Soda for blackheads - 7 TOP recipes for masks and scrubs that will help remove open comedones

Blackheads are open pimples that are plugs in the pores. Mostly people with oily skin face this problem. Most often, blackheads attack the nose, forehead and chin. You can fight them with the help of well-known remedies - soda and toothpaste.

Photo: Author: IgorVetushko.

Cause of blackheads

The main cause of blackheads is increased sebum production. The following factors can cause this process:

  • poor skin care;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • poor nutrition;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits;
  • individual characteristics;
  • regular stress;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Blackheads have a negative impact on your appearance. It is not recommended to ignore their presence, especially since there are many home recipes for eliminating skin imperfections.

The main thing is to do no harm

Soda against blackheads, like other cleaning products, will be effective only if you listen to the recommendations, which means you do everything right. Failure to follow the preparation rules, or too long procedures can result in burns, allergic reactions and other unpleasant surprises.

  • It is better not to use cotton pads; by applying scrubs or masks with your fingertips, you can control the depth of penetration of the product into the skin.
  • Don't overdo it; there's no point in moving too hard.
  • There is no need to apply the product to the entire face; identify the problem area and apply a scrub or mask to it.
  • You need to keep the prepared product on the skin for no more than 10 minutes, and the drier the skin, the shorter the procedure should be.
  • Repeat the cleansing no more than once per week.
  • It is better not to use coarse salt; if you do not have the opportunity to buy fine salt, grind it yourself. The ideal solution would be not table salt, but sea salt, but it is coarse, which means you cannot do without the help of a coffee grinder.

Like any skin products, scrubs and masks with soda and salt have their contraindications. Who is at risk?

  • If you have an allergic reaction to soda, salt, or other components included in facial cleansers, it is not recommended to use them;
  • They are contraindicated if the skin is too dry or sensitive.
  • You need to cleanse the skin only after all wounds, scratches, inflammatory processes or microcracks on it have healed.
  • If the normal functioning of the circulatory system is disrupted, such cleaning is contraindicated.

Note to newbies!

  • If you don’t know whether you are allergic to salt, soda or another component included in a scrub or mask, take your time. Apply the prepared mixture to the back of your wrist. If within 20 minutes you do not feel a burning sensation, itching or sharp tingling, the skin does not turn red, there is no allergy, and you can safely proceed to the procedures.
  • By the way, if you didn’t know, then remember that such a test must be carried out at the beginning of each cosmetic procedure using a store-bought product, or prepared at home if you are doing this for the first time. The test can protect your health, because what suits your friends can cause you an allergic reaction, itching, skin hyperemia and even a burn.
  • Experiment, love yourself and your appearance, and let skin care bring you pleasure and good results.

Useful properties of soda

To prepare the scrub, use regular baking soda. Carbon, sodium and oxygen with hydrogen included in its composition have the following positive effects:

  • even out skin tone;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • remove keratinized particles;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • stabilize the acid balance of the epidermis;
  • improve the functioning of blood vessels.

Baking soda against blackheads is used quite often. It's like a sponge that pulls out all the dirt from the surface and gets rid of grease.

Advantages and disadvantages of using soda against comedones

Baking soda has clear advantages over other home remedies in removing blackheads. These include the following:

  • availability. The estimated cost of baking soda (500 g) is 22 rubles. It can be purchased at any grocery store;
  • ease of use. There are no difficulties in using soda and compositions based on it, even for those who first decided to try the anti-comedogenic effect of the product;
  • the result after the procedure can be seen almost immediately;
  • a small list of contraindications.

The disadvantages of baking soda include the following:

  • for dry skin it should be used with caution so as not to provoke side effects;
  • During the procedure, discomfort may occur in the form of tingling of the skin;
  • the use of soda-based products requires strict adherence to all recommendations in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What are the benefits of toothpaste for facial skin?

The product has a gentle effect on the oral mucosa, so it is absolutely harmless to the face.

To achieve maximum effect, the following toothpaste is suitable:

  • absolutely white without dyes;
  • without abrasive components;
  • no flavorings.

You can use tooth powder, which is diluted with warm water until creamy. Using the product helps achieve the following results:

  • removing impurities and sebum from pores;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • whitening acne spots;
  • toning the skin.

Toothpaste has antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It can deeply cleanse and gently dry the skin.

Does baking soda help with blackheads?

Comedones are dark formations that arise as a result of blockage of the mouths of the sebaceous glands. Treatment and prevention of blackheads includes methods of clearing the pores of sebum, impurities and dead cells.

Baking soda (Natrii hydrocarbonas) is a natural exfoliant. The special texture of the substance gently exfoliates the dead layer of the epidermis, cleansing the excretory ducts. Sodium bicarbonate is an acidic salt that has all the properties of salts. It absorbs moisture and excess sebaceous gland secretions and has a disinfecting effect. All these properties help eliminate and prevent blackheads.

Alkali has an irritating effect and increases blood circulation. Thanks to this effect, the nutrition of epidermal cells improves and local immunity increases. The skin better resists the negative effects of pyogenic bacteria.

Instructions for use

  1. Steam your skin. Pour boiling water into a small bowl and hold your face over it. This will expand the pores, which promotes better cleansing.
  2. Take a soft toothbrush, dip it in the scrub and rub it into the skin with light, slow movements, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The product is applied only to problem areas. The composition dries out the skin a lot!
  3. The mixture is kept for 2 to 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the scrub with plenty of warm water. Finally, rinse it with cool water.
  5. Apply moisturizer to your face.

The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which a short break is taken.

Preparing for the cleansing procedure

Before you start using homemade cosmetics with soda, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the food product.

It is recommended to mix a small amount of baking soda with a few drops of water and apply the resulting mixture to a small area of ​​skin under the ear or on the wrist. If after 5-10 minutes nothing happens (irritation or severe redness), you can use baking soda. If itching, redness, or burning occurs, the substance should be washed off immediately and no further use should be given up.

It is also important to carry out procedures only on a previously cleaned skin surface - cosmetics, dirt, dust, and oily secretions must be carefully removed with a special product or warm water. To enhance the effect, steaming, preferably with the addition of herbs, will not hurt.

How to do:

  1. Pour water into a small container and put on fire. After boiling, add 30-40 g of raw materials from medicinal plants (chamomile, linden, calendula, sage) into the liquid. Boil for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat and cool the product to a comfortable temperature.
  3. Strain, discarding any debris or herbs from the liquid. Add a few drops of essential oil to the decoction to enhance the effect (tea tree, lavender).

The resulting product is used as follows: the face is covered with a cotton cloth soaked in liquid or gauze folded in several layers, exposure time is 10 minutes. Then you should wash your face with warm water, after which you can apply the baking soda product to your skin.

What other scrubs and masks are there with soda?

A mask for blackheads - baking soda + toothpaste - has a powerful effect. But you can try making remedies at home using the following ingredients:

  • salt + soda;
  • shaving foam + soda;
  • honey + soda;
  • orange + soda.

Soda must be supplemented with some useful substance.

Toothpaste can be used as a one-component mask against blackheads.

Masks made from soda and shaving foam for blackheads.

How effective is baking soda against blackheads?

Blackheads (open comedones) are enlarged pores that are clogged with excess skin secretions, dust microparticles and dead cells. Comedones acquire their black color as a result of the oxidation of tyrosine contained in sebum.

The black color of comedones is explained by oxidative processes

Most often, blackheads are found in people with oily skin types . The greatest accumulation of comedones can be observed in the T-shaped zone (forehead, nose and chin). However, those with dry to normal skin can also suffer from blackheads as there are many other causes of clogged pores.

To eliminate comedones at home, use baking (baking) soda. The fact is that this alkaline product is able to effectively break down fats. Therefore, to combat blackheads, consumers safely choose soda, as well as formulations with it.

Most comedones can be observed on the forehead, nose and chin.

However, the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate is not limited only to its ability to dissolve fats. Soda has the following beneficial effects:

  • the product cleanses the skin of dead cells, i.e. acts as a peeling;
  • baking soda is known as a strong antiseptic. In addition, it has powerful bactericidal and antifungal properties. Consequently, baking soda protects the skin surface from the proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • the product effectively expands pores, making them easier to clean;
  • soda not only breaks down the formed sebum, but also reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • the product promotes cell restoration, increased cellular metabolism, microcirculation.

Product Usage Restrictions

Fortunately, there are few contraindications to using baking soda against blackheads:

  • sensitive or too thin skin;
  • scratches, wounds;
  • rosacea;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

If these contraindications are not taken into account, side effects may occur in the form of:

  • redness;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • irritations;
  • burning;
  • allergic reaction.


Although the ingredients of the scrub seem simple, they can cause harm under certain conditions.

Soda for blackheads is not used if there are a number of contraindications:

  • dry and thin skin;
  • open wounds;
  • severe inflammation;
  • allergy to any components of the scrub;
  • vascular network on the face.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to do this peeling for prevention. If there are no problems, the product will only worsen the skin condition.

Restrictions on the use of compositions with sodium bicarbonate

Products with cooking powder as an active ingredient are considered safe for dermal tissue, but there are several restrictions on their use. Procedures using NaHCO3 are not recommended:

  • in the presence of inflammatory processes on the face;
  • for non-healing wounds, cracks, burns;
  • on sensitive dermis prone to allergic reactions.

It’s easy to make sure that soda is safe - test the prepared compositions. Apply the mixture to a sensitive area of ​​skin (elbow, wrist, “crescent” behind the ear), wait 2 hours.

If there are no alarm signals from the body (rashes, redness, burning), you can begin to get rid of blackheads.

Prevention of blackheads

Once pimples are a thing of the past, don't relax. Healthy and beautiful skin is daily work.

To avoid the reappearance of blackheads, follow these procedures:

  • Steam your face several times a week. This will help remove impurities from open pores.
  • Choose cosmetics according to your skin type. Too oily cream clogs the pores and does not allow her to breathe.
  • Try to avoid foundation and powder, especially in the summer. They provoke the formation of comedones.
  • Use cool water to wash your face. It’s even better to make a decoction of calendula and chamomile for this purpose. They strengthen and tone the skin.
  • Do not forget to regularly cleanse the epidermis of dead skin particles with peeling. This is a prevention not only against blackheads, but also against aging.
  • Make masks for your face type several times a week. The duration of the course should not exceed one and a half months. Then the recipe needs to be changed, as the skin gets used to it and does not give the desired effect.
  • Drink at least two liters of plain water daily.
  • Get plenty of rest, avoid stressful situations, and sleep at least 8 hours a night.
  • Switch to proper nutrition. The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid sweets, coffee, fried and fatty foods.
  • Eat more foods with vitamins A, E, C, PP and group B.
  • Don't forget about washing your face in the evening.

Toothpaste and soda for blackheads is one of the methods to combat the problem. A scrub combined with other methods will help get rid of annoying open pimples. The main thing is to strictly follow the application recommendations so as not to aggravate the existing situation.

How to use coconut oil and baking soda on your face?

Coconut oil has nourishing, moisturizing, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Cures eczema and is ideal for severely dry facial skin. A mask of this oil and soda is suitable for acne-prone skin.

Ingredients of the mask:

  1. 2 tsp coconut oil
  2. 1 tsp soda


  • Combine ingredients until thick paste
  • apply to face using rubbing movements
  • The mask lasts no more than 5 minutes
  • When finished, remove the mask with cotton pads and remove with warm water.

Lemon juice and brown sugar mask.

If you have been trying to remove blackheads for a long time without success, try this mask option. Sugar helps remove the deepest impurities and smoothes the skin without irritating it. At the same time, lemon has an astringent and antibacterial effect, which reduces the likelihood of infection.


  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda
  • 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on your face. Then use your fingertips to gently massage, paying special attention to your nose and chin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

What do you need to know about the product?

Soda ash is a product that can be found in every home. This white powder is used in baking to make the dough more loose, fluffy and crumbly, and is also used as an all-purpose cleaner.

Dishes (pots, pans, kettles), cleaned with soda, shine no worse than after treatment with expensive detergents, and scale disappears without a trace.

Baking soda is used to prepare various solutions used in the treatment of various diseases. By rinsing your mouth with this solution, you can quickly relieve toothache. Baths with soda can help you lose a couple of extra pounds.

One of the most unique properties of the product is its ability to remove acne, small rashes and dark spots on the face and body. Soda in its pure form, as well as peelings and homemade scrubs based on it, are used for deep cleaning of pores. Thanks to its crystalline structure, the product is capable of:

  • remove dead skin cells from the upper layers of the skin;
  • clean congealed sebum, dirt and remnants of decorative cosmetics from the pores;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • reduce the number of harmful bacteria living on the skin.

Are there any special precautions when using baking soda?

Yes, crystals with sharp edges can cause microtrauma to thin, sensitive skin. Therefore, it is necessary to perform exfoliating procedures carefully, without putting too much pressure on the skin when massaging it.

It is better to give preference to recipes that contain softening ingredients other than soda (oils, soap suds, etc.).


Marina is 38 years old. I just love the mask with olive oil and baking soda. Two years ago I didn’t know how to deal with blackheads. They were permanent residents of my face. Now I’ve completely forgotten about them, and my skin doesn’t even think about aging – firm, elastic and radiant.

Ekaterina Olegovna 45 years old. I tried my first soda masks about 5 years ago with a friend. The experiment was not a success: I dried it out and abandoned this product. Recently I came across masks with the addition of cream, sour cream and other fatty ingredients. I decided to try it and did not regret it. The pigment spots are almost invisible, the blackheads have completely disappeared, especially after a good soda and salt scrub.

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