Librederm has revealed the best lines of its cosmetic products

In 2005, it was created, which produces drugs for self-medication, medicinal cosmetics and dietary supplements, and is also the exclusive distributor of pharmaceutical factories in Europe. The Zeldis-Pharma portfolio includes the brands “Kolmex”, “Milkmaid Zoya”, “GlitsinKa”, “Horsepower” and many others. Production is located in the Moscow region. The first boutique of the Libridem brand appeared in Krasnodar on December 28, 2016. Librederm stores sell body, hair, skin, nails and other products.

LIBREDERM cosmetics (Libriderm) is a modern domestic development at the intersection of cosmetology and pharmacology, using herbs and vitamins. It combines high quality and effectiveness, which is confirmed by reviews from cosmetologists, has no age restrictions, and belongs to the middle price range.

Russian cosmetics Libriderm is medicinal and includes skin care products with hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E, and a collection of shampoos.

A selective review will allow you to get acquainted in more detail with some Libriderm products.

Products and prices

Face cream with vitamin E is moisturizing, with a delicate texture, can be used as a base before applying makeup; in addition to vitamin E, which is an excellent antioxidant, the cream also contains lecithin, which is necessary to restore the normalization of the skin’s water balance and activate metabolic processes. The price in the company’s online store is from 130 rubles.

Foam with hyaluronic acid for washing is a soft, gentle cleanser that simultaneously softens, moisturizes and tones the skin, without leaving a feeling of tightness. The price is about 300 rubles.

Aevit hand cream is a nourishing cream with a softening and restorative effect, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, and slows down aging. The price is about 200 rubles.

Anti-aging lifting serum from grapes - contains grape stem cells, provides intensive anti-aging care for the skin of the face and neck, improves skin tightness, restores its firmness and elasticity. Price - 460 rubles.

Eye cream with cornflower - has a tonic and anti-edematous effect, eliminates wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Costs 250 rubles.

Hair shampoo with birch tar is suitable for hair of any type, promotes the balance of the sebaceous glands, and stops hair loss. Cost - 360 rubles.

Reviews from experts and buyers agree that Libriderm cosmetics are useful and safe; after consultation with a doctor, they can be used during pregnancy.

Vitamin F

In addition to products with a predominance of vitamins A and E, the Libriderm brand has created a series with vitamin F. This vitamin has the following properties:

  1. It acts as a protective filter that prevents the negative effects of harmful environmental substances, and also protects against the effects of external natural factors (wind, snow, sun, rain) on the walls of the epidermis.
  2. Has a healing effect. It is advisable to use products with vitamin F in the presence of damage, wounds, irritation and inflammation.
  3. Quickly eliminates dryness and flaking; the series containing this component is intended for any age without restrictions.

The Libriderm vitamin line includes:

  • Makeup remover milk. It is a universal cosmetic product, as it can even be used to remove eye makeup. Performs its task carefully and delicately, without leaving a feeling of discomfort. Does not irritate the skin and does not cause redness.
  • Shower cream. Body care is an integral part of the women's world, so you should choose only high-quality products. Shower cream from Libriderm will relieve the body from the constant feeling of dryness, prevent the occurrence of flaking on its surface and replace the missing percentage of moisture.
  • Hair shampoo and restoring balm. They will nourish dry, weakened hair with vitamins and bring it back to life. You will notice how your curls will become more elastic, volume and density will increase. Libriderm balm will help cope with the problem of split ends; apply it, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots.
  • Delicate hygienic lipstick. It is preferable to choose it in the winter season to protect lips from chapping and peeling.
  • Two types of Libriderm cream: bold, semi-bold. Depending on the type of face, they will soften the skin, give a feeling of comfort and tenderness, and cope with the problem of dryness and flaking.


Contains information about the wide range that characterizes Libriderm cosmetics, catalogue. Reviews will help you decide on the right product. But first, it’s worth finding out what collections of cosmetics the manufacturer offers:

  • "Hyaluronic collection" - provides intense hydration.
  • “3D Hyaluronic filler” - helps smooth out wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.
  • "Collagen" - gives skin tone and increases elasticity.
  • "Aevit" - removes toxins and improves the overall condition of the skin.
  • “Vitamin F” - relieves irritation and accelerates recovery processes.
  • "Vitamin E" - improves skin condition, tones, refreshes.
  • "Panthenol" - provides intensive restoration of damaged tissues.
  • “Grape stem cells” act as an emergency aid for aging skin and slow down the aging process.
  • Miceclaen - cleanses and tones the skin, makes it easier to remove makeup.
  • "Seracin" - provides deep cleansing of the skin and fights inflammation.
  • "Keratin" - deeply nourishes and restores hair.
  • “Therapeutic shampoos” - eliminates dandruff.
  • “Herbal collection” - deep nourishment of the skin with plant extracts.
  • Bronzeada - provides quick and safe self-tanning.
  • "Carbon" - protects against harmful environmental influences.
  • Other.

Who is the cosmetic product for?

BABY baby products are hypoallergenic, quickly absorbed, and help the baby's sensitive skin from the first day of life. Regenerating, protective creams, wipes, shampoos, used for diaper rash and irritation.

For representatives of the puberty period, from 15 to 20 years, an alcohol-free line has been developed. Supports the skin during hormonal changes in the body.

Preventive cosmetology after 25 years prevents signs of aging. The properly developed Mezolux Libriderm line helps slow down the aging process without radical salon procedures.


Anti-wrinkle collagen products are intended for women 35-45 years old. After 30, the skin loses its main building material, consisting of collagen. The body does not produce specific protein on its own in the required volume. The comprehensive Libriderm program restores elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and gives the skin a healthy appearance.

After 50 years, facial care should be comprehensive. For rejuvenation, creams and concentrates are used together. When developing age-related care products, scientists took into account hormonal changes.

The products of the Hyaluronic for men collection are intended for men.

A little about hyaluronic acid

If you carefully read reviews of Libriderm cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, it is worth noting that customers are satisfied with the pronounced moisturizing effect. But experts are primarily interested not in the effect, but in the mechanism for achieving it.

First, it’s worth talking about the properties of hyaluronic acid. Its main function is to moisturize the skin, as well as activate fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of their own collagen. However, it is rare to find hyaluron in cosmetic products that matches what is produced by the human body.

It is worth noting that the hyaluronic acid molecule is too large to penetrate through the pores. If you place such a substance in cosmetics, it will only settle on the surface of the epidermis in the form of a film. This is why manufacturers have to resort to artificial splitting technology. As a result, the molecules may become too small. This is extremely dangerous, because in this case there is a risk of inhibition of fibroblast function. The technology for producing optimal hyaluronic acid is very expensive. Considering the relatively low price at which Libriderm cosmetics are sold, expert reviews are clear - active substances are not included in the composition.

Another significant point is the concentration of the substance. Cosmetic products should contain 0.5-1.5% hyaluronic acid. Speaking about “Libriderm”, it should be noted that this substance is listed at the very end of the list without indicating a quantitative indicator. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the effectiveness of the hyaluronic series.

Positive reviews about the hyaluronic series

Libriderm cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are in great demand. Reviews generally contain positive information. The following advantages of the series can be highlighted:

  • contains no dyes or fragrances;
  • pleasant light texture that ensures rapid absorption;
  • pleasant light aroma;
  • long-lasting feeling of moisture after use;
  • eliminates small creases caused by dryness;
  • complexion becomes fresher;
  • perfectly restores the skin after sunbathing;
  • Suitable for any skin type.

Popular cosmeceutical lines

The Libriderm catalog presents a wide variety of products, among which any woman will find her own series that suits her skin type, age and preferences.

Based on their composition, focus and effect, the products are divided into several main categories:

  1. Products with a predominant content of vitamins such as E and A. These products are aimed at maximizing the youthfulness of facial skin and not causing any harm to it.
  2. A separate line of products containing hyaluronic acid. The main task of the line is to nourish the skin with moisture.
  3. Cosmetics designed to eliminate the first signs of aging. The series is called “Collagen”, you can start using it from the age of 25, depending on when you notice your first wrinkles, dryness and aging of the skin.
  4. A separate niche in the products of the famous Libriderm brand is occupied by shampoos that have a deep healing effect. They are widely in demand among young girls and older women; they do an excellent job with all hair problems.

Listed above are only the main directions of Libriderm cosmeceuticals; all series have many creams, emulsions, tonics, serums, which are classified into various subgroups.

Series "AEVIT"

Considering the benefits of vitamins for the skin, the popularity enjoyed by AEvit Libriderm cosmetics is understandable. Reviews from experts are based primarily on an analysis of the components that are included in the composition.

One of the most popular products in this series is the nourishing cream. After analyzing its composition, complaints arise about the name. The cream has no right to be called nourishing. It is rather a light antioxidant. Considering that vitamins A and E are at the end of the list, and their concentration is unknown, it is impossible to say how pronounced the effect will be. The main share of the composition is emollients. These substances soften the skin well, but do not nourish it, much less restore it.

Lip gel is another popular product that belongs to a category such as Libriderm vitamin cosmetics. Reviews from cosmetologists draw attention to the discrepancy between the name and composition. It is strange that the product from the AEvit series does not contain vitamin A. Thus, it is difficult to talk about moisturizing the lips. Only its appearance is created, which is achieved due to the silicone film that forms on the surface of the skin.

Activity of the company

As noted earlier, the owner of the Librederm brand is. It was founded in 2005 and today this pharmaceutical holding is one of the undisputed leaders of the Russian market.

The main field of activity of the company is the development, production, promotion and distribution of medical products, cosmetics, dietary supplements and medications. “Zeldis-Pharma” has proven itself well among consumers thanks to such trademarks as Librederm, “Horse Power”, “Pedikulen”, TravelDream, “Barsukor”, etc.

The geography of the company's activities covers the Russian Federation, the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Poland, Slovenia, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Germany and other countries.

Company representatives regularly participate in various events, seminars, exhibitions and conferences dedicated to the development of cosmeceuticals, the pharmaceutical industry, and medicine.

Cosmetics with grape stem cells

A rather interesting component on which Libriderm cosmetics are based are grape stem cells. Reviews from experts about this component are very skeptical. To understand the negative attitude of cosmetologists, it is necessary to understand theoretical issues.

Stem cells, in fact, are mother cells, and therefore they can be integrated into any living organisms. This property has found its use in medicine and cosmetology to treat serious diseases and combat age-related changes. However, this topic is only at the stage of development and experimentation. This gives grounds to assert that there are no stem cell-based cosmetics with proven effectiveness yet.

Speaking about the ineffectiveness of stem cells in existing cosmetics, experts give the following arguments:

  1. Stem cells can only improve skin condition if they are alive. Thus, they need oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, it is important to maintain certain temperature, humidity and other environmental indicators. In creams or any other cosmetic products, these conditions are not met, and therefore the stem cells will be dead, and therefore useless.
  2. Plant stem cells are used in cosmetics. Even if, purely theoretically, the above conditions are met, they will not bring any benefit to the skin. The problem is that only plants or their fragments can be grown from such cells. And they, in turn, do not enter into any interaction with the epidermis (except superficial).
  3. Most creams do not use stem cells themselves, but their peptides. Of course, there is some evidence that they can affect the functioning of skin cells, but this information is at the stage of speculation and research.

Thus, experts have every reason to express distrust of manufacturers who claim to use stem cells in their cosmetics. Of course, it is impossible to convict them of deception, since there really are plant components there. But, given that they cannot in any way affect the regenerative processes in skin cells, we can say that stem cells are just a marketing ploy.


The history of the LIBREDERM brand began with a bold innovative idea - to combine global scientific achievements and cosmetic trends. As a result of this cosmopolitan approach, the LIBREDERM International Laboratories were formed:

This way we get access to innovations and the latest achievements in the field of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. LIBREDERM is a symbiosis of scientific achievements in pharmaceuticals and modern solutions in the field of cosmetology.

Collagen series

The best indicator of effectiveness that characterizes Libriderm cosmetics is reviews. For 35 years old, a series with collagen is recommended. This substance is a protein that is one of the structural components of human skin. It is elastin that is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. But, as in the case of hyaluronic acid, collagen molecules are quite large, and therefore have to be broken down through hydrolysis. This technology is quite expensive, which does not correspond to the stated price of Libriderm cosmetics. Thus, most likely, the substance simply settles on the surface of the skin.

The manufacturer claims the presence of matrikins in the complex. This formula was developed and patented by a famous cosmetology company that produces anti-aging cosmetics. This complex is distinguished by its high cost, which is in no way consistent with the price of Libriderm cosmetics. In addition, the recommended concentration of the complex is 2%. And given that the manufacturer does not indicate the value of this indicator, it is difficult to draw specific conclusions.

The main cosmetic effect of the collagen series is due to the presence of glycerin and castor oil in the composition. Thus, upon application, moisturizing is felt, but no therapeutic effect can be expected.

Positive reviews about the collagen series "Libriderm"

Reviews from cosmetologists will help you understand whether Libriderm cosmetics are worthy of attention. For those aged 35 and older, it is quite difficult to choose the right products. So, you can hear the following positive reviews about the collagen series:

  • minimum amount of harmful components in the composition;
  • the absence of a strong aroma that could mix with the perfume;
  • in the first few hours after use, the skin becomes denser (according to tactile sensations);
  • absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy shine or unpleasant mask effect;
  • light, pleasant texture that ensures comfortable application;
  • immediately after application there is a significant increase in tone;
  • small creases are smoothed out, but the effect is temporary.

Negative reviews about collagen cosmetics "Libriderm"

Collagen facial cosmetics “Libriderm” causes a lot of controversy among specialists and customers. Reviews contain the following negative information:

  • overcharge;
  • lack of a pronounced effect promised by the manufacturer;
  • within a week after regular use, pores begin to become severely clogged;
  • does not cope well with moisturizing dry skin;
  • A few hours after application, the skin develops a strong feeling of tightness and dryness.
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