Why nipples itch: causes of itchy nipples, treatment

Perhaps each of us faces the question of why the nipple itches from time to time. Indeed, itching and discomfort in the area of ​​the areolas of the mammary glands is a common phenomenon, which is not always a harmless process, as it can indicate the development of serious disorders in the human body and can even be one of the first symptoms of cancer. Therefore, you should not ignore itching sensations in the nipple area, especially if they occur frequently or become permanent. It is better to immediately consult a mammologist, since such discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors.

Atopic dermatitis

Or eczema. This inflammation of the skin sometimes occurs Nipple Dermatitis or Eczema / Sydney Breast Clinic on the nipple or areola - the flat, pink area around it. The causes of dermatitis cannot always be determined: it can be associated with allergies, hormonal changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Eczema can be recognized by a mild, sometimes itchy rash on the nipple and areola. These pimples can be either dry or weeping.

What to do about it

The best option is to consult a physician or dermatologist. As a rule, with eczema on the nipples, moisturizing creams with ceramides (also called ceramides) help - a waxy substance that is part of the stratum corneum of the skin and can help restore it. Sometimes hydrocortisone ointments and creams are used to reduce itching and swelling. You may also need heavy artillery - drugs that are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.

Common causes of itching

The problem of why nipples itch and hurt interests many women of different ages. When a similar symptom occurs, the woman feels extremely irritated, the itching is so severe that attempts to scratch occur and, as a result, irritation.

According to statistics, about 30% of women go to doctors with this problem, but this is only official data, in fact there are much more of them. Experts say that there is no need to panic, because the causes of such manifestations do not always lie in pathological factors. Sometimes they arise due to living conditions or poor hygiene, so itching occurs as a result of external irritants.

Unsuitable detergent

Soap, shower gel, or the powder you used to wash your T-shirt or dress—the chemical compounds they contain can sometimes cause contact dermatitis. Typically, it appears as itchy, red patches all over the body or in areas of sensitive skin. The nipples are those areas.

What to do about it

If your nipples itch for no apparent reason at first glance, remember if you have used a new shower gel or washing powder. Give it up for a while and monitor your condition. If the itching goes away, it means your skin simply doesn’t like a particular product. Try not to use it.

Pathological causes of itching on the nipples

The female body works harmoniously as one mechanism, so the processes occurring in it can have different manifestations. The first thing you should pay attention to is whether the itching causes additional symptoms, for example, various types of discharge. A specialist will pay attention to this during diagnosis.

The main pathological causes include the following conditions:

  1. Menstruation. Some women and girls experience itching at the beginning of their cycle. This occurs under the influence of hormones, the growth of which actively increases. Most often, this symptom occurs in girls during puberty.
  2. Pregnancy. The cause of itching during this delicate period is the same changes in hormonal levels. Itching is usually observed in the first trimester.
  3. Lactation period. During breastfeeding, women often complain that their nipples are itchy and flaky. This occurs due to microcracks that form when the nipple gets into the baby's mouth. Squeezing, biting and constant wetness cause dry skin, cracks and irritation. During this period, women are recommended to use special means.
  4. Allergic or atopic dermatitis. This is the same condition that occurs during the development of allergies and turns into an inflammatory form. In this case, local and general antihistamines are required.
  5. Eczema. A skin condition that causes irritation. Most often it occurs on the limbs and head, but can also occur on the torso, affecting the nipples. Itching is one of the key symptoms of eczema.
  6. Thrush. This disease is caused by fungal infections of the Candida class. It is characterized by extremely unpleasant symptoms, and not only the nipples, but also the genitals itch.
  7. Mammary cancer. This is a dangerous oncological disease that can cause structural changes in the tissues of the mammary glands. When it develops, not only itching occurs, but also discharge from the nipples appears. This pathology requires urgent treatment, in most cases surgical treatment.

How to get rid of itching?

Eliminating the problem depends on the provoking factor. If this is a trivial injury or an allergic reaction, then you can eliminate it yourself.

Another thing is pathological conditions that require complex treatment. It is important to understand that breast itching in the nipple area is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. Therefore, the first step is to undergo diagnostics.

As for thrush and eczema, in this case a comprehensive selection of medications is required that should eliminate the root cause, the symptoms will disappear on their own. In most cases, internal antihistamines are prescribed, the most popular of which are:

  • Tavegil;
  • Calcium gluconate;
  • Eden;
  • Cetrin;
  • Fenistil in the form of drops and ointments.

In addition, complete elimination of the allergen is required. Also, you should not provoke dermatitis, so until the allergy symptoms disappear, you need to go on a diet, eliminating foods that can cause a reaction from your diet.

Young women often complain that before their period their nipples become swollen and itchy. To eliminate this symptom, special therapy is prescribed. A complex drug is selected that relieves symptoms and normalizes hormone function. The most popular drug today is Bellergal. This modern German remedy eliminates discomfort before menstruation and generally improves the health of girls. But it is not prescribed to people with heart failure, kidney failure or liver problems.

Experts say that self-medication in this case can have a detrimental effect on your health, so you should not take any medications without consultation.

Preventive measures

To ensure that this problem no longer bothers you, it is necessary to regularly carry out some preventive measures:

  • select all cosmetics and detergents with particular scrupulousness; it is very important that they contain a hypoallergenic element;
  • when choosing clothes, focus on natural fabrics, especially for the summer set; with increased sweating, the amount of irritation increases;
  • maintain personal hygiene, the body should always be clean and fresh, this is not only pleasant, but also useful;
  • Before taking medications, you should consult your doctor and carefully study possible side effects.

In general, breasts need to be protected and cared for constantly. The most vulnerable part of the mammary gland is the nipples; they are most often injured, so you should pay special attention to them. Beautiful, well-groomed breasts are an indispensable attribute of beauty and femininity.

Features of traditional medicine

Modern experts do not deny the effectiveness of some folk remedies in the fight against itchy nipples. Therefore, they are often included in their treatment regimens as auxiliary techniques aimed at eliminating unpleasant sensations.

Chamomile decoction has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the breast, which promotes the healing of microcracks and perfectly fights infection in them. The product can be prepared even at home by pouring a tablespoon of dried plant flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water and keeping the resulting composition in a water bath for 30 minutes. Chamomile decoction is used twice a day in the form of lotions or rubs. A noticeable effect is observed after the first such procedures.

In any case, you should not rely on the power of herbs. If you experience severe itching in your nipples, you should immediately contact a doctor, who will be able to determine the causes of the problem and prescribe the only correct solution.

Drug therapy

Itching in the nipple area is a symptom of many diseases, so before starting its treatment, you should find out the true causes of this pathological condition. Sometimes, to eliminate unpleasant sensations, it is enough to eliminate the main factor in their development, that is, changing underwear to better quality ones, abandoning previous body hygiene products in favor of their hypoallergenic analogues, and the like.

  • In some cases, when the cause of pathological itching is an allergy, doctors prescribe general and local antihistamines to patients. Most often it is recommended to take Suprastin or Diazolin tablets three times a day after main meals. It will also not be superfluous to use local antiallergic ointments or creams, which should be applied to inflamed areas of the skin twice a day until the manifestations of the disease disappear. In severe clinical cases, the patient may be offered glucocorticoid ointments.

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  • Drugs that normalize hormonal levels and ease the course of menopause and menstruation will help relieve itching and flaking associated with an imbalance of female hormones. Their appointment should be carried out by a gynecologist, taking into account the characteristics of the body of each specific patient.
  • Mastitis requires serious diagnosis and a course of antibacterial therapy. The choice of the necessary antibacterial agent depends on the nature of the pathogen. As a rule, such medications are prescribed in long courses of up to two weeks or even a month.
  • In case of cancer, patients should immediately undergo surgical removal of the tumor, the tissues that surround it, and regional lymph nodes, which will prevent the spread of metastases and save a person’s life.

If your nipples itch due to the development of any disease, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. It is a qualified specialist who is able to adequately assess the current problem and advise his patients on the most effective methods for solving it.

Itchy nipples during pregnancy

Many women experience itchy nipples during pregnancy. This is a completely natural process caused by structural changes and hormonal levels. This phenomenon can occur throughout pregnancy, but is most alarming in the first three months.

Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, various processes occur sharply, the body prepares for bearing and giving birth to a child. The breasts also prepare for feeding, so they actively increase in size. This occurs due to the growth of milk lobes, which will soon be filled with milk.

A sharp increase may be accompanied by stretch marks on the skin. Skin tissues do not keep up with the growth of internal tissues, so so-called stretch marks appear. In addition to itching of the nipples, during such a delicate period in the chest area, you can notice other symptomatic manifestations:

  • redness and irritation around the nipples;
  • dry skin and cracks;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • the appearance of discharge.

Breast changes, pain and itching during pregnancy are common symptoms of this condition and do not require treatment.

Prevention Tips

In order to maintain hygiene in the breast area, it is necessary to take a shower regularly, as well as use cosmetics that will soften the skin and improve its elasticity. You can use a soothing or antiallergic cream. If your nipple is itchy, you can apply a compress of chamomile decoction, which will help relieve redness and itching.

If your breast itches and your nipple is covered in spots or swelling appears, then the best method is to see a doctor. There can be many reasons for itching, so treatment is individual in each case. Universal solutions can only harm the patient.

General signs of hormonal disorders

In addition to specific symptoms of hormonal imbalance, there are also less typical ones, which may, however, indicate incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland, or be part of the picture of an imbalance of sex hormones:

  • decreased or sharp increase in libido;
  • excess weight without diet errors;
  • fatigue, loss of strength, tearfulness;
  • changes in facial features (bulging eyes with hypothyroidism);
  • drowsiness, tachycardia, sweating;
  • muscle weakness.

Hormonal imbalance in women is characterized by a pattern in which several alarming signs appear simultaneously. The sexual sphere, appearance, and activity suffer.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance is necessary to restore the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system, make conception and pregnancy possible, achieve regular ovulation and simply give a woman a high quality of life. The Dr.AkNer clinic will definitely help you understand the causes of the failure and eliminate them.

Strengthening the immune system is a must for healthy skin

In parallel with the drugs described above, vitamin therapy and the use of immunomodulators deserve special attention. Strengthening the body's defenses is a task of paramount importance in the treatment of a disease such as nipple eczema.

Pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes containing folic and ascorbic acids, vitamins B, C, E, A, as well as drugs can replenish the body with all the missing microelements.

  • Immunoflazid;
  • Immunal;
  • Immunofan;
  • Timalin.

In addition, these immunomodulators are very effective during exacerbations of chronic eczema.

Mammary cancer

The presence of certain symptoms should seriously alert a woman. If a lump is observed during palpation, the chest hurts, bloody discharge appears, and itching in the nipples does not stop, then there is a possibility that breast cancer may be detected during diagnosis.

It can be treated at an early stage, so it is important to detect the disease in a timely manner.

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