Sensitive skin: main causes and signs of the phenomenon

The absence of unpleasant shine, pimples, blackheads or peeling and areas of irritation is the dream of every girl. If the face is far from perfect, discomfort, self-doubt arise, and self-esteem decreases. To live in harmony with yourself and your characteristics, it is not enough to convince yourself that all troubles with the epidermis are age-related and will someday pass. You need proper and complete care for oily, sensitive or dry skin, which will help minimize areas of inflammation and irritation, provide adequate protection from the negative effects of the environment and bring you closer to your ideal.

Unwanted Shine: Why Problems Occur

First, let's talk about skin that is excessively oily: pimples and blackheads constantly appear on it, it has a rough pattern, and is often rough to the touch. Why is this happening? The main reason is the active work of the sebaceous glands.

What caused it?

  • Constitutional characteristics (for example, a tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Hormonal imbalance (most often occurs during puberty and pregnancy).
  • Nervous disorders that cause deterioration of the skin.
  • Endocrine diseases (directly related to increased production of sex hormones or their deficiency).
  • Improper diet (with a predominance of fatty and spicy foods, lack of vitamins).
  • Improper care (use of inappropriate cosmetics or complete lack of hygiene and cosmetic procedures).

Lumpy, oily skin that is prone to acne occurs in both women and men. This problem makes itself felt especially often in adolescence. The exacerbation occurs in the summer.

Life without water: dryness and tightness

It’s not just the excessive work of the sebaceous glands that worries many women. A lot of anxiety and discomfort arises due to dehydration of the surface layer of the epidermis. Loss of moisture leads to peeling, redness, and irritation. This problem is the opposite of the one discussed above, but no less relevant.

If oily skin shines, then dry skin looks dull, dead scales appear on it, it suffers from exposure to strong wind or sun, and wrinkles form on it earlier.

The causes of dehydration can be different - both external and internal:

  • Genetic predisposition (people with blond hair and pale skin most often experience peeling and irritation).
  • Disturbance in sleep patterns (if you don’t get enough rest, this affects the condition of the epidermis).
  • Poor nutrition (lack of protein, vitamins B, A, C and E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, a lot of sweets, strong tea and coffee).
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys (in a person suffering from impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, the elasticity of tissues is lost, the barrier and moisture-saving properties of the epidermis deteriorate).

Lack of proper care can also cause the condition to worsen.

What is high fat content

The skin of each of us consists of a very large number of thin layers. It takes part not only in the respiratory process, but also has protective, thermoregulatory, excretory and even metabolic functions. It is considered the most extensive organ of the human body, instantly reacts to any changes in its work, actively “signaling” the presence of such in various ways: rashes, irritation, dryness, comedones, acne and other unpleasant manifestations.

Therefore, if the skin suddenly begins to secrete an excessive amount of sebum and becomes greasy, which was not observed before, then this is a reason to seriously worry and consult a doctor. Such problems lead to a constant unsightly shine, clogged glands, acne, various cysts, and even the development of seborrhea. A healthcare professional will usually order general tests and tests to ensure there are no internal pathologies, and then prescribe therapy.

Sensitivity not to the face: irritation and redness

The last type that I will talk about in this article is sensitive facial skin, which, like dry and oily skin, requires special care. Spots often appear on it, it has an uneven texture, the surface is rough to the touch, and there is often a feeling of tightness and itching.

What is this? Dry skin that has not been properly cared for often transforms into sensitive skin. But there are other reasons:

  • Previous rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Increased nervousness, constant stress, depression.
  • Incorrect diet (lack of vitamins and amino acids, predominance of fatty foods).
  • Contaminated water used for hygiene procedures.
  • Negative environmental impact.

Such skin causes its owners a lot of trouble: irritation can appear on it after washing, applying cosmetics, incorrectly selected skincare procedures, walking under gusts of cold wind or hot rays of the sun. There are many factors influencing the condition of the epidermis. Our main task is to minimize unwanted reactions, restore and strengthen barrier properties.

Next, I will talk about how to prevent the appearance of oily shine, redness, inflammation, dryness, tightness and irritation.

Proper care for oily and problem skin

I’ll start with the most important thing - it must be extremely delicate and careful. Excessive enthusiasm can lead to dryness of the surface layer of the epidermis. All you need is:

  • High-quality cleansing is gentle and soft, no matter how rough the relief may seem. I advise you to use hypoallergenic emulsions, foams and gels based on natural ingredients.
  • Reducing sebaceous secretion - this task is effectively handled by special cosmetics that regulate the balance between dehydrated and oily areas, mattify and tighten pores.
  • Masking imperfections - using products that will not provoke more inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • Effective protection against the negative influence of the environment - preventing the harmful effects of the sun and sources of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Sufficient hydration - with the help of serums, creams, tonics and masks that retain moisture in the epidermis.

Oily problem skin needs gentle cleansing. For washing, you should use a variety of foams, emulsions, and gel products based on plant extracts. Cosmetics must be of high quality - I advise you to pay attention to liposomal preparations that deliver active substances directly to the cells of the epidermis. Products you use every day should have an acidic pH.

Please note that the water for washing should not be excessively hot or cold - only at room temperature. Do not use bar soap, which dehydrates the skin. For effective cleansing, you can use exfoliants that perform two functions at once: they promote the gentle exfoliation of dead cells and remove dirt and sebum without damaging the tissue. They should be used no more than 2 times a week.

You need to wash your face 1-2 times a day. For those for whom frequent contact with water is contraindicated due to a decrease in barrier properties, there is a special remedy - gentle emulsions.

You cannot scrub problem skin that is prone to rashes with products containing large abrasive particles - this will lead to tissue damage, inflammation and severe irritation. Frequent classical facial cleansing with intense squeezing is also not recommended - it may leave scars and new pustules may appear.

Lotions based on plant extracts: witch hazel, chamomile, calendula effectively reduce sebum secretion. The effect of glycolic acid relieves inflammation. If acne appears frequently, I advise you to pay attention to pathogenetic drugs that regulate sebum secretion (with extracts of green tea, burdock, cornflower, zinc), have a pronounced soothing effect (with witch hazel, aloe vera, rose extract) and antibacterial effect (with calendula, rosemary, juniper).

Maximum protection from sunlight is also important. Choose products depending on your complexion - the paler you are, the higher the SPF factor should be.

Recommendations for choosing products for sensitive skin

When choosing a product, be sure to consider your skin type and time of year. Eliminate peelings and scrubs from your skincare routine that contain rough, irregularly shaped abrasive particles that can aggravate the condition of already reactive skin. Instead, give preference to delicate cleansing and soothing masks. During the cold season, sensitive skin may need increased support and protection from weather factors - the care cream may become thicker and richer, or you can try applying your usual care in 2 layers.


rate the material

Care for dry problem skin

There are two essential steps to keep in mind:

  • Cleansing

It should be carried out using gentle products designed specifically for skin prone to flaking, dryness and tightness. I recommend gentle foams and soft emulsions.

  • Hydration and nutrition

Special lotions, sprays, light creams with antioxidants, oils and hyaluronic acid - one of the most effective means to combat dehydration.

Cosmetics for dry skin should combine soothing and nourishing ingredients. I advise you to pay attention to preparations with natural oils and extracts of medicinal herbs.

If you are concerned about the feeling of tightness and flaking, do not forget that chlorinated tap water can harm you. When washing your face, use water that has previously been passed through a filter. To avoid over-drying after hygiene procedures, wipe your face with a mild toner that does not contain alcohol.

The most favorable period for those with dry skin is summer. On warm days, painful sensitivity disappears or appears extremely rarely. In hot weather, the ideal remedy is a spray with a light formula that evenly covers the face and promotes intense hydration. In winter, additional nutrition is needed. Before going outside, you should apply a special rich cream with a high protection factor.

Care for sensitive problem skin

To avoid irritation and redness, you need to remember one simple rule - no aggressive influence. Only careful care is allowed.

  • Eliminate irritating components

These include alkali, anionic surfactants, as well as acids and some oils.

  • Avoid overly greasy creams

They have a warming effect, which leads to vasodilation and redness.

  • Use only gentle peelings

Mechanical impact is excluded, as is the use of scrubs. The most effective is the use of special exfoliants that do not injure the skin. During the day you should take care of nutrition, at night - about strengthening barrier properties and recovery. Choose professional hypoallergenic cosmetics that will not only protect against irritation, but also remove redness, increase firmness and elasticity.

If you are hypersensitive, washing with soap is contraindicated. Use special soft products - foams, gels or emulsions. Do not forget that frequent changes of medications will not help you, but will only worsen the condition of the epidermis. So the best option is to use products from one company or series.

Choosing cosmetics for problem skin is a particularly difficult task. I advise you to stick to liposomal products. They have passed clinical tests, are hypoallergenic, and contain natural ingredients that eliminate the cause of defects and do not cause harm. A professional approach helped us find unique formulas for each case – even the most complex ones.

Increased sebum secretion and rednessSalicylic acid eliminates excess sebum, lime extract launches regeneration processes, and aloe moisturizes and gently relieves inflammation.Pro Quick View

SOS cleansing mask, 50 g

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Dryness and flakingLavender oil promotes intense hydration, while witch hazel gently cleanses, tones and eliminates flaking.
Increased sensitivityRose extract soothes the skin, relieves irritation and softens dry areas. Pro

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350 ml

How to fight

What to do when your facial skin quickly becomes oily? Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of different solutions, effective to one degree or another. However, they are not at all a panacea for any problems in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to first visit a doctor who will help to accurately determine the cause of such phenomena. Only after all health issues have been resolved can you turn to the remedies described below.

Injection cosmetology

It involves influencing the skin with injections. At the same time, various drugs are injected into the middle or uppermost layers using microneedles, which in our case combat the increased secretion of sebum.

Ozone therapy

The main effect of this procedure is based on improving the delivery of ozone molecules into cells, which actively stimulates the antioxidant system. In the gas injection zone, the metabolic rate increases significantly, therefore, the elimination of toxins and other “garbage” is accelerated. At the same time, immunity and turgor increase, acne and blackheads go away, and color improves.


During this procedure, special “cocktails” made up of caffeine, hyaluronic acid, various plant extracts and essential vitamins are introduced into the middle layer of the skin. It can solve several main problems:

  • slows down aging;
  • removes lipid deposits;
  • eliminates excessive fat.

Post-acne and pimples can also be removed after the course, or at least their visibility can be significantly minimized.

Hardware procedures

Oily facial skin type necessarily requires active care, especially the most problematic areas - forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Properly selected options are well suited for these purposes, where special devices and equipment are indispensable:

  • ultrasound phonophoresis;
  • biostimulation using laser;
  • darsonvalization;
  • grinding with aluminum oxide or diamond chips;
  • iontophoresis;
  • ultrasonic peeling.

All of the above is performed exclusively in specialized offices, in which specialists must have the appropriate documents.

Microcurrent therapy

This is the name of the method of influencing the surface of the skin with fairly weak electrical impulses, fluctuating in the range of 40-1000 microamps. The procedure has a minimal list of contraindications and is also quite effective. Efficiency is achieved through a simultaneous effect on lymphatic and blood vessels, muscles and dermis. The procedure makes it possible to put even a fairly severely affected surface in order, with virtually no negative sensations.


The essence of the technique is the correct exposure of the surface to light rays of a certain frequency. It is completely safe for health, has virtually no contraindications, and does not imply any invasion of the epidermis at all. The results of the procedure are usually visible from the first session, and the final effect occurs after 3-5 repetitions.

Aesthetic cosmetology

To quickly and without consequences eliminate excess fat, homemade formulations are sometimes not enough. Then it's time to contact a specialist. An experienced professional must first refer the patient for a medical examination to find out the causes and contraindications, and only after that makes prescriptions.


Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Curacen – for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G


For high-quality results, professional products are used that directly affect the regulation of gland secretion. They usually have a high concentration of active components, which distinguishes them from the usual analogues used in everyday life. In your care, you can use the Cream Clay Mask, which effectively restores the skin's purity and healthy appearance, or the delicate Clear Oil Cleansing oil for deep cleansing. It removes makeup, deep skin impurities, dead cells of the stratum corneum and excess sebaceous glands.


As a rule, the dermis with increased sebum secretion is quite dense, so it “clogs” much faster than any other. Without thorough cleaning and constant care, it will become very shiny. There are several types of high-quality professional cleansing:

  • manual;
  • combined;
  • ultrasonic;
  • chemical.

All options are aimed at freeing clogged pores from their contents and thereby reducing the main indicators of pollution. Similar procedures are recommended not only for increased sebum secretion, but also for acne, milia, blackheads and other defects.

Cosmeceuticals as help in a difficult struggle

It includes cosmetology and medicine, which allows it not only to fight visible imperfections, but also to eliminate the cause from the inside. This is one of the most effective and modern treatment methods. For example, the drug GHC Placental Cosmetic is able to transform the dermis at the cellular level, eliminating excess oil. In addition, it stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen, reduces the number of existing wrinkles, normalizes the water-lipid balance, and eliminates the prerequisites for the development of hyperpigmentation. You can also use Placenta Extract, which effectively restores cell structure and normalizes their functions, and also increases skin elasticity and helps eliminate irritation and inflammatory reactions.

Solving problems with a doctor

Many people have a question about what to do and what treatment for very oily facial skin can be effective and safe. By contacting a doctor, you can find out why certain processes occur, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to choose the right therapy. Alternatively, you may also need to consult an endocrinologist who deals with hormonal imbalances, which also often cause excessive sebum production.

Usually, if you have a genetic predisposition, doctors recommend monitoring your lifestyle and diet, and regularly caring for your skin using special formulations. However, through increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, the body can signal the development of any diseases. Such manifestations cannot be ignored, especially if they arise suddenly.

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