Why can't you use boric acid for acne* on your face?

Boric acid belongs to the class of antiseptics since the times of the USSR, like iodine. This chemical can often be found in pharmacies in the form of packets of granules or powder. There is also a 3% solution, which everyone is accustomed to calling boric alcohol. You can buy this miracle acne remedy for very little money.

If the appearance of acne is caused by external factors, or more precisely, by blockage of the sebaceous glands, then boric acid will help reduce both the oiliness of the skin and the appearance of new rashes.

You should use boric alcohol every day before going to bed, after cleansing your skin with tar soap. Don't overdo it and use alcohol in the morning. Excessively frequent use leads to dry skin. If the choice is to purchase boric acid in powder form, then it must first be dissolved in warm boiled water in a proportion of 1 part. spoon per glass of water. Application is simple: moisten a cotton pad and wipe directly over pimples.

Does boric acid help get rid of acne*: properties of the drug

Boric acid is available in different forms: ointment, powder, alcohol solution. It has a disinfecting effect and is used exclusively externally to treat damaged skin areas. The substance has several useful qualities171:

  • accelerates wound healing;
  • disinfects and whitens the skin;
  • eliminates excess oily skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect

The pharmaceutical product destroys the tertiary structure of protein molecules and destroys pathogenic microflora at the cellular level. But is it possible to wipe acne* with boric acid or use the product to make lotions with your own hands?

When fighting acne, boric acid is believed to cleanse and disinfect the skin without causing addiction. But its regular use for other purposes can cause dehydration of epidermal cells. In addition, it is not highly effective in combating acne.

Is it possible to burn pimples* with boric acid?

Due to the lack of a pronounced smell, taste, and irritating effect, boric acid is considered a harmless substance, but it still does not help against acne*, and using the drug at home can lead to negative consequences. Among them are 170:

  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • severe dry skin;
  • irritation.

In addition, boric acid is considered a strong toxic substance. Often inhalation of reagent vapors leads to general poisoning of the body and deterioration of health. In case of severe poisoning, the skin, mucous membranes, hematopoietic and germ cells, as well as the brain are affected.

Considering the negative qualities of the chemical, we can conclude that its use for the care of problem skin is inappropriate. In addition, acne is a chronic, recurrent disease of the sebaceous glands, which requires long-term and complex drug treatment18.


Like any acne drug, boric acid has contraindications and side effects. If you feel nausea or dizziness during or after use, stop using it immediately. Excessive peeling and irritation of the skin are also side effects. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use boric acid, and do not apply the product all over the face. Only targeted to the affected areas.

Boric acid is toxic. With regular use, due to slow excretion by the kidneys, it accumulates in the human body (especially in children). The lethal dose for poisoning by mouth is 15-20 g for an adult, 4-5 g for children.

Boric acid has been used in medicine since the 60s of the 19th century as an antiseptic that does not irritate wounds and is tasteless, odorless and colorless. In modern medicine, the antimicrobial effectiveness of boric acid is considered low; I advise you to pay attention to Chlorhexidine, a popular external antiseptic.

Due to toxicity and low effectiveness, the use of boric acid as an antiseptic for children, as well as pregnant nursing women, was prohibited on February 2, 1987 by the USSR Ministry of Health on the recommendation of the Pharmacological Committee.

Using Clindovit® gel for acne

The course of anti-acne therapy is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the disease, and only a dermatologist can prescribe it. Traditional medicine is powerless against acne. In some cases, the use of homemade cosmetics even worsens the skin condition.

For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may prescribe Clindovit® gel6,18. The main active ingredient in the drug is clindamycin phosphate6. Clindovit® gel should be used 2-3 times a day6.


Boric acid - reviews


Have a nice day, everyone! I purchased this ointment a long time ago and use it often. She's like a lifesaver, even smarter:-) We had problems with age spots, it's hereditary for us. Since my mother, my sister, and I often have spots after sunbathing and trips to the sea - on the neck, face, back. You can cover them on your back, but not on your face and neck! My cosmetologist recommended expensive whitening creams to me, but my mother recommended the most common cheap product from the pharmacy. It’s called Boric acid. Don't be afraid, it doesn't eat away, this acid is good :-) it will help us, as it has done more than once.

For a week I diluted 2-3 grams of powder with water and applied it to age spots with a cotton pad. Everything is gone. And this “treatment” cost me 7 hryvnia. And if you buy expensive creams, it will cost at least 500 hryvnia! There is a difference?

And this acid is good not only for age spots, it also fights acne, pimples, and herpes very well, so buy it and keep it in your medicine cabinet! A very useful and inexpensive tool!



I wanted to add a few more words about the use of boric acid in folk medicine. If you look at folk recipes for skin care, you will see that boric acid is found in numerous cosmetic products intended for skin care. From all this we can conclude that boric acid solutions really effectively combat many skin problems. This conclusion suggests itself. After all, traditional medicine has most often been tested for centuries.



I’ve never used boric acid for acne before, but I’ve probably tried all possible gels, scrubs, lotions, washes, etc. none of this helped me, and then I decided to try boric acid. First in the evening, I simply washed my face with foam and wiped my entire face with boric acid before going to bed. When I woke up and looked in the mirror, the RESULT SHOCKED ME! I haven’t seen such a clean face in a very long time! I’ve been wiping with boric acid for about 4 days now and so far I’m happy with it, it dries out pimples very well! I recommend it to everyone. I also do this by boiling water in a small saucepan and brewing chamomile in tea bags, covering myself with a towel and steaming my skin, it turns out to be something like a bath just for the face. This procedure cleanses the pores and the whole face well, I think after this you can also wipe it with boric acid for a better effect! If anyone tries this method, be sure to unsubscribe; it’s important for me to know your opinion!



Review: Boric acid solution for external use, alcoholic 3% - Helps relieve ear pain.


Effectively relieves pain


Didn't find it

Boric acid is one of the important helpers for our family. Sometimes my husband has a toothache, he puts cotton wool with boric acid in his ear on the side where the tooth hurts and the pain goes away. I also often use boric acid myself when my ear ache or ache. This could be due to the fact that I run down the street without a hat and my ears get cold, maybe something gets into the ear, but in any case, with the help of boric acid, the ear warms up and the pain goes away. If you use this remedy for three days, the pain goes away completely.

I had to use this remedy to treat my son when no other drugs were at hand to relieve the pain.

Boric acid is an excellent first-aid remedy that should be in every first aid kit, and its price is quite cheap.

General impression:

Helps relieve ear pain.




quickly helps reduce redness and pimples, cheap, gets rid of acne, gets rid of blackheads, helps the ears, effective

Usage experience:

a few days

I sometimes get pimples that don't go away for a very long time. In search of a remedy for acne, it took me a lot of time, I tried a lot of things, but only Boric Acid had a special and quick effect. I decided to buy 10 ml at the pharmacy for 7 rubles (kopecks, right).

I used it 3 times a day, or even 4. I won’t say that it dries the skin very much, but it does a little.

I used half the bottle in 3 days! But the effect is great. This product is very affordable and can be found in any pharmacy.



My salvation.


quickly helps reduce redness and pimples, gets rid of blackheads, good antiseptic, effective

A long time ago, when I was still little, I became allergic to citrus fruits and small ulcers appeared on the skin of my face. The pediatrician at the children's clinic, obsessed with folk recipes, prescribed brewing celandine and rubbing it, as a result, after a couple of days of rubbing, my face not only did not get better, but also became crusty, I was scared to go outside, fortunately it was summer and there was no need to go to school. We went to an appointment with a dermatologist, he simply gasped when he saw the pediatrician’s instructions, it turns out that it was impossible to wet it, let alone make a decoction lotion, and he ordered me to wipe my face with boric alcohol and apply ointments.

After just a couple of days, my face became noticeably clearer. Since then, a bottle of boric alcohol has lived in my medicine cabinet as a permanent resident, and now I use it regularly as soon as I see anything suspicious on the skin. It is also great for treating minor scratches if you don’t have peroxide on hand.


Lately I started noticing a lot of pimples on my skin. My mother advised me to use boric alcohol. I wiped my skin with this product for several days, and soon noticed that my skin became much cleaner. Although I tried many expensive cosmetics, they did not give the same result as boric acid.


Not only girls, but also guys suffer from acne on their faces, and we do not have the opportunity to disguise them with decorative cosmetics. The skin was very problematic and inflamed, no remedies helped. The only thing that saved me was boric acid. It dries out pimples, reduces their size, and then completely removes them. Considering that it costs mere pennies, this is an excellent choice.

(lena28) Elena


Universal remedy


Inexpensive, helps in treating children and adults, destroys ants.


Did not find.


Boric acid is always available at home. This liquid in a small brown glass bottle helps against a variety of misfortunes.

I use it to save myself from inflamed subcutaneous acne, which hurts a lot and spoils my appearance.

I just spot-smear the rashes several times a day with a cotton swab dipped in the product. Already on the second day, inflammation decreases.

I read a lot about how the drug helps against cockroaches. But fortunately there are none in my apartment. But in the kitchen there are often ants - small black ones.

I boiled sugar syrup and poured a couple of tablespoons of acid into it. I poured the mixture into small saucers and placed them in places where insects accumulated. And after several days there was not a single living creature - I don’t know whether they died or ran away, but the effect is obvious.

Yulia 111


I have oily skin on my face (especially in the T-zone), and my tendency to develop acne is correspondingly increased. I use boric acid quite often instead of tonic. I use a cotton pad to treat not only the elements of the rash itself, but also the entire face to balance the secretion of sebum. As a result, pores and blackheads become less visible. The acid dries out a little and the skin is less shiny. I use this in the summer, and in the winter I mainly treat only acne, because the cold dries out the skin already.



Works. After wiping your face at night, in the morning you can see that the pimples begin to dry out. On the fourth day, my face is already clean! Until the acne went away, I wiped my skin 3-4 times a day (I carried the bottle with me to work). I would like to note that when the skin is completely cleansed, preventive wiping once a day is mandatory, otherwise the effect does not last more than a week (pimples pop up again). I personally have not had any emergency incidents regarding large areas of skin; Of course, I didn’t take a shower with boric acid, but during the evening I rubbed it all over my body, and the effect was only positive. I have been using a two and three percent solution for more than three years. PS: I have oily skin.



Boric acid powder causes double harm to the cockroach: firstly, since the acid is mineral and crystalline, it damages the exoskeleton of the cockroach. Secondly, although cockroaches are dirty and pathogenic to us, they, in their own way, like to keep themselves clean. While cleaning themselves, they swallow boric acid, and when it gets inside, it completely dehydrates the cockroach. This powder is a strong poison for him. Once a cockroach comes into contact with the powder, it dies within about 72 hours. Young individuals or newly hatched ones usually die within 24 to 48 hours. Cockroaches that have tasted boric acid will exhibit behavior that is unusual for them. They will go out during the day or in a brightly lit room. They will walk in the middle of rooms and corridors, rather than along the edges. (Usually cockroaches like to feel the walls by touching them with their body often, this makes them feel safe).



Hello. I also used boric acid 2 years ago. It helped me a lot. When I was in Russia, a cosmetologist recommended it to me. I started this procedure again. 1 sachet of boric acid (10g) per 1 liter of warm (boiled) water.

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