Homemade face mask with castor oil

Castor oil has long been used on the face to get rid of wrinkles, saturate the skin with nutrients, and restore the lipid layer that protects the epidermis from negative external factors. The product is suitable for use in its pure form, but it can also be used to prepare masks for the care of all types of skin.

Useful properties of castor oil

Castor oil is a product of processing castor bean seed pods, which benefits not only the skin, but also hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. With regular use, it softens epidermal tissues, destroys pathogenic microflora, due to which inflammatory reactions extinguish and acne disappears. The skin becomes elastic and less susceptible to negative factors.

Castor oil is primarily a remedy for wrinkles. However, you need to understand that it is not able to completely smooth out the surface of the face or eliminate deep age-related folds. With the help of castor oil, they get rid of barely noticeable facial wrinkles and prevent premature skin aging.

The benefits of castor oil for skin are due to the presence of the following substances:

  1. Oleic acid is a metabolism stimulant. Maintains a sufficient degree of hydration of skin tissue, protects the epidermis from the negative influence of environmental factors.
  2. Linoleic acid is an intense moisturizer. Makes the skin soft and fresh, improves the saturation of cells with nutrients.
  3. Octadecanoic acid is a fighter against age-related degeneration of skin tissue. Normalizes the condition of dry and flaky skin.
  4. Palmitic acid helps nutrients be absorbed as deeply as possible into the skin layers.
  5. Ricinoleic acid has an antibacterial effect.
  6. Retinol and tocopherol - these vitamins make the epidermis firm, elastic, accelerate regenerative processes, and stimulate collagen synthesis.


“Castor oil” can and is useful to apply to your hair throughout the night . Fatty acids normalize the water balance in the subcutaneous layers and in the structure of damaged strands, smooth them out, get rid of split ends, and strengthen hair follicles. The castor vitamins contained in it regenerate damage, fight dandruff and hair loss, accelerate growth, and protect against the negative influence of the external environment.

But those with oily skin should use this product with caution. Moreover, it is not recommended to use it at night, since the fat content can only increase.

For women with problem of oiliness in the root zone and damaged, dry ends, it is useful to apply the product only to the ends. Another option is to add cognac, lemon juice or whipped egg white as an additional ingredient to castor oil , which will have a drying effect.

Indications and contraindications

Castor oil for the face is used for:

  • the appearance of facial folds;
  • peeling dry skin;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • the formation of warts;
  • inflammatory processes and skin irritation;
  • acne, pimples;
  • scars and other defects.

Castor oil should not be used as a treatment for:

  • tendency to skin allergies;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • open skin injuries.

To check whether castor oil is an allergen for the skin, an allergy test is carried out: spread a small amount of the composition on the elbow and leave for 15–20 minutes. If during this time a skin reaction does not begin, accompanied by itching, redness and irritation, then you can safely use the oil for skin care.

Methods of application

Regarding the methods of using castor oil for hair, opinions differ. Some argue that it is best used as a separate drug to improve hair condition, while others insist on using masks that contain this component. In any case, each organism and case is individual and everyone decides for themselves.

In addition to mask recipes and use in its pure form, castor oil can be added to care products for daily use, such as shampoo or conditioner. But it is worth remembering that the method of application depends on the problem that has arisen and the desired result. Too frequent or incorrect use can be harmful.

The use of castor oil is very wide: caring for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, caring for the skin of the face and hands, for losing weight and cleansing the body, for removing age spots and warts, etc.

How to use castor oil for the face - recommendations from cosmetologists

To prevent the product from causing harm instead of benefit, the following recommendations should be followed when using it at home:

  1. The oil needs to be slightly heated in a steam bath or with the heating radiator turned on. A warm product has higher efficiency and absorption.
  2. The castor mask is applied only to a clean, dry face. If the composition contains additional ingredients, the face may be moisturized, but not wet.
  3. The composition should not be smeared, but distributed by lightly patting with your fingers.
  4. A small amount of product is applied to the face. You should not apply a thick layer, otherwise the pores will not be able to breathe.
  5. Skin care with castor oil should be taken in courses of 10 days. After each course, it is recommended to do a light peeling.
  6. The product is absorbed into the skin tissue slowly, so keep the mask on the face for 10–15 minutes.

How to remove castor oil from hair

Naturally, in the process of using the mask, the question arises of how to rinse castor oil into the hair, because doing this is not very easy.
Those who use only natural care products face a particular obstacle; they are unable to wash off oily substances of such high density. There are several rules for using the product that will help you easily deal with washing off the composition in the future:

  • Avoid using the drug in its pure form and add egg yolk to it. This ingredient will reduce the fat content of the product and it will become much easier to wash it off;
  • add lemon juice to the ingredients. It degreases perfectly.
  • you can make a mixture with other oils that are no less beneficial for the hair structure, but will also facilitate the rinsing process, for example, almond, sesame, olive are suitable;
  • Apply only to dry hair, because moisture becomes a barrier to the oil film, enveloping it.

But the easiest way to wash off any oily composition is to double or triple wash with a shampoo containing a chemical composition. Having washed off the main amount of the product the first time, the hair will become clean the second time.

Masks for different skin types

The balance of the composition allows you to use castor oil to care for all types of skin. The product makes any epidermis fresh, firm, elastic.

For dry and sagging skin

For dry, flaky, dull skin, castor oil mixed with egg yolk, jojoba oil and heavy cream is beneficial. The components are thoroughly mixed, the composition is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and upper chest.

For combination and oily skin

For unsightly oily skin and a tendency to acne, make a compress from oil and infusion of nettle leaves. Gauze is soaked in the liquid and applied to the face. It is advisable to do a castor compress before going to bed.

For problem skin

When the face is covered with acne and pimples, make a compress of two oils: castor (tablespoon) and wheat germ (teaspoon). Gauze is soaked in the composition and applied to the face.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Castor oil is one of the best natural remedies for aging skin, on which the first wrinkles of age appear. The product can even treat sensitive areas around the eyelids and mouth.

From the first wrinkles

Premature wrinkles appear most often when the skin is dry. To slow down the aging process, combine 40 ml of castor oil and honey, add 40 g of milk oatmeal. The mass is applied to those areas of the face where the first folds are noticeable. Remove the composition with lukewarm water.

Against crow's feet

Mix 5 ml of castor and apricot oils, add 5 drops of sandalwood ether. You need to moisten a cotton swab with the product and gently wipe the problem areas near the eyelids with it. Next, you should lightly massage the treated skin so that the composition is absorbed faster. The procedure is carried out every 2–4 days.

From the folds on the forehead

Use pure product. It is applied to the forehead as follows:

  1. Smear with circular movements.
  2. Smooth out wrinkles from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  3. Keep the composition for 15 minutes.
  4. Unabsorbed residues are removed with a clean napkin.

For deep wrinkles

Combine 5 ml of oil and 4-5 drops of hyaluronic acid. You can smear your face with a castor oil mask 2-3 times a week.

How long to keep and how to apply

Hair masks with castor oil, like the product itself, have a rather greasy consistency and are not very convenient to apply. To facilitate this process, you can use any suitable brush (even a medium-hard toothbrush will do). The entire hair is parted one by one lengthwise and the oil is rubbed into the root area and scalp . It is worth remembering that the most important processes occur there , and not in the regrown hair.

It is very important to maintain the required period of time with the composition on the head; it varies from 1 to 3 hours. Many who do not have enough time are wondering whether it is possible to leave a mask with castor oil on overnight? In this case, everything is also individual. The oil has the property of blocking the access of oxygen to the pores, which, with prolonged exposure, is very detrimental to any part of the skin and hair. Those who have excessive oily scalp should be especially careful.

In other cases, you can leave castor oil overnight, but do not do this too often . In addition, it is best to use all recipes with castor oil on slightly dirty hair, but not on too oily hair. Excess fat on the skin provokes loosening of the bulbs in their bed and, accordingly, hair loss.

Masks for rejuvenation

Face masks with castor oil have the good property of not only eliminating wrinkles, but also improving the structure and color of the skin. The most effective and popular recipes are given below.

With aloe and green tea

Aloe is a source of vitamins for healthy and youthful skin, and tea tones the epidermal tissue. To make a mask, mix 5 ml of oil, aloe juice and brewed tea. Soak a napkin with the composition and apply it to problem areas of the face. Remains of the castor composition are removed with a clean napkin.

With cabbage

The cabbage leaves are crushed, a tablespoon of the resulting pulp is mixed with 20 ml of oil and the beaten white of one egg. The castor mask is applied in a thick layer and removed with a clean, damp cloth.

With peach oil and vitamin E

Take 20 ml of castor and peach compositions, add 10 drops of tocopherol. After 10 minutes, remove the mask with a dry cloth. You can't wash your face.


Take the yolk of one chicken egg for a teaspoon of castor oil. Keep on face for 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.


Banana pulp is crushed into a pulp, a teaspoon of oil is added. Wash off the composition with lukewarm water.


Take 2 teaspoons of a mixture of castor oil and honey, add a teaspoon of fine-grained cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of peach or applesauce, and the yolk of one egg. Stir until smooth.

Hair masks with castor oil

Taking into account the individuality of situations, the need to achieve certain results, as well as the individual characteristics of the body, there are a number of different mask recipes. Check out the most effective and popular monos below.

For hair loss and baldness

In case of severe hair loss, both in women and men, it is worth resorting to using this recipe. In many situations, thanks to this mask, the process of baldness was stopped.


  • castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper tincture – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • hair balm – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. All components in the specified proportion are mixed and applied to the scalp using a brush or any convenient instrument.
  2. After application, do a short massage, rubbing the composition into the skin.
  3. Cover your head tightly with polyethylene and wrap it in a towel.
  4. Leave with the composition for at least 40 minutes, then wash off.
  5. It is recommended to repeat no more than once per week.

For hair ends

Split ends and brittle ends become a common problem, and all because they suffer the most during styling from curling irons and hair dryers. A recipe with additional use of burdock oil will help protect yourself from such a problem.


  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • burdock oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • almond oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • orange oil ether – 5 drops.


  1. The ingredients are mixed in a glass bowl.
  2. The composition is applied evenly over the entire length, especially at the ends.
  3. Wrap in cling film and warm material, preferably wool.
  4. Leave with the mask for from an hour to 1.5 hours.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.
  6. Repeat three times a week.

For growth

There are several options for masks that accelerate hair growth, which include castor oil. Some of them cause some discomfort in the form of burning of the skin, but you should not be afraid of it. This indicates the high effectiveness of the recipe. It is impossible to burn the skin with such masks, no matter how strong the burning sensation accompanies the procedure. Pepper tincture is one of the effective ingredients for growth.


  • castor oil – 2 tsp;
  • pepper tincture – 2 tsp.


  1. The components are mixed and rubbed evenly into the scalp.
  2. There is no need to distribute the composition along the entire length.
  3. Wrap in cling film and a terry towel.
  4. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  5. Use no more than twice a week.

For thickness, growth and shine

A mask based on different types of oils that strengthens hair roots, nourishes, makes them thick and shiny.


  • castor oil – 1 tbsp. l;
  • burdock oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l;
  • Bay essential oil – 4 drops;
  • lavender essential oil – 2 drops;


  1. Pre-heat the oils to a comfortable temperature and mix everything.
  2. Rub the resulting composition into the hair roots, massaging the scalp for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Leave on the head, wrapped in film and insulated with a towel for at least 2 hours (overnight is possible).
  4. The composition must be washed off using shampoo and conditioner.
  5. Repetition is carried out twice a week.

For more information about this mask and which essential oil to choose for yourself, watch this video :

Castor oil for hair

For hair growth with high efficiency


  • mustard powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1-2 tsp. (the degree of mustard activity depends on the amount of sugar)


  1. Initially, powdered mustard is diluted with water, but the temperature should not be allowed to be too high. If you pour hot water over mustard, toxic substances will begin to be released from it.
  1. Then add all the other components and stir the mixture until smooth.
  2. Apply to the scalp, but do not rub in.
  3. Next, wrap it in film and wrap it in a towel.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes for the first time, and increases by half the next time.
  5. This mask can be easily washed off with shampoo.
  6. It is recommended to repeat no more than twice per week.

We recommend: Hair masks with egg and burdock oil

For oily hair

Oily hair also needs care and I would like to apply the properties of castor oil to them as well. To do this, add kefir to the recipe, but only low-fat.


  • low-fat kefir – 100 ml;
  • castor oil – 10 ml.


  1. Both ingredients are heated before cooking.
  2. Mix the components until smooth, apply to the scalp and the entire length.
  3. Leave it on for at least an hour and then rinse off.
  4. You can repeat this before each wash.

For thickness

The following recipe will help make your hair volume significantly larger by filling its structure with the missing elements, while simultaneously making it lighter and lifting it from the roots.


  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • brewer's yeast – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Initially, brewer's yeast is diluted with the specified amount of slightly warmed water.
  2. Next, make a homogeneous composition and apply it first to the root zone, and then to the entire length.
  3. Leave with the composition for at least 40 minutes and wash off.
  4. It is recommended to repeat each time along with washing your hair.

Read about other masks made from brewer's yeast here

For dry hair

For complete care of dry hair, especially when there is a need to speed up its regrowth, use the following recipe.


  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • glycerin – 1 tsp;
  • water – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. First of all, glycerin is diluted with the specified amount of water, after which the remaining components are added.
  2. First, the composition is rubbed into the skin, and then stretched with a comb through the hair.
  3. The procedure is carried out half an hour before washing.
  4. Wash off the product with regular shampoo and apply conditioner.
  5. In the case of long hair, the amount of ingredients is doubled.
  6. It is best to apply twice per week.

For colored hair

Dyed hair most of all needs high-quality and proper care. This recipe will support health, a full range of essential substances, and add shine.


  • castor oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • almond oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. All components are mixed and applied to the root part, after which the composition is stretched along the length of the hair with a fine comb.
  2. Leave with the mixture for at least 40 minutes and wash off.
  3. You can repeat it daily if you wish, but at least 2 times a week.

From gray hair

Gray hair can also be avoided by using castor oil. This recipe will provide your hair with healthy natural pigmentation.


  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp.


  1. Initially, the oil is heated in a water bath, after which other components are added.
  2. Apply in combination with a scalp massage.
  3. The applied composition is wrapped in cling film and a warm hat is put on.
  4. The procedure lasts half an hour and is recommended to be repeated twice a week.

For dandruff

A well-known plant that helps in the fight against dandruff is parsley.


  • parsley seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • castor oil – 10 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 100 ml.


  1. Initially, using a water bath, prepare a decoction of parsley seeds for half an hour.
  2. Next, castor oil is added to it.
  3. After this, they begin to apply the composition, which is then wrapped in cellophane and a towel.
  4. Leave with the product for at least 1 hour and repeat 2-3 times a week.


Women who have tried to take care of their face with castor oil leave mostly positive reviews, pointing out the safety and effectiveness of the product, and the quick and noticeable results. There are few negative reviews, and they are left mainly by women who used the masks incorrectly, without following the rules and recommendations.

  • Anna, 25 years old: “I used to use castor oil only for hair and eyelashes. I couldn’t even think that the product was added to face masks. I also tried it to remove oily shine. After a month of use, my skin became drier and cleaner. I heat the castor oil a little and mix it with olive oil. Just don’t overuse it, otherwise you’ll dry out your skin.”
  • Karina, 33 years old: “I only apply castor oil to my eyelashes and hair. I can’t use it on my face; I get a nasty sticky feeling. Moreover, after castor oil, my face does not cleanse, but, on the contrary, my pores become clogged. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. But for eyelashes the product is just right.”
  • Olga, 21 years old: “I fought acne not with masks, but with pure oil. I applied it directly to each pimple. The result is excellent, I didn’t even expect it to be like this. The inflammations dried up, after three days they became covered with crusts, which quickly went away. Now my face is clean and beautiful.”

Castor oil is a unique remedy suitable for skin of all types and ages, helping to fight wrinkles and inflammation. For the results of using masks to be positive, you need to buy a high-quality pharmacy product.


Benefits of castor oil for hair

Regarding the benefits of castor oil for hair, we can say the following:

  • softens the skin while simultaneously nourishing it with the necessary list of substances;
  • eliminate dry seborrhea and excessive dryness of the scalp;
  • has whitening properties;
  • affects the follicles, making them strong and activating their work;
  • restores damaged hair structure;
  • has a protective effect.
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