How to get rid of acne in the nasolabial triangle

Reasons for appearance

The most common cause of acne is hormonal imbalance.

In addition, individual groups have their own causes of rash, here are the most common:

  • Self-treatment of acne.
  • Squeezing pimples, holding the head, and touching the face with unwashed hands.
  • Improper and unbalanced nutrition.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics.
  • Demodex mites.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases of various internal organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's take a closer look at each group of people who want to get rid of acne.

Among women

One of the first causes of acne in women is a hormonal imbalance, in other words, excessive production of some hormones and a lack of others.

If there are malfunctions in the functions of organs that affect hormonal levels, a number of deviations begin that are not typical for the female body:

  • unhealthy growth of hair on the face and body;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • changing the body type to one close to the male type;
  • excessive sebum production.

It is precisely the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands that leads to the appearance of acne. Androgens, male hormones such as testosterone, are responsible for the production of subcutaneous fat.

With their increased production, women begin to become keratinized in the sebaceous ducts, called hyperkeratinization. Because of this, the sebaceous glands enlarge and the ratio of linoleic and linolenic acids decreases.

This leads to a decrease in immunity and the penetration of bacteria, as well as their reproduction and the onset of the inflammatory process with subsequent suppuration.

Women with normal hormonal levels may also experience acne - we are talking about so-called premenstrual and postmenstrual acne.

Such rashes are short-term in nature and disappear on their own closer to the beginning or middle of the cycle. They appear due to a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in progesterone.

Among the causes of acne in women, it is also worth noting pregnancy and lactation. These periods are characterized by global changes in hormonal levels, and can make themselves felt by the appearance of acne rashes in expectant mothers and breastfeeding women.

A common cause of acne on the skin, nose and lips, is chronic and sudden emotional shocks. Under the influence of sudden stress, blockages on the facial skin are broken down, causing redness and hardening of the pores.

Interestingly, when returning to normal life, problem areas disappear or can quickly be treated.

If the cause is a sudden nervous shock that suddenly appears in a woman, the acne will disappear on its own when the state of the nervous system returns to normal.

There are suggestions that foreign waste products of harmful bacteria penetrate the dermis and provoke inflammation.

In men

The reasons for the formation of acne in men are not very different from those listed in the paragraph above, but there are also individual ones, for example, improper shaving.

A number of reasons include:

  • Demodex mite is a dangerous dermatological disease. A mite living under the skin can come out to replenish oxygen, creating ruts and microcracks in the skin. In their place, inflammation forms.
  • Folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicle after shaving is a problem for almost all men. While shaving, they accidentally spread infections into open pores and micro-wounds. After this, purulent pimples appear.
  • Poor nutrition. Many products processed in our body produce enzymes and hormones that affect the production of sebum. Depending on whether or not you follow the diet, men can add or get rid of acne.
  • Hygiene. Nowadays, a certain negligence in the field of hygiene is popular, but this fact is dangerous because the unkempt surface of the face is replete with microbes, which subsequently cause a rash.
  • Sun. Ultraviolet radiation causes increased sweating and keratinization of cells. Excess sun damages the protective layers of the epidermis, making it easier for bacteria to stay and multiply on the skin.

The child has

Acne in young children appears for the following reasons:

  1. Miliaria is a rash in the form of small blisters with liquid inside. There may be slight redness at the site of appearance. Due to infections, they can turn into pustules.
  2. Hormonal acne. In newborns, they occur due to an increased concentration of the hormone estrol in the mother’s body. Often these types of pimples appear on the nose and disappear on their own within two weeks after birth.
  3. White pimples - near the lips and nose are collected in small groups, in rare cases they appear singly. They arise due to malfunctions of the pores and their immaturity. Papules often contain yellow or pearlescent contents. They most often occur in infants and tend to last up to six months.
  4. Allergic rashes. Children are affected by red spots on which a small rash may form. They are almost always accompanied by itching and swelling.

In teenagers

Teenagers are the most susceptible to all types of rashes. All due to the restructuring of the body in an adult way.

The reasons may be:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. The advantage of rash problems is behind a serious increase in androgen levels, which disrupts the functioning of the exocrine glands. The production of subcutaneous sebum increases so much that it ends in clogging of pores and the appearance of acne.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules - touching the face with unwashed hands and using shared towels. Inappropriately selected cosmetics and other facial care products - the use of excessively heavy foundations by girls, as well as their subsequent poor rinsing, the use of products for oily skin on dry skin and vice versa.
  3. Unbalanced diet. Every violation in the diet and menu composition affects the condition of the skin. The liver cannot cope with the heavy load and dirt is removed through the pores.
  4. Heredity. If parents struggled with rashes as teenagers, there is a good chance that their children will develop them.
  5. Oily skin is a problem that can only be overcome through external influences. Its essence lies in the excessive production of subcutaneous sebum, which clogs the pores.
  6. Consequences of drug treatment. If long-term therapy uses antibiotics or hormones, it inevitably puts a strain on the liver, which fails, and this affects the condition of the face.
  7. Stressful situations. The unstable psyche that characterizes adolescence is associated with puberty, which causes hormonal unstable reactions in the form of acne.
  8. Avitaminosis. Vitamin A and some of group B are responsible for good skin condition; they regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Lack of vitamins leads to acne.

What do pimples in the nasolabial triangle mean?

By where the pimples appear, you can tell, for example, which organs need special attention. Rashes are often not a cause, but rather a consequence of more serious health problems.

3 signs that rashes may indicate:

  • First of all, your pores are clogged. The sebaceous glands in the area of ​​the nose and lips are especially active, so they require special care.
  • The second sign is the presence of harmful bacteria. They consume sebum. Usually, it is difficult to deal with them. Simple prevention will not help here; an examination is necessary.
  • The third sign is that there is an internal disease in the body. And acne is just an external sign and a side effect. Find out the causes of the rash, and this will greatly simplify the treatment process.

In most cases, inflammation in the lip area indicates viral diseases, such as herpes, a viral skin disease characterized by the formation of blisters.

When it is determined that the inflammation is not the fault of herpes, it means that it is necessary to examine the endocrine and digestive systems. This especially needs to be done if there are stool disorders, flatulence, pain and colic in the abdomen.

The most common cause of acne on the nose is hormonal imbalance. In case of rashes during a period unusual for hormonal imbalances, first of all you need to check the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, acne in the area of ​​the nose and lips can be a marker of trouble in the cardiovascular system and liver.

Diagnosis by face: what acne will tell you

Diagnosis by the face: what acne will tell you
It turns out that by the location of acne on the face we can judge the problems in our body.

Acne is the result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the formation of comedones or “blackheads,” papular nodules, ulcers, blackheads, and cysts. Pathogenic microorganisms entering the skin cause a protective response in the body. As a result of the active struggle of leukocytes with microbes, those very pustular inflammations - acne - appear.

Factors that provoke the development of acne, dermatologists include, hormonal imbalance in adolescence, the use of inappropriate cosmetics, poor diet, stress and bad habits.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the appearance of pimples on the face indicates problems in the internal organs. In this case, special attention is paid to their location. In modern Western medicine, including Russian, acne on the face is not the basis for making a diagnosis, but can tell you where to look for the cause of the rash.

Treatment options

Pimples make life difficult, so there are many ways to deal with them.

Both medicines and folk remedies are used. Cosmetic procedures, also in a number of ways, help to treat, and not just squeeze, acne.

Find out how to use active acne cream. What could be the causes of acne on the face of women? The answer is here.


The area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is special, so gels, ointments and creams should be gentle and anti-allergenic. Internal remedies, as a rule, are prescribed only if external ones cannot overcome the rash.

Medicines that have proven themselves to be reliable, according to people's reviews:

  1. "Zinerit" - contains the antibiotic erythromycin. The ointment destroys bad bacteria. Zinc in the composition dries the skin and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. The product cleanses the skin, removing white pimples and blackheads, no matter how large the area of ​​the rash is. It is recommended that this ointment be used very carefully by people with sensitive and very dry skin.
  2. "Differin" is a cream preparation that contains adapalene. This cream fights comedones and acne. It is used in the treatment of both newly emerging and already advanced acne. It is also effective in preventing rashes and cleaning pores of excess oil.
  3. "Skinoren" is a gel that does not contain antibiotics. It can be deeply absorbed into the skin, as a result, fight the root of rashes. The main part of Skinoren is azelaic acid. It prevents the spread of infection and the proliferation of bacteria on the skin.
  4. "Roaccutane" is a potent, but very dangerous drug taken internally. The main substance of the drug is isotretionine (obtained by the synthesis of vitamin A). This drug affects the sebaceous glands, it suppresses their work, and is anti-inflammatory.


Folk remedies rightfully boast of the pure composition of their preparations, without chemicals or preservatives.

For example, the following are recommended:

  1. Aloe juice. After washing the aloe leaves with cold boiled water, drying them and putting them in a dark place out of direct sunlight for seven days, chop them and squeeze the juice out of the leaves. It is advisable to wipe your face with this product every day. Aloe juice can cope with inflamed acne and acne, it disinfects and prevents post-acne from occurring. Also used as a lotion. The porridge from the leaves should be mixed with cold water in a ratio of 1:5, let it brew for one hour, boil for three minutes and strain. Apply to problem areas several times a day.
  2. St. John's wort. Pour a handful of dried St. John's wort flowers and its leaves with 2 glasses of water at 100 degrees, boil for 25 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Use as a lotion and wipe the rash areas in the morning. You can prepare frozen cubes from strong St. John's wort tea. It contains useful substances and vitamins in sufficient quantities, has an astringent effect and is the best assistant for oily skin types.
  3. Camomile tea. Pour 200 grams of boiling water over a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, leave for half an hour and pass through cheesecloth. This tincture can be used as a lotion: wipe problem skin with it in the morning and before bed.

Cosmetology procedures

Beauty salons offer all kinds of procedures, their focus is on removing external repulsive influences, but not the essence of the problem.

For example, vacuum facial cleansing. This is a painless procedure, which is carried out using specialized highly active drugs. A special composition that maintains the normal acid-base balance of the skin is used to initially clean it.

Then the pores are opened with a special warming lotion. Using a glass nozzle connected to the device, like a vacuum cleaner, pimples and comedones are pulled out from the upper layers of the epidermis.

After completing the procedure, the skin is moisturized and a pore-tightening mask is applied. Even after the first procedure of vacuum facial cleansing, a positive result is noticeable.

How to treat acne on the nose?

For acne on the nose, the causes can be relatively harmless. Sometimes just changing your cosmetic product or stopping certain medications is an important step in controlling your rash. Is it worth the risk of popping pimples yourself?

The treatment of acne, boils, and other inflammatory elements should be handled by a specialist. A dermatologist conducts an examination, makes a diagnosis and prescribes therapy based on the severity of acne or other disease.

For acne, your doctor may prescribe topical antibiotics18. These drugs include Clindovit® gel. The main active ingredient in its composition is the antibiotic lincosamide clindamycin6. It helps reduce the colonization of propionibacteria by exhibiting antibacterial activity against a wide range of propionibacterial strains6. The drug helps reduce free fatty acids on the skin6. Clindovit® gel is recommended to be combined with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide; this combination helps reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.


To avoid an unpleasant rash on your face, you should:

  1. visit a cosmetologist several times a year;
  2. eat properly and balanced;
  3. choose cosmetics carefully,
  4. avoid depression and stress;
  5. promptly conduct examinations and receive treatment for any diseases;
  6. lead a healthy lifestyle.

Follow these recommendations and you will be satisfied with the appearance of your face.

To prevent rashes, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • When applying cosmetics, you should not use reusable sponges and sponges.
  • Take vitamins. Complexes from group B, as well as vitamins A, C and E, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Why can't you squeeze out?

Any inflammation and rashes in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, lips and chin should not be squeezed out. This poses a danger to life. Doctors sometimes call the nasolabial triangle the “triangle of death.”

The point is this: in this area the vessels of the venous and arterial networks intertwine. But unlike other parts of the body, the veins here do not have valves.

This means that any infections introduced into the bloodstream in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle freely travel directly to the brain. This threatens meningitis, and in the worst case, death.

What not to do?

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pimples in the nasolabial triangle; doctors call it the deadly triangle. The fact is that in the triangle of death there are a lot of blood vessels that are directly connected to the brain. And when squeezing out pimples, there is a risk of infection, which can cause serious inflammation of the skin, as well as spread through the vessels and enter parts of the central brain. Also, you should not mask the rash under the nose with tonal products, which clog the sebaceous ducts, as a result of which the epidermis becomes more inflamed.

After squeezing out a pimple, a scar may remain in the nasolabial triangle.

Photo: Nature of the rashes

The face is the first thing people look at when meeting someone. A rash on it causes trouble.
It is possible and necessary to treat acne, knowing the cause. Under no circumstances should you put pressure. The area where there is a nose, lip, chin is prohibited for this action. See how instaskin cream works against acne and blackheads. Causes of acne? Details in the article.

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Advice from a dermatologist, good products and a positive attitude will help you experience acne less often.

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