What do Venus rings on the neck mean and how to get rid of them?

  • Why do such violations occur?
  • How to get rid of Venus rings on your neck without surgery?
  • Surgical removal of the rings of Venus
  • What will happen in the recovery period?

The rings of Venus are the horizontal circular folds that encircle the neck and are most pronounced on its front side. Such a cosmetic defect can add several years to the age of the owner. In addition, over time, the accumulation of fat deposits in the neck leads to sagging of these folds and the transformation of the rings of Venus into the so-called fat depots (or fat reserve).


At the first sign of a problem, exercise can be effective. They are aimed at increasing muscle tone. Here are some examples of neck muscle training:

  1. Starting position – standing or sitting. Slowly rotate your head, and then bow it and completely relax your muscles.
  2. Lower the corners of your lips so much that you feel the tension in your neck muscles. Stay in this position for about 15 seconds. Then relax and repeat.
  3. Slowly tilt your head forward and back eight times in each direction. You can't move your shoulders. Then relax and repeat.
  4. Slowly lower your head alternately to your right and left shoulder.
  5. Fix the shoulder girdle and head. Separately, make a circle with your neck: move it forward, then to the right, return to the starting position, move it to the left and then forward. Repeat four times with rest after each.
  6. Slowly turn your head to the right so that your chin goes behind your shoulder, stretching the neck muscle. Repeat to the left.
  7. Smoothly turn your head alternately in both directions without returning to the starting position.

More effective methods for removing and correcting Venus rings are offered by modern medicine and cosmetology.

Why do the rings of Venus appear?

It is generally accepted that gadgets are to blame for the formation of transverse wrinkles on the neck, or rather, the habit of constantly looking at a smartphone with your head bowed.

However, women encountered the rings of Venus a hundred years ago. A whole range of reasons lead to their appearance:

  • a thin layer of subcutaneous fat on the neck;
  • insufficient care for this area;
  • thin skin;
  • weak muscle frame;
  • stoop, poor posture;
  • the habit of lowering the neck down;
  • incorrect position during sleep;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • insufficient moisture of the skin;
  • hormonal disorders causing dry skin;
  • genetic feature of the neck structure.


The appearance of horizontal wrinkles on the neck can be prevented by watching your posture, purchasing an orthopedic pillow, and tilting your head less often.

Of course, careful skin care is required. You can use the same products as for the face. Typically, the skin on the neck is dry or prone to dryness, so the main emphasis should be on moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis. Home care, as a rule, is not enough - professional procedures are also required to prolong youth. A good place to start is by moisturizing your skin. Injections of hyaluronic acid will replenish the lack of moisture, slow down the aging process, and make the skin elastic and firm.

At a young age, mesotherapy will be effective, at a more mature age - biorevitalization, bioregeneration, redermalization, plasma lifting. Alginate masks and gentle peelings will help increase skin elasticity.

The optimal effect is achieved by combining professional hardware and injection procedures with regular home care.

Neck care at 35-40 years old

At this age, wrinkles become deep and noticeable, and the skin in general becomes more flabby. The optimal solution to remove wrinkles on the neck is Botox. Botulinum toxin injections will relax the neck muscles to which the skin is attached and prevent further sagging of problem areas.

The effectiveness of this procedure can be seen immediately, the result lasts for six months to a year, sometimes longer (depending on the individual characteristics of a particular patient, skin type, lifestyle, etc.)

“Rings of Venus” can also be corrected using acid peeling. This procedure allows you to remove the upper, dead layers of the epidermis, stimulates renewal, makes the skin denser, elastic and youthful. It is also recommended to periodically carry out biorevitalization: regular deep moisturizing maintains the natural water balance and prevents the formation of new wrinkles.


For pronounced vertical bands of stretched subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) without accumulation of fat, with reduced skin tone (“turkey” neck, iguana neck), Thermage radiolifting and injections of botulinum toxin type A are recommended.

The first stage - Thermage radiolifting is indicated for reducing the tone of the skin and subcutaneous fat in any area of ​​the face, neck and body. The treatment uses monopolar radiofrequency current to deliver heat to the dermis to improve structure, firmness and reduce looseness of the skin. Thermage radiolifting stimulates long-term collagenogenesis by activating the fibroblast repair reaction and compacting existing collagen fibers. As a result, the neck skin is tightened, fine lines and superficial wrinkles are smoothed out. I would especially like to emphasize that the Thermage procedure is well tolerated by skin of all types (according to Fitzpatrick). The procedure does not require rehabilitation and is performed no more than once a year. Thermage is a patented technique that is performed exclusively on the ThermaCool device, a system for deep skin lifting, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by histological and other means of objective assessment. The bright lifting effect is visible immediately during the procedure and increases over 12-18 months. Combined with botulinum toxin type A - an ideal skin rejuvenation course!

The second stage is Correction of hypertonicity with excessive tension in the superficial neck muscle using botulinum toxin type A. Injections are performed at 2-3 points on each side of the neck along the vertical cords. As a result, we get the absence of strands and smoothing of jowls, a clearer oval of the face. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, the full effect occurs after 14 days and lasts up to 4-6 months.

Neck care at 50 and older

At this age, cosmetic procedures are no longer enough. Deep intervention is required, and most often this is plastic surgery. Surgical lifting allows you to eliminate flabbiness and sagging (excess tissue is removed, a new cervical contour is formed).

If care was regular and effective at an earlier age, even at 50+ the neck can look good. Supportive procedures will help maintain muscle tone and skin condition even without surgery. Do not forget about fillers - with pronounced rings of Venus, regular supply of hyaluronic acid to the tissue allows you to maintain firmness and elasticity for a long time.

To sign up for a correction, call us at +7 (495) 636-29-30 or fill out the form on the website. Clinic of cosmetology and dermatology “BL” is located at st. Marshala Rybalko, 2, bldg. 6.

Home care against the rings of Venus

You can remove Venus rings from the neck at home if they are very superficial. For these purposes, it is necessary to constantly use a selection of the above-listed external ready-made products designed specifically for skin lifting.

Contrasting wraps

In addition, you can independently do weekly contrasting neck wraps with Venus rings with a towel soaked first in hot (up to 38°) water (up to 2 minutes), and then in cold water (up to 5 seconds) - up to 4 alternations. You can apply a warm mask made from banana pulp with a few drops of almond oil for 20 minutes twice a week.

To remove the rings of Venus, compresses made from a mixture of vegetable oils are also recommended, a three-minute compress with a towel soaked in a hot solution of sea salt, followed by wiping with a damp cloth soaked in cold water with lemon juice, and applying a nourishing cream after drying.

Among the medicinal herbs for compresses, hot infusions of mint with linden, sage with rosemary or chamomile flowers mixed with milk are recommended.

Cryomassage using cubes of frozen orange or tangerine juice, cucumber juice, avocado or strawberry pulp, or a mixture of cucumber pulp and rose hips has a good tonic effect. This method can also be used to make the rings of Venus less noticeable.


To prevent the rings of Venus, light daily massages using warm olive, sesame or other vegetable oil are also useful. The massage should be carried out with gentle movements without stretching the skin and avoiding the thyroid gland area. It can also be carried out by lightly and quickly patting the submandibular area 5 to 7 times with a twisted damp hot (2-3 approaches) and cold (2-3 approaches) towel. After completing the massage procedure, you need to dry the skin and lubricate it with a nourishing cream. If you massage regularly, you can reduce the risk of Venus rings forming.


In case of pronounced accumulation of subcutaneous fat with neck deformation, hardware cosmetology in combination with contour plastic surgery is recommended.

The first stage is CoolSculpting technology using the Zeltiq device - the only non-surgical method for correcting double chin fat deposits. The method is approved by the FDA and registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The essence of the method is local cooling of subcutaneous fat to −10-11 degrees. The procedure is extremely effective and completely safe; one session allows you to reduce your double chin by half. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after 8 weeks. The procedure is comfortable and does not require rehabilitation.

The second stage - the Ulthera System procedure - is a safe procedure, not inferior in effectiveness to surgical lifting, but has a number of advantages: no rehabilitation period (scars, swelling, bruises), safety. The technology is based on the use of focused ultrasound. Ultrasound waves are able to penetrate to a given depth, directly affecting the dermis, subcutaneous fatty tissue and the muscular aponeurotic layer. After the procedure, patients note pronounced lifting, tissues are smoothed, contours become clear. The effect is noticeable within 1.5 months after the procedure, and a stable and vibrant result develops over the next 6 months. Ulthera System has no analogues among hardware procedures for rejuvenation and non-invasive correction of age-related changes in the face and neck. It differs from Korean counterfeits in its pronounced clinical results and safety. This is important, especially in the neck area where important organs are located. This method requires the highest skill from the doctor, knowledge of the anatomy of the face and neck, since we work with deep tissues.


For reduced turgor and elasticity of the skin of the neck, ptosis of the skin with the appearance or worsening of horizontal folds (rings of Venus), I recommend a combination of methods aimed at rejuvenating the neck area. The synergy of the two methods will give more pronounced and prolonged results.

The first stage is Fractional RF - thermolysis using Fractor applicators. The applicators have sharp needles and differ from each other in the density of the needles and their length (24 and 60 pins). The choice of applicator depends on the treatment area and the depth of the wrinkles. Thin needles easily pass through the skin; when a pulse is applied around the needle electrodes, local tissue destruction occurs with the formation of a thin crater - the skin contracts, heating around the crater stimulates the work of fibroblasts. In response to damage, regeneration mechanisms are launched, and controlled heating in the skin thickens and organizes collagen fibers. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, tone and elasticity increase, the skin becomes more youthful and elastic, dryness and pigmentation disappear. Patients note pronounced lifting after a week. The effect increases within two months and lasts for several years. I would like to note that Fractora is suitable for patients with different types (from 1 to 5 skin types according to Fitzpatrick). The procedure can be carried out in the summer. There is no hyperpigmentation after exposure. The rehabilitation period is from 3 to 5 days.

The second stage is reinforcing the skin of the neck using Radiesse . Radiesse is a filler based on calcium hydroxyapatite that activates the synthesis of “young” type I collagen and slows down the destruction of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid. The drug does not retain water, ideal for patients prone to swelling. Does not contour or migrate, which is important for working with thin and mobile skin in the neck area. It is completely eliminated from the body after 6 months, and the effect lasts for 12-18 months. Radiesse is injected using a cannula along the wrinkles. Radiesse reduces the depth and severity of wrinkles, brightens and smoothes the skin, stimulates the production of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes even, smooth, radiant, velvety, beautiful and youthful.

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