Pinch massage according to Jacquet: technique and video

The person’s face is in constant activity, the muscles are tense. They work during a conversation, when surprised, even when blinking. This affects the condition of the epidermis and its structure. Additional influences are exerted by the environment, hard water when washing, and other factors. Cosmetics filled the shelves of stores and beauty salons, but this is not enough. Dermatologist Jacquet came to this conclusion, with which modern cosmetologists agree. His healing and healing method consists of stimulating cells through a special effect: this is a pinch facial massage. What is it, how can such a preventative procedure help women do a natural lift on their own? Let's figure it out.

History of appearance

In the 19th century, the profession of a cosmetologist was not in demand, but this did not stop Leonardo Jacquet from introducing people to facial massage, which was later named after him. Several sources were taken as a basis: research by a scientist in dermatology and observations of ancient Chinese healers. Between these methods, Jacquet found a middle ground: the peculiarities of tissue restoration after dermatological diseases were taken into account; instead of pinching the entire body, the doctor concentrated on the face. Jacquet massage has received wide recognition and has brought many benefits to women who take great care of their appearance.

Working out the lines from the chin

  • The head is raised and slightly tilted back.
  • From the middle of the chin, stroke with your fingers along the area of ​​the lower jaw in the direction of the earlobes.
  • Then pinch along these lines, increasing the force of the plucking more than along the lines of the neck.
  • Pinch movements should be alternated with vibration, ending with stroking.
  • Helps prevent double chins and improves facial contour.

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Who will benefit

Many will be interested in modern technology; its versatility makes it possible to restore the youth and health of epidermal tissue to almost everyone. Interestingly, the method is suitable for both women and men. Age does not matter: in youth, exercise will maintain the current condition, and older women will be able to slow down the aging process. For what symptoms is a Jacquet pinch facial massage performed?

  • Fatigue in the facial muscles . It is felt by those whose profession is associated with diction and constant oral speech: teachers, presenters, journalists. The cheeks and cheekbones are overstrained, the epidermis suffers: a feeling of lethargy appears, there is no tone. External influence will affect changes in the facial muscle system;
  • Excessive dryness . In fact, hydration occurs not only on the outside. Necessary substances accumulate in the cells that are located inside, and their stimulation through massage will force the production of a sufficient amount of the missing elements;
  • The appearance of wrinkles . The first such changes are especially unpleasant, because you want to preserve your youth as long as possible. This is possible: the revolutionary facial technique eliminates wrinkles, crow's feet, and jowls. And regular repetition will prevent the appearance of new cosmetic defects.

Frequent recurrences of rashes or skin diseases will stop. In addition, you can try the method without any indication: just let the skin and facial muscles relax.

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the face and neck

But in addition to the fact that some muscles weaken with age and begin to sag, that is, they are in hypotonicity, other muscles are often in hypertonicity, for example, the muscles of the forehead or neck. Hypertonicity is excessive muscle tension. Many people now lead a sedentary lifestyle - they work all day at the computer, or spend a lot of time driving, and in the evening they often relax again at the computer, for example, watching videos on YouTube. All this contributes to hypertonicity of the neck muscles.

And many of you probably know that when the neck muscles are overstrained, they compress the blood vessels, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain - headaches appear, attention decreases, memory deteriorates, sleep is disturbed, and in general our health and well-being suffers.

How to do it right

In beauty clinics, the master will tell the client in detail about the main features. But if your choice is pinch facial massage at home, it is recommended to first study Langer’s patterns and massage lines. Each zone is special, it requires its own approach, information about the impact of pinching on this area. You can’t overdo it with squeezing force; beginners should do a training version, study the body’s reaction and sensations.

Visible results, possible complications

When using this technique, you should not expect quick results. Changes become noticeable a month after the start of its use.

Massage can also cause the following complications:

  • allergies to cream, oil;
  • bruises from excessive effort;
  • abrasions, wounds;
  • exacerbation of stomach diseases;
  • painful sensations.

Photos before and after

Facial massage with pinches, according to many women, really helps give the skin a radiant, healthy look, and as a result, the skin looks much younger and fresher. This can also be seen in photographs taken before and after the procedure.


Each woman must decide for herself whether to do this procedure on her own or to trust professionals. However, pinch massage should not be considered as a panacea for all health problems and excess weight. After all, without a healthy diet and lifestyle, this technique can only give temporary, short-term results.

Preparation for the event

The surface is cleaned of grease and dust, treated with an antiseptic or 2% salicylic alcohol. Hands are also treated with the solution.

It is important that you cannot use cream with this method: slippery surfaces and hands will interfere with confident movements, and some tissues will not be worked.

To make it easier, spray a thin layer of talcum powder on your hands, so it will be easier to grasp the areas. Knowledge about massage lines will come in handy; their directions are marked with a cosmetic pencil until they are remembered.

Operating principle

The technique of performing the procedure requires special knowledge of the location of massage lines and skills in performing massage techniques. Incorrect amateurish actions by a massage therapist can lead to the opposite effect and give results opposite to those expected.

  • During the session, 3 main massage techniques are used: stroking with kneading, pinching layers of skin, vibration and pressure.
  • The procedure is carried out with vigorous plucking movements, kneading and vibration, working out the subcutaneous fat tissue with the index and thumb.
  • All areas are actively washed, except for the areas around the eyes.
  • The action of pinching movements is reminiscent of squeezing out blackheads with the release of the contents onto the surface of the skin.
  • The deep effect on tissue increases blood circulation and accelerates metabolism.
  • There is an improvement in the supply of oxygen to cells.
  • The regeneration process at the cellular level is stimulated, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • Stagnant foci are eliminated. The accumulation of pus and the development of skin inflammation are prevented.
  • Pigmentation and uneven complexion go away.
  • Muscles are strengthened and skin tone improves.
  • The effect of massage when combined with skin cleansing enhances the healing result.


To accurately understand the technology, you can watch a video protocol of the procedure, and then look at the diagrams. The massage itself takes place in three stages:

  1. Pinching (warming up the surface);
  2. Vibration (cell stimulation);
  3. Kneading (consolidating the result).

Do the procedure while lying down comfortably, with your head thrown back as much as possible. Start from the bottom, kneading the neck and décolleté. The thumb and index finger grab a small amount of skin and press down a little. Then they rise higher, paying attention to each area.

Along the lines coming from the eyebrow depressions

  • You need to start by stroking from the center of the forehead along the eyebrows, towards the temples.

  • Pinching is difficult due to the tightness of the skin in this area. It is good to alternate pinching with kneading and vibration.
  • Then along the lines, starting from the fold between the eyebrows, to the sides and from bottom to top to the hairline.
  • Folds between the eyebrows and longitudinally located wrinkles are smoothed out.


  1. During the procedure there is direct contact with the skin, it is important to maintain hygiene: clean hands, treated skin;
  2. The duration of the session is about 15 minutes, after relaxing movements, a soothing cream is applied upon completion;
  3. If there is severe redness of the skin, finish earlier. The session is repeated after 3-4 days, and the entire course consists of 20;
  4. After six months, the result is consolidated;
  5. Due to strong pressure, acne may begin to come out right during the procedure, this is not scary.

Interesting: 10 bad habits that lead to clogged pores.

Performing a cosmetic facial massage in a salon

When carrying out a cosmetic procedure, the specialist performs movements strictly along massage lines. In this case, the area around the eyes is not involved. The master should not stretch or compress the epidermis too much, gather the skin into folds, or cause pain. If the specialist does not adhere to these rules, then it is recommended to interrupt and go to another salon.

Here are the permissible movements of a massage therapist:

  • smoothing the epidermis;
  • tapping;
  • kneading the skin with fingertips;
  • vibrating movements;
  • stroking.

Each movement is repeated five times. To see positive dynamics, you need to perform 10 sessions in a row. After this, take a break and repeat the manipulations.


Despite the many positive aspects, there are contraindications for pinch massage. They should be carefully studied and adhered to.

  • Mechanical damage. Scratches, open wounds and other microtraumas will not allow you to carry out the procedure comfortably; the tissues will not heal properly. The risk of infection increases;
  • Inflammatory processes. In case of relapse of herpes, acute dermatitis and purulent rashes, you will have to wait for recovery. If the disease does not subside, it is advisable to see a doctor;
  • Diseases. Severe colds and acute respiratory viral infections are also taboo: the immune system is weakened, the muscles are less responsive, massage will not give the maximum effect.

Regularity is important, but if you feel unwell, it is better to postpone the session. And also the procedure is stopped if there is severe pain or dizziness. Self-care should bring positive emotions, bring only benefits.


It's amazing how much benefit facial massage can bring—reviews from beauty salon clients confirm the results.

  1. After just a few procedures, blood circulation improves and the skin acquires a healthy tone;
  2. Fighting fat cells, pinching at a fast pace gives a lymphatic drainage effect;
  3. Proper execution not only treats, but also prevents diseases of the epidermis;
  4. The oval of the face again acquires natural contours, the lines become clear, with smooth transitions.


Massage has been known since ancient times - it was used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
In the Middle Ages, when scientists became actively interested in human anatomy, its basic techniques for the face and body were described and then scientifically substantiated. Today, facial massage is a necessary part of cosmetic skin care. No device can reproduce the feeling of relaxation and calm that the skillful hands of a cosmetologist bring. That is why manual massage is one of the most effective and safe procedures for facial skin. And if you follow the principle of regularity, the lifting effect will be an excellent alternative to cosmetic injections.

— Facial massage today is more fashionable than high-tech serums and creams, —

Confirms Inna Plakhtienko.
“This is the most important step in daily care; it helps improve blood circulation, restore smoothness and healthy glow to the skin, and even solve some age-related problems: smooth out fine wrinkles, for example.
There are different types and schools of cosmetic massage. The choice is so diverse that it can be extremely difficult to settle on the right option. Each variety has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications. Therefore, depending on the skin type, the cosmetologist selects the type of massage and the necessary cosmetic product - an auxiliary tool that will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

It is ideal if the massage technique and cosmetic product work in the same direction. For example, it is recommended to finish plastic facial massage for wrinkles and decreased skin turgor by applying an active anti-aging serum and a lifting mask on top of it.

Additional Tips

  • If you look at the photo after the procedure, you will notice significant redness; it is advisable not to go outside right away. The skin becomes very hot, a strong temperature change can be dangerous;
  • At home, it is better to start the procedure in the morning, immediately after washing;
  • Sometimes painful sensations from strong pinching are possible, the brow ridges are especially sensitive. But you will have to endure quite a bit, and the reflection in the mirror will allow you to forget about the discomfort. Vibration and stroking smooth out such sensations;
  • It is better to apply makeup the next day: the pores are enlarged and need to breathe, cosmetics will clog them;
  • Sometimes completion of the procedure is accompanied by darsonvalization (electrical treatment) in areas of increased rash. If additional manipulations are not needed, the skin is simply soothed with relaxing movements.

French pinch massage according to Jacquet

Among plucking techniques, this massage is the most famous. It was invented by the French doctor Jacquet, hence the name.

It is indicated primarily for those who suffer from acne, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, seborrhea, and circulatory disorders.

Sessions are held every day.

A distinctive feature of this procedure is a deeper capture of all layers of the epidermis. Pinching can be painful, so they alternate with vibration and stroking.

Jacquet's massage is considered difficult, so it should be done by specialists. A positive result is noticeable after the second session, and after the 8th session the skin becomes velvety and smooth. A total of 10 sessions are recommended.

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