suffers from severe pain in the perineum, which does not go away even at night. How to treat soreness in a woman’s groin?

If no measures are taken, then over a long period of time it can transform into microbial eczema.

From the first to the last stage, the time period is from two to four weeks, so it is necessary to start therapy immediately, when the first symptoms appear.

Failure to correct the problem in a timely manner can lead to complications. They arise due to the addition of a secondary infection and can result in suppuration and tissue necrosis.


How to treat diaper rash in the groin in women? If you deal with the elimination of an unpleasant condition from the appearance of its first signs, then the inflammation can be eliminated very quickly. To do this, you must do the following:

  1. Take proper care of the body, wash the perineum with soap several times a day and treat it with medical antiseptics.
  2. Apply special preparations to clean and dry skin with symptoms of an inflammatory process. Any baby cream containing calendula or chamomile extract is suitable for this.
  3. Change your underwear regularly.
  4. Stop wearing clothes that cause groin irritation.

How to treat diaper rash in a woman's groin? To eliminate hyperhidrosis, a ten percent solution of boric acid in glycerin is used.

The action of the drug is aimed at disinfecting the damaged area of ​​the skin, and the medication successfully eliminates the fungus and has an astringent property. Thanks to this solution, the epidermis is cleansed followed by the use of ointment.

Therapy procedure:

  1. Treatment of damaged skin area.
  2. Next, the epidermis should dry out.
  3. The last step will be to lubricate the diaper rash with a preparation for external application.

List of drugs

How to treat diaper rash in a woman's groin? List of ointments and creams to eliminate the disease:

  1. "Levomekol".
  2. "Panthenol".
  3. "Solcoseryl".
  4. "La-Cree."
  5. "Lorinden S".
  6. "Levasin."
  7. "Vitaon".
  8. "Locacorten".
  9. "Viokor".
  10. "Sap".
  11. "Methyluracil".
  12. "Edas 201".

To eliminate the inflammatory process, the following drugs are used in most cases:

  1. "Dexpanthenol".
  2. "Bepanten."

These ointments and creams penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, and also eliminate redness and swelling, regenerate tissue and microcirculation. Apply medications to the wound surface four times a day with light massaging movements.

In addition to these ointments for diaper rash in women, there are two more types of products for external use that relieve irritation, redness and have a protective effect:

  1. "Desitin."
  2. "Lassara."

They must be applied in a thin layer to the damaged epidermis three times a day. Next, we will consider the most popular medications to eliminate the disease.


Combined medication for external application with antimicrobial and restorative effects.

"Levomekol" is active against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens. The ointment easily penetrates tissue without disturbing biological membranes.

Treatment of diaper rash in a woman's groin is effectively carried out with Levomekol. The medicine has an activating effect on regeneration. The antimicrobial activity of the drug persists when purulent and necrotic masses appear.

With prolonged use of the drug on large wound surfaces of the skin during pregnancy, the possibility of toxic effects of the drug must be taken into account.

How to remove irritation

If signs of irritation appear in the intimate area (burning, itching, pain), you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist, and only based on the results of the examination, will be able to identify the cause of these symptoms and prescribe treatment, if necessary. Before visiting a doctor, you can take independent steps to relieve discomfort, such as applying moderate cold to the intimate area. A cool, damp cloth applied to the sensitive area may help relieve irritation. Before using the compress, you should perform intimate hygiene. The water should be pleasantly cool, and bath soap or other products not intended for the intimate area should be excluded.


The medication has a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance (dexpanthenol) improves the healing and regeneration of the epidermis, stabilizes cellular metabolism, and increases the strength of fibrillar structures.

If the skin and tissues are damaged, the drug can compensate for the lack of pantothenic acid. The medicine is available in several forms:

  1. Cream.
  2. Ointment.
  3. Spray.

It is not recommended to apply Panthenol to wet wounds. Therapy must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

"Lorinden S"

The medication is available in the form of an ointment; it is used to obtain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effectiveness. The drug contains two active ingredients:

  1. Flumethasone.
  2. Clioquinol.

The drug "Lorinden S" has an excellent effect on yeast fungi, as well as bacteria and dermatophytes. With the parallel action of these components, allergic and inflammatory reactions of the skin during infection are suppressed.

The base of the drug is made from fatty substances, so the resulting film softens the epidermis well and repels moisture.

Overdose occurs extremely rarely. It can occur with prolonged courses of treatment, as well as improper use of the ointment.

Treatment and prevention of genital allergies

If the disease is accurately diagnosed, the main thing in treatment, as with any allergy, is to identify a specific substance—the allergen—and completely eliminate contact with it.

It is recommended to use various intimate lubricants with disinfectant, antiseptic and antibacterial additives with great caution. Some substances included in their composition may be exactly those “individual allergens” with which it all began.

To completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease (itching and inflammation), in some cases and only as prescribed by the attending physician, various antihistamines and corticosteroids are used systemically, on a course basis, in various forms (ointments, drops, tablets).

In case of severe damage to the skin, the doctor may prescribe drugs that activate epithelization processes.

How to prevent allergies

There is only one recommendation for preventing genital allergies: avoid contact with allergens. It’s easy to say, but difficult to follow this advice in everyday life?


Check everything for allergens

If you are already familiar with this problem, you probably know which substances—individual allergens—you need to avoid contact with. Allergists advise everyone else to check cosmetics and hygiene products for allergic reactions.

Apply a small amount of the drug to a sensitive area of ​​skin, for example, the inner bend of the elbow. If no reaction appears on the skin after an hour, the substance is safe for your body.

Banal logic dictates: all goods supplied to the pharmacy, including vaginal lubricants, undergo appropriate quality control and certification for safety for humans.


Use water-based intimate lubricants

When it comes to sex, its quality and variety, experiment with intimate lubricants within reasonable limits. Any component in a lubricant with frequent contact can have a “cumulative effect” and, at some point, cause a persistent allergic reaction.

Conditionally hypoallergenic can be considered water-based lubricants with a minimum amount of flavors, dyes and other specific additives.

Today you can buy aqueous intimate lubricants from the category of medical products at the pharmacy. Often, to alleviate (note - not treat) the symptoms of genital allergies in the form of dryness and microcracks, gynecologists recommend water-based vaginal lubricants...


The drug represents a clinical and pharmacological group of drugs that activate the restoration processes of damaged epidermis. Solcoseryl cream is effectively used in surgery to accelerate the healing of various injuries and wounds. The ointment is excellent for treating weeping diaper rash in a woman's groin.

The main active ingredient of the drug is considered to be deproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves, which has several positive effects, which include:

  1. Increasing restoration processes in damaged tissues.
  2. Enhanced processing of oxygen and glucose by cells.
  3. Increasing the intensity of energy formation processes in cells due to the process of transfer of phosphoric acid residue from the phosphorylating donor agent to the substrate.
  4. Activation of cell division and transfer in the affected area.
  5. Increasing the intensity of the process of producing fibrillar protein, which is considered the intercellular substance of connective tissue.

Due to such biological actions, the medication accelerates tissue restoration processes in the area of ​​the damaged surface. After using a gel or cream, there is no exact information about the possible absorption of the active substance; information about its distribution through tissues, as well as elimination from the body, is currently not available.

Details about intimate gels, lubricants, lubricants

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The active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol. The component is quickly transformed into pantothenic acid, which is considered the main component of coenzyme A.

This element plays a huge role in the formation and healing of damaged skin. Thus, the drug effectively stabilizes cellular metabolism and activates the restoration of the skin. The drug, according to reviews, eliminates diaper rash in women in the groin perfectly.

After applying Bepanten to the surface of the skin, the active substance is instantly adsorbed, transforming into pantothenic acid. Binds to blood proteins, mainly albumin and beta globulin. The active component is excreted from the body unchanged.

Bepanten cream is also used to heal sunburn, as well as for preventive purposes to prevent dry skin as a result of various dermatitis, which is manifested by peeling, redness, a feeling of tightness of the epidermis, as well as for everyday care of the face and hands, the most exposed factors environment.


The drug is a preparation for external application with a clear drying, as well as wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The active component (zinc oxide) of the drug creates an invisible film on the skin that prevents irritation, as well as the effects of urine and feces on the delicate epidermis.

The ointment is considered an effective medicine for the prevention of diaper rash in babies and diaper dermatitis.

The active component included in the structure of the drug dries out wet areas of the epidermis and also promotes rapid healing of wounds.

In addition, the medication contains an extract from cod liver, which enhances the regenerative processes of the skin and eliminates signs of inflammation. The positive pharmacological effect of Desitin therapy appears the very next day after applying the ointment.

The medication has an astringent property and is considered an excellent medicine for eliminating inflammation of the epidermis, which is characterized by the appearance of wounds, scratches, cuts, burns, and eczema.

Treatment of diaper rash

Treatment of intertrigo is carried out in accordance with the established cause of the disease. It is usually performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization. Mandatory measures for the treatment of diaper rash of varying severity are:

  • Careful hygiene (washing with soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, followed by thorough drying of the affected areas).
  • After hygiene procedures, you should use powders with zinc oxide or talc, and the use of antiperspirants is recommended.
  • Wearing underwear made of cotton fabrics and changing it frequently.

Treatment of mild diaper rash

Mild diaper rash resolves quickly with the elimination of irritating factors and careful hygienic care, followed by the use of protective equipment.

Treatment of moderate diaper rash

When moisturizing areas of hyperemia (wetting), you should line the folds of the skin with fabric napkins that absorb moisture well, and also apply talc or drying pastes (zinc, Lassara, Teymur, etc.) to the skin.

Treatment of severe diaper rash

When treating a disease in the stage of violation of the integrity of the skin, healing agents, ultraviolet radiation followed by aeration, and sterile dressings and pads are used.

In case of infection, antibacterial or antifungal drugs are used. For common processes, systemic antibiotic therapy is used.

Means used in the treatment of diaper rash

  1. First of all, the provoking factors – increased humidity and friction – should be eliminated. After washing and drying, use drying agents. Men should wear comfortable underwear made of cotton fabrics and change them during the day if they become very wet. Women should use the “correct” underwear and, if necessary, change it during the day.
  1. After carrying out hygienic procedures, problem areas should be treated with aniseptics: Chrogexidine, Miramistin, Resorcinol solution.
  2. Drying agents.
  • Antiperspirants and powders with Talc minimize sweating.
  • Zinc oxide (zinc paste) has effective water-repellent, barrier and drying properties. Zinc oxide is part of complex preparations used to treat diaper rash, such as Sanosan, Sudocrem, Salicylic-zinc paste, Bübchen cream, Desitin, Rekrem, etc.
  1. Glucocorticoids have powerful anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. When treating diaper rash, Akriderm cream (contains betamethasone) is indicated for use.
  2. When cracks appear, in order to heal damaged areas, preparations containing dexapanthenol are indicated: Panthenol, Bepanten, Recreol, ReCream, etc.

Treatment of candida diaper rash

Before treatment, it is necessary to confirm the fungal etiology of the disease.

Stage-by-stage treatment of candidal intertrigo:

  1. In case of severe inflammation, swelling and weeping during the acute period, lotions or dressings with antiseptic solutions are prescribed.
  2. After lotions, zinc paste is applied to the affected areas.
  3. After eliminating acute inflammation, products based on aniline dyes are used for several days: Fucorcin, methylene blue, Gentian violet.
  4. At the next stage, combined antifungal drugs with steroids are used, which quickly relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. For this purpose, the use of drugs such as Triderm, Travocort, Triakutan, Candiderm, etc. for no more than 3 days is indicated. Next, you should move on to the use of purely antifungal agents.
  5. The most effective for dermatophytosis are medications based on terbinafine: Mycofin or Termicon sprays, Lamisil in the form of cream, ointment and spray, as well as drugs based on pimafucin, clotrimazole, miconazole.
  6. After treatment, for prophylactic purposes, the area of ​​diaper rash should be wiped with antiseptic solutions (boric or salicylic alcohol), fungicidal powders are used.

Treatment of diaper rash complicated by streptococcal infection

When treating streptococcal infections, antibacterial agents are used: topically for mild and moderate intertrigo, orally for severe forms of diaper rash. Baneomycin powder (contains Bacitracin and Neomycin) is effective and is recommended for use under a bandage. Levomekol and Levosin have an antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to use powder with streptocide.

In case of acute inflammation, it is recommended to use combination drugs containing an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid: Betamethasone + Gentamicin, Hydrocorticozone + Oxytetracycline, etc.

The combined dermatotropic agent Sudocrem is widely used in the treatment of diaper rash. The drug has an astringent, local anesthetic, wound healing, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory local effect. Contains Zinc oxide (drying agent), Benzyl alcohol (antiseptic), Benzyl benzoate (promotes regeneration processes), hypoallergenic Lanolin (as a base).

Rice. 29. The photo shows diaper rash in the armpits.


According to the responses of doctors and patients, we can come to the conclusion that ointment when treating diaper rash in a woman’s groin does not always guarantee effective elimination of the problem, since the effect of these medications is aimed only at eliminating the signs of the disease.

It is necessary to understand that behind the external symptoms of an unpleasant condition there may be a much more serious problem hidden. And these signs may indicate the existence of a disease.

Therefore, medical experts in their reviews advise undergoing a medical examination in order for the therapy to be effective and its results to be lasting.

Diaper rash in the groin in adults, elderly, pregnant women: causes

There can be dozens of reasons for diaper rash in women, and can be either permanent or temporary. We have identified the main causes of diaper rash in the groin in women of different ages:

  • Poor quality or synthetic clothing in everyday life. No one disputes the beauty of lace underwear or panties for formal occasions, but in everyday life, cotton underwear is recommended, which does not fade or cause irritation to the skin. The lace edges are beautiful, but if you are prone to diaper rash, skip the perforated dubious pleasure;
  • Tight, small or stretched, rough underwear. Tight tights and uncomfortable trousers. Clothes should be comfortable, or they have no place in your wardrobe;
  • Excess weight. With excess weight, many problems and diseases arise, and diaper rash is no exception. The legs rub against each other, and because of this, additional sweating occurs, which causes additional irritation of the legs, as one of the causes of sweating;
  • Obesity, when the skin in the groin is constantly in folds. Because of this, it does not function fully, coming into contact with air and water, and as a result causes diaper rash;
  • Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating, which causes dermatitis and diaper rash in the groin in women, not only in the heat, but all year round;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards. It is recommended to shower once a day if it is hot outside or the woman is actively sweating - as needed. For example, after fitness, it is recommended to take a shower for 5-10 minutes, otherwise even a slender girl can get diaper rash in the groin;
  • Pregnancy . In the process of bearing a child, the structure of the body changes, the skin becomes softer and more susceptible to friction, heat, and any discomfort. Add weight gain and the occasional diaper rash is understandable;
  • Allergic reactions can give rise to diaper rash in the groin. In this case, comprehensive treatment for allergies with prevention of diaper rash will be required.

Remember that if you want to cure diaper rash, you must simultaneously eliminate or minimize the causes of the problem. If you are pregnant, choose comfortable clothes and comfortable underwear, shower more often and do not forget about talc while walking and moving.

Dermatologist examines diaper rash in a woman's groin

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