Argan oil. Useful properties, recipes for use in cosmetology for the skin of the face, body, hair

  1. Oil composition
  2. Beneficial properties of argan oil
  3. Contraindications for topical use
  4. What products are argan oil used in?
  5. Top Korean products with argan oil
  6. Tips for choosing funds

Argan oil has unique properties that were appreciated in ancient times.
Now the component is used in the manufacture of various care products - from shampoos to intensive nutrition serums and masks. The products are aimed at improving structure, hydration, nutrition and rejuvenation. The effect of their use is noticeable from the first time. Let's look at the secret and benefits of argan oil for the body, and why the product is so valuable that it is called “liquid gold”.

Raw materials and technologies for producing argan oil

The raw material is obtained from the fruits of Argania spinosa. This is a rare and expensive oil, as it has a limited distribution area. It is only received in regions of Morocco. Oil production is carried out in the Kingdom of North Africa by women's cooperatives. First they collect the fruits, then they are sorted and dried in the sun.

Then the products are cleaned of pulp and the seeds are separated from the shell. Subsequently, oil is squeezed out of these seeds. To obtain 1 liter of oil, Moroccan women spend more than one working day. In this case, approximately 4 kg of kernels are processed.

The oil product comes in food and cosmetic types. For consumption, a product made from lightly roasted seeds is used. This gives it a dark color and a specific nutty smell. The raw material is very nutritious and is included in many traditional Moroccan recipes.

Products for cosmetic purposes are obtained by cold pressing, and the seeds are not fried. It is this technology that preserves the valuable properties of the product. The raw material is light yellow in color and odorless. Sometimes aromatic additives of jasmine or rose are added to it. Maximum purification of oil from impurities is achieved by using biological filters.


For local residents, Moroccan oil is an analogue of vegetable fat. The main feature is its composition, which includes organic Omega-6 compounds, as well as valuable alpha-linolenic acid.

The oil product also contains various elements:

Fat-soluble vitaminsTake an active part in the absorption of food, have a positive effect on the skin of the face and body
Vitamin APromotes natural skin rejuvenation
Vitamin EProtects skin from dry air, cold and other adverse conditions.
Powerful antioxidant polyphenolProtects DNA cells from exposure to carcinogens and degreases food
Linoleic acidImproves metabolism and protein digestibility, helps maintain the balance of sebum secretion
Omega-6Affects brain function, bones, hair and skin
PhytosterolHas a beneficial effect on the heart, prevents Alzheimer's disease
Plant sterolsIncrease immunity
SqualeneHas a general strengthening, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect on the body
High molecular weight proteinsThey participate in the body’s metabolic processes and also have a tightening effect on the skin.

Thanks to its rich mineral composition, the product is universal. It is suitable for people of all ages and has no contraindications.

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Mechanism of action on the skin

Argan oil has the following effects on the skin:

  • Enriches tissues with oxygen, accelerates the removal of free radicals and toxins;
  • Protects tissues from mechanical damage due to the formation of a porous oil layer on the surface of the skin;
  • Saturates the epidermis with moisturizing components and nutrients;
  • Increases skin tone by saturating tissues with fatty acids;
  • Controls sebum production;
  • Dissolves comedones and sebaceous plugs;
  • Relieves irritation.


Argan oil, the properties and use of which are associated with therapeutic and aesthetic effects on the skin, the condition of hair and nail plates, has a bright external characteristic.

Argan oil - beneficial properties of the product.

The product comes in different colors:

  • amber;
  • sunny;
  • all shades of yellow.

The brightness of the color depends on the ripeness of the seeds. If the product is too light in color, which deviates from the basic palette, this may indicate that the product is falsified.

The lightly roasted fruit of the product expresses the taste of almonds and hazelnuts and is a bit reminiscent of pumpkin seed oil.

The cosmetic product has a specific aroma with a hint of nuts and herbs. The smell may be unpleasant due to biological filters. If you apply the oil to your skin, after 2 minutes the smell will disappear completely. This indicates the naturalness of the product.

If the aroma is unpleasant and lasts a long time, the product is most likely spoiled or made from low-quality raw materials. Edible oil has a pleasant nutty aroma.

The product is suitable for dry, brittle and oily hair, face, body and scalp and has unique abilities:

  • soothes the skin;
  • protects against UV radiation;
  • have an immediate lifting effect;
  • removes wrinkles.

The Moroccan product is used in its pure form, as well as added to other cosmetics.

How to purchase a natural product?

The value of argan oil encourages dishonest cosmetics manufacturers to deceive customers and offer them low-quality products.

To purchase a truly natural product, you need to know a few important rules:

  • Be sure to read the ingredients listed on the bottle label. If, in addition to argan oil, other components are included in the list, then the substance is diluted.
  • The producer of the natural substance is only Morocco due to the existence of a ban on the purchase of valuable raw materials.
  • The oil bottle should be made of dark glass. Under no circumstances should you purchase argan oil in plastic bottles.
  • High price is a guarantee of quality. In this case the rule really works. Due to the complexity of extracting a valuable substance, the cost of a cosmetic product cannot be low. The exception is oil with the addition of argan used for food purposes.
  • Real argan oil has a pleasant nutty scent. The intensity of the aroma varies depending on the period when the argan fruit is harvested. A repulsive odor or its absence indicates a low quality product.
  • The diluted product almost always has a special transparency without visible sediment. The texture of the natural substance should ensure excellent absorption into the skin. If the product is too liquid or sticky, the product on the table is fake.

Name, labeling of natural product, importing countries

When purchasing an oil product, you should pay attention to the labeling. The raw material is known as argan oil or argan oil, its analogue is ironwood.

Foreign markings:

  • in English – argan oil;
  • in French - lhuile d'argan;
  • in Latin - Argan oi spinosa.

The main importing countries are:

  • Russia;
  • Croatia;
  • Poland;
  • Lebanon;
  • Iran;
  • France;
  • Morocco;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Finland;
  • Kingdom of Great Britain;
  • Türkiye;
  • Greece;
  • Korea;
  • USA;
  • China;
  • Islam;
  • Brazil;
  • South Korea;
  • Slovenia;
  • Italy.

The only country of origin is Morocco. If another country is indicated, this indicates a counterfeit product.

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Restrictions and contraindications

Almost everyone can use argan oil, but there are a few caveats:

  1. Make sure there is no allergy (drop on the inside of your wrist or elbow, wait 30 minutes).
  2. Avoid getting into an open wound; treat only the area around it.
  3. Use no more than once every 10 days if you have oily skin.
  4. Try to purchase a quality product. Look at the country of manufacture and price.

The product cannot be cheap, given the costs of its production and transportation.

Benefits and harms of external use

Argan oil, whose properties and uses are widely known in cosmetology, is also used in the treatment of certain skin diseases. For these purposes, unprocessed seeds are taken: this way they retain more vitamins and various nutrients.

The product is used externally for cosmetic purposes because it:

  • prevents early skin aging;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • normalizes complexion;
  • protects against peeling;
  • treats problematic teenage skin;
  • improves hair health;

  • strengthens nail plates;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • removes stretch marks on the body.

In addition, the oil product improves lymphatic drainage, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects. The product is good for getting rid of scars, burns, signs of chickenpox and other skin damage.

The use of a Moroccan product accelerates the process of skin tissue regeneration and eliminates joint pain. It is used to treat the musculoskeletal system. There are no special contraindications for external use. In exceptional cases, with individual intolerance to the product, an allergic reaction may occur.

Indications for use

The elixir can also be used for prevention and facial nutrition. But there are a number of indications for which it is necessary.

  • Severe dryness, the skin feels tight and peels;
  • Sharp appearance and deepening of wrinkles;
  • Acne;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • Increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Hyperpigmentation, age-related darkening of the dermis;
  • Aging, fading of the skin;
  • Hyperkeratosis.

Natural argan oil for the face intensively nourishes cells and eliminates toxins. The regeneration process starts, the face looks younger. Dry skin is moisturized and becomes less vulnerable. A person receives all this from a natural remedy, avoiding contact with preservatives and harmful chemical compounds.

Cosmetics based on argan oil

The oil product is used as a base for various types of cosmetics.

The cosmetic line based on it includes:

  • regenerating serum;
  • body elixir;
  • nutritious cream;
  • restorative hair mask;

  • shampoo;
  • spray;
  • styling products;
  • Mascara.

Products are offered by many well-known brands:

  • Avon;
  • London;
  • Kapous;
  • Garnier;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Lakme;
  • DuDu and others.

Cosmetics differ in their purpose, but have one similarity - each product contains a unique argan component.

For wrinkles on the face

The formula of the raw material is enriched with a cocktail of plant minerals with beneficial vitamins that help smooth out wrinkles.

The light structure of the product with a pleasant aroma can be easily distributed over the skin. At the same time, it is well absorbed into it. It is recommended to apply in the morning and evening to clean skin with light massage movements.

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To strengthen the structure of hair and eyelashes

Due to its properties, argan oil is actively used to improve the health of hair and eyelashes. It strengthens, saturates, heals well, making hair and eyelashes grow elastic and smooth. The complex effect of all beneficial components nourishes the roots of hair and eyelashes, as well as the skin.

To get the effect, you should regularly use the Moroccan product. You can treat your hair with it alone or in combination with shampoos and masks.

For nail strength

The product is widely used in manicure and pedicure procedures. It is quite nourishing for weak and brittle nails. With active use of the product, they develop a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance. They become quite hard and stop breaking. In addition, the raw material softens the cuticle.

It is recommended to regularly rub a small amount of the product into the surface of the nails before going to bed.

For stretch marks on the body

The oil product is used to moisturize the skin, making it elastic and without leaving greasy spots.

The product helps cells recover and smoothes out scars. Systematic use of the product helps with stretch marks on the body and normalizes blood circulation.

Mask recipe

Making a nourishing face mask yourself is not so difficult; for this you need to prepare:

  • natural yogurt 2 teaspoons;
  • argan oil 2 teaspoons;
  • flower honey 1 teaspoon;
  • crushed pulp of ripe avocado.

In case of oily skin, it is useful to make a mask from the following components:

  • beat three tablespoons of egg yolk;
  • add one tablespoon of argan oil.

Masks with argan oils need to be changed after 12-14 sessions so that the skin does not get used to it and stops responding to the therapeutic effects of the product. In about a month you can return to them.

The argan product can be added to other cosmetic products. It is enough to mix 2-3 drops with one tablespoon of your cream, tonic, lotion and continue to use as usual.

  • Moisten a piece of medical cloth with heated argan oil and fix it on the problem area of ​​the skin overnight.
  • To massage your face on your own, warm up the argan product and perform a self-massage with moistened fingertips.
  • To remove makeup, moisten a pad with warm product and wipe over eyelids and face.
  • This wonderful product from the Moroccan Kingdom can be used for aging or problematic skin and will return it to a healthy, youthful and blooming appearance.

And now the video is a recipe for a face mask using argan oil.

After applying the mask to your hair, you can strengthen and speed up its effect. To do this, warm your head or apply a warm compress.

You can use this recipe:

  • take a teaspoon of argan and castor oils, as well as lemon juice and honey;
  • add 5 capsules of aevit.

After mixing the components, the mixture is rubbed into the hair and scalp. Make a warm compress and warm it up with a hairdryer from time to time. The procedure takes about an hour.

Another option for a mask to accelerate growth is to mix equal amounts of argan, castor and burdock oils. It needs to be rubbed into the scalp for 12-15 minutes, then wrapped under film and a towel for an hour.

For dry hair

A combination of argan oil and coconut oil will help moisturize dry hair. Lavender has an enhancing effect, but esters are not recommended for use by pregnant women, as they can cause allergies. Lavender essential oil can be removed from the composition without compromising the quality of the mask.


  • 11-12 drops of argan;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • unrefined coconut oil - from 10 milliliters or more (depending on hair length);
  • wrapping film.

Heat the oil mixture in a water bath until the coconut melts. The mask is applied along the entire length of the hair without touching the skin. Then they are carefully combed, wrapped in film or put on a shower cap. Wrap your head in a towel and leave the mask on for at least half an hour.

You can leave the mask on overnight, the main thing is to protect the pillow in case the cap comes off in your sleep. The advantage of this composition, in addition to its effect, is a magical aroma, incomparable to castor oil and burdock. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

Masks for different skin types

Focus on your skin type and select a mask from the product. To prepare a mask for dry skin, you should take 2 tsp. butter and the same amount of yogurt. After this, honey and avocado pulp are added, 1 tsp each.

To prepare a mask for any skin type, take 1 tsp of oil. and 3 products of 1 tbsp. l.:

  • lemon juice;
  • honey;
  • yogurt;

All ingredients are mixed and applied in a thin layer to the forehead, cheekbones, and under the eyes. The resulting mixture is left to dry completely. After this, rinse off with warm water.


An oil product is added to enrich homemade soap recipes. Thanks to the high content of vitamin E, the soap makes the skin soft and smooth. It is recommended to use soap in the morning every other day, as it acts like a scrub. The product should be lathered well and applied to the face and décolleté, and after 1-2 minutes, wash with clean water.

Hair and eyelash products

Argan oil, whose properties and uses are known in aesthetic cosmetology, is a good remedy for strengthening hair and eyelashes.

The product improves health, affects growth, and restores the damaged structure of each hair. It provides lamination, has a keratolytic effect on curls, and adds shine and shine. To eliminate hair fragility and make eyelashes healthy, it is recommended to use oil wraps, shampoos and masks based on expensive products.

Body Scrub

An oil-based scrub makes the skin smooth and elastic. It moisturizes the skin, saturates it with useful elements, acids and minerals.

The product is used for normal and problem skin. Apply the scrub in a circular motion with your fingertips onto damp skin, then rinse with water.

Tips for choosing funds

Cosmetologists advise initially selecting cosmetic products based on your skin type and existing problems. Products based on argan oil are necessary for the following existing problems.

  • To prevent aging and with visible signs of skin aging - an increase in the number of wrinkles or deepening of existing ones.
  • Increased dryness, roughening of the skin, hyperkeratosis.
  • The presence of rashes, acne, microtraumas caused by dryness and inflammation.
  • Signs of vitamin deficiency.
  • Increased pigmentation or dull skin tone.
  • If you spend a long time outdoors and in the sun, you need enhanced protection from UV rays.

Korean cosmetics with argan are recommended for dry, aging skin. Argan oil in cosmetics has a pronounced rejuvenating effect; it is the first assistant in the fight against skin imperfections and age-related changes. But this is a source of important elements not only for skin cells, but also for hair and nails. With its help you can also get rid of many dermatological problems.

Where to buy, prices, how to choose real argan oil?

Natural products should not contain preservatives, flavors or water. The packaging must contain a composition that is 100% pure product.

The price cannot be cheap, since yield, manual labor, and delivery costs are taken into account.

It is not recommended to purchase products from Chinese suppliers. They buy it in Morocco, dilute it with water and sell it. It is also unlikely that you can buy real oil in shopping centers.

To check the naturalness of the product, you can buy a test bottle at one of the production facilities. Having used it for its intended purpose, you can already see whether it helps or not. If you anoint a wound on the skin with oil, then the next day it will begin to heal - an indicator of a quality product. Genuine raw materials must be certified as organic cosmetics.

Argan oil from cosmetic brands: names and prices

When purchasing oil, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer.

The table below shows the most famous and popular brands of the product among consumers and its average cost:

BrandCost, rub.)
ArtNaturals (100 ml)1325
SO' BIO (50 ml)1300
Greymy (50 ml)2000
Primavera (30 ml)1500
Shams Natural Oils (100 ml)2500

Argan oil is an elixir of youth and beauty for the face and body due to its rich composition and a number of beneficial properties . According to reviews, noticeable improvements can be seen after just a few procedures, provided regular and correct use.

How to store cosmetics and pure oil products?

To ensure that the oil retains its properties for as long as possible, it should be stored in a dark bottle. At the same time, the neck in it should not be wide or very open. If products are sold in different packaging, then there is a risk of purchasing a counterfeit.

Raw materials are afraid of direct sunlight, so they should be stored in a dark and cool place, for example, in the refrigerator door. This way you can check the naturalness of the product. While in the refrigerator, real butter will not change its liquid consistency. If it contains additives that thicken due to cold, then the raw material will thicken.

The oil product can be stored for no more than 2 years. If a longer period is indicated on the packaging, this indicates that chemical additives have been added that reduce the beneficial properties of the raw material. After the specified time, the smell does not change, and many people mistakenly believe that they can continue to use the oil.

However, continued use may cause side effects:

  • skin irritation;
  • itching;

  • redness.

If the storage conditions are observed, the oil will last a long time and be useful. Argan oil is produced only in the country of North Africa. Due to the presence of vitamins and beneficial elements, its properties have found application in the field of cosmetics and cooking.

The raw materials are suitable for caring for the skin of the face and body, brittle, split ends and eyelashes. The oil is quite expensive, so you should pay attention to how it is stored correctly.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Basic rules of use

To achieve good results, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not use argan oil if you have oily skin or open wounds.
  2. Be sure to test for an allergic reaction before first use.
  3. Before use, you can slightly heat the oil using a water bath (no more than 35–40 degrees).
  4. Masks are best prepared in ceramic or glass dishes.
  5. Mix ingredients with a wooden or plastic spoon.
  6. It is best to steam your face with a bath before use, having first cleansed it.
  7. Keep the masks on for no more than 30 minutes. This time is quite enough for the remedy to take effect.
  8. To prevent your face from feeling too oily after the procedure, wash off the mask with slightly warmed milk or kefir. Do not wash off with soap or gels under any circumstances.
  9. It is enough to apply various masks using argan oil 1 or 2 times a week.
  10. To notice the effect, take a course: 10 procedures.
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