A complete makeup guide for problem skin: how to choose foundation, disguise inflammation and scars

Rules for camouflaging acne

To cover up acne on your face without worrying about how you look throughout the day, you must first prepare your skin. To level the surface and adjust the color, you will need special cosmetics. You should pay attention to the choice of brush and sponge (sponge) for applying the compositions. To avoid the growth of bacteria, they must be washed after use.

Skin preparation

To obtain a natural and lasting result, makeup artists advise using well-known techniques:

  • Wash your face with warm water, without soap solutions. You can use facial washes, lotions, tonics or wet wipes.
  • Gently rub in moisturizer or sunscreen without fragrance, which may cause skin irritation. Choose water-based cosmetics. The oils contained in the composition contribute to severe redness of the spots.

Necessary cosmetics

  • Base (primer) . The product creates a beautiful look and protects the skin. A thin layer levels the surface and serves as the basis for high-quality adhesion to decorative cosmetics.
  • Concealer (corrector) quickly hides imperfections: acne, age spots, circles under the eyes. A varied palette helps cover all types of pimples.
  • Foundation evens out the color.
  • The powder adds velvety and naturalness and sets makeup. The use of shiny, shimmering cosmetics if acne exists is only possible in exceptional cases. They highlight temporary flaws.


Both decorative and medicinal cosmetics are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before choosing an acne corrector, you should familiarize yourself with a number of restrictions on its use:

  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • strong foci of inflammation;
  • skin diseases for which the application of makeup is strictly prohibited;
  • open wounds.

Despite the fact that this product usually does not pose a health risk, if any negative manifestations on the skin are detected, you should stop using it further and consult a dermatologist.

How to cover different types of acne

The result of masking acne depends on the correct choice of cosmetics and their application technique. It is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the rash, the presence of a crust, the presence of single or multiple formations.

To cover up various types of acne, special methods are used.

This helps to avoid possible discoloration after application, slipping or protrusion of cosmetics.

Masking acne on the face will be successful if you take into account the following nuances:

  • Make all movements without rubbing the skin, which causes irritation.
  • Apply primer and foundation with soft strokes using a sponge.
  • After applying concealer, avoid contact with the surface of the skin.
  • Shift your attention away from the problem area, such as wearing bright lipstick.


For this type of breakout, use a thick, creamy concealer. It will provide better adhesion to foundation. To disguise pimples, apply the composition dotted to the dry top of the white head using a thin, sharp brush. Then press the drop with your finger and press down.

After drying, set with loose powder. Perform gentle movements with a fluffy brush; do not rub or smear. In case of unsuccessful disguise, stylists advise resorting to a little trick - putting a black dot at the top, hiding the pimple under the “mole”.


To make it easier to cover up swollen, ugly papules, apply a compress first. Use one of the methods based on the problem:

  • A napkin moistened with warm boiled water will relieve inflammation, redness and kill bacteria.
  • An ice cube applied to the surface will soothe the pain and reduce the size of the acne.

Red pimples are hidden with colored concealers. Apply green first, then a little yellow, blend them around the edges with light movements, as if connecting them with the skin tone.

Do not overdo it with the amount of corrective products. In good lighting, such camouflage will be noticeable.

The correction effect should be light. Finish your makeup with a small amount of powder. Eyes painted brighter than usual will help hide acne on the face, which will distract attention.

With dry crust

First you need to soften the surface of the skin. To do this, take a day cream and lubricate the problem area. If there is peeling around the acne, it can be carefully removed with disinfected tweezers. After 5-7 minutes, apply a thick concealer and cover with powder.


It is not uncommon for teenagers to have a large number of rashes on their forehead or chin. The same problem occurs in adults with oily skin.

To cover up blackheads, first moisturize your face well.

Do not use oil-based foundation.

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Masking acne depends on its type:

  • Red, inflamed . Cover the dots with green, then yellow concealer.
  • With leaking liquid . Press the napkin firmly onto the acne, blot it, and use a brush to apply a thick corrector.
  • Dark spots . They will be hidden by a cream palette that can also cope with other defects.

Try not to apply a thick layer of cosmetics. Do not touch your skin after applying concealer. Set your makeup with a setting spray or a little translucent powder.

In an inconvenient place

Covering up pimples is not always easy, especially when they are in hard-to-reach areas. Adjustment methods:

  • Acne is located along the growth of the eyebrows . Separate the hairs, mark with a corrector, and use a wet or liquid pencil to tint.
  • The rashes are located on the temples, close to the hair . Apply foundation and powder with greater caution. Try not to leave light marks on your hair.


When a wound appears at the site of a destroyed pimple, cure it first. Apply antibiotic ointment at night. If the popped pimple is rough and uneven, apply white concealer. After it dries, apply a concealer that matches your skin color. This will solve the problem - the wound will be invisible.

Acne marks

Often, acne, inflamed bumps, after disappearing, leave spots, scars and scars. A thick layer of compact powder helps cover up such defects.

For best results, apply wet.

Cover your face with day cream until it is absorbed, tap in the powder with light movements. You can use a damp sponge to apply the product.

Types of corrective agents

There are several forms of correctors, each of which has its own advantages in eliminating imperfections. Sometimes it happens that in order to hide some flaws, it is more advisable to use several types of this product at once.

Masking pencil:

  • has a dense texture, making it easy to apply and lasts a long time;
  • compact, you can always take it with you;
  • easy to use;
  • removes acne, freckles, age spots, enlarged pores, post-acne marks;
  • includes medicinal and vitamin supplements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis.

Dry corrector:

  • based on mineral powder;
  • hides traces of acne, redness from inflammation, spots, and also corrects the face;
  • due to its dry texture, it absorbs excess fat from the surface of the epidermis well;
  • has a variety of color palettes.

Liquid pencil:

  • creamy consistency;
  • fits easily on the skin without creating a mask effect;
  • convenient to use in daily use;
  • The set includes special brushes or a foam-based applicator;
  • Designed for sensitive and delicate skin, or its individual zones.

How to hide acne without makeup

The use of masking agents on non-healing surfaces does not always solve the problem. Correction with cosmetics can lead to the formation of scars. Although it is difficult to improve the condition of your skin and hide acne on your face without foundation, you can try to cope with rashes without makeup.

There are folk recipes that reduce the appearance of rashes, acne and inflammation on the skin.

Spot treatments with products containing salicylic acid and sulfur give a good effect.

They cleanse overnight, tighten pores, and eliminate blemishes on the skin. Pharmacies and cosmetics stores have special medicinal products that quickly get rid of rashes and acne.

Cosmetologists recommend the following ways to eliminate acne without makeup:

  • Take an ice cube and wrap it in a napkin. Apply to the problem area for 10–15 minutes. An ice compress has a vasoconstrictor effect and reduces inflammation.
  • Apply a few drops of Visine to a cotton swab and place in the freezer for an hour. Then apply to the pimple and hold for 5 minutes. The drug does not eliminate the cause of acne, but it narrows the pores and removes redness.
  • Toothpaste helps make pimples less noticeable. Treat the tubercle with calendula tincture. Spread a thick layer of paste on it. After an hour, rinse with cold water and apply moisturizer.

​​​​​​Acne is better to treat, not hide

The use of medical camouflage helps patients feel more comfortable and improves their psycho-emotional state. But simply masking acne is ineffective. It is necessary to visit a dermatologist and begin acne treatment as early as possible. For mild to moderate acne, azelaic acid preparations can be used9.

Azelik® – 15% azelaic acid (AA) gel. After applying the drug, azelaic acid quickly penetrates the skin. This is facilitated by its micronized structure, as well as the presence of auxiliary components in the base (N-methyl-pyrrolidone, dimethicone), which facilitate its penetration7.

AK helps to normalize keratinization processes, reduce fatty acids in skin lipids, and reduce the colonization of propionibacteria5. The anti-inflammatory effect of azelaic acid may be related to its ability to reduce neutrophil metabolism and the synthesis of free radical oxygen species5.

Warm compress

A good home remedy for removing scars and pimples from the face is a warm compress. This is an effective remedy as the toxins present in the body are removed from the pores due to the action of a warm compress. To prepare a compress, take warm, but not too hot water, soak a cloth bandage in it or gauze bandage and squeeze out excess water.

Compresses should be repeated 5 or 6 times, without waiting for them to cool completely and constantly changing them with a new warm bandage. Typically, this procedure takes 20 - 30 minutes, after which you will be able to notice a general decrease in the size or volume of inflammation and a slight effect of masking acne with strongly moisturizes and saturates the skin with moisture.

What's on the package?

When it comes to makeup against acne scars, it’s not just the “how” that’s important, but also the “what”: the products you use should be non-comedogenic and also suitable for sensitive skin. That is, as “gentle” and soft as possible. Then they will not provoke the appearance of new inflammations. Do you want to not just disguise scars, but get rid of them completely, forever? Ingredients such as licorice extract and vitamin C will contribute to this - they help fight hyperpigmentation, brightening the skin.

How to Apply Concealer to Cover Dark Spots

Choose a thick, creamy texture. The formula should be thick enough to cover dark spots. Choose a product that matches the color of your foundation. If you are faced with strong pigmentation, you will need a peach tone that will cover the dark brown color. Learn the application secret from Vasilina Tkachenko: first apply foundation to even out the tone, and then concealer. If you have dry skin, use a hydrating formula instead of a matte one.

Life hack from Vasilina Tkachenko: correct makeup mistakes with a concealer. Apply it on a cotton swab to gently remove any crumbled shadows or mascara spots.

How to cover up scars with concealer

You will need a stick or cream with a thick texture. The liquid formula is useless in this case. Look for a shade that matches your skin color for the most natural effect. If you use a stick, just cover the scar. For large or dark scars, apply the creamy product with a brush or fingers.

Subtleties of makeup for acne

Having figured out how to hide acne with makeup, it is worth understanding the features of its application. Let's present some useful tips and tricks on how to use cosmetics correctly:

  • use high-quality cosmetics of natural origin;
  • periodically clean makeup tools, especially brushes and sponges that come into direct contact with inflamed areas;
  • the use of blush is quite provocative if there are acne on the skin, as the redness will become even more pronounced;
  • all products should not contain fatty components, this threatens to clog the pores and aggravate the situation;
  • rich lipstick will help distract from a pimple on the forehead, and a pronounced emphasis on the eyes on the chin;
  • if a pimple has settled on the nose, then you should not apply bright makeup, it is better to use pastel colors;
  • do not overuse foundation, a thin layer is enough; Apply all cosmetics with light movements without damaging the skin.


In any case, it is necessary to remember that acne, wherever it appears, should not be hidden - but treated. They indicate possible interruptions in the functioning of your body - in the hormonal or endocrine system, or maybe you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Whatever the reason for their appearance, it lies in serious disorders of the body.

Thank you for your attention! Let your face always please you and those around you with cleanliness and well-groomedness, and let a small random pimple not be able to ruin your mood!

Additional Methods

Of course, there are quite a lot of methods; we need to talk about more “creative” ones, in my opinion, so to speak:

  1. Small rashes can be smoothed out with egg whites. The last ingredient from a chicken egg needs to be beaten, as for a sponge cake, applied to the face for about 20 minutes, and then rinsed off.
  2. An excellent and safe remedy is pieces of ice (and any other cold objects). Cold causes blood vessels to constrict, which means inflammation becomes less noticeable.
  3. Tea tree oil, if you apply it to the abscess several times (you can do it many times), will also help it shrink in size.
  4. Nasal drops (for eyes) also work on a similar principle. They constrict blood vessels, and therefore help with acne. However, you will have to drip them more than once.

Remember that before using any pharmaceutical or folk remedies, it is better to consult your family doctor. It is important that you follow the proper dosage and use all homemade masses correctly. Their storage also plays a key role, because products that are not fresh, whether homemade or pharmacy, cannot be used.

What remedy will help if others have not helped?

And another very effective remedy that has proven itself in our domestic medicine is “Badyaga”. Now they produce ready-made gels, which just need to be smeared on the inflamed (reddened) area for a few minutes for some time (the more time you have left, the better) - and your pustules will definitely become smaller, and perhaps disappear completely .

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