Garnier face mask for blackheads and 5 more cleansers

Cosmetologists recommend the universal Garnier product for comprehensive facial skin care. It provides intensive and additional care for the neck and décolleté area. The Garnier company holds a leading position in the cosmetics market. The popularity of the brand lies in its natural composition, complemented by innovative technologies that can preserve youthful skin for a long time. Extracts of flowers, fruits and medicinal plants, various types of cosmetic clay, oils, bee products, sodium hyaluronate and glycerin moisturize, cleanse, soften and nourish tissue cells. The company's specialists develop masks that solve problems of any type of dermis. Cosmetics improve the condition of the dermis, prevent cell damage, as well as the negative effects of natural factors. The brand is accessible to a wide range of consumers, as it belongs to the mass market class. But this does not diminish its positive factors. After the first use you will see a positive result.

Manufacturer and brand

The French scientist Garnier in 1904 created a product that cares for the skin of the face. In the same year, he became the head of the Garnier company, which produces a wide range of cosmetic products for the face, body and hair. Natural ingredients and high-quality production make the brand popular in 65 countries around the world. Among the large selection, everyone can find their own mask. The annual renewal and creation of new collections pleases customers. This makes the brand one of the leaders in the cosmetology industry. The created products are adapted for different skin types and ages. In this case, the wishes of women and the recommendations of specialists are taken into account. Innovative products simplify everyday life and care for the dermis as effectively as possible.


To prevent dry skin, you need to use Garnier BB cream. It enhances the effect of cleansing and toning products and also has a moisturizing effect. It has a light, airy structure and is quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky film. Additionally enriched with sunscreen filter SPF15. Available in light beige and natural beige shades, which allows you to mask acne marks.

Garnier “Clean Skin Active” products are an excellent solution for problem skin and blackheads. The main thing is to use the entire range of products from this series.

Features of cosmetics from Garnier

Masks solve various problems. Some remove impurities, tighten pores, exfoliate, and lighten age spots. Others cope with blackheads and acne, smooth out wrinkles, even out skin texture, and brighten tone. The product additionally nourishes with vitamins, restores water balance and protects the dermis from the negative effects of the environment: wind, sun, temperature changes. Find out what types of face masks there are in this article.

Benefits and action, problems solved

Masks from Garnier are recommended for use from 18 years of age. The skin type for which the product is produced is always indicated on the packaging. The composition includes natural ingredients:

  • kaolin;
  • salicylic acid;
  • green tea extract;
  • witch hazel;
  • pomegranate;
  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid.

The benefit is to eliminate problems on the face. Masks have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and antibacterial effects. They are capable of:

  • tonify;
  • exfoliate dead epithelial cells;
  • cleanse pores of plugs and narrow them;
  • soften and saturate with oxygen;
  • return smoothness;
  • increase barrier properties;
  • neutralize inflammation;
  • prevent the appearance of acne;
  • restore metabolic processes;
  • equip with additional collagen and elastin;
  • prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • eliminate signs of fatigue and swelling;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Each mask is produced with a specific composition of ingredients. The choice should be made based on the problems, age and type of dermis.

What skin is it suitable for?

The problem type needs a product with a cleansing effect. It should moisturize and fight acne and blackheads. The composition may include clay and zinc. A mask with a steaming effect is suitable for oily types. This will help rid the dermis of impurities, blackheads, and enlarged pores. Makes your face matte and removes oily shine. Recommended for normal and combination types with a moisturizing and refreshing effect. The most suitable components are green tea extracts, hyaluronic acid and serum for deep hydration of the intercellular layers. Dry and sensitive dermis should count on masks with hydration and softening. Chamomile extract, sodium hyaluronate and glycerin will replenish tissue cells with moisture, affecting the deepest layers. Smooth out wrinkles and folds, even out the oval and tone. They will make your face soft and velvety. The product can be selected for any skin type. Find out the features of professional cosmetic masks by following the link.

Are there any contraindications

To find out if there is an allergic reaction to the components in the composition, you should conduct a test. To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist and leave for 20 minutes. If redness and irritation do not appear, the mask can be used. However, there are other contraindications:

  • manifestation of vascular network on the face;
  • purulent and open wounds;
  • eczema and psoriasis.

A selection of the best men's masks is presented here.


The use of a cleansing tonic allows you to refresh the dermis after cleansing procedures. The product contains a formula with salicylic acid and zinc, which guarantees effective relief from acne, blackheads, inflammation, and oily shine. Pores narrow, skin becomes matte and smooth. Application: moisten a cotton pad and wipe your face after washing.

The best cosmetics from Garnier

A review of popular cosmetic products from Garnier will help customers make their choice.

Steaming face mask with zinc - method of use

The mask formula with a steaming effect cleanses pores at a deep level and revitalizes them for 7 days. Removes oily shine and regulates sebaceous secretions. Clay, glycerin and zinc, in contact with the dermis, open pores, remove sebaceous plugs, eliminate unevenness, and moisturize.

Price from 130 rubles.

The mask is applied to the face, left for 5 minutes and washed off. Advantages: does not dry out, spreads easily and evenly, is economical to use. Can mattify and fight blackheads. Cons: poor pore cleansing, chemical ingredients. There is also a similar product among Vilenta masks.

By overusing heating masks, you can disrupt blood microcirculation and make capillaries brittle.

Moisturizing + FRESHNESS super moisturizing and cleansing with green tea

Suitable for combination, problem and normal skin. The product is well soaked in a gel based on green tea extract, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing serum. When applied, it acts as a compress, moisturizing the intercellular space. Instant hydration leaves you feeling comfortable and fresh. The mask has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Benefits: moisturizes well, nourishes with vitamins, mattifies. Easy to find on sale. Disadvantages: does not tighten pores well, high price - from 150 rubles. We also collected the best sheet masks for you here.

3-in-1 Gel, scrub, mask “Clean Skin”

Gel-scrub-mask is recommended for problematic, oily and combination dermis. Fights acne, blackheads and oily sheen. Gently exfoliates dead epithelial cells and dries. Zinc, eucalyptus extract, pumice microparticles, salicylic acid and kaolin regulate sebum production. Can effectively cleanse and remove sebaceous plugs from pores. Evens out tone, texture and mattifies. Restoring the water balance in the cells makes the dermis fresh, soft, velvety and radiant.

Cost 250 rubles.

It has a pleasant aroma and is economical to use. Cons: does not wash off well, can cause a feeling of tightness and irritation. How much does such a product cost? Be on trend and try the shiny masks presented in this material.

Moisturizing + “AQUA BOMB” super moisturizing and toning

“Aqua Bomb” is recommended for dry, combination and normal skin types. Intense hydration with an innovative fabric mask will improve the condition of the dermis and give it a fresh and healthy look. Pomegranate extract, sodium hyaluronate, glycerin and moisturizing serum will quench the thirst of tissue cells and have a tonic effect. Relieves swelling, signs of fatigue and stress. They will add shine and even out the relief. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, will relieve redness and irritation. The impregnation of the fabric base smells pleasant. Disadvantages: uncomfortable pattern, leaves a feeling of tightness, requires additional use of moisturizer. Price from 130 rubles. .belongs to a series of express masks.

Cleansing charcoal – product description and how much it costs

Black algae, lipohydroxy acid and sodium hyaluronate help combat enlarged pores. Cleanses and tightens pores, deeply moisturizes. They can improve the condition of the skin, give elasticity and firmness. The “Cleansing Charcoal” mask evens out the tone, makes pores less noticeable, and refreshes. Cons: weak narrowing of pores, leaves stickiness, unpleasant odor. Cost from 120 rubles. There is a similar mask only with tar among the “Grandmother Agafya” masks.

Skin Naturals “Clean Skin” Anti-blackhead active with charcoal

Recommended for all dermis types. “Clean Skin” cleanses pores and removes blackheads. Absorbent charcoal and salicylic acid effectively fight pimples and acne. Removes oily shine and exfoliates. Regenerates tissue cell growth and disinfects. Can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Frequent use of masks against blackheads is not recommended, so as not to provoke the emergence of new problems. Can be alternated with black masks that are removable with film. Advantages: tightens pores, reduces the number of blackheads. Cons: may cause discomfort, does not moisturize well. Cost from 400 rubles.

Avoid getting the mixture on the area around the eyes. Do not apply to irritated dermis.


Garnier has developed several products for this purpose:

  • Anti-acne gel with brush - salicylic acid relieves inflammation and disinfects. A phytocomplex of natural ingredients promotes cell restoration. Flexible bristles provide a gentle massage, improve nutrition of the dermis, help cleanse pores, and get rid of blackheads. When using the product 1-2 times a day, the skin will become matte and velvety to the touch. Apply the gel to the brush, massage your wet face, and rinse.
  • Garnier acne gel with charcoal is designed for deep cleansing. Uniquely selected ingredients can not only reduce the number of breakouts, but also get rid of acne marks. Under the influence of salicylic acid, the keratinized layer of cells is removed, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is blocked, and sebaceous plugs are softened. Charcoal adsorbs dirt and excess sebum. As a result of use, inflammation is reduced, pores are narrowed, and the complexion becomes more even. The product is suitable for daily use.
  • Garnier anti-acne exfoliating scrub with activated charcoal refreshes the dermis, removes accumulated toxins and has a therapeutic effect aimed directly at the cause of inflammation. Salicylic acid disinfects, tones, and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Coal, like a magnet, pulls out dirt and decay products. As a result, the face becomes much cleaner. The skin remains matte throughout the day. It is acceptable to use in the morning and evening after washing.
  • Steaming mask with zinc. When applied, it warms the dermis. White clay is known for its cleansing properties. In addition, it tightens pores and gets rid of acne and blackheads. Zinc heals the skin by reducing sebaceous secretions. Aloe and salicylic acid disinfect, and pumice gently removes dead cells and improves nutrition of the epithelium. Apply to a damp face. Massage should be done, paying attention to the T-zone. Rinse off after 3 minutes. Apply once every 5–7 days.
  • Clean skin 3 in 1. The product can be used as a gel, scrub and mask. Smithsonite extract and zinc normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and cleanse. Crushed pumice, a natural component, gently removes dead skin particles. White clay relieves inflammation, tightens pores and mattifies. Application of the gel: apply to a damp face and rinse with warm water. The scrub should be distributed with massaging circular movements and rinsed. The mask is applied to the skin and washed off after 3 minutes.

Do not overuse Garnier products for blackheads, observe the application time. Otherwise, you can dry out your skin, causing new problems to appear.


  1. Garnier is a product for comprehensive facial skin care.
  2. Additionally cares for the neck and décolleté area.
  3. Consists of natural ingredients.
  4. Refers to the type of mass market cosmetics.
  5. Removes impurities, tightens pores, exfoliates, brightens, fights acne, pimples, restores hydro-lipid balance. For complete care, it is recommended to also connect Garnier tonics from the same lines of cosmetics.
  6. There are contraindications.
  7. Can be used from 18 years of age.
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