Nano Botox for the face - real reviews - scam or truth, prices for microemulsion in pharmacies

Version of the article for Russia This article is adapted for residents of Russia - the largest country in the world with the capital Moscow. All information in the article “Nano Botox for the face - real reviews - scam or truth, prices for microemulsion in pharmacies” is provided for informational purposes only, the administration of the resource is not involved in sales in Russia.

Every woman wants to prolong her youth. But not all women manage to fight the negative changes associated with age. According to the manufacturer, Nano Botox will eliminate not only distant wrinkles, but also smooth out deep wrinkles.

There is always a lot of controversy about any anti-aging product. And Nano Botox is no exception. Those who have used the anti-wrinkle serum share their impressions on the forum. Most buyers are satisfied with the effect obtained from Bostexultra and confirm the manufacturer’s statement about the uniqueness of the drug. But there are people on the forum who say that this product does not work or even does not work on expression lines.

To understand where the real negative customer reviews come from, where Bostexultra is called a scam, let’s turn to the opinion of cosmetologists and study the annotation.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The manufacturer of Nano-Botox cream, Belvi-Rus LLC, which produces this cosmetic product under control and under license (Orléans, France), positions it as an anti-wrinkle microemulsion that, thanks to its active ingredients, can cope with even deep expression wrinkles and damage the skin facial firmness and elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid in this product acts as a regenerative substance in relation to the human skin, where it participates in the processes of cell migration and proliferation, as well as in tissue hydrodynamics .

Acetyl hexapeptide-8 (argireline) is a unique peptide containing 3 amino acids (methionine, glutamic and arginine) that act similar to Botox (botulinum toxin). The effects of this substance are aimed at relaxing the facial muscles, which leads to a reduction in existing facial wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.

Dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline is a herbal ingredient that stimulates collagen and removes free radicals, which helps improve skin firmness, strength and elasticity, as well as hydration.

Peptides (palmitoyl pentapeptide-4 and palmitoyl tripeptide-5) promote the restoration of skin structural elements ( elastin , collagen , glycosaminoglycans and fibronectin ).

Ceramides , being natural skin lipids (fats), protect the face from the effects of external harmful factors ( toxins , allergens ), and also prevent the loss of by the epidermis , thereby preventing it from becoming excessively dry.

Shea butter (karite) has a positive effect on the synthesis of elastin and collagen , which improve skin turgor and increase its firmness and elasticity. The effects of this cosmetic oil help smooth out wrinkles, moisturize, soften the skin and improve complexion.

Phospholipids , containing many nutrients and vitamins , are the main ingredients of cell membranes. They increase the penetration of other active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin, soften the skin, protect it from dehydration, and are also able to integrate (replace) into damaged areas of the epidermal barrier.

Dipotassium glycyrrhizate has antioxidant properties and exhibits softening, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, tonic and nourishing effects on the skin.

Marine collagen is closest in structure to human collagen and therefore is absorbed by the body as efficiently as possible. It is characterized by a positive effect on the functional state of the skin, helping to soften, moisturize, strengthen and regenerate. Replaces the loss of amino acids, nourishes and heals the epidermis, creates a protective film on the skin that levels out its flaws.

Superoxide dismutase is the main enzymatic ingredient in the antioxidant defense of the human body, protecting the skin from the negative effects of oxygen in active forms (free radicals).

What is NanoBotox

The manufacturer describes Nano Botox as an innovative anti-aging product. According to the manufacturer, proper use of the emulsion reduces the effect of aggressive factors on the skin. Thanks to the rejuvenating effect of the serum, the aging process slows down and fine wrinkles are smoothed out; The product makes deep signs of aging less noticeable.

Nano Botox Serum during a course of use gives the following results:

  • The emulsion penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, nourishing and saturating the epidermis with the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • The emulsion eliminates fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing the muscles. The serum does not paralyze the facial muscles, but has a relaxing effect on them;
  • under the influence of Nano Botox emulsion, skin regeneration occurs. Activates the production of natural collagen, the skin becomes more elastic and supple;
  • the product delivers oxygen to the deeper layers of the skin, due to which stagnation does not occur, and the rejuvenation process begins;
  • Using the emulsion eliminates swelling of the skin and bags under the lower eyelids.

The manufacturer claims that Nano Botox microemulsion works in two directions. It rejuvenates the skin and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. The manufacturing company guarantees a visible effect of Nano Botox on the face within a month.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using this cosmetic product, given on its packaging, involve externally applying a small volume of rejuvenating serum to problem skin of the face and/or neck and rubbing it in with circular, gentle movements of the hands until completely absorbed. Before each procedure, the skin on which the microemulsion must be cleaned in the usual way for a particular person (washing, wiping, etc.) and dry.

The recommended course of use of the anti-aging serum is 14 days with its application twice every 24 hours (morning and evening).

Clinical researches

The effectiveness of Nano Botox has been confirmed by successful clinical trials. The purpose of clinical trials is to prove the versatility of the created product.

Based on the results of clinical studies, cosmetologists came to the following conclusions:

  • Of course, the serum used successfully performs the following functions - nourishes, moisturizes, regenerates and rejuvenates the skin, cleanses it of toxins and protects it from aggressive environments;
  • Under the influence of microemulsion, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, the upper layer of the epidermis is smoothed;
  • The serum helps to even out facial contours and eliminate wrinkles.

After applying Nano Botox microemulsion, wrinkles disappear, the skin acquires a healthy color and radiance.

Reviews about Nano-Botox

Currently, there are serious battles on the Internet around the cosmetic product Nano-Botox. Many women who want to get rid of wrinkles and restore their facial skin to its former firmness and elasticity discuss this product, trying to reliably find out its positive and negative properties. Reviews on forums about this microemulsion vary widely, and often completely negative reviews about Nano-Botox for the face are closely adjacent to an entirely positive assessment of the effect of this anti-wrinkle cream. In all this confusion, it is quite difficult to highlight real reviews about the Nano-Botox serum, bypassing advertising articles and videos, especially since it is possible to familiarize yourself with the official instructions for this cosmetic product only when purchasing it, for which, in turn, you need to order a microemulsion on this or another site. Thus, the question of whether Nano-Botox is a hoax or really a “panacea” for wrinkles remains open, which is confirmed by the rather cautious reviews of doctors who are in no hurry to make final conclusions about this remedy.

The conclusion that can be drawn based on the available composition of the Nano-Botox serum is that even if its active ingredients cannot restore the skin to its former youth, they most likely will not do any harm. Consequently, the necessity and advisability of purchasing this product lies entirely in the sphere of a person’s trust in such cosmetics.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors speak positively about the effect of Nano Botox serum on the face.

A brief review by cosmetologists about the effect of Nano Botox on the face:

“Many of my clients have used cosmetic injections. But the injections are short-lived and must be repeated. Speaking about any anti-aging cream, such a product can only give results in combination with hardware methods. I advise my clients to buy and use nano-Botox.” Today, microemulsion is a truly innovative product with multifaceted effects. It is important that the facial serum can be successfully used at home”;

G. Nikolaev, cosmetologist

“I recommend Nano Botox to my patients. The serum successfully copes with facial and age wrinkles. Contains an emulsion made from natural ingredients. The serum can be safely used at any age. The emulsion is indicated in the following cases: dark circles under the eyes, many shallow expression lines and deep wrinkles on the face, decreased skin elasticity, drooping corners of the mouth and even acne. No other cream will have the same effect as NanoBotox."

V. Streltsov, cosmetologist:

Cosmetologists pay attention to the correct use of serum during therapy.

Nano-Botox price, where to buy

If you still decide to experience the effect of this anti-aging face cream and are looking for information about how much it costs and where to buy Nano-Botox in Ukraine, Russia or Belarus, then it is worth noting that in none of these countries It is almost impossible to buy Nano-Botox in a regular pharmacy. Today, purchasing this cosmetic product comes down to ordering the serum via the Internet on various websites selling medicines and/or cosmetics. Also, when discussing the purchase of this microemulsion, it is often advised to buy it on the official website, although even a quick look reveals that there are a great many such “genuine” representatives of Nano-Botox. To avoid purchasing a counterfeit, when ordering serum through online stores, be careful and use personally verified resources or, as a last resort, sites with a high trust rating.

The average price of Nano-Botox in online pharmacies is: in Kyiv – 798 hryvnia (with a discount of 399 hryvnia); in Moscow – 1614 rubles (with a discount of 990 rubles). The cost of this serum in Minsk should be clarified individually.


The manufacturer positioned NanoBotox as a product that has no analogues. The manufacturer states that the emulsion has the following advantages in terms of skin rejuvenation before taking pictures. cosmetics, anti-aging cosmetics and hardware procedures:

  • The skin is naturally rejuvenated. During application of the product, muscle tissue is not paralyzed;
  • the effect of the procedure is visible on the skin in the first days of using the microemulsion;
  • no additional hardware procedures or injections are required during treatment;
  • emulsion makes the skin healthier, eliminates puffiness and darkness under the eyes
  • cheap;
  • has a draining effect, strengthens small vessels of the facial skin;
  • The serum penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and removes toxic substances from the epidermis;
  • The product maintains normal moisture balance in the skin during application.

Rejuvenation with NanoBotox is comprehensive: the skin is rejuvenated from the inside and smoothed from the outside.

What is included, properties of components

What explains the high efficiency? Its unique composition, which includes the following components:

  • Peptides (octamioxyl, Nanobotuline). These are substances that are a kind of “building blocks” in the synthesis of protein - a complex organic compound that serves as material for the construction of cells. It is peptides that force the skin to produce its own collagen and elastin, retain moisture and improve tissue turgor.
  • Aminocarboxylic acids. These compounds make the skin smooth, firm and radiant. Amino acids enhance the protective functions of tissues and minimize the negative impact of external unfavorable factors.
  • Wheat proteins. This is a super beauty component that has softening and moisturizing properties, prevents dehydration and restores the water balance of tissues. Thanks to wheat proteins, a thin film is formed on the surface of the skin, evening out the relief of the face and nourishing the epidermis.
  • Chicory root extract. The extract improves cell regeneration, maintains skin health, activates blood circulation, and provides quick access to nutrients.
  • Silver. This chemical element has a pronounced antiseptic property, protects against the harmful effects of free radicals, and saves from toxins.

Thanks to this composition, the product has a comprehensive effect on tissues, restores cells and, thus, wrinkles are “pushed out” from the inside. The skin is smoothed, the face acquires clear contours. This unique serum is a safe and more pleasant alternative to Botox injections.

Serum composition

What ingredients are present in the product?

  • The main active components of the emulsion are nanobotulin and wheat protein hydrolysate. The first component removes facial tension, relaxing the facial muscles. And the second ensures the production of elastin and collagen fibers. At the same time, the muscles relax naturally, which allows you to independently control your facial expressions and avoid the “mask effect” that often occurs after the injection of snake venom into the skin.
  • The anti-aging peptide octamioxyl also has a Botox effect. Penetrating into the skin, it prevents the deepening of existing facial wrinkles.
  • Silver. Thanks to the use of this component in the composition, toxins and waste are removed from the deep layers of the dermis. After all, silver has disinfecting properties.
  • Chicory root extract increases blood microcirculation, which increases the penetration ability of other ingredients of the “cocktail” of youth.

Beneficial properties for facial skin

Microemulsion Nano Botox fights wrinkles. This is its main property, which the developers supported with additional functions that made the spray multifunctional. Each of its auxiliary functions is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of epidermal cells, which, like the eradication of wrinkles, promotes rejuvenation.

The beneficial properties of Nano Botox cream spray are as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cleansing from harmful substances;
  • protection from the negative impact of external environmental factors;
  • stimulation of regeneration processes;
  • recovery;
  • hydration at all levels of the dermis;
  • nutrition.

Please note: the manufacturer's instructions say that the product is universal and suitable for all skin types. But in the reviews, people note that the product is most suitable for those with normal and dry skin.

How to buy at a pharmacy

It is impossible to purchase NanoBotox in a pharmacy in Moscow or any other city in the Russian Federation. The manufacturer refused to cooperate with pharmacies for the following reasons:

  • The emulsion is positioned as an inexpensive product. Therefore, the high margins that are inevitable when selling serum in pharmacies are unacceptable;
  • sale of counterfeit pharmaceutical products in pharmacies.

Regardless of the price of the bottle of emulsion, the original NanoBotox can only be purchased from an authorized dealer.

You can find out how many bottles of anti-aging serum are left at the promotional price on the manufacturer’s website or by requesting a call back when placing an order from an official seller.

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