How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes: pharmacy, folk remedies, cosmetics, cosmetology

Blueness under the eyes is a fairly common defect. It spoils a person’s appearance and gives the face a tired, unhealthy appearance. Modern cosmetology has a sufficient range of tools and methods to get rid of blemishes. But, before removing dark circles under the eyes, you need to find out the reason for their appearance.

Factors contributing to the appearance of dark circles

Bruises under the eyes sometimes appear in almost every person. If such a defect appears once, it is usually enough to get a good night's sleep. Constant blackness on the lower eyelids requires eliminating the causes of its appearance. They are very different. More often associated with everyday habits.

The most common provoking factors:

  • regular lack of sleep;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • constant stress;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • hypothermia;
  • smoking;
  • excessive use of the computer (or working in front of a monitor);
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • use of low-quality decorative or skincare cosmetics;
  • frequent exposure to the sun (or visiting a solarium).

Natural causes of deterioration in appearance include physiological aging of the body and genetic features of the structure of the dermis (for example, too thin covers through which capillaries are visible).

If there are no objective reasons for the appearance of bruises, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, a visual flaw is a symptom of a serious illness.

During the examination, the therapist pays attention not only to the presence of shadows, but also to their shade. It can suggest a disease of one or another organ:

  • blue indicates hypoxia, which develops against the background of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Bruises can also occur due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • yellow (or brown, greenish) is a sign of the liver and gall bladder. If yellowness appears on other parts of the skin and sclera of the eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is one of the characteristic symptoms of hepatitis;
  • purple color appears in kidney pathologies;
  • red indicates allergies, intoxication, and helminthic infestation.

If the defect is caused by any disease, it will not be possible to eliminate it with the help of cosmetics. You will have to first treat the underlying pathology. In other cases, properly selected professional or folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes will help.

Panda effect: why are there dark circles under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on the face as a whole. It is sensitive to external influences and changes in the state of the body. Blood that does not receive enough oxygen stagnates in small blood vessels and, due to the small thickness of the skin, appears translucent in the form of dark circles. High facial activity in this area causes stretching of collagen fibers in the skin and the formation of swelling and bags. In addition, a genetic factor cannot be ruled out: the predisposition to dark circles in some people is determined by heredity.

Any means are good in the fight against dark circles

How to quickly remove dark circles around the eyes at home, folk remedies

To quickly remove dark circles under the eyes, you need to adjust your diet. Preference should be given to lean meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, and grains. This will help replenish the lack of vitamins necessary for the skin.

Proper care of the integument in this area plays an important role. You should regularly do a light massage to stimulate peripheral blood circulation.

It is imperative to carry out a makeup removal procedure in the evenings using cosmetic milk or foam. Apply nourishing cream to cleansed skin. A couple of times a week it’s good to make masks for dark circles under the eyes. You can buy them at the store or prepare them yourself.

Homemade mixtures are easy to make and affordable. They can be made from products that are in the kitchen of any housewife. When used regularly, folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes are no less effective than expensive branded cosmetics.

Thermal water compress

This simple procedure effectively moisturizes the dermis at home. To carry it out, you need to soak cotton pads in liquid and keep them in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

Then apply them to the lower eyelids for 15 minutes. It is better to do the manipulation every evening before going to bed.

Potato mask

Peel the raw potato tuber and chop using a fine grater. Roll up clean gauze into several layers and wrap the resulting pulp from the root vegetable in it.

Place the compress on your face. After half an hour, wash with water at room temperature. The recipe can be supplemented by adding flour and milk (1 tsp each) to the potato mixture.

Cucumber mask

There are many ways to fight dark circles under the eyes with cucumber. The simplest one is to cut the vegetable into thin slices and place them on your eyelids. Or you can make a mask.

It is prepared in the following way:

  1. Grate the cucumber.
  2. Take a tablespoon of cucumber pulp.
  3. Stir in sour cream (1 tbsp).
  4. Add finely chopped parsley leaves (1 tbsp).

Distribute the resulting mass evenly over the problem area. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Lemon tomato

The components of this mask reduce the severity of bruises after the first use due to their composition. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which whitens the skin. Rich in vitamin C, lemon quickly eliminates signs of inflammation and irritation.

The tomato pulp should be crushed with a fork and combined in equal proportions with lemon juice. Keep the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour.


Suitable for the procedure:

  • chamomile;
  • cornflower;
  • sage;
  • parsley and other herbs.

First you need to prepare an infusion: 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the selected plant (or a mixture of several) and leave for 15 minutes.

Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply them to the eyes. Relax, lie down with compresses for 10 minutes. You can divide the liquid into two parts. Keep one in the refrigerator, warm the second a little. Change compresses from cold to hot - make 7-8 changes.


You will need cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content. It needs to be ground, diluted with brewed green tea to a homogeneous consistency.

Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes, leave for a quarter of an hour, and wash with cool water.

Ice from sage infusion

The healing properties of sage have been known for a long time. Today it is included in many cosmetics for problem skin. Experts recommend using a decoction of the plant for home treatments for all women over 30 years of age.

To prepare the solution, you need to pour two tablespoons of the herb into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain, pour into ice molds. Wipe your face with the frozen infusion every day.

Such manipulations will help maintain a young, fresh appearance, tone the skin, relieve inflammation, and help make the complexion more even.

Parsley based mask

Grind the parsley leaves in a blender. Combine a tablespoon of the resulting mass with half a teaspoon of strong black tea. Mix well. Soak sponges in the mixture and apply under eyes for 15 minutes.

The procedure eliminates signs of fatigue, tones the affected area, smoothes and whitens the dermis.

Soda for dark circles under eyes

soda helps in the fight against “panda eyes” . To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of the substance in 100 ml of chamomile decoction (plain water will also do).

Soak pieces of cotton fabric in the liquid and apply to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards you should wash your face and lubricate the problem area with a nourishing cream.

Express masks for the night

It’s no secret that homemade cosmetics give an effect after a course of procedures, which includes an average of 6-12 sessions. But there are other ways, so-called express methods, that allow you to get rid of dark circles under the eyes and bags in just one night.

  1. Option #1. Before going to bed, apply a paste of sour cream (2 tsp), parsley (1 tsp) and green tea leaves (1 tsp) on the skin in the eye area. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. In the morning, massage the eye area with ice cubes made from parsley decoction and lemon juice.
  2. Option #2. Prepare a mask from grated fresh cucumber and cream (1 tsp). Before going to bed, apply the mixture to the skin and allow time for the upper layer of the epidermis to soak in (15-20 minutes).
  3. Option #3. Distribute a mixture of liquid honey and cottage cheese onto the skin around the eyes (fat content is adjusted depending on skin type). Leave the mask on for 25 minutes. Remove any remaining composition with a cotton pad soaked in cool water.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes using cosmetic procedures

Age-related or hereditary changes in pigmentation can be dealt with in a cosmetologist's office. A specialist should choose the type of procedures, their frequency, and dosage of medications, taking into account existing chronic diseases and the degree of complexity of the problem.

Attention: you should only contact certified beauty salons that value their reputation. Cheap “at-home” manipulations can harm not only beauty, but also health!

The dermis under the eyes is the most delicate. It is easily damaged, so not all methods of influence are suitable. But their choice is quite wide.

Pharmacy creams and ointments for dark circles

Creams for dark circles under the eyes are present in the lines of all major cosmetics manufacturers. They are designed to care specifically for the delicate dermis of the eyelids. This area should be treated only with products that are intended specifically for it.

Such creams are effective, but, as a rule, very expensive. Medicines that are sold in regular pharmacies can be a good replacement.

Planeta organica gel for dark circles

Planeta Organica eye gel for puffiness and dark circles belongs to the category of organic cosmetics. Its effectiveness is based on the therapeutic effects of plant extracts.

The unique composition of the gel helps:

  • tone the epidermis;
  • compensate for the lack of vitamins;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • strengthen fabric fibers;
  • protect covers from negative external influences;
  • relieve irritation.

As a result, the aging process of the skin slows down, signs of fatigue in the form of dark circles and puffiness disappear.

Heparin ointment

The blood-thinning drug effectively combats cyanosis caused by congestion in the smallest vessels or injury.

Additional components of heparin ointment are:

  • benzyl nicotinate, which helps the active substance penetrate deep into tissues;
  • peach oil to soften the epidermis.

Apply the drug under the eyes in a thin layer twice a day or apply sponges soaked in ointment to the problem area for a quarter of an hour. The maximum duration of treatment with heparin is 10 days. Then you need to take a month's break, then, if necessary, you can repeat the course.

Attention: an overdose of the product causes itching, burning, redness of the skin, swelling, and peeling.

For ladies with sensitive dermis, it is better to mix the drug with oil (shea, almond, argan or jojoba) or baby cream in a 1:2 ratio.

It is forbidden to eliminate cosmetic defects with heparin ointment for people with blood clotting disorders, severe allergies, or violation of the integrity of the integument in the area of ​​application.

The drug is not compatible with a course of drugs from certain pharmaceutical groups.

Among them:

  • anticoagulants;
  • antibiotics;
  • vasodilators;
  • antihistamines.

The use of heparin is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and menstruation.


The medicine is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. The active ingredient (troxerutin) helps:

  • restore capillary permeability;
  • stabilize lymph flow;
  • preserve hyaluronic acid molecules.

For the face, the gel can be used if bruises are caused by a specific lifestyle. Troxevasin is not effective against dark circles when the defect is a symptom of a disease of the internal organs.

You need to use it a couple of times a day, lightly “driving” it into the problem area with your fingertips. The product must be used until the defect disappears. The gel is absorbed quickly and significantly whitens bruises after just three hours.

Attention: side effects of the gel - rash, dermatitis.

The product should not be used by allergy sufferers, children under 14 years of age, or if there is a violation of the integrity of the dermis.

Arnica ointment and gel

The gel belongs to the category of homeopathic preparations. Arnica promotes rapid healing of wounds and relieves inflammation. Suitable for resolving traumatic bruises, in other cases it is weakly effective. Faradiol, which is part of the drug, has a local irritant effect.

A reliable contraindication is an allergic reaction to the components of the product. Due to the lack of sufficient clinical trials, Arnica is not recommended for use in children under 18 years of age, as well as in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

What masks are suitable for teenagers

Teenage girls, trying to imitate their mothers, use different face masks. They should not be prohibited from doing this, especially when there is a skin flaw in the eye area. You just need to check that the ingredients included are safe and as effective as possible.

The body in adolescence is at the stage of restructuring, which is accompanied by a hormonal surge. This is one of the main causes of bruises and bags under the eyes in children. A deficiency of nutrients and vitamins can provoke the problem. Therefore, to eliminate flaws, you need to use products based on herbal ingredients that are enriched with valuable microelements. Among the recommended products for preparing a mask:

  • raw potatoes;
  • egg;
  • citrus;
  • liquid honey;
  • oatmeal (ground to powder);
  • avocado, etc.

Before a teenager begins to perform procedures on his own, the basic rules for applying masks need to be explained in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

  1. When using any ingredient for the first time, you should test it on the back of your hand. If 7-10 minutes after application there is no redness and itching (burning), the component can be used.
  2. It is recommended to immediately apply the prepared mass from fresh products to the skin in the eye area with light finger movements or using a spatula. The settled product loses its properties, which reduces the effectiveness of the mask.
  3. Before distributing the mass, you need to clean your face with lotion or clean water. This helps to open the pores, which allows microelements unhindered access to the tissues and cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  4. The frequency of procedures should not exceed 2 times a week.
  5. The product is prepared strictly according to the recipe. It is not permitted to make adjustments to the quantity of components or make substitutions at your own discretion.
  6. The mixture can be left on the skin for a maximum of 20 minutes.
  7. At the end of the time, the remaining mixture is removed with a damp cloth. The procedures are completed by washing the face with cool water.

Eliminating the problem with cosmetics

The choice of cosmetic products for dark circles under the eyes is large, but not all live up to the expectations placed on them. To choose a high-quality and effective cream, you need to carefully read the composition.

It should include in different combinations:

  • caffeine;
  • elastin;
  • ceramides;
  • kojic acid;
  • heparin;
  • collagen;
  • vitamins C, K, B;
  • peptides;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • retinol;
  • extracts of medicinal plants.

These components have a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation, activate metabolism and cellular regeneration. The skin looks young, healthy, its tone is evened out.

It is also worth paying attention to the brand of cosmetics. You should not buy unpatented, dubious drugs for sensitive dermis.

The following products have proven themselves to be effective:

  • Cooling Eye Gel from Planeta Organica;
  • Hyaluronic Multi-Active Cream from Librederm;
  • Contorno Occhi Borse E Occhiaie from Nature's;
  • Douceur Contour Gel from La Biosthetique;
  • Eye Cream SPF-15 from Korres;
  • Anti-Dark Circle Serum from SesDerma;
  • La Creme Yeux from Chanel and others.

More and more often, girls prefer to use patches for dark circles on the lower eyelids. They owe their popularity to their ease of use. Therapeutic patches simply need to be applied to the problem area and left on for 20-30 minutes. You can do this anywhere, even in the car, on the way to work.

Patches are produced in two types: gel and fabric bases. They are impregnated with medicinal components. Thanks to the targeted action, high concentrations of substances give quick results.

Gentle care - a simple solution

Remember, to eliminate dark circles, you first need to improve blood circulation in this area, as well as pay increased attention to nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


Cosmetic products that affect lymph circulation and cell metabolism will help protect yourself from fine wrinkles. Such products perfectly tone and restore the structure of the skin around the eyes. Choose water-based gels with plant extracts and vitamins, including roll-on ones. They are less greasy than regular cream and are absorbed within minutes.

Women over 40 years old with mature skin, on which wrinkles are visible not only with animated facial expressions, require moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, antioxidant complexes and natural oils.


Mature skin cannot do without additional nourishment, compensating for the lack of natural lipids and stimulating the formation of collagen. Such products have a rejuvenating effect, which is also called lifting. Age-related cosmetics usually include:

  • macadamia oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • avocado oil;
  • biostimulants;
  • phytoestrogens.


In the fight against dark circles at home, cold compresses come first. Chilled herbal infusions are perfect for them: for example, infusions of chamomile, cornflower, sage, rosemary.

Chamomile is often used to combat darkening of the lower eyelids.

How to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes - video

Oils for dark circles

Vegetable oils were used for face and body care back in Ancient Greece. Both fatty and essential products are actively used in cosmetology. The latter are not used in their pure form, but add a few drops to the foundation or eye cream.

The most effective in this case are extracts from:

  • juniper;
  • lemon;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • neroli;
  • sandalwood;
  • rose;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • tea tree.

The following oils are recommended as a “base”:

  • avocado;
  • shi;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • castor;
  • almond;
  • peach

Combine the components in the ratio: 1 drop of ether per 1 tablespoon of “base”. The resulting composition can be carefully distributed over the eyelids or made into lotions. A cotton pad soaked in the mixture should be applied to the problem area for 7 minutes. Blot the remains with a clean napkin.

Using oil for dark circles under the eyes must follow certain rules:

  • first make sure there are no allergies;
  • Apply a thin layer to the face. Excessive amounts of bioactive components can cause burns;
  • If the oil is applied separately, it can be slightly warmed up. When it is part of complex masks, it should not be subjected to heat treatment.

You should not use essential oils during pregnancy or breastfeeding. People with chronic illnesses should seek approval from their healthcare provider first.

Massage for dark circles

The main task of massage when getting rid of cyanosis of the lower eyelids is to stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph in the problem area.

The procedure is done in two ways:

  • hardware;
  • manual.

The first option involves mandatory attendance at sessions in a beauty salon, where the skin is exposed to vacuum or low-frequency electric currents. You must first consult a doctor, since the procedures have a number of contraindications.

You can entrust manual massage to a cosmetologist or do it yourself at home. The impact technique involves performing the following movements:

  • Lightly press your eyelids with your fingertips. Perform circular movements first to the right, then to the left;
  • perform light pressure with your fingertips from the temple to the bridge of the nose;
  • gently “tap” the problem area.

The massage does not take much time (five minutes is enough), but is very effective. The appearance usually improves significantly by the tenth procedure.

Some precautions need to be taken. Hands must be washed first. Treat eyelids with cosmetic oil. This will help avoid stretching the sensitive membranes under the eyes.


Gymnastics for the eyes helps restore clear vision faster. You need to do it every day (preferably several times).

The effective complex includes the following exercises:

  • Rotate your eyeballs, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. With eyes open and closed;
  • alternately focus your gaze on objects located far and close to the person;
  • close your eyes tightly, then relax your eyelids;
  • blink frequently and forcefully.

Complete each task for 5-7 minutes. In addition to blackness under the eyes, such exercises help prevent myopia.

General approach to using masks

Attention! Regardless of the recipe and composition of the masks, it is necessary to remember the general rules for applying such products in order to avoid negative effects and achieve good and quick results:

  1. If masks are made several times a day, it is recommended to apply the last one no later than two hours before going to bed .
  2. Before the procedure, the facial skin must be thoroughly cleaned of makeup .
  3. Before preparing and applying the product, wash your hands well .
  4. It is not recommended to prepare compositions for future use : products that are stored for several hours begin to lose their properties, so it is necessary to prepare a new composition every day.
  5. During the procedure, it is better to be in a supine position .

At the end of the procedure, when the mask has already been washed off, you can additionally lubricate your face with moisturizer. This will help soothe the skin and provide it with additional nutrients.

Vitamins for dark circles under the eyes

Taking a course of vitamins significantly speeds up the process of getting rid of dark circles under the eyes. It is their lack in the body that often provokes this problem.

It is especially important to compensate for the lack of vitamin groups:

  • C, which prevent inflammation, activate restoration processes in epidermal cells, enhance the protective functions of the integument;
  • K is necessary to visually hide capillaries, soothe the dermis, relieve swelling, and eliminate spider veins.

You can solve the problem by buying a cream enriched with these vitamins or taking them in capsules. It is also good to include foods rich in these substances in your diet.


To avoid the appearance of blueness under the eyes, you need to:

  • sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • Healthy food;
  • do physical exercise;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • practice contrasting washes;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics that are suitable for your age and skin type;
  • buy cream with ultraviolet protection;
  • Make nourishing masks regularly.

Those who work at a computer need to pause periodically. During such breaks, it is advisable to perform eye exercises.

Dark circles under the eyes appear periodically for most people. Before you fight them, you need to accurately determine the cause of negative changes. Bruises in some cases are one of the first symptoms of the development of a dangerous disease.

The root of the problem

The causes of dark circles should be sought in our daily habits and lifestyle. Overwork when working at a computer, stress and chronic lack of sleep (less than 7–8 hours a day) are, unfortunately, constant companions for residents of the metropolis. Remember that due to stress and lack of sleep, the complexion becomes unhealthy pale and the capillaries become more noticeable against the background of such contrast. This is especially true for people of the winter color type with light, sensitive and redness-prone skin, for whom shadows under the eyes may appear as early as adolescence.

Normalize your daily routine, allocate enough time for sleep and rest, try to put your thoughts in order and relax. These primary measures will be the first step in combating the cause of the problem.

Cheap cosmetics, allergic reactions caused by their use, excessive tanning and visiting a solarium not only lead to the appearance of circles under the eyes, but also contribute to the early appearance of fine wrinkles and pigmentation. Alcohol abuse removes water from the body, thereby causing dehydration and, consequently, bruises under the eyes. Please note that if the skin under the eyes is not sufficiently hydrated, it will become more permeable and transparent, and the eyes will appear sunken. Try to limit your alcohol intake and drink enough water throughout the day.

What do circles under the eyes mean - video

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