Peeling eyebrows in men: main causes and treatment methods

Issues discussed in the material:
  • Why do men's eyebrows peel?
  • What does the localization of peeling indicate?
  • Why do eyebrows and other parts of the face peel?
  • What symptoms accompany peeling eyebrows?
  • What to do if men's eyebrows are flaky
  • Home remedies for flaking eyebrows

When girls experience rashes or irritation on their face, the most common reason is the use of inappropriate cosmetics. To fix this problem, just change your skincare products. With the stronger sex, everything is a little more complicated. In this case, you can immediately exclude the influence of external factors, such as cosmetics or the effects of tattooing. This means that the reason is more serious.

For example, why do men’s eyebrows peel? What diseases may this fact indicate? And how to properly treat such a disease? We'll talk about this in our material.

Why do men's eyebrows peel?

Throughout a person's life, the top layer of skin is constantly renewed. Moreover, this process occurs much faster on the head and face, since they are more susceptible to the influence of negative factors (atmospheric phenomena, frequent use of cosmetics).

For the human eye, this process is invisible, since the particles are so small that they are simply not visible. However, if any malfunction occurs in the body, increased death of the upper layer of the epidermis may begin.

If a man’s eyebrows begin to peel, this is especially unpleasant, since the white pieces of epidermis on the hairs look completely unaesthetic. In this case, the main task is to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

Before going to the doctor, a man can try to figure out the reasons why his eyebrows are peeling on his own. This often happens due to the consumption of certain products or the use of inappropriate cosmetics. Peeling of eyebrows can be caused by both internal and external factors.

1. Exogenous factors.

In this case, the skin on the eyebrows in men may peel off due to lifestyle, body condition, and also the environment. If this phenomenon is observed under the arches, it may be due to genetics. The work of the sebaceous glands depends on this, that is, the volume of secretions from them, the process of cell regeneration, degenerative changes in the structure of connective tissue, as well as elasticity.

Also, external factors include the following:

  • A change in climate or regime often causes severe peeling of eyebrows in men. This phenomenon occurs when a person flies from one climate zone to another. Temperature changes, swimming in salt water, and constant exposure to sunlight cause stress to the skin, and it begins to crack and peel. Often such a reaction from the body appears in winter due to changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Due to the unstable psychological state of a man, peeling of the eyebrows may also appear. To do this, it is enough to spend several weeks in a state of nervous tension. It is worth remembering that stress and depression have a negative impact on skin condition.
  • If men have flaky eyebrows, this may be the result of an insect bite.
  • Taking certain medications sometimes causes a similar reaction.
  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Men may be surprised that previously bad habits did not cause flaking of the eyebrows, but now it has appeared. The fact is that intoxication of the body occurs unnoticed by a person, and after some time the skin begins to react to alcohol and nicotine. It turns red, wrinkles, dries out and peels.
  • Overdrying of the skin in men is also accompanied by peeling. This often happens when you use or select cosmetics and soaps incorrectly, usually if they do not match your skin type. Peeling of eyebrows in men can be caused by cosmetics with an inappropriate pH (increased). As a result, the natural properties of the epidermis and cell structure are disrupted, the barrier function decreases, and dermatitis appears. Frequent washing, especially with hot water, causes the skin to become dry.

  • If the indoor air is too dry, the skin loses moisture, itching appears and peeling begins, including the eyebrows. As a rule, this happens if the room is not ventilated and the air is not humidified.
  • Lack of proper nutrition, that is, snacking on the run, eating fast food, lack of vitamins, all this causes flaky eyebrows in men. Everyone knows that a person looks the way he eats.

In order for the skin to stop peeling, as well as to prevent this phenomenon, you must first normalize your diet, make it balanced by including foods containing vitamins A and E in the menu. In addition, you should avoid cleansing cosmetics that contain alcohol. Another important rule is to be sure to drink the required amount of fluid and avoid drying out the skin.

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2. Endogenous causes.

Often the cause of such phenomena as itching and peeling of the eyebrow arches in men are various diseases, for example, psoriasis, dermatitis, ichthyosis, etc. In addition, it is worth remembering that the overly sensitive dermis reacts to even the most minor stressful situations.

In addition, the causes of peeling eyebrows can be:

  • Diabetes and diseases related to kidney function. Also, a similar reaction of the body can be observed due to problems with hormonal levels. Disruption of metabolic processes often leads to the appearance of acne, pigment spots, and premature aging of the dermis in men.
  • Dandruff on the head, spreading to the eyebrows. This happens in both women and men. This phenomenon indicates age-related changes and disturbances in the functioning of the body. Or it is a consequence of improper care. Many cosmetic products contain components that can lead to inflammation of the skin and cell death.
  • An allergic reaction of the body or skin infection by a fungus. Also, the cause is often poor nutrition, dry air or demodicosis. As for diseases that can cause peeling, these are dermatitis, seborrhea, allergies and psoriasis.
  • Seborrhea. It is one of the most common reasons why men's eyebrows begin to peel. During this disease, the fungus multiplies very actively, resulting in a lot of dead scales. Factors that cause dermatitis are: metabolic disorders, poor hygiene, constant stress, diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, unhealthy diet.

Skin fungus

One of the causes of itching on the eyebrows is seborrheic dermatitis. The introduced fungus begins to actively multiply, which leads to a huge number of dead scales (dandruff).

The following factors can also intensify the process of fungal reproduction: dysbacteriosis, limited nutrition, lack of vitamins, hormonal imbalances, prolonged fatigue.

You can eliminate fungus on the eyebrows, which causes irritation and peeling, in the following ways:

  • taking antifungal tablets (Ketanazol);
  • treating affected areas with tar soap or products containing salicylic acid;
  • washing with infusions of chamomile, calendula or lavender;
  • tea tree oil lotions;
  • applying antifungal, antiseborrheic ointment.

What does the localization of peeling indicate?

The condition of the skin on the face can tell a lot about the diseases a man has. For example, the forehead reflects how the digestive system works. If spots, pimples and peeling begin to appear in this place, this indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In the area of ​​the nose, namely on the wings, there are many small blood vessels. If the skin color changes or peeling appears, the cause may be a temperature change, prolonged stress, allergies, or a runny nose. However, in this case, the irritation is temporary.

The appearance of a rash, as well as dead skin flakes in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, indicates a man’s excessive consumption of sweets, the use of incorrectly selected cosmetics and allergies. If they do not go away for a long time or are accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

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Peeling in the area of ​​the eyebrows and mouth can appear for various reasons, for example, due to a lack of vitamins in a man’s body, the use of low-quality cosmetics or cleansing products containing alcohol. As for dry lips, as well as the appearance of cracks, this often occurs due to prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures after exposure to frost or sun, as well as allergies. In this case, to avoid this, you should use lip balm.

Thus, there are many factors that can cause flaking eyebrows in men. At the same time, a person may not even know what exactly caused this phenomenon. The skin can be compared to a litmus test, which reflects most of the processes occurring in the human body. You can always conduct an analysis yourself and understand what led to peeling of the eyebrows. The present symptoms will also help with this.

It is worth noting that peeling of eyebrows in men can occur in different ways. To understand why it appeared, as well as to begin treatment in a timely manner, you need to determine exactly where it is localized, as well as what symptoms accompany it.

The most common places of peeling:

  • Under the eyebrows, which indicates either a man’s allergy to cosmetics, or infection with a mite, that is, demodicosis. In the second case, you should pay attention to the eyelashes, since they can also be affected.
  • Between the eyebrow arches, that is, on the bridge of the nose. As a rule, there is no danger in this case. The causes may be: minor injury, contact with the skin of an allergen, or a scratched insect bite. To get rid of peeling in this place, a man just needs to not scratch it and apply lotions.
  • Above the eyebrows. This phenomenon can be caused by almost all the factors listed above. However, it is less likely that the cause of peeling lies in demodicosis or a reaction to cosmetics.
  • Around the arcs. Most often this is a consequence of environmental influences, that is, frost, strong wind, sea salt, and sunlight. The skin often cannot cope with such stress.

Why do eyebrows and other parts of the face peel?

In some cases, men are mistaken in thinking that only their eyebrows are flaking, since this phenomenon is not observed in other parts of the face. However, in reality everything may be completely different.

In some cases, dead skin particles simply cling to the hairs, making a man think that the location of the peeling is the arches. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire face and find out where else this phenomenon is observed:

  • Upper part of the face (eyebrows and forehead). If a man finds peeling in this area, then he should definitely consult a dermatologist. The doctor will take a scraping for the fungus and prescribe treatment using medications, which cannot be avoided here.
  • Central part of the face. Dead particles can fall off from the eyebrows and wings of the nose in flakes; often the skin in this area peels off due to a severe runny nose. At this time, constant skin irritation occurs (when blowing your nose). As for eyebrows, they often give such a reaction to colds. Often the cause of severe peeling is seborrhea, which occurs in people with a problematic T-zone with combination or oily skin.
  • Eyebrows and head. In this case, the most common cause of flaking in men is dandruff, so you will need to resort to various means to deal with it.
  • Ear area. When ears are added to flaky eyebrows in men, this may indicate the presence of a fungus, especially if the problem is accompanied by severe itching. In this case, it will not be possible to cope with peeling with lotions and baths. In addition, you can’t do without going to the doctor either. Moreover, you should not hesitate to avoid various complications.
  • Eyebrows and eyelids. If peeling is observed in these areas, you should be checked for demodicosis.

What symptoms accompany peeling eyebrows?

The cause of peeling eyebrows in a man can be determined by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • If itching is present, then it is necessary to check for allergies and fungus. In both cases, you will have to resort to treatment using medications. However, in order to cope with allergies, a man needs to identify the irritating factor and completely eliminate it from his life.

  • Redness of the skin in the form of spots very often accompanies peeling of the eyebrow arches in men. In this case, the cause may be injury, an insect bite, or an allergic reaction from the body.

If a man has discovered peeling of the eyebrows, then it is also necessary to pay attention to the symptoms accompanying this phenomenon, namely, the location, which parts of the face and head are affected, whether there is hyperemia, itching and spots. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the cause of peeling. However, if it is very strong, then it is better to seek advice from a specialist, since not in all cases folk remedies help to cope with the problem. Sometimes medications are much more effective.

It happens that a man does not pay attention to the fact that his eyebrows are flaking, and over time everything goes away, that is, the cause is eliminated on its own. However, this is rare; most often the disease develops and causes various complications.

Timely treatment is especially important when the cause of flaking of a man’s eyebrows is an infection. In such cases, you can often encounter consequences such as problems with the mucous membrane of the eyes and blurred vision. You should not take any measures on your own, otherwise you can only worsen the situation.


Itching, redness, and swelling can become symptoms of eyebrow microtrauma. Some time after the integrity of the skin is damaged, cells begin to recover, divide and replace damaged ones. Dead particles fall off, which leads to peeling and irritation.

The cause of injury can be: cuts, blows, careless plucking process or poorly performed tattooing.

Decoctions of chamomile, mint and string can speed up the healing process of damaged tissue. Use decoctions to wipe the damaged eyebrow several times a day. Baking soda compresses and steamed oatmeal lotions can also relieve itching.

What to do if men's eyebrows are flaky

You already know what symptoms and causes of flaking eyebrows in men exist. However, the main thing is to eliminate the factor that caused such a reaction from the body. Otherwise, the treatment will only have a masking effect, but will not fight the problem.

During therapy, you can take the following measures to get rid of skin particles on the eyebrows:

  • Check the expiration date of cosmetic cleansers and replace them if necessary.
  • Before going outside, apply cream with an SPF filter for protection.
  • Try to avoid contact with chlorine (going to the pool) and sea salt.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Take a course of vitamins.
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  • Get checked for internal diseases and undergo treatment.
  • If an insect bites you, treat the wound with a disinfectant; a regular solution of baking soda will do.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations.
  • Constantly humidify the air in the room you are in.

And, of course, you can’t do without consulting a specialist, since only a doctor can determine the exact reason why a man’s eyebrows are peeling and prescribe treatment. If this is an allergy, then antihistamines are prescribed, for example, “Suprastin”, “Diazolin”, “Tavegil”, etc. When a man’s eyebrows peel due to a fungus, ointments or antibiotics are prescribed if demodicosis is in an advanced state.

Prevention measures

The following preventive measures will help prevent the development of itching:

  • moderate use of high-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • limited exposure to direct sunlight;
  • limited consumption of sugar, flour and protein products;
  • adherence to diet;
  • competent alternation of periods of physical activity and rest;
  • limiting stressful situations.

Strong immunity is the best prevention of the development of body diseases, the symptom of which is itching on the eyebrows.

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