Home facial care: how to properly care for your skin

What happens to facial skin in adulthood?

Time cannot be stopped. Today you are a young girl with a smooth pink face, and tomorrow the first wrinkles appear. How quickly will this “tomorrow” come? Depends on a huge number of factors - heredity, ecology, nutrition, lifestyle, care, and even your attitude towards life (despondency, anger, resentment and eternal dissatisfaction with life greatly accelerate aging and shorten life).

In addition, by the age of fifty, hormonal changes in the body begin. It is during this period that many face deep wrinkles, sagging, unhealthy complexion and age spots. This is due to a decrease in the release of collagen and elastin. Regeneration also begins to work worse.

But you can help yourself! To do this, you need to choose the right care and introduce new healthy habits into your daily life. For example, self-massage. But first things first.

Main causes of skin aging

Skin ages for various reasons, but the main ones are time, care, habits, climate and genetics.

  1. Time spares no one. You can slow down the onset of the first wrinkles or smooth out their appearance, but you won’t be able to forget about them forever - you can’t escape them. The only thing that depends on you is a healthy lifestyle and the right habits. Then you can delay facial aging for many years.
  2. Improper care - there is a reason why they put an age marker on cosmetic products. You won't look younger using cosmetics designed for twenty-somethings. In different years, our dermis needs different substances.
  3. Bad habits - smokers and alcohol drinkers are immediately visible. The skin turns yellow and becomes flabby. Do you want to prevent this? Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Genes - some women may not take care of their skin at all and look perfect, while others make great efforts and still quickly face the first signs of aging. Heredity is to blame for everything.
  5. Climate - people living in hot countries age much faster. The point is the sun, which affects the skin like grapes - it turns it into raisins.

Rules of youth for eyelid skin

The basic care program necessarily includes care for the skin around the eyes.

The skin of the eyelids is thin, devoid of subcutaneous fatty tissue and sebaceous ducts. It is these areas that, before others, tell others how old a woman really is. That's why they require special care:

  • thin skin is very prone to swelling, quickly stretches and becomes covered with wrinkles, so it must be handled with care;
  • Special delicate products have been created to remove eye makeup. You can use them to care for other areas of the face, but not vice versa;
  • Special creams have been developed for the skin of the eyelids; they have a light texture and do not provoke additional swelling;
  • Remove makeup and apply care products around the eyes in accordance with the massage lines. From below - from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones, from above - vice versa. This must be done carefully so that the skin does not stretch.

In addition, the epidermis around the eyes is very sensitive and reacts sharply to low-quality cosmetics.

What do we recommend giving up at this age?

Beauty and youth are directly related to health. And you need to start thinking about it not only at 50 years old.

It doesn't matter if you are 20, 35 or 50, exclude the following things:

  • Solarium and long stay in the open sun (and don’t forget about SPF protection);
  • Alcohol and smoking;
  • Fast food, processed foods and other food waste;
  • Plenty of coffee and tea;
  • Skin care products that contain alcohol;
  • Sleep on a high pillow.

It doesn’t matter if you find yourself at an alcoholic party or decide to eat a sausage at a picnic - don’t blame yourself for rare deviations from the rules. The main thing is that it does not become a habit and does not become a way of life.

Lip care

Lips also deserve close attention of any woman during daily facial care.

  1. Don't leave home without lip balm and oil. Lips also need constant hydration, otherwise cracks and peeling will not bypass you.
  2. Don't forget the scrub. It will make your lips shiny and well-groomed in a matter of minutes. A good scrub does not scratch the skin of the lips and moisturizes perfectly.
  3. To keep your lips in good shape, don’t forget about gymnastics. We share an excellent exercise from Melannette, which helps to raise the corners of the lips again:

Basic rules of care

A fresh, radiant and youthful face is the result of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Take walks in the fresh air more often - this will make your sleep sounder and help you cope with stress more easily;
  • Do gymnastics - so that the blood does not stagnate in the body, it needs to be dispersed. And movement in this matter is the best assistant;
  • Eat right - a person’s eating habits are immediately visible in the face. Sweets cause acne, and vegetables make your face look fresher. Choose healthy products;
  • Get enough sleep - only during sleep does our body fully rest. Don't neglect it;
  • Use sun protection - even in winter. UV rays have a negative effect on the skin. Pigment spots and deep furrows appear:
  • Maintain water balance (at least 2 liters of water per day) - give up sugary carbonated drinks and replace them with clean water. The skin on your face will thank you.

The main stages of facial skin care after 50 years

But we must not forget about proper care. It will help maintain a healthy complexion and prevent unwanted breakouts (yes, even women over 50 get acne).

  1. Cleansing is the most important step in any skincare routine. Complex processes occur in the dermis at night, which is why it is so important to cleanse it in the morning. Well, in the evening you wash off all the dirt that managed to settle on your face during the day. You can wash your face with just tap water, but there are few places where it is of high quality. Most often, it contains not very good substances (the same as chlorine), which negatively affect the condition of the dermis. It is better to use natural hydrolates. For example, hydrosol with rose is ideal for mature skin.

  2. Peeling - exfoliate at least once a week. This way you regulate sebum secretion and get rid of dead skin cells.
  3. Moisturizing – As we age, our skin tends to dry out more. This causes peeling and itching, and the furrows become larger. To prevent this, use a suitable moisturizer. Beauty 365 Cane Squalane will do the job perfectly. In addition, it can be used on any part of your body, it turns out to be very beneficial.

  4. Toning is an important step that many women neglect. You can use both hydrosol and plant tinctures. In winter it is useful to use lemon juice and honey.
  5. Masks - give preference to collagen-based masks. After all, this is exactly what your skin needs so much.

How to care for different skin types

Now we’ll tell you more about caring for each skin type.

Dry skin care

Dry skin needs intensive hydration, nutrition and protection of the hydrolipid mantle. It is better to choose a cleanser with moisturizing components: urea, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, panthenol, and various oils. “Active Moisturizing” face cream with hyaluronic acid and urea effectively eliminates peeling, irritation and redness, increases elasticity and improves the protective properties of the skin.

Home care for dry skin should also include the use of nourishing and intensely moisturizing cream-based masks.

Care for oily skin

Oily skin needs gentle but intense cleansing and control of sebum production. Avoid using products with simple alcohol - they dehydrate the skin and, as a result, increase sebum production. Cleansing gel with activated carbon effectively cleanses pores, removes impurities and makeup residues without drying out the skin.

Contrary to popular belief, oily skin needs high-quality daily hydration, thanks to which the sebaceous glands will work normally, without intensive sebum production. To moisturize, use special products labeled “for oily skin.” If your skin is prone to breakouts, choose products with anti-inflammatory ingredients.

In addition, oily skin needs deep cleansing. Get peelings from a cosmetologist, and include a mask with clay and AHA acids in your home care for oily skin.

Products from the ARAVIA Professional home line for oily skin care

Care for combination skin

There are two types of combination skin:

  1. Normal in the T-zone and dry in the cheeks and cheekbones.
  2. Oily in the forehead, nose, chin and normal in other areas of the face.

You need to take care of your skin taking these features into account.

The combined type needs care that will not dry out dry areas and cope with the activity of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone. You should not choose products with harsh surfactants for cleansing. This advice applies to all skin types, but is especially important for combination skin. With aggressive exposure, even more sebum will be released in the T-zone, and other areas of the face will peel off.

When caring for combination skin, products can be combined: apply light moisturizing products to the T-zone, and nourish and protect dry areas of the periphery of the face with thicker creams.

Combination skin, like oily skin, responds well to deep cleansing. For example, a facial exfoliant paste with enzymes will actively cleanse the skin of impurities, eliminate skin metabolic products and stimulate cell renewal.

Using modern salon treatments

In pursuit of eternal youth, women are ready to do anything. Even go under the surgeon's knife.

Botox injections

- cosmetologists say that it is “beauty injections” that can smooth out wrinkles and restore the face to its former youth. In fact, aging skin is more likely to simply stretch under the volume of filler or even reject the foreign substance. And in the end you will look much worse than before the procedure.

Chemical and laser peels

— leave burns and create the feeling that you have been scalped. Probably no one wants to experience something like this. And then you won’t be able to go outside - since sunlight is contraindicated, and you yourself won’t want to show yourself to the world with a red, “freshened” face.

Ultrasound machines

— penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy its structure. Experts assure that everything is being done to restore regeneration function, but in reality

Salon treatments are more harmful and addictive. Many girls have encountered the opposite effect and the incompetence of cosmetologists. To avoid a disastrous result, it is better to abandon them altogether. Moreover, you can achieve better results at home, using only your hands and natural ingredients.

Popular folk remedies

Nature has already given man everything for a comfortable and happy life. Moreover, you can not only consume these gifts as food, but also use them for cosmetic purposes.

  • Decoctions and compresses of calendula, mint, lemon balm, thyme, chamomile and sage will help improve complexion;
  • Masks based on fruits (strawberries, apricots, bananas) and fermented milk products will return a healthy glow;
  • Aloe vera perfectly heals wounds and quickly relieves irritation;
  • Lemon juice will help whiten age spots;
  • Cucumber removes signs of fatigue;
  • Avocado smoothes wrinkles;
  • Honey with coffee (in a 1:1 ratio) is the best scrub for your face;
  • Gelatin contains a huge amount of collagen. Make masks based on it;
  • Massage will help remove facial wrinkles.

Massage and gymnastics for the care of aging skin after 50

Not doing a facial massage yet? Then it's time to start! A dry massage brush and vacuum cans will help you with this.

Dry massage stimulates the lymph flow and gets rid of dead cells. Do it strictly along massage lines and only on dry skin. Don't forget the moisturizer at the end.

Vacuum massage removes excess fluid and at the same time all the “dirt” that has accumulated inside the dermis. As a result, the skin will become more toned and radiant. Use oil for better glide. Watch the video to do everything right:

Gymnastics for the face is the same miracle remedy that smooths out wrinkles and takes off ten years of your life. Try a few exercises right now:

  1. Move your eyebrows so that wrinkles appear between them, press your fingers against them and make circular movements.
  2. Press the pads of your fingers to your forehead and move tightly in a circular motion throughout the entire area. It will be especially nice near the hairline.
  3. Press your fingers to the bridge of your nose and use pressing movements to move towards the corners of your eyes. Finally, run your fingers over the area under your eyes.

Well, do you already feel how your face is pleasantly burning and demands to be continued? Then quickly sign up for advanced intensive courses from Melannette. You can do this here. They are aimed at detailed study of specific areas. The nasolabial fold, drooping eyelid, bags under the eyes and drooping corners of the lips worry many women.

Comprehensive work is the key to a good result in any field. Including health and beauty. At the Basic Marathon “BoldlyNET” you will work with your whole body (and not just your face) and in a month you will not recognize the young and fresh girl who will look at you from the mirror. Don't waste time - sign up for the marathon!


This is the second step to beauty - regular masks, they must be done to prevent acne and to improve the quality of the dermis. Masks are divided into several categories, depending on which mask recipes vary:

For problem skinFor oily and combinationFor dry and sensitiveFor normal skin
Patients with rosacea or acne need to make film masks every day. These can be egg remedies, say, beat one egg with milk and honey, apply to the skin, remove after hardening. Masks for this skin type should be done morning and evening. One of the most effective is green tea and kefir. Grind green tea, mix with kefir (3:1), apply to the skin for 30 minutes. To avoid pimples on dry skin, you need to mix:
  • flax oil;
  • black tea leaves;
  • fish fat.

Everything is in equal parts. Apply the resulting oily mass to the face and décolleté, do not rinse off, but wipe off with napkins after 40 minutes.

If the skin is normal, too much care is not needed, just maintain its condition with various nutrients. In winter, carrots and cottage cheese will help. Boil the vegetable, mix with cottage cheese, apply to the face for 20 minutes. The complexion becomes like after a solarium.
There are good reviews about gelatin masks, but before using them, be sure to apply cream to the skin, especially during the period of adolescence - 15-22.A yeast mask will provide care for oily young skin. Mix three tablespoons of sour milk with crushed yeast, leave to brew for half an hour, then apply to the skin, rinse after 20 minutes. A cucumber mask will come in very handy in the spring, and it’s easy to make. You can grind the cucumber into puree and apply this paste to the dermis (expert opinion: this method is much more effective than putting the vegetable into slices), or cut the cucumber and spread its pieces over the face. Keep the porridge for 20 minutes, and the cucumber slices for 10 minutes, then change their sides. This mask perfectly moisturizes the dermis after 29 and helps it maintain the right amount of collagen in the epidermis. In summer you need to take advantage of the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities. Sometimes it happens that with normal skin you have to fight with freckles; strawberries and honey will help out here. Press the berries into a puree, mix with a spoonful of flower honey, slightly warmed in a water bath, and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Can be done daily if you are not allergic to the components.
An oatmeal mask will help cure problem skin at home; it shrinks pores and cleanses the skin. Pour the cereal with milk or a decoction of herbs, leave it overnight, and apply it to the dermis in the morning. This type of neck care will ensure youth and elasticity, and facial skin will become noticeably cleaner after just 3 sessions. Combination skin care most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 20. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that part of the face has oily dermis, and part is dry. In this case, green clay will help. Mix it with a decoction of herbs (chamomile, plantain, sage - whatever is on hand), and apply it to the face until it hardens. The simplest moisturizing mask that will come in handy in the fall:
  • butter - spoon;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 3 tablespoons.

Fill the plant with a glass of water, let it sit for a short time, according to the clock it’s about 40 minutes. Afterwards, pour the water into a separate container, and grind three spoons of it with little water. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and body (if your elbows or knees are dry), rinse off after 20 minutes.

Tonic for the care of normal skin: mix chamomile decoction - a glass, calendula tincture - 3 spoons, honey - one spoon. Apply the resulting liquid to the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Masks for aging dermis:

  1. The most famous and useful (especially in winter) is a mask made from boiled potatoes. Boil vegetables in their uniforms, peel, chop, mix with yogurt, apply to the skin of the face and neck for 30 minutes. After 32, it is recommended to do this mask every day.
  2. A mixture of cranberries and aloe will help take care of very dry, aging skin. Grind the berries into a puree, cut the plant in half and take out the middle. Mix and apply to face. The skin around the eyes and mouth remains clean. Wash off after half an hour.
  3. Prevention of wrinkles is the most necessary procedure after 30. Prepare olive oil and lemon juice in equal parts, mix, apply to the skin, remove after 50 minutes with a cotton swab.

In addition to all the above procedures for each skin type, you need to follow some rules of facial skin care :

  • Before applying cosmetics, be sure to cleanse your face, this includes any makeup;
  • it is very important to use high-quality decorative products;
  • follow 3 stages of facial care: cleansing, toning, nutrition;
  • after 25-27, be careful not to confuse night and day products, especially cream. This is the secret of Brigitte Bardot's beauty and youth.

It is believed that the stronger half of humanity does not need care, but for men masks are no less important than for women. The best options: buy a gezatone electroplating and microcurrent device, regularly clean and protect the dermis with cosmetics, make blue clay masks at home (cheap and easy).

It is important to eat right and take care of your entire body. Drink vitamins and minerals, spend time in the fresh air more often, and then you can boast of not only elastic skin, but also thick and shiny hair.

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