Coffee grounds body scrub. Recipe for making your own coffee scrub for cellulite. Photo

Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. Scrubs based on it remove dead skin cells and cleanse pores, activate blood circulation, enhance metabolism, allowing you to successfully fight the “orange peel”. Coffee is often included in industrial anti-cellulite cosmetics, but you can make an effective scrub based on it yourself.

Benefits of coffee grounds for skin

Coffee grounds are suitable for almost everyone.

It is not for nothing that it is widely used in cosmetology:

  • coffee refreshes and tones the skin;
  • gently and gently cleanses pores;
  • deeply moisturizes;
  • protects the skin from the adverse effects of external irritants, including ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out facial tone and eliminates yellowness;
  • tightens the skin in problem areas, eliminates cellulite;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties.

Caffeine masks

Caffeine is an alkaloid that is found in the green matter of plants such as the coffee tree, cola grass, etc. In its pure form, these are bitter crystals, white or colorless. Used in cosmetology as an anti-cellulite, tonic, eliminating pigmentation and inflammatory processes on the skin. Caffeine, also accelerating blood circulation and increasing the turgor of the epidermis, gradually leads to rejuvenation of the skin. Eliminates puffiness under the eyes. Usually added to body wraps for early aging, pigmentation, and swelling.

It has no contraindications, except that in case of individual intolerance it can cause itching, redness and burning. You can buy it in pharmacies in ampoules in the form of a solution or in tablet form.

How to choose the right coffee for making a scrub

There is no need to buy a coffee grounds scrub; it can be easily prepared at home. For maximum effectiveness, you should find out which coffee to use for cosmetic purposes.

Only natural coffee is suitable.

The degree of grinding is selected depending on the skin type and method of use. For facial skin, choose finely ground coffee and brew it in a Turkish coffee pot. A scrub made from coarsely ground coffee beans has an anti-cellulite effect. It is also used for places with rough skin: feet or old calluses.

Anti-cellulite properties of coffee

Coffee is a two-in-one remedy that affects cellulite. Small particles of coffee beans provide an “abrasive” scrubbing effect, clean and massage the skin, and increase blood flow to problem areas. And the caffeine they contain acts as an active ingredient. He:

  • dilates blood vessels, activating blood circulation and preventing varicose veins;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, helping to “burn” deposits;
  • removes excess fluid, reducing swelling and reducing the volume of problem areas;
  • improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, helps get rid of slagging from the body;
  • activates collagen production and improves skin tone, making it smooth and elastic.

Rules for using grounds at home

General recommendations:

  • The recipe is chosen based on skin type. Coffee grounds are mixed with the necessary ingredients, gently massage the resulting mixture onto the skin, and rinse with warm water;
  • Before applying the product, the skin must be steamed. If you do the procedure for the body, it is important to take a warm bath; for the face, pour hot water or a decoction of herbs into a bowl, bend over it, covering yourself with a towel. As a result, the skin will steam and be ready for further procedures;

  • Any of the recipes is used in a course of 10-15 procedures, after which the skin is allowed to rest for several months, then the recipe is changed. It is forbidden to make a coffee scrub every day; this can make the skin too thin and worsen its condition. For dry facial skin, procedures are done once every 2 weeks, for normal skin – once a week, for oily skin – twice a week.

Useful properties of the ingredient

Coffee bean masks are popular among women because they can prolong the youth of aging skin . Since they contain the following substances:

  • caffeine. Increases the elasticity of the dermis, significantly increases the production of enzymes that affect the restoration of “tired” cells;
  • antioxidants. Removes toxins and impurities. Promote skin rejuvenation;
  • chlorogenic acid. Serves as protection against the harmful effects of direct sunlight on the skin;
  • carotenoids. If their cells are normal, the skin has a radiant and healthy appearance;
  • vitamins and microelements. Nourish and moisturize dermal cells.

Coffee grounds scrub recipes

Coffee peeling for face

Any skin type requires deep cleansing, so coffee peeling is suitable for everyone. This procedure is done to rejuvenate the skin, improve blood circulation, and even out the complexion. Peeling exfoliates dead skin particles without damaging it.

To make coffee peeling at home, you need to use dried coffee. It is important to choose the finest grind possible. A popular recipe for coffee scrub with apricots.

Preparation and use:

  1. The pulp of 3 fruits is crushed in a blender, add 3 tsp. coffee mass and 10 ml of liquid cream.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied along massage lines.
  3. When the peeling begins to dry out, it should be washed off thoroughly.

Apricots can be replaced with bananas, strawberries, and raspberries. Peeling is done maximum once a week. You should not be in the sun for 12 hours after the procedure. Direct sunlight can cause age spots to appear.

Coffee and honey scrub recipe

A universal recipe for coffee scrub with honey and blue clay is suitable for absolutely any skin type. After the procedure, the pores will be cleaned, blood circulation will improve, and the skin will be tightened.

Preparation and use:

  1. The dried coffee mass (2 tbsp) must be combined with blue clay (1 tbsp), gradually adding hot water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. The scrub components should be mixed with honey (1 tsp), massage the face, neck and décolleté.
  3. The scrub should be washed off at the first sign of drying on the skin with water at room temperature.

It is important to remember that honey is an allergen. It is also not recommended for use on the face with rosacea.

Coffee scrub with sour cream

This simple recipe deeply cleanses, nourishes and saturates the skin with vitamins. Sour cream is chosen depending on the skin type: the drier it is, the more oily the sour cream is needed.

Preparation and use:

  1. Thick, preferably homemade, sour cream (2 tbsp) should be whipped with a blender and mixed with coffee mixture (2 tbsp).
  2. Massaging the skin, the mixture should be distributed over the face.
  3. After the scrub has dried, you should wash your face.

After using this scrub, the skin will glow, as coffee will exfoliate dead particles from its surface, and sour cream will moisturize and enrich it with vitamins.


A scrub made from coffee grounds at home actively fights blackheads and improves blood circulation.

Preparation and use:

  1. Cinnamon (1 tsp) should be mixed with coffee grounds (1 tbsp).
  2. Melted honey (1 tsp) should be combined with sea buckthorn oil (1 tsp).
  3. After thoroughly stirring the ingredients, you need to distribute the mixture over your face with massage movements.
  4. After waiting for the scrub to dry on your face, you should wash your face with cold water.

Cinnamon may cause an allergic reaction. If itching or burning occurs after application, the scrub should be washed off immediately.

With gelatin

Gelatin contains collagen, so the scrub according to this recipe not only cleanses, but also rejuvenates the skin.

Preparation and use:

  1. Gelatin (1 tablespoon) should be poured with water (3 tablespoons) and left until it swells.
  2. The mixture must be heated until the gelatin grains are completely dissolved.
  3. The resulting mass should be combined with the grounds of slept coffee (1 tbsp.).
  4. Massaging the face, the scrub should be distributed over the skin of the face, and then washed.

You need to heat the gelatin mixture carefully: if the gelatin boils, it will lose its beneficial qualities.

With egg

A scrub made from coffee grounds at home will get rid of fine wrinkles and smooth out deep creases. To achieve the best effect, you need to try a recipe made from coffee, rye flour and yolk.

Preparation and use:

  1. Rye flour (1 tbsp.) needs to be mixed with coffee mixture (1 tbsp.), pour in the yolk, stir.
  2. Gently massaging your face, you need to distribute the scrub over the skin.
  3. As soon as the mixture dries, you need to wash your face and apply a nourishing cream.

For dry skin, the scrub should be diluted with nourishing oil - jojoba, argan, peach or apricot kernels (1 tsp).

Recipe for weight loss with added oil

A coffee grounds scrub will help burn fat. Using the product at home, you can lose 2-3 kg.

Preparation and use:

  1. The dried coffee mass (5 tbsp) should be mixed with peach seed oil (3 tbsp).
  2. Thick, solid honey (1 tbsp) must be placed in a water bath until it becomes liquid.
  3. Then you need to combine all the components of the scrub.
  4. Massaging the skin, you need to distribute the mixture throughout the body, thoroughly rub the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.
  5. After the massage, you need to take a shower and apply nourishing cream to the steamed skin.

To achieve maximum results, the scrub must be applied in a course of 10 procedures.

Salt and coffee mask for cellulite

This simple scrub improves blood circulation in the tissues. For preparation, it is recommended to use coarse Dead Sea salt.

Scrub made from coffee grounds with salt is one of the effective remedies for cellulite.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix the salt with the coffee (1:1).
  2. After which you should add shower gel (1 tsp) for ease of application.
  3. If you are not allergic, you should add orange essential oil (5 drops).
  4. You need to steam your body, thoroughly massage it with the resulting scrub, and take a shower.

To get rid of cellulite, you need to do a salt scrub with coffee, exercise regularly and eat right.

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Anti-cellulite scrub with coffee and sugar

Sugar scrubs are a very popular home cosmetic product, and using sugar “in tandem” with coffee gives a good anti-cellulite effect. To prepare such a scrub, take equal quantities:

  • regular granulated sugar
  • ground or drunk coffee,
  • any basic vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, grape seed, jojoba, etc.).

This coffee body scrub recipe not only fights cellulite, but also nourishes and softens the skin. Therefore, a coffee-sugar scrub is often recommended for skin prone to dryness.

Recipes for aging skin

A scrub made from coffee grounds at home is most beneficial for aging skin. Natural antioxidants contained in the product rejuvenate the skin.

With cottage cheese

Preparation and use:

  1. The mixture after drinking coffee should be combined with cottage cheese of medium fat content (1:1).
  2. For ease of application, add milk (1 tbsp) to the mixture.
  3. You need to gently massage your face with the scrub.
  4. After 5 minutes, when the scrub begins to dry, you need to wash your face.

A curd and coffee scrub will make your skin glowing and tightened.

With rice flour

Preparation and use:

  1. Rice flour should be mixed with the grounds after drinking a cup of coffee (1 tablespoon each).
  2. Add hot milk to the coffee-rice mixture until you get the consistency of sour cream.
  3. The resulting scrub should be carefully distributed over the face.
  4. After leaving the product on for a few minutes, you need to wash your face.

Rice flour has a strong anti-aging effect and is widely used in Japan.

What to look for when choosing a ready-made product

Factory-produced coffee scrub can be purchased in almost any cosmetic department of the supermarket. When choosing a product, pay attention to what skin type it is intended for:

  • If you have dry skin, do not under any circumstances buy a coffee scrub for oily skin - you will only aggravate existing skin problems rather than eliminate them;
  • The ideal solution would be to purchase products for all skin types.

If there are problems inherent to a certain type, a scrub selected individually will have the optimal effect.

Read on the packaging or tube what the product contains. A scrub based on natural coffee beans, without the addition of chemical impurities, is considered to be of the highest quality. According to cosmetologists, the maximum effect can be achieved by using a product containing green coffee.

Please pay attention to the specified conditions and shelf life of the product. Do not buy the product after the expiration date. You should also not buy a tube that is on a lighted shelf if it says “storage in a dark place.”

If the storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer are not observed, the components of the product enter into oxidative reactions, losing their original properties.

Nourishing products for dry skin

Dry facial skin needs nutritional components that need to be added to the recipe of your choice (yolk, butter or sour cream). It is a misconception that deep cleansing is only required for oily or combination skin.

With oatmeal


  1. Oatmeal (1 tbsp) should be steamed with milk (2 tbsp), leave to infuse for 3 minutes.
  2. The steamed oatmeal should be mixed with the coffee mixture (1 tbsp).
  3. The scrub should be gently massaged into the skin and left on the face until the first signs of the mixture drying out.
  4. Afterwards you need to wash your face with non-hot water.

Oatmeal not only nourishes the skin, but also enhances the cleansing effect of coffee.

With nuts and sour cream


  1. Walnuts (1 tablespoon) must be crushed in a mortar or in any other way.
  2. Spilled coffee grounds (1 tbsp) should be combined with nut crumbs.
  3. It is advisable to beat homemade sour cream (1 tbsp) with a blender.
  4. Afterwards, you need to combine all the components of the scrub and apply with light movements along the massage lines.
  5. When the mixture dries, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature.

This scrub deeply but gently cleanses the skin and nourishes it.

Rules for applying masks

Applying coffee masks is practically no different from the others:

  • use only freshly prepared products;
  • check the skin’s reaction to the components that make up the mask;
  • the skin must be prepared before applying the product;
  • You can apply the composition with a brush, or you can use your fingertips. Thin and delicate skin around the eyes should be treated especially carefully;
  • Start applying from top to bottom and preferably along massage lines.

The picture shows the directions of the massage lines along which the mask should be applied

After applying the product, it is better to sit in a chair or lie down, first placing a towel under your head.

Important! If you feel discomfort after applying the mask, it is better to wash off the composition immediately.

Scrub for oily skin types

Egg white is responsible for the oil balance of the skin in this scrub. By using the scrub weekly, you can make your skin more matte.

Preparation and use:

  1. The coffee mass after drinking coffee (1 tbsp) is mixed with sea salt (1 tsp).
  2. Beat the egg white to a fluffy white mass, combine with coffee and salt.
  3. The resulting air mass should be applied with massage movements, gently massaging the T-zone.
  4. You need to wait until the scrub dries and then wash your face.

If the skin is inflamed or has wounds, salt should not be added.

Rules of application

For scrubbing to be effective, you need to follow simple rules. It is recommended to use the scrub for the face 1–2 times, for the body – 2–3 times. The composition should be applied to steamed skin. In this case, the beneficial components will be able to penetrate deeper into the epidermis. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas.

For convenience and less trauma to your hands during scrubbing, you can use gloves. After the procedure, the skin should be moisturized with a nourishing cream.

The scrub should be applied with soft circular movements. At the same time, you can do healing lymphatic drainage.

This product should not be applied to damaged skin areas, rashes and various skin diseases.

To enhance the anti-cellulite effect, it is recommended to combine scrubbing with chocolate wrap or a visit to the sauna.

Coffee scalp scrub

A scrub made from coffee grounds at home will deeply cleanse your scalp. This procedure should be performed weekly. With the help of coffee grounds, the hair will become dirty more slowly, will begin to grow faster, and root volume will appear.

Preparation and use:

  1. The drained coffee mass (3 tbsp) must be combined with almond oil (1 tbsp).
  2. Add cinnamon essential oil (2-3 drops) to the resulting mass.
  3. Unwashed hair should be wetted, blotted with a towel to remove excess moisture, and the scrub should be distributed along the partings.
  4. The scalp must be massaged for 5 minutes.
  5. Leave the product on your hair for 10 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

If your hair is too oily, add 1 tbsp to the recipe. l. blue clay diluted with hot water. It should be remembered that if there are wounds or other damage on the scalp, the scrub cannot be used.

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Proper peeling procedure

To get a high-quality result, you should take into account some features of the peeling procedure:

  1. Do not use instant coffee or sweetened coffee grounds. Such components will not bring any benefit and may cause harm. Prepare a cleansing mixture based on roasted coffee without adding aromatic impurities. When using ground coffee, make sure that the product does not contain coarse, large particles to avoid damaging your skin.
  2. Be sure to test for sensitivity to the components of the cosmetic product. Apply a little mixture to the inside of your elbow or wrist and wait fifteen minutes. If there is no redness or itching, you can use the composition on the face.
  3. Follow the rules for applying a scrub and facial care before and after the cleansing procedure.

Skin preparation

Wash with soap or a special product to remove makeup and dirt. Soak a cotton swab with tonic or lotion and further cleanse your face. Now to get the desired result, the skin needs to be steamed.

To do this, fill a basin with hot water or herbal decoction. Cover yourself with a towel, close your eyes and sit over the steam for ten to fifteen minutes.

You can use a so-called facial sauna or an inhaler, which involves a special design for breathing over hot compounds.

Steaming opens the pores, allowing deep penetration of beneficial substances from the coffee scrub.

Rules for applying peeling to the face

Distribute the scrub evenly over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. It is recommended to rub the mixture for two to five minutes. The skin should be massaged in a circular motion, in the direction from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the center of the nose and chin to the cheekbones, from the cheekbones to the ears.

Precautionary measures

Do not use the peeling mixture if there are wounds, cracks, burns or purulent inflammations on the skin. Do not use the product if you have dilated veins and capillaries, vascular and blood diseases.

Before the cleansing procedure, conduct a sensitivity test to the components of the mixture on the inner surface of the elbow or on the wrist. In case of allergic reactions, peeling cannot be performed.

Coffee is a product that stimulates the nervous system. If you have insomnia or problems falling asleep, do not perform the cleansing procedure immediately before going to bed.

Post-procedure care

You can wash off the mixture with cool water. If the peeling contains oils, it is recommended to rinse off the scrub with warm water.

After removal from the skin, dousing with alternating warm and cold water is recommended.

Contrast dousing additionally tones the skin layers and triggers cell regeneration.

You can wash your face with a warm herbal decoction. After finishing the cleansing procedure, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face. It is also good to use baby moisturizer - it has a more delicate texture.

Reviews of coffee scrubs, before and after photos

Coffee scrub has helped many women get rid of wrinkles, make their complexion even, and their color healthy.

But not everyone notes its effectiveness. Like any other cosmetic product, coffee scrub is not suitable for every girl. While it may help improve skin condition for some, it may not be useful for others. In rare cases, coffee grounds can have a negative effect.

Women note that before the first use, the scrub should be tested on a small area of ​​skin , for example, on the bend of the elbow or wrist. The absence of burning, itching, and redness means that there is no allergic reaction and the product can be used.

But this does not mean that it will bring the desired effect. It is important to choose a recipe based on your skin type and follow the instructions for use. If your facial skin is dry, you need to be extremely careful with peels and scrubs made from coffee grounds or any other ingredients.

However, those women who chose the right recipe speak of the high effectiveness of the product. If you do the procedures in a course, you can achieve a significant effect - get rid of cellulite, even lose a few centimeters in the volume of your hips and abdomen.

The coffee peeling and facial scrub received especially positive reviews. Women note that this is an affordable product that is always at hand and can replace expensive cosmetic products. Making a scrub from coffee grounds at home is not difficult. The results of using this universal remedy will be noticeable immediately.

To achieve maximum effect, any of the procedures should not be one-time, but a course of 10-15 procedures.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Contraindications for coffee peeling

To avoid side effects, it is not recommended to use coffee scrubs in several cases:

  • if there is an allergic reaction to its component,
  • with increased sensitivity,
  • for serious skin or blood diseases.

If you follow these simple rules, coffee scrub will become an effective remedy in solving many facial skin problems.


Mira: I have RICHE body scrub - it’s a very good product that can also be used to cleanse the face.

Sasha: I always wanted to make a scrub or something else from cosmetics myself and decided to start with a coffee scrub. I would never have thought that such a product could be no worse than a store-bought one, but this is a fact - a very good effect.

Ira: I have a product from the Green Pharmacy, I really liked the fact that it contains natural ingredients, which does not cause any negative effects on the skin - I recommend it to everyone.

Store-bought anti-cellulite scrubs

Most of us don’t have time to prepare anti-cellulite scrubs ourselves. In this case, products sold in cosmetic stores come to the rescue.

How to choose a good scrub in the store

When choosing a product, you first need to pay attention to the composition. The product must contain natural absorbents: sea salt, crushed apricot kernels, ground coffee and others

Also, a good scrub always contains a softening component: shea or sesame butter, berry pulp, and so on.

Natural or synthetic exfoliating particles - the choice is yours

However, if the skin in problem areas is overly sensitive, pay attention to artificial granules. The latter have a more rounded and soft shape, due to which they do not injure the epidermis

For normal epidermis, any purchased products are suitable. Alternate between gentle and aggressive scrubs to achieve the best results. For oily skin, the ideal choice would be any product containing citrus essential oil. The latter normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.

Anti-cellulite scrubs from well-known companies

Today, many companies produce anti-cellulite scrubs. Among them, the most popular and effective products that have earned a good reputation stand out.

"Fitness Body" from Floresan

The hot scrub from the “Fitness Body” line from Floresan is suitable exclusively for normal and oily epidermis. The product contains the following active components:

  • Chili concentrate. The substance greatly heats the epidermis and accelerates blood microcirculation in the affected area.
  • Cinnamon oil. The effect of the substance is similar to dry chili. The ether actively burns fat in the treated area.
  • Caffeine. Helps accelerate intracellular metabolism and rapid burning of subcutaneous fat.
  • Diatoms. Serves as an abrasive. Promote active cleansing of the epidermis and removal of dead skin cells.

Hot scrub "Fitness Body" from Floresan has a strong burning effect

The scrub is available in a volume of 500 ml. The product has passed government tests and is considered absolutely safe. The product costs from 180 (on the Internet) to 300 rubles (in pharmacies and cosmetic stores).

Chocolatte Sherbet Brazilian

Anti-cellulite scrub Chocolatte Sherbet Brazilian is a warming scrub. The product is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of cellulite. The manufacturer claims that the product is completely natural. The scrub contains the following ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • honey;
  • soap nut;
  • oils: shea, flax, camelina, mustard, St. John's wort;
  • lanolin;
  • lecithin;
  • glycerol;
  • ground coffee;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • green coffee extract;
  • red pepper extract.

Chocolatte Sherbet Brazilian Scrub has a creamy consistency and pleasant aroma

The product improves blood circulation and increases skin elasticity. In addition, the product promotes tissue renewal and improves the appearance of the epidermis. The product costs about 320 rubles.

Organic Shop “Brazilian coffee with sugar”

Organic Shop “Brazilian coffee with sugar” has a very pleasant aroma and hard texture. The main components of the product are organic coffee oil and cane sugar. After the procedure using a scrub, the skin becomes softer to the touch and elastic. The product costs 200–250 rubles.

Organic Shop scrub “Brazilian coffee with sugar” has a dark color and viscous consistency

Hot salt scrub Natura Siberica Sauna&Spa

Sauna&Spa hot salt body scrub contains the following active ingredients:

  • Juniper oil. Helps restore the structure of the epidermis, making it stronger and more elastic.
  • Siberian brine salt. Helps even out the tone and surface of the epidermis. In addition, the substance activates blood flow in tissues.
  • Kaporsky tea. Removes waste and toxins from cells, and also helps tonify the epidermis.
  • Altai mountain honey. Helps moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

Hot salt scrub Natura Siberica Sauna&Spa is sold in a large black package

The product is sold on the manufacturer's website, as well as in cosmetic stores. The product is not cheap: 820–850 rubles for 370 ml.

A few recommendations

To maximize the effect of using a scrub, it is important to know how to prepare and apply the coffee mass. Here are some basic recommendations.

  1. Only coffee beans are suitable for preparing the cleansing mixture.
  2. Coffee must be prepared using special technology. It is necessary to pour boiling water, ground to the consistency of green coffee powder. After this, the drink should boil for a couple of minutes. Do not add cream or sugar to your coffee.
  3. Ready coffee grounds must be strictly stored in the refrigerator, in a dark, hermetically sealed container. You can store and use it frequently for five days.
  4. It is advisable to apply the scrub to the body after taking a hot shower.
  5. A scrub with anti-cellulite properties can be used twice a week, not more often. Those with dry dermis can undergo the procedure no more than once every one and a half weeks.
  6. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your skin with moisturizer.
  7. It is not recommended to use the scrub if you have breakouts or breakouts. The procedure is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

For legs

Legs are perhaps the sexiest part of a woman's body. Slender legs can drive any man crazy, so every girl tries to preserve their beauty.

For hips

Cellulite has ruined more than one pair of women's legs. To get rid of it, women are ready to go to great lengths - exhaust themselves with physical activity in the gym, give up sweets and starchy foods. However, if you add scrubbing to all this, a positive result will not be long in coming. Here are just a few of the most effective anti-cellulite scrub options.

With honey and chocolate

Grate 100 grams of frozen dark chocolate (or grind in a blender). Add 40 grams of sea salt. Next, send 30 grams of honey. At the very end, add a couple of drops of almond oil. Mix the mixture well and apply it to problem areas, massage well and leave for 5 minutes.

With salt and sand

Those who struggle with cellulite will forget about the problem forever if they regularly use a scrub, to prepare which you need to mix sea salt and sand in equal proportions, add a tablespoon of olive oil to them. The resulting paste must be heated in a microwave oven and warm (!) applied to problem areas.

With salt and coffee

There is another weight loss scrub that eliminates cellulite and is a great help in the fight against excess weight. Add a little sour cream to the coffee-salt mixture (proportions 1:1). Apply the composition for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

With sugar

To create a mixture that will help get rid of cellulite and make stretch marks less noticeable, mix a glass of sugar and sea salt, add 120 ml of oily olive squeeze and mix thoroughly. Use the same as those we have already introduced you to.

For the knees

If a girl does not play sports, then over time fat begins to accumulate in the knee area. Do you want people to envy the beauty of your legs? Then physical activity (a set of exercises will not be difficult to find on the Internet) and scrubbing will come to your aid.

With salt and sour cream/yogurt

Combine 2 tablespoons of medium-ground sea salt with a tablespoon of sour cream or the same amount of natural thick yogurt. Apply to your knees, massage for 5-7 minutes and remove.


Grind half a lemon in a blender without removing the skin. Pour 85 grams of sugar into the resulting slurry. Use as directed. If after the procedure you have a little composition left, then you should not throw it away - it can be stored well in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

With aspirin

Grind 25 acetylsalicylic acid tablets in a blender or coffee grinder. Combine a small amount of powder with shower gel to make a paste. Proceed with the procedure. Pour the remaining powder into a dry, clean container and seal tightly.

Recommendations for the use of coffee-based scrubs

The purpose of scrubbing compositions is to stimulate the desquamation of the upper keratinized epidermal layer, stimulate blood circulation and metabolic reactions through mechanical action on the skin. Scrubs may contain large, medium or small particles. The larger the inclusions, the more intense the impact. Mixtures with large and medium inclusions are more often used for body skin care. Fine abrasives are used for sensitive areas, treatment of the face and neck, and for dry and hyperreactive skin.

In skin care, every detail matters. There is a time frame for the scrubbing procedure. It is recommended to apply the composition in the evening, between 18.00 and 21.00. During these hours, the skin is ready to cleanse and absorb nutrients, and the upcoming night's sleep will allow the surface to fully recover.

Which coffee product is suitable for cosmetic recipes?

For the manufacture of cosmetic compositions, black and green coffee beans are suitable, which are pre-ground in a coffee grinder or with a pestle in a porcelain mortar. Dispersed powder forms the basis of scrubbing mixtures. Pre-heat treatment (roasting) of black coffee reduces the amount of beneficial compounds compared to green beans. Green coffee contains the maximum range of active ingredients unchanged.

Scrubs made from coffee cake remaining after brewing natural coffee are also used and give a good effect. An important condition: the absence of traces of dairy products and other additives in the grounds. During the cooking process, some of the active compounds are lost, so the remainder is inferior in intensity to ground grains. The mechanical action of products prepared on the basis of brewed coffee will be softer and suitable for sensitive skin.

Instant forms of coffee cannot be used to make scrubs. Their composition is poor in useful substances and is not able to provide the desired effect from the procedure.

Helpful cooking tips

To prepare an anti-cellulite scrub, homemade recipes, as a rule, include only natural coffee; instant coffee is not at all suitable for this case.

  • You can use both coffee grounds and ground natural coffee.
  • Green coffee is the most effective remedy for cellulite because it contains the highest caffeine content.
  • It is better to use a fine grind, as coarse grinding can damage your skin.
  • Anti-cellulite coffee scrub is best used several times in one week, and it is better to use anti-cellulite hot scrub only once - reviews after its use show that this is the most optimal.

One way or another, using a coffee scrub constantly, you will certainly see the effect. Every day your skin will become smoother, and you will become more and more confident in yourself and the beauty of your body!

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