Kefir face mask: beneficial properties, recipes, instructions for use

Kefir is a cheap product that many generations of women have used for skin care. With the help of kefir face masks, you can whiten pigmentation, fight acne, refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Fermented milk-based compositions are beneficial for the epidermis of all types and ages, but are especially recommended in the presence of inflammatory problems.

Useful properties of kefir for the face

The benefits of kefir for facial skin are due to the content of bioactive substances. Includes:

  • retinol, which causes skin cells to regenerate more actively;
  • B-group vitamins that protect the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation and improve oxygen saturation of cells;
  • ascorbic acid, which increases the tone of the epidermis;
  • tocopherol, which cleanses skin tissue of toxins;
  • biotin, which prevents the occurrence of inflammatory skin diseases.

Kefir for the face is beneficial for any type of epidermis and copes with many dermatological problems. This is an absolutely safe product for the skin. It is used to:

  • moisturize the skin;
  • whiten pigment formations;
  • normalize the level of oily skin;
  • tighten, refresh and improve your face;
  • prevent early aging of skin tissue;
  • remove comedones, cleanse skin pores.

Review of reviews on kefir masks

Studying the reviews of many women about kefir masks, we can definitely say that most of them are positive. Indeed, this product brings great benefits to the health of the body. Many women claim that kefir helped them improve their complexion, eliminate wrinkles, and increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The fermented milk product has a good lightening and whitening effect. It can be used every day in its pure form, and it will help eliminate age spots and freckles. In addition, it makes the skin clean, removes pimples and acne. And all this is confirmed by numerous comments from women and girls.

Using kefir in masks is a good way to restore youth and freshness to the skin. This is an affordable product that you can buy or prepare yourself, and can be used in its pure form in the form of masks or rubs. And if you supplement it with other nutritious ingredients (oats, honey, lemon juice, soda), then its benefits increase several times and it can quickly normalize dull and sagging skin.

Indications and contraindications

Kefir masks are used for:

  • increased oily and dry skin;
  • sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • manifestation of age-related changes, formation of wrinkles;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of inflammatory formations and acne.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

There are almost no contraindications. You should not use kefir on your face only if you have an individual intolerance. You also need to select additional ingredients from those that do not cause an allergic reaction.

Rules for preparing masks

To prepare homemade facial remedies, it is better to take not fresh kefir, but one that has been in the refrigerator for 4-6 days.

In order not to worsen the condition of the skin, the composition should be applied to previously cleansed skin along massage lines, without involving the area around the eyelids. For cleansing, use the usual lotion. Then they wash with hot water to steam the skin and open the pores.

The kefir composition applied to the face should be at room temperature. It is convenient to spread it with a wooden cosmetic spatula.

The mask is left on the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with lukewarm water. You can use warm milk to wash off, so the epidermis will receive even more beneficial substances. After the procedure, use a nourishing cream.

You can use masks 2-3 times a week. You cannot apply kefir composition if there are open injuries on your face.

The nuances of preparing a homemade product

You can apply kefir to your face every day. But this product is not always available at home. It’s easy to prepare it yourself:

  1. In a glass jar with milk heated to 37 degrees (1 l), you need to add 100 ml of kefir.
  2. Close the container with a lid and wrap it to keep warm.
  3. Let stand for 12-18 hours.

It’s even easier to make kefir if you manage to get a starter – “fungi” (they are shaped like cauliflower and have a yellowish-milky color). It is enough to throw a lump of fungi into a vessel with milk, put it in a warm place, and after 12 hours you will receive a healing product.

Washing with kefir

If you don’t have time to prepare masks, you can simply wash your face with a fermented milk product. And you can do this every day. A positive result is noticeable within a week: the pores will narrow, inflammatory formations will disappear, the skin will become healthier and acquire an even tone.

It's better to wash your face in the evening. If your skin is oily, you can leave the product residue off your face even overnight. And if the epidermis is dry, you must remove the kefir film with a damp cloth.

For dry and sensitive skin

Kefir masks not only perfectly moisturize, but also tighten the oval of the face and saturate the skin tissue with essential nutrients.

With honey and olive oil

In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of honey and a similar amount of olive oil. Heat a little in a steam bath. Add a large spoonful of chopped parsley and 3 spoons of fermented milk drink.

With carrot juice

Grind a medium-sized carrot on a grater with small holes. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Combine carrot juice with kefir in a ratio of 1:3. Add olive oil and honey a teaspoon at a time. Stir well.

With starch

Beat the egg white. Add dairy product and starch one tablespoon at a time. Stir thoroughly. Apply loosely to the face.

For oily skin

Kefir masks for oily faces eliminate unsightly shine and help fight inflammation and acne.

With carrots and protein

Beat raw egg white until foamy, pour in 3 large spoons of kefir, one teaspoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice, a teaspoon of lemon juice, add one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese. Stir well.

With yeast

A tablespoon of yeast is diluted with a fermented milk drink. The kefir mask should have a paste-like consistency.

With oatmeal

Take 2 large spoons of flour obtained from crushed oatmeal. Pour half a glass of sour drink. Leave for 5 minutes to swell. The resulting kefir mask should lie on the face in a dense layer.

With bread

A mask made of kefir and bread crumb perfectly eliminates greasy shine and cleanses the skin.

A thick piece of rye bread is poured with the drink and left to swell. When the crumb separates, drain off the excess liquid. Add a teaspoon of honey to the bread mass, stir thoroughly and knead until smooth.

With sour kefir

Masks made from sour kefir are recommended for oily faces. No additional ingredients required. Moisten a cotton swab with the clean product and lubricate the skin.


Beauty always begins with beautiful, smooth, soft skin. Skin is, first of all, an indicator of our health; it shows better than any device what is happening to the body.

Therefore, in order to always look good, the skin needs to be “groomed and cherished.” If you want to maintain beautiful, healthy skin until old age, you need to systematically care for it.

There are many ways to make your facial skin beautiful and healthy. Some manipulations are carried out in a beauty salon, others can be performed independently. But the procedures are aimed at stimulating the process of cell rejuvenation. This can be achieved by regularly moisturizing, cleansing, and nourishing the skin. Skin is an important organ that performs many functions. It not only serves as external protection, but also helps us breathe and remove toxins from the body. The sebaceous glands, which are located in the skin, secrete sebum, which lubricates the skin and helps it stay healthy. But sometimes the activity of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Depending on how much oil secretion is produced by the sebaceous glands, the skin is divided into normal, dry, oily and mixed. Normal skin is rare. This skin has an even color, it is smooth, elastic, without enlarged pores. There are no blackheads or veins of blood vessels on it.

Oily skin shines and looks rough. The enlarged pores on its surface resemble an orange peel. The sebaceous glands produce too much sebum and enlarged pores often become clogged with dirt, leading to acne. However, oily skin also has an advantage - it does not age for a long time. Dry skin is very thin, wrinkles quickly form on it, it is highly susceptible to environmental influences, and often flakes off. Still, mixed skin is the most common. The skin on the nose, chin, forehead is too oily, and on the cheeks, around the eyes and on the neck it is too dry.

Taking care of such skin is quite difficult, because different areas of the skin require different care. The most important requirement when caring for any type of skin is to keep it clean at all times. The skin should always be clean, because dust and decorative cosmetics, dead particles and sebum form a layer on it that interferes with normal breathing, clogs pores and promotes the formation of acne. You can cleanse the skin by washing, but it is better to use lotions specially prepared at home. Ordinary kefir cleanses and whitens skin of any type well. You can use this product every day. Oily skin requires a more acidic product, so it is best to cleanse oily skin with kefir, which has been left in a warm place for 2-3 days. Cleansing your facial skin is very simple. Just soak a cotton swab in kefir and wipe your face in a circular motion. Each time, wet the tampon more and more and eventually squeeze out the tampon and remove excess kefir. It is useful to wash oily skin with serum from time to time. Whey is very easy to prepare from kefir; just heat the kefir over a fire and strain it. The resulting cottage cheese can be used to make masks. When cleansing dry skin with kefir, you may feel a slight burning sensation. Then kefir should be washed off the skin with warm water. But on oily skin, a thin film of kefir can remain until the morning, this will only benefit it. Oily skin, which has a lot of pinpoint blackheads, can be cleansed with oatmeal, rice, wheat flour and kefir. Grind the cereal in a coffee grinder until it resembles flour. Add a spoonful of baking soda to a glass of the resulting flour, stir everything well and store in a tightly sealed glass container. To cleanse your face, dilute 1 tbsp. l. mixture in kefir to form a slurry. Use a clean cotton swab to wipe the paste over your forehead, chin, cheeks, and neck. Massage the skin with circular movements until the mass begins to glide easily over the skin. After this, it can be washed off with warm water. This procedure cleanses the facial skin not only of dust and dirt, but also of dead skin cells.


Recipe for a cleansing and nourishing kefir mask for normal skin, as well as for skin that has peeling: Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir with 1 egg yolk, and with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your face, and after 10-15 minutes, do the following procedure: Constantly wetting your fingertips, begin to roll this mask with light massaging movements, as when using a scrub. After treating your entire face, rinse off the remaining mask with lukewarm water and lubricate your face with moisturizer.

made of kefir and oatmeal in a ratio of one to three is perfect If you replace the flour with coarse oatmeal, you will get an excellent scrub. Apply this mixture to your face, cover it with a napkin and keep it on for half an hour. Then rinse with plenty of water and remove any remaining mixture with tonic.


  • Exfoliating mask

To cleanse your skin, you don’t have to buy exfoliating creams in the store, but prepare them yourself. The following cream is suitable for dry and normal skin: Grind 1 yolk, add 100 g of kefir in small portions, and then, without stopping stirring, pour in 50 g of vodka and juice squeezed from half a lemon. This mask not only perfectly cleanses the skin, but also nourishes and whitens it.

  • Brightening

In order to slightly brighten, soften and cleanse dry skin, try the following kefir mask: 1 tbsp. Grind a spoonful of cottage cheese, preferably with high fat content, with 2-3 tbsp. spoons of kefir until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Kefir, even without mixing it with other products, is great for cleansing oily and combination skin. Moreover, the oilier the skin, the more peroxided kefir is recommended to be used (to do this, place it in a warm place for 1-3 days). It is necessary to wipe your face with kefir every morning, immediately after sleep. Just soak a cotton swab generously in it, wipe your face thoroughly, and after 15 minutes, wash with cool water. Keep in mind that after this procedure, your facial skin may lighten slightly. If you have combination skin, but your cheeks are very dry, then wipe only the T-zone with kefir - this is the forehead, nose and chin.

Oily facial skin causes many problems for its owners. It is characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, a thick stratum corneum, and a tendency to acne. But oily skin ages much more slowly and can look attractive if you take proper care of it. Kefir face masks for oily skin have their own characteristics in preparation.

Before preparing the mask, it is recommended to keep kefir in a warm place for some time so that it becomes more sour. You can heat it in a water bath, but be very careful, as it tends to curdle.

will effectively help rid the skin of excess sebum, gently cleanse and dry it . Mix two tablespoons of kefir, one egg white and a teaspoon of honey until a homogeneous mass is formed. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and pat your face dry with a napkin.

You can cleanse oily skin with a scrub mask. You can prepare it as follows: mix three-day kefir and honey in proportions 3:1, add a little rolled oats or semolina, ground almonds and lemon juice. Rub the mask with massage movements and leave for 5 minutes.

Also, for easier cleansing of oily skin and oily areas on combination skin, you can simply dilute oatmeal or wheat (rice, oatmeal or potato) flour with kefir until a thick mass is obtained, and apply it to the face for 10-15 minutes.


From kefir and other ingredients you can prepare a wonderful cleansing mixture for combination skin: Take a quarter glass of kefir, add to it 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, and 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka. Stir everything and use it as a toner to cleanse your face. This mixture slightly whitens the skin and can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

If you have mixed skin, that is, oily skin on the forehead, nose and chin, and dry skin on the cheeks, then in the mornings you should cleanse your skin with herbal infusions, and in the evenings with kefir mixed in a 2:1 ratio with sour cream.


If you have blackheads and acne on your skin, try the following recipe.

If you have blackheads and acne on your skin, try the following recipe. half a glass of wheat, rice or oatmeal flour with two teaspoons of baking soda. Store this powder in the refrigerator, it will last you several times. Immediately before use, dilute a tablespoon of the mixture in kefir to the consistency of sour cream, mix thoroughly. Gently rub this mass along the massage lines of your face, then leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with a warm herbal decoction of chamomile or string.

Mask to tighten pores and cleanse blackheads. The mask is perfect for combination and oily skin, especially when we need maximum cleansing and freshness in the summer. So, we will need:

  • 1 tbsp. cosmetic clay (which suits you)
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • A little lemon juice.

To achieve maximum pigment tightening effect, wipe the skin with salicylic acid (I use 2%). Leave it on your face for 10 minutes, then apply a good moisturizer.


Recipes for whitening kefir masks that help lighten freckles and other pigmentation on the face: Stir 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped fresh parsley with 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir, and apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes. Or here’s another good whitening kefir mask with the addition of cucumber : The recipe for making it is exactly the same as the mask with parsley, only instead of parsley, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped fresh cucumber.

Or grate a medium-sized fresh cucumber on a fine grater, strain the juice separately, and mix with two tablespoons of kefir. Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin of the neck and face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with room temperature water, then pat your face dry with a paper towel. This mask, filled with vitamins, will maximally moisturize your skin and give it a radiant complexion. also works well to whiten the skin : Grind the almonds in a coffee grinder to flour, then dilute 1 tbsp. spoon this flour with kefir to get a medium thick mass. Apply it on your face and rinse off with cool water after 15 minutes.

A face mask made from kefir with the addition of cognac or alcohol, lemon juice and egg yolk will also help cope with excessive pigmentation Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth, apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Since the mask contains alcohol, it should not be used often. These recipes are recommended for lightening oily skin. If you have dry skin but have freckles on your face, apply these masks only to the affected areas of the skin.

Kefir cleansing face mask is one of the most effective ways to improve your skin. It will return her to a healthy appearance, allowing her to restore and regulate the acid-base balance in her skin cells. Also, a kefir mask contributes to its excellent cleansing of harmful substances and dust, not forgetting to take care of elasticity and freshness. Scientists have proven that with regular use of such a mask, wrinkles should not bother you for a very long time, and skin pigmentation will not be disturbed due to the whitening properties of kefir. It can be done one day after two, preferably before six in the evening or early in the morning, before work. based on materials from,

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Acne masks

Masks for problem faces made with kefir effectively get rid of acne, gently cleanse, and prevent the appearance of new inflammatory formations.

With yeast and peroxide

Mix 3 tablespoons of the drink and 10 g of yeast, pour in no more than 2 small spoons of peroxide.

The kefir mask should remain on the face until it dries, and it is better to wash it off with a decoction of chamomile.

With clay

To remove acne, use a mask with kefir and white clay. Take a tablespoon of kaolin, pour in such an amount of fermented milk product that a paste-like mass comes out. It is kept on the face until it dries.

With yolk and vodka

A kefir mask is great for removing comedones and extinguishing inflammation. Mix the yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of kefir, a teaspoon of vodka and lemon juice.

With aspirin

This kefir mask is ideal for the sebaceous epidermis; it actually replaces peeling, so it is used a maximum of 4 times a month.

Grind two tablets to a powder, pour in 2 large spoons of kefir and one teaspoon of mineral water.

The benefits of facial masks

Kefir mask is an effective basis of a skin care arsenal for all skin types for every day. It is suitable for any type of epidermis, regardless of current problems and age (you just need to choose the right kefir and the list of auxiliary components). Folk recipes are natural, so they can be used with almost no restrictions. The list of contraindications is minimal.

Kefir is quite liquid, which many people don’t like when using masks. But if you mix it with honey and clay, you get a thicker paste.

The main advantages of masks made from the ingredient:

  • deep cleansing of the skin from dust, dirt, sebaceous plugs - without aggressive influences or overdrying;
  • improving elasticity, giving freshness;
  • regulation of acid-base balance (the product contains active lactobacilli);
  • whitening spots, freckles;
  • deep hydration at the cellular level;
  • protection against fading, dullness, loss of elasticity.

For wrinkles

In order for the fermented milk mask to act as a lifting agent, ingredients are added to it that give a tightening and refreshing effect.

With berries

A paste is prepared from strawberries, raspberries and currants. Add flaxseed oil and soft cottage cheese to 2 tablespoons of berry mass. Pour in kefir to make a creamy mass.

With banana

Cut off a quarter of the ripe banana pulp and grind it into a paste. Add 2 large spoons of the drink.

With gelatin

Pour a teaspoon of gelatin powder into a bowl. Pour 50 ml of cold water and leave for half an hour to swell. Place in a steam bath and heat until the mixture reaches a uniform consistency. Kefir is added to the cooled mass to create a creamy composition.


For 3 tablespoons of fermented milk drink, take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. For better cleansing and vitaminization, you can add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oatmeal. The composition is kept on the face for no longer than 10 minutes.

From blackheads

Kefir helps not only remove comedones, but also make the skin tone even and beautiful.

With soda

In one bowl combine a teaspoon of soda and two oatmeal, and in the other – 2 tablespoons of kefir and a dessert lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and stir thoroughly until smooth.

With rice flour

Combine 2 tablespoons of flour and half a teaspoon of soda. Pour in the milk drink to form a paste-like mass. The mask is applied to problem areas of the face.

Masks for whitening age spots

Kefir in combination with whitening ingredients effectively removes pigmentation and brightens the face.

With cucumber juice

Half a medium cucumber is grated using a fine-hole grater. Pour in 2 large spoons of the drink.

This whitening mask is ideal for oily skin. If your face is dry, then you can apply it in a targeted manner, only on pigmented areas.

With green tea at night

A nighttime composition that includes 50 ml of kefir, a tablespoon of crushed green tea, dessert oatmeal, and a teaspoon of olive oil helps to effectively whiten your face. The product is left on the face overnight.


Users rave about masks based on fermented milk products. They note their low cost, availability, and the possibility of using them on skin of all ages and types.

  • Alina, 36 years old: “I treat my face with kefir before going to bed, take it off after 15 minutes. The result is excellent. I usually take pure kefir, but I can make a mask with black bread. This mask, by the way, helped me get rid of large painful acne.”
  • Ksenia, 24 years old: “I don’t like kefir as a drink, but it’s ideal for skin care. My face is dry and flaky, so I buy a rich drink. I keep it for half an hour. The face becomes tender and soft. You can clearly see that the skin is saturated with useful substances.”
  • Anna, 33 years old: “I make masks from what I find in the refrigerator. My face is oily, so I usually take egg whites, oatmeal, and kefir. Sometimes I even just wipe my face with kefir, it becomes soft and tender.”

Kefir is one of the most used food ingredients for making homemade masks; it has a positive effect on the condition of all types of epidermis. Kefir compositions intensively nourish and moisturize, have a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect, and remove comedones and acne.


Indications for use

The maximum rejuvenating effect is achieved with regular use of kefir masks. If you approach the matter wisely and comprehensively, beauty recipes will help you maintain the smoothness of your face and neck, even in adulthood.

Masks can be made up to 3 times a week, use one recipe or alternate different ones to enhance the effect.

Kefir perfectly moisturizes, whitens, gives velvety, smoothness. Its use is indicated for:

  • dryness, peeling;
  • dull color, uneven relief;
  • acne, rashes;
  • burns of various types (especially sunburn);
  • wrinkles;
  • recovery after chemical peels and other aggressive procedures.

The product is suitable for all skin types - oily skin likes recipes with kefir, avocado, chicken egg white, dry with olive oil, yolk, normal with starch, green tea. To nourish aging skin or normalize its condition, use kefir with cocoa.

In adolescence, the recipes effectively help against acne and rashes, and after 30 they provide effective prevention of aging. After 40-50 years, masks are also very useful - they rejuvenate, trigger active regenerative processes, and improve the condition of the skin. You can do them constantly or in courses. The results are moisturized, nourished skin, without pronounced wrinkles and inflammation. You will notice a pronounced effect after the first few procedures. Apply the prepared formulations to cleansed skin.

How to choose kefir for masks

For masks to be as effective as possible, you need to choose the right kefir. Store-bought oil of any oil content is suitable - for dry skin it should be higher, for oily skin lower. You can make your own curdled milk from milk. Liquid kefir is more convenient to apply to the face, but thick yogurt can be mixed with other ingredients - and you will also get a mask that spreads well over the face.

You can try using different brands of the product to compare its effect on your skin. If you think one type is better for your skin, stick with it. Any kefir is useful, but for dry skin it would be better to take a richer product.

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