The lip is cracked in the middle and does not heal in adults and children: causes, treatment - ointments and folk remedies, signs

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Changes in weather, disruptions in the body - all this can provoke unexpected manifestations on the face. These “effects” include cracks in the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis), which worsen in winter and cold autumn. They are in no hurry to disappear, since the reason may not be simple. The secondary appearance of jams requires serious treatment.

Factors causing angulitis

Seizures (angulitis, angular stomatitis) are a type of skin lesion that is located in the corners of the mouth. The causes of this disease are as follows:

  • increased reactivity of the immune system of an allergic nature, often seizures are one of the accompanying diseases, for example, with eczema, atopic dermatitis;
  • the occurrence of some chronic infection in the body against the background of immunodeficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus (the mechanism is the same as during the formation of a diabetic foot, when tissue trophism is disrupted);
  • hypo- and vitamin deficiency, especially for B vitamins;
  • long-term and intensive antibacterial therapy (destroys beneficial microflora, as a result of which opportunistic microflora is activated);
  • serious changes in hormonal levels, physiological (adolescence, pregnancy) and pathological (with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands).

Cracked lip in the middle: does it need to be treated?

  • Such microtrauma does not seem worth close attention to us, so many people ask the question: is the lip cracked in the middle - does it need to be treated?
  • The answer to this question can be either positive or negative, depending on many circumstances.
  • So, if a crack in your lip appears once and quickly heals on its own, and you do not feel any particular discomfort when eating, talking, or facial movements, you should wait a day or two without resorting to medications.
  • If cracks begin to appear frequently , even if they heal quickly, it is best to consult a specialist, because it is possible that the problem indicates a malfunction in the body.

Should I treat the crack?

  • By eliminating the initial cause determined by the doctor, you will also get rid of the appearance of cracks on your lips without additional effort.
  • Well, and, of course, deep wounds that do not heal for a long time must be treated, again, having previously examined your body to see if everything is okay with it and whether there are any malfunctions in the functioning of any organ.

Varieties of jam

Thus, angulitis can be an allergic inflammation, or a bacterial infection that occurs against the background of weakened immunity and/or impaired trophism of the skin in the corners of the mouth. Allergic seizures are easily identified - they occur after eating some food that is an allergen for the patient. Or the food itself may be overly irritating (spicy, sour). Allergic seizures are often a concern in childhood, when the level of allergic reactivity is especially high. In all other cases, the development of seizures is associated with the addition of an infection:

  • Streptococcal infection. It begins with the formation of a vesicle in the corner of the mouth, which quickly resolves, leaving a small, slightly bleeding erosion. The erosion quickly heals with a purulent-bloody crust. The crusts may peel off and grow back. The jam when moving your mouth can be a little painful. Often develops against the background of bacterial tonsillitis in children.
  • Candida infection (opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida). Here the erosion is not covered with a crust, but is framed by softened epithelium. An easily removable grayish film may appear on the wound. This jam is less noticeable when the mouth is closed.
  • Less commonly, seizures are caused by viruses. If this happens, then with a 95% probability it is a herpes virus type 1 or 2.

The choice of drugs depends entirely on the etiology of angulitis. The nature of the pathology is determined by a dermatologist during a clinical examination, and the exact infectious pathogen is identified by taking a scraping.

How to prevent your lip from cracking in the middle?

  • Make it a rule before you go outside to lubricate the skin of your lips with special protective products (lipstick, balm, etc.) - this way you will moisturize your lips and protect them from drying out. Periodically apply vegetable oils or propolis to your lips.


  • Don’t forget about vitamins : natural, found in seasonal vegetables and fruits, and as part of vitamin complexes purchased in pharmacies.
  • Apply masks before bed, which, once absorbed, will prevent cracking on frosty days.
  • Smoking really dries out your lips, especially if it happens outdoors, combined with exposure to wind or sunlight. Alcohol does not have a better effect on the skin of the lips .
  • Poor quality or expired cosmetics can cause great harm. And you shouldn’t borrow lipstick from a friend - this is a purely individual product, like a toothbrush or comb.

Maybe from low-quality cosmetics

  • If you notice that your lip is cracked in the middle , this happens often, and it takes a long time to heal - consult a specialist and strictly follow the procedures recommended by him.

Treatment of allergic angulitis

If the seizure is of an allergic nature, then antihistamines are first prescribed. The generation of the drug does not play a special role here. It’s just that Suprastin (Chloropyramine, 1st generation) causes severe drowsiness and sometimes headache, and its effect may weaken over time (allergic resistance). Whereas Erius (Desloratadine, 3rd generation) not only competitively binds to histamine receptors, but also inhibits the synthesis of histamine itself. And the side effects are much less pronounced. The “golden mean” is Loratadine - a 2nd generation drug that has almost no side effects, is almost as effective as Erius, but is several times cheaper.

In case of severe allergic inflammation, short-term use of hormonal ointments is permissible: Akriderm, Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil, etc. However, for children under 12 years of age, hormonal ointments are prescribed only as a last resort. As a softer analogue of hormonal ointments, you can use Vishnevsky's liniment. But not longer than 10 days, and care must be taken to ensure that the child does not accidentally lick off the applied drug. We must remember that there is always a risk of infection joining allergic inflammation. Considering that children often comb out bumps with unwashed hands.

How to treat a cracked lip in the middle: folk remedies

Cracked lip in the middle:

  1. You need to lubricate the crack with honey . Its softening and bactericidal effect has a beneficial effect on healing. This method is good if you are not allergic to the product.
  2. Use sour cream and olive oil , adding a couple of drops. Make a mask from this composition and leave it overnight. You can lubricate your lips with butter, and before going out - with Vaseline. By the way, you can prepare your own lip mask from these ingredients, taking three parts oil to one part Vaseline.
  3. tea tree ether is quite effective . If you add 2-3 drops to almond or peach oil and apply to the wound, healing occurs within a few days. If not, it means that the inflammatory process is developing, and then medical consultation is necessary.
  4. Mix vegetable oil with kiwi fruit pulp and apply this mixture to your lip for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mixture and dry your lips, and then moisturize them with a special product. If it doesn’t help, use a compress containing vitamins A and E.
  5. If a small child, especially an infant, has a cracked lip, the reason is most likely due to the composition of the mother’s milk. Therefore, mother should enrich her diet with vitamins. You can lubricate with cream, the main thing is that they do not contain fragrances or dyes.
  6. Home doctor - aloe flower is a universal healing remedy, including for lip cracks.
  7. Another universal remedy - tea rose petals, which are recommended even for infants with stomatitis. Soaked in warm milk for half an hour and ground to a homogeneous consistency, they heal cracks well when applied to the lips.


  8. Echination tincture , and not necessarily from a pharmacy, but also from our own production. Just fill a third of a liter jar with crushed dry echinacea and add alcohol, vodka, moonshine - any strong composition. Leave it to brew for a couple of weeks and take it to boost your immunity before going to bed.

Treatment of infectious angulitis

When angulitis develops due to infection, then the appropriate remedy is needed. Fukortsin is often prescribed as the first line, which has both antibacterial and antifungal activity, and forms a long-term, protective film at the site of damage.

In eliminating bacterial infections, Metrogyl Denta gel, containing Metronidazole and Chlorhexidine as active ingredients, has gained great popularity. Older, but also effective combined broad-spectrum agents are ointments: Methyluracil ointment and Trimistin. Tetracycline ointment and Levomekol are excellent against streptococcal infections.

If the infection is of a fungal nature, then the main treatment is antifungal ointments: Levorin, Nystatin, sulfur-salicylic, and Clotrimazole. Acyclovir is most often prescribed against herpes lesions in the mouth.

Diagnosis of the disease

Unfortunately, patients with angulitis very rarely turn to a specialist for help, but in vain. After all, the acute form of the disease is easier to cure, thereby preventing the disease from becoming chronic.

Required research:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood sugar test;
  • biochemical analysis and liver tests;
  • ELISA blood test for herpes viruses;
  • blood test for syphilis;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Consultation with highly specialized specialists may also be required.

Additional measures and prevention

In addition to therapy that eliminates the cause, auxiliary therapy is required to prevent relapses. Vitamin ointments Panthenol and Bepanten, providing the skin with additional pantothenic acid. Vitaon (one of Karavaev’s balms) is a complex complex based on plant substances (essential oils, calendula, fennel, rose hips, pine, chamomile, mint, St. John’s wort, etc.). Vitaon accelerates regeneration processes, inhibits the development of inflammation and has a slight antiseptic effect. Zinc paste creates good protection against excessive evaporation of moisture from the epidermis and protects against re-entry of microorganisms. And of course, you need proper, fortified nutrition. Skin health is primarily affected by a lack of vitamin B2 in food.

A child’s lip is cracked in the middle: what to do?

  • What to do if a child’s lip is cracked in the middle? Among the remedies used to treat cracked lips in children, mothers recommend the same Bepanten , as well as Boroplus in the form of a cream. The only disadvantage of the latter remedy is the strong sandalwood smell, which not all children like.
  • The methods described above using honey and Vaseline are also used for children. They can be used to lubricate your child's lips while sleeping.

The child has

Before going outside, you need to apply a special hygiene lipstick for children to your baby’s lips. All products must be tested to ensure there are no allergies to them.

If the crack does not heal for a long time, you need to make sure that the child drinks enough fluids and eats foods containing vitamin A. In addition, it is necessary to control that the air in the room where the child is is not too dry.

What do Seline cosmetologists offer?

The most effective methods for correcting such an aesthetic defect as wrinkles in the corners of the lips are botulinum therapy and contouring. Both procedures are injectable. They are also commonly called beauty injections.

Botulinum therapy involves the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of microscopic doses of a purified toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. Preparations based on it are usually called Botox. However, botulinum toxins are produced by various companies and sold under different trade names, for example, Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox, etc. Botulinum toxin has been used in medicine and cosmetology for quite a long time. Reactions to it are well studied and predictable. Botox and its analogues do not make it possible to transmit nerve impulses to the muscle. She remains motionless. And the skin that is connected to it does not stretch. This allows you to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

When performing contour plastic surgery, hyaluronic acid preparations are used. This is a completely biocompatible substance. Normally, it is produced by the body, providing the skin with moisture, participating in biochemical processes, the task of which is to give the dermis firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronates fill the voids in the problem area, modeling it. Wrinkles in the corners of the lips disappear within 10-12 months.

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