Hands, brush, roller or currents: the most effective types of self-massage of the face

The value of massage is colossal: it can heal the body without pills, strengthen physical and emotional well-being, eliminate fat deposits and muscle spasms, and restore after injuries and attacks. But if performed incorrectly, massage will not bring the strength, beauty, relaxation and health that every patient wants to achieve, and in some cases it can cause harm. Let's figure out how to get a powerful healing effect from a massage.

Benefits for the body, individual organs and systems

Doctors divide the benefits of massage according to areas of influence - into individual areas of the body, systems and organs. The beneficial effects are largely due to the activation of the lymphatic system, due to which the cells are cleansed of harmful substances. Kneading the body tissues helps increase the outflow of lymph, while most patients experience unwanted stagnation.


  • — spasm relief;
  • — improvement of microcirculation;
  • - decrease in lactic acid concentration;
  • — strengthening the muscle corset;
  • - increased outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • - prevention of atrophy;
  • - elimination of seizures;
  • - increase in physical strength.


  • — improvement of blood supply;
  • — improvement of joint mobility;
  • - reduction of fatigue in the joint area.


  • — cleansing the skin of old epidermis;
  • - removal of secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • — increasing the smoothness and elasticity of the skin;
  • — improvement of metabolic processes;
  • - reducing the amount of fat in subcutaneous fat.


  • - improved blood circulation;
  • — elimination of lymph stagnation;
  • - facilitating the functioning of internal organs and the heart;
  • — elimination of congestion in the veins;
  • - improvement of gas exchange in tissues.


  • — correct and rapid muscle development;
  • - enhanced sensory perception;
  • - improved coordination of movements;
  • — prevention of curvature of posture;
  • — reducing the tension that arises during the educational process.

The benefits of massage depend on the exposure time

For a positive effect, it is important to complete the full course. In most cases, patients need from 7 to 10 sessions. The session time is determined by the doctor - ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour. The effect of massage is observed after several procedures

The benefits of self-massage of the face

If performed regularly, self-massage has a positive effect on the skin in several ways:

  • activates blood flow and improves complexion;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and rejuvenates the skin;
  • stimulates lymph flow and eliminates swelling;
  • reduces the severity of wrinkles and post-acne;
  • has a lifting effect, tightening the oval of the face;
  • helps cope with redness and acne;
  • promotes deeper penetration of skincare cosmetics.

Of course, the results of self-massage will only be noticeable if you do it correctly.

The benefits of different types of massage

Popular types of massage and their benefits:

  • Therapeutic back massage.
    One of the most popular massages that helps eliminate many diseases and pathological conditions - from lower back pain and pinched nerve roots to intervertebral hernias and post-stroke conditions.
  • Lymphatic drainage body massage.
    It belongs to therapeutic massages and brings a powerful healing effect to the entire body, improves immunity, restores sound sleep, and relieves swelling.
  • Manual modeling.
    Improves skin quality, eliminates fat deposits.
  • Sports.
    Helps prepare the body, especially during intense physical activity, increases endurance, relieves pain, and reduces the risk of injury.
  • Face massage.
    Tightens and moisturizes the skin, restores freshness and youth to the face, removes creases and wrinkles

The effectiveness of a massage is determined by three elements: tempo, strength and duration, which are selected strictly individually. Some types of massage can be combined to get the maximum effect.

Self-massage techniques for the face

There are various techniques for facial massage at home, each of which has its own characteristics and indications. But the goal of any version of the procedure is the same - to keep the skin young and beautiful for a long time.


It is recommended that everyone master the technique of cosmetic massage - it helps the components of care products penetrate the skin more actively and generally improves its appearance. When performing a massage, three movements are used: patting, pressing, vibration with fingertips. Each movement should be performed 6-8 times. For a visible effect, it is advisable to do the massage every day for 5 minutes.


This massage is aimed at improving the oval of the face and is performed using pinching, vibration and active pressing movements to deeply work out the muscles and fascia. The procedure begins with self-massage of the neck and chin area, gradually moving to the face area. You should do a sculptural massage for 20-30 minutes once a week.

Meet the sculptural French facial massage >>


Pinch self-massage (or Jacquet massage) allows you to deeply work the skin and cope with active sebum production, acne and clogged pores. Special pinch movements have a pronounced rejuvenating and lymphatic drainage effect, returning a healthy glow and even tone to the skin. It is recommended to properly “pinch” the skin once a week, the session duration is 15-20 minutes.


This technique allows you to cope with the consequences of active facial expressions - the severity of nasolabial folds and wrinkles in the eye area decreases. Self-massage is performed with soft smoothing and pressing movements in places where wrinkles are located. It is recommended to perform the procedure 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes.


Massage has an anti-aging effect and allows you to deeply work the skin and muscles. During the procedure, active pats, pinches, and pressure are used in the area of ​​the cheekbones and eyes. This technique strengthens muscles, accelerates blood circulation, promotes lymph outflow, eliminating swelling. A massage is performed for 20 minutes once a week.

You can choose any type of massage technique, taking into account your preferences and existing imperfections. But the main thing is to avoid mistakes, otherwise self-massage will do more harm than good.

Why does massage help? Mechanism of action

The effect of massage on muscles is limited not only by the mechanical factor, it is also complemented by other, no less important reasons.

Types of beneficial effects:

  • Humoral (“liquid”) factor. Under the influence, capillary permeability improves, cells are saturated with oxygen through a current that passes through blood vessels and lymph. During a massage session, hormones and neurotransmitters, including endorphins, enter the bloodstream.
  • Mechanical influence. Even superficial contact with the hands of a specialist increases metabolic processes and leads to relaxation or increased tone of the body (depending on the techniques used). The mechanical factor associated with kneading muscles and stretching the skin increases tissue elasticity, clears dead epidermal cells, increases joint mobility and eliminates congestion.
  • Nervous reflex reaction. Irritation of CNS receptors leads to restoration of the vegetative-vascular system, which improves the condition of patients with somatic and mental illnesses. If you combine several massage techniques, you can influence the state of the muscular system in different ways: with spasms, reduce muscle tone, and with paresis, prevent its atrophy.

Medical fact: massage has a beneficial effect on the parasympathetic nervous system

The speed of recovery of the body during rest depends on its condition. After the course of treatment, all systemic processes in the body proceed correctly

Common mistakes when performing self-massage

It is important to understand that facial tissue is easy to damage, so you need to work with the skin actively, but gently and not make common mistakes.

  • Insufficient cleansing. We have already talked about this, but repetition would not be superfluous. To eliminate the risk of infection, it is important to do self-massage on clean skin with clean hands.
  • Irregularity of procedures. To see results, self-massage must be performed systematically.
  • Wrong time. For best results, self-massage is recommended in the evening. This way the procedure will help remove excess fluid and prepare the skin for night renewal.
  • Lack of care . It is important to understand that only a comprehensive effect on the skin will help keep it healthy and young. In addition to regular massage, be sure to use skin care products daily according to your skin type.
  • Chaotic movements. The procedure must be performed strictly along massage lines - from bottom to top and from the center of the face to the periphery. When moving against the massage lines, the skin will gather in folds, which can trigger the formation of new wrinkles.

In order not to harm the skin and get the maximum effect from self-massage, it is important to learn how to do it according to all the rules.

In what cases can the procedure cause harm?

Harm from massage is possible in the following cases:

  • — performing massage if there are contraindications;
  • — exceeding the recommended duration of the procedure (more than 1 hour);
  • — visiting a massage room during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • — performing a massage in the presence of fever (flu, ARVI);
  • - contacting specialists while intoxicated.

Be attentive to your feelings - if slight fatigue occurs after a massage, then visit a specialist no more than every other day so that the body recovers. Before a massage session, it is also recommended to measure blood pressure for those who suffer from hypotension or hypertension, so that the massage therapist can select a tonic or relaxing technique.

Allergy sufferers need to be careful

Domestic scientists N. S. Zvonitsky and D. E. Alpern proved an increase in histamine in the blood after a massage session. Individuals with severe allergies may feel harm because the condition is treated with antihistamines.

How to prepare for self-massage

The main rule of self-massage is to perform it in a comfortable, relaxed state. But first you need to prepare for the procedure.

The first stage is cleansing. Use delicate makeup remover and cleanser to cleanse your skin of makeup, sebum, and impurities. Afterwards, toning is necessary with products according to your skin type.

The next important point is hydration. It is strictly forbidden to perform facial massage on dry skin. This can be not only unpleasant, but also unsafe, since there is a high probability of stretching the skin and even damaging blood vessels.

Harm from unprofessional massage

The inability to correctly distribute the load on the muscles, incorrect execution of techniques, rough transitions between techniques and poor knowledge of anatomical nuances are common mistakes made by non-professionals. Unskilled behavior is aggravated by an inattentive study of the patient’s medical history, while experienced massage therapists always conduct a preliminary consultation about the patient’s health condition. From such incorrect actions, the patient risks not improving, but worsening his health.

Possible negative consequences:

  • - damage to muscle tissue;
  • — the appearance of pain due to incorrect work with trigger points;
  • - intensification of existing inflammation;
  • — disruption of the functioning of internal organs;
  • - infection due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

There is an increased risk of injury when performing deep massage by a non-professional, which can even damage nerve endings. Self-taught people often perform strength techniques that are not recommended by doctors, who note a high risk of disc displacement and even fractures when performing such techniques.

Unprofessional massage therapists are dangerous

Medical fact. “The actions of half-educated massage therapists create disappointing statistics: about 15% of patients who completed a course with such a pseudo-specialist require additional restorative therapy.” (Robert Gotlin, sports physician from the Beth Israel Medical Center, USA).

Course “Self-facial massage: lifting and rejuvenation” from experts

Educational technologists have created a unique technique for performing self-massage of the face. Even if you have no experience, by completing the course you will learn how to do proper facial massage and independently maintain young and toned skin.

The training is conducted by practicing specialists who will share their knowledge and experience. The course program includes 40% theory and 60% practice. You will receive up-to-date information and immediately put it into practice - you will practice self-massage techniques under the supervision of a technologist-teacher.

Sign up for a self-massage facial course with Arabia specialists >>

And finally, statements from great people about massage

The effect of massage is the natural restorative power of the body, the power of life Hippocrates

Massage is truly beneficial and prevents organ diseases Avicenna

When there are many diseases, there is only one reason - the spine of Hippocrates

A massage can replace any medicine in the world, but all the medicines together will not replace the effects of a Tissot massage

Massage has always played a huge role in healing, and people should have long ago erected a monument to the hands of the massage therapist I.M. Sarnizov-Serazini

The purpose of the massage is to destroy painful substances found in the muscles that have not been removed from the body by physical exercise Avicenna

The world needs massage because Osho's love has disappeared from the world

Our body talks to us all the time, if only we took the time to listen to Louise Hay

A sick and unhappy person needs a massage, but a healthy and happy person needs a massage. Eastern proverb

Besides massage, the way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't like. Mark Twain

Means to enhance the effect of self-massage

To ensure a more intense effect on the skin, use special cosmetic products to perform self-massage.

The ARAVIA Professional series has products that will help make the procedure comfortable and effective.

Sculpting oil-concentrate for facial massage Massage Oil-Drops

Thanks to its special highly concentrated composition, massage oil for the face, neck and décolleté helps slow down the aging process, reduce wrinkles, reduce fat deposits in the chin area and model a clearer contour. Due to its light texture, the oil glides perfectly, allowing you to gently but effectively treat the underlying tissue.

Main indications and contraindications

Cosmetologists prescribe massage to women over 25 years of age to prevent early signs of aging, as well as after 40 years of age to combat age-related changes. Main indications for the cosmetic procedure:

  • wrinkles and pigmentation;
  • dry, saggy skin;
  • floating oval face;
  • enlarged pores;
  • unhealthy skin tone;
  • increased sebum secretion.

Contraindications to the procedure include herpes, dermatitis, abrasions and wounds on the face, and increased intracranial pressure. You should not massage your face if you have rosacea and fragile capillaries, during the recovery period after peeling and dermabrasion. ARVI with elevated temperature and poor general condition becomes a temporary ban on the procedure.

Features of the skin of the neck and décolleté

The skin of the neck and chest has a special structure. Inside, there are multiple lymph nodes located under the skin. Improper execution can lead to inflammation and health problems. Therefore, for a safe neck massage, it is better to consult a specialist.

Complex massage is considered the most effective and beneficial for these areas. For the procedure, you should take a comfortable position and perform the following sequence of actions:

  • apply moisturizer to the skin;
  • warm the skin with light stroking movements in the direction from the ears towards the chest;
  • tap the entire area with your fingertips;
  • massage the cervical spine with the backs of your hands.

This massage can be performed independently. To avoid injury, hematoma and unnecessary stretching of the skin, do this lightly, without pinching or pressing.


The correct technique will help eliminate existing wrinkles on the neck and prevent the appearance of new ones.

  1. The procedure can be carried out only if you feel well.
  2. If the skin is inflamed, it is better to postpone the session until complete recovery.
  3. The skin should be clean. Before visiting a massage therapist, you should remove all cosmetics from the surface of the skin.
  4. A massage session lasts no more than 10-20 minutes.
  5. A hot compress is recommended to relax the muscles.
  6. Massage should be performed only along special lines and with certain movements, so as not to worsen the condition of the skin of the neck.

Reasons for the formation of wrinkles in the décolleté area

Wrinkles in the décolleté area can appear after 30 years. This happens because:

  • The skin on the upper chest is thin and delicate, and is prone to dryness and dehydration. In its structure, it resembles the skin around the eyes, which is practically devoid of subcutaneous fat;
  • This part of the body is often exposed to the sun, because in the summer many people prefer the most open clothing. And ultraviolet radiation promotes rapid aging of the skin;
  • poor nutrition, strict diets and lack of proper care lead to skin dehydration. And sharp fluctuations in weight contribute to the formation of wrinkles;
  • Wearing incorrectly selected underwear, as well as the habit of sleeping on your side, also contribute to the appearance of early wrinkles.

How effective is facial massage at home for wrinkles?

The incredible effect of proper facial massage against wrinkles is quite simple to explain:

  1. It gets the blood flowing. It moves more actively through the vessels and accelerates all vital processes in the cells. In this regard, the skin receives more essential nutrients, and it begins to actively produce two important proteins: collagen and elastin. Thanks to them, the skin gains elasticity and wrinkles disappear.
  2. The muscles are strengthened, which means loose skin is tightened.
  3. The swelling effect goes away.
  4. Capillaries begin to function better: redness and acne associated with the location of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin disappear.
  5. Facial features are outlined.
  6. Proper facial massage for wrinkles can relieve tension from the skin.

Remember that facial massage removes wrinkles if they already exist, but it can also perfectly help prevent their appearance.

Systematic procedures and precise adherence to massage technology will allow you to achieve a quick effect from the procedure. Existing wrinkles will become less noticeable, and new ones will no longer appear.

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Front of the neck

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Apply the cream to the front surface of the neck very delicately. Place one hand on the décolleté and lightly pull the skin down; with the other hand, stroke the neck from bottom to top to the chin. Don't pull the skin too hard! Don't lift your chin up. Do not massage the thyroid area. Turn your head first in one direction, then in the other, and repeat stroking your neck from bottom to top.

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