Egg white face mask: the best recipes you can prepare at home

Egg white has a very valuable composition, so it has found its use in skin and hair care. This product will refresh the dermis, remove acne, reduce inflammation, narrow pores, tighten facial contours, and stabilize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Making masks at home from eggs is simple and easy, and with regular use, the skin is restored and saturated with useful substances.

  • For normal skin
      With banana
  • Strawberry
  • For dry skin
      With cream
  • With sour cream
  • For combination skin
      With sugar
  • With carrots
  • With honey and oatmeal
  • For sagging and aging skin
      With cucumber and oils
  • With olive oil
  • Masks for problem skin
      With tea tree oil
  • With oat flakes
  • With boric acid and alum
  • With starch for skin prone to rashes
  • With vitamin E
  • Egg film mask
  • With apple
  • Super-nourishing mask with oils
  • Basic tips for making masks
  • Recommendations for using funds
  • Contraindications to the use of egg white masks
  • What are egg masks used for?

    Substances found in egg whites have a positive effect on facial skin. Such components include:

    • complex of vitamins A, B, D, E;
    • folic acid;
    • zinc;
    • calcium;
    • selenium;
    • iodine;
    • iron;
    • sulfur.

    Protein is of great benefit for people with oily skin, as it has a drying effect, slightly tightens the skin, making it firm and elastic. The yolk is used for dry dermis. It has a huge amount of fatty substances that saturate and nourish the skin.

    An egg mask helps with a variety of problems and is used for:

    • Eliminates excess oily skin. The mask removes excess fat, gives a matte effect, and stabilizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
    • Reducing wrinkles, in particular around the eyes. Homemade cosmetics cannot completely eliminate wrinkles, but they can reduce their depth and make them less visible.
    • Increasing the elasticity of the dermis. Masks based on a protein component will tighten the skin, restore its previous turgor and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
    • Combat enlarged pores. The main component will remove impurities, smooth out facial contours, and with constant use will help eliminate acne.
    • Skin whitening and lightening. The cosmetic product has a good effect on pigmentation, freckles, gets rid of rashes, and evens out the tone.
    • Cleansing and eliminating peeling. Such masks replace peeling and cleanse the skin of dead particles.

    Popular egg white recipes

    By adding additional ingredients to an egg white mask, you can significantly expand the range of positive effects on the skin.

    Most often, eggs are combined with honey, vegetables and fruits, as well as clay. The recipes presented below are very effective and, with regular use, can get rid of certain facial skin problems.

    Masks for oily skin

    This type of skin is characterized by excessive sebum production, so the main purpose of using cosmetics is to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    The following masks have the best effect in this regard.

    With lemon

    A good option for people with oily skin types, as well as those suffering from acne and pimples.

    To prepare you need to take:

    • white - 1 egg;
    • squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

    Application and preparation:

    1. All products are mixed and thoroughly beaten.
    2. The resulting composition is evenly distributed over the face.
    3. Leave for 15-25 minutes.

    Due to the presence of the citrus component, the pores begin to narrow, the rashes dry out, and the tone noticeably brightens and evens out.

    With honey

    For this recipe, just take:

    • protein - 1 pc. ;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • kefir or other fermented milk product - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • squeezed lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

    How to make and use:

    1. Honey is added to kefir, then lemon juice is poured in.
    2. The protein part is whipped until foam is obtained and added to the previously prepared mixture.
    3. Then a gauze napkin is soaked in the resulting mass and distributed over the face.
    4. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
    5. Then everything is washed off with water.

    With clay


    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • white clay - 50 g;
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

    Production and use:

    1. Beat the whites.
    2. Add clay.
    3. Mix everything and pour in olive oil.
    4. Apply evenly to skin.
    5. Remove the mask and apply a moisturizer.

    For normal skin

    Normal skin also requires additional nutrition and hydration. The best option for owners of this type of derma would be to use masks with the addition of fruit.

    The following recipes are valuable in this regard.

    With banana


    • banana - 1 pc.;
    • wheat germ oil - 10 drops;
    • protein - 1 pc.

    Application and manufacturing sequence:

    1. Mix all ingredients and gently spread over face.
    2. After 15 minutes, remove any residue by rinsing with warm water.


    It has found its use as a moisturizer and nourisher.


    • strawberries - 5 pcs.;
    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • cream - 30 g.

    Sequence of use and preparation:

    1. Crush the strawberries with a fork until smooth.
    2. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix.
    3. Distribute over skin and keep for 20-25 minutes.
    4. Remove everything using gauze soaked in water.

    For dry skin

    For those with dry skin, the most important thing is to moisturize. Without this component of cosmetic care, peeling and even unpleasant itching begin to appear, wrinkles form faster and aging occurs.

    Therefore, the following egg masks are often used to combat dry face.

    With cream

    You need to take:

    • egg white - 1 pc.;
    • cream (fat content 10%) - 30 g.

    Usage and application:

    1. Mix all products.
    2. Then spread over the skin.
    3. When a crust forms, refresh the layer and repeat twice.
    4. After the last distribution, leave for about 10-12 minutes and rinse.

    This recipe is a good remedy for those with dry skin, providing moisturizing and nourishing effects. It is used to restore flabby and aging dermis, as it has a tightening effect.

    With sour cream

    This recipe is suitable for people with dry and problematic skin.

    It is enough to take:

    • sour cream - 25 g;
    • white part - 1 egg.

    Production and use:

    1. Mix the ingredients.
    2. Distribute the resulting mass over your face.
    3. Keep for 15-20 minutes.
    4. Rinse everything off and moisturize the skin.

    This product has a two-way effect: nourishes, eliminates dry areas and relieves inflammation in problem areas (acne).

    For combination skin

    The arsenal of cosmetic products for the care of this skin type often includes multi-directional products - some reduce excess oil, others moisturize.

    To enhance the effectiveness of basic care, it is recommended to include homemade masks based on egg whites.

    With sugar

    This recipe has found its use in representatives of combination and problematic dermis.


    • protein - 1 pc. ;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Shake the ingredients in a bowl until the grains dissolve.
    2. Apply to face.
    3. After the feeling of tightening, apply a second layer.
    4. Then remove the mask and moisturize your face with cream.

    The recipe will help lighten and even out the tone, eliminate acne.

    With carrots


    • protein - 1 pc. ;
    • grated carrots - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • flour - 1 tbsp. l.

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Mix all ingredients.
    2. Distribute over the face for 15 minutes.
    3. After the time has passed, wash it off.

    With honey and oatmeal

    What to take:

    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

    Application and Use:

    1. The protein part is whipped until foamy.
    2. Then oatmeal and honey are added to it.
    3. Mix everything until smooth so that there are no lumps left.
    4. The composition is evenly applied in a thin layer and lasts for 20 minutes.
    5. Everything is washed off with warm water.

    For sagging and aging skin

    Masks for this skin type should not just be moisturizing, they should saturate with moisture and smooth out wrinkles. Therefore, they often include vegetable oils and cucumber.

    The following recipes have the best effect.

    With cucumber and oils

    To prepare this recipe you need to take:

    • egg white - 1 pc.;
    • fresh cucumber - 50 g;
    • olive oil - 25 g.

    Use and preparation:

    1. The cucumber is finely grated and olive oil is added.
    2. The protein part is whipped separately and combined with all the ingredients.
    3. The mask is applied to the surface of the face for 15-20 minutes.
    4. After this, everything is washed off with water.

    This recipe is a great option for ironing out small wrinkles.

    With olive oil

    This recipe will be an excellent remedy for aging skin.

    For this you will need:

    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • olive oil - 15 g;
    • honey - 25 g.

    Sequence of production and use:

    1. The ingredients are mixed until smooth.
    2. After this, the mask is applied to the problem area of ​​the face and neck.
    3. Stays on the skin for 15-20 minutes.
    4. Everything is washed off with water.

    The product has a tightening effect and cleanses the surface of dirt.

    Masks for problem skin

    This skin type most needs proper care, which egg masks can help with. They perfectly remove inflammation, and the egg white film cleanses the dermis and gets rid of blackheads.

    The best recipes are the following.

    With tea tree oil

    This recipe has found its use in people whose skin is prone to various rashes.

    You need to take:

    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • tea tree oil - 3 drops;
    • aloe juice - 10 g.

    The sequence of making a mask and its use:

    1. Mix all ingredients well and distribute the composition over your face.
    2. After 4 minutes, apply again.
    3. After complete drying, remove any residue and use a moisturizer.

    The product will help relieve inflammation, have an antibacterial effect, heal acne and eliminate the problem of acne.

    With oat flakes

    An excellent recipe for those who have cosmetic problems such as rashes and wrinkles.

    To make it you need to take:

    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • crushed oatmeal - 30 g.

    Application and production:

    1. All ingredients are mixed.
    2. The resulting composition is distributed over the surface of the face.
    3. After 20 minutes, just remove the mask with a napkin.

    With boric acid and alum

    For preparation you will need:

    • protein - 1 pc.;
    • 3% boric acid solution - 1 ml;
    • cream - 10 g;
    • burnt alum - 1 g.

    Production and use:

    1. Grind the egg component with cream and boric acid.
    2. Add alum.
    3. Stir and apply to previously cleansed face with scrub for 15-20 minutes.

    The product has a tightening, moisturizing effect, improves the appearance of the dermis, reduces the depth of large folds, and completely removes small ones, eliminating peeling.

    With starch for skin prone to rashes


    • protein – 1 pc.;
    • starch – 1 tsp;
    • lemon juice – 0.5 tsp;

    Preparation and sequence of use:

    1. Mix all the components and distribute in a thick layer over the face.
    2. After 15 minutes, remove the residue.

    Using this recipe will help remove blackheads and pigmentation, and eliminate excess production of the sebaceous glands.

    With vitamin E

    Have to take:

    • vitamin E - 1 capsule;
    • egg white - 1 pc.

    Making a mask and its use:

    1. Squeeze out the contents of the capsule and smear it over your face with massage movements.
    2. After half an hour, apply the egg mixture for 10 minutes.
    3. After this, wash your face.

    This recipe helps remove acne.

    Egg film mask

    You will need:

    • egg – 1 pc.;
    • paper napkins - several pieces.

    Preparation and sequence of use:

    1. Pre-prepare paper napkins of the required shape for the forehead, nose, cheeks, etc.
    2. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately.
    3. Distribute the protein mass over the surface of the face and stick napkins on top so that they are also saturated with the mixture.
    4. After 20 minutes, remove the dried napkins with sharp movements (they form a single film with the egg white). The removal procedure may be a little painful.
    5. Remove any remaining mixture with warm water.
    6. Apply the yolk and wash after the same period of time.

    The mask perfectly gets rid of blackheads and can be a substitute for deep facial cleansing. It also effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

    With apple


    • egg white - 1 pc. ;
    • grated apple - 2 tbsp. l.

    Application and production:

    1. The protein is mixed with grated apple.
    2. Apply for 15-20 minutes to the surface of the face.
    3. Wash everything off with warm water.

    The mask helps get rid of rashes and wrinkles.

    Super-nourishing mask with oils

    Based on:

    • egg white - 1 pc.;
    • any cosmetic essential oils (most often they use peach, almond, coconut) - 10 drops.

    How to use and prepare:

    1. Mix all components and distribute over the surface of the face.
    2. Wait 10 minutes.
    3. Remove with water.

    Protein face mask with sugar: a folk recipe for blackheads

    Sugar face mask is suitable for all skin types. At the same time, the most popular recipe is in the style of minimalism: protein and sugar - and why not.

    To prepare a sweet mask for normal and mixed skin types you will need:

    • sugar (1 tbsp);
    • chicken egg (1 pc.).

    Basic tips for making masks

    To maximize the effect, it is recommended to follow a few cooking tips:

    • Do not use store-bought products, but homemade ones. It has many more useful substances and components.
    • To make it easier to separate eggs into whites and yolks, use special funnels.
    • To ensure a uniform consistency of the egg white, beat it for 4-5 minutes with a mixer or blender.
    • Take all products fresh.

    You cannot prepare masks in advance and store them in the refrigerator. An egg is a good nutrient medium for microorganisms, so if you use it in a stale form, you can provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the skin.

    Benefits of eggs for the face

    When we talk about the universality of the beneficial effects of eggs on the condition of facial skin, we are not lying at all. Masks with this product are suitable for absolutely every skin type at any age, they help dry out oily skin and moisturize dry skin, as well as cleanse and tighten pores, smooth out wrinkles and improve tone.

    It all depends on which part of the egg to use in the mask: the white and the yolk affect radically different skin problems. That is why it is extremely rare to find recipes using whole eggs.

    The enzyme composition of eggs is truly unique. Absolutely all of its components are completely digestible, and their diversity is surprising.

    • Firstly , it is pure protein, rich in water-soluble B vitamins, amino acids and minerals (sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium, etc.), which control the preservation of youthful skin and eliminate inflammatory processes.

    Protein also has tightening and drying properties. Therefore, it is suitable for eliminating oily shine, cleansing and reducing pores.

    • Secondly , the yolk, which contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, stearic), which retain moisture in skin cells, increase elasticity and provide hydration control.

    In addition, the yolk provides deep nutrition and softening of the skin due to its high content of vitamins E, D, A. Lecithin in its composition enhances the natural protective functions of the skin.

    Thus, egg white is optimal for caring for oily, combination and problem skin, and yolk for dry skin that is prone to flaking or aging.

    Egg as a universal ingredient for any face mask

    By the way, both chicken and quail eggs are equally suitable for making masks. The latter even contain much more B vitamins, iron and copper.

    Recommendations for using funds

    Cosmetologists recommend using egg white masks 1-2 times a week, but it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

    • To have a positive effect from using such products, you must first cleanse your face.
    • It is recommended to apply the mixture with specially designed cosmetic brushes or clean fingertips.
    • It is better to wash off masks with warm water using a cotton pad, gauze, or cosmetic wipes.
    • After completing 10 procedures, you need to take a break, as the sebaceous glands may disrupt their work.

    If you follow these simple rules, a positive result will become noticeable after using several masks.

    Preliminary skin preparation

    Preparing the cover for applying the mask is mandatory, since the effectiveness of the procedure depends on this. If all stages are carried out correctly, the skin will become as receptive as possible to the beneficial substances contained in protein.

    To prepare the surface of the facial skin for exposure, you must do the following:

    1. Remove makeup using a special remover.
    2. Wash with warm water.
    3. Exfoliate your face using products purchased and made at home. This stage is relevant for owners of oily or combination skin (this can be a light oatmeal-based scrub).
    4. If possible, take a bath, lie there for at least 15 minutes, and relax. This will open the pores naturally. But this step is not required.
    5. Make a facial bath. To do this, brew medicinal chamomile or nettle in a small container, hold your face over it for 10-15 minutes to open the pores.
    6. Do not rub or wipe your face dry, but pat dry with a cotton towel.

    Contraindications to the use of egg white masks

    Cosmetic mixtures, the main component of which are eggs, cannot be used if:

    • the skin is prone to irritation and hypersensitivity;
    • there is a predisposition to peeling;
    • there are inflammations, pustular formations, tumors on the face;
    • I have egg intolerance.

    The effectiveness of homemade cosmetics will directly depend on the regularity and correct use of masks.

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