Face corrector: what is it for, how to choose, colors, step-by-step instructions for proper use, the best color and spot correctors
Face corrector: what is it for, how to choose, colors, step-by-step instructions for proper use, the best color and spot correctors
Home » Face Category: Face Ladies, what is your most important makeup product?
Hands, brush, roller or currents: the most effective types of self-massage of the face
The value of massage is colossal: it can heal the body without pills, strengthen physical and emotional well-being,
Correction of facial contours with fillers - lifting, contouring, getting rid of jowls
1) clear cheekbones and a smooth transition from the cheekbones to the cheek area 2) a straight line
Enzyme peeling for the face: what is it and how to use it
It's no secret that human skin is constantly renewed. Unfortunately, with age
Massage for wrinkles on the forehead after 40, 50 years, acupressure, with a spoon. What to smear, how to do it at home, video
From this article you will learn: Why facial massage is effective against wrinkles at home
Facelift (facelift) - Techniques
Non-surgical facelift: injection and hardware techniques
Let's look at facelift techniques. The most popular today are: – SMAS; –
Causes of nasolabial folds
Makeup as one of the ways to hide nasolabial folds on the face
Nasolabial pain is a sadness that will sooner or later affect every woman. Usually early.
Why do the rings of Venus appear?
What do Venus rings on the neck mean and how to get rid of them?
Why do such violations occur? How to get rid of Venus rings on your neck without surgery? Operating
What is a Jessner peel? What are its advantages? Can it be done at home?
Jessner peel (Hollywood peel) - a procedure that allows you to intensively exfoliate dead skin for stimulation
How to squeeze out blackheads on the nose if they don't squash
How to squeeze out blackheads on the nose at home? Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads on the nose?
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