Thermolifting: what can you really expect from a non-surgical facelift procedure?

The beautiful half of humanity is very sensitive to their appearance and wants to look fresh and young for as long as possible. But the years take their toll, the skin loses its elasticity and beauty, and inevitable signs of aging appear.

For some time it was popular to improve oneself with the help of surgical services, but this method is not always suitable for everyone. Therefore, more and more people are turning to hardware rejuvenation techniques. One of the safest, simplest and most effective methods is thermal lifting, including thermal lifting for the skin around the eyes.

What is thermolifting?

Thermolifting is an active effect on the skin of thermal radiation. This process increases tissue microcirculation and improves metabolism. Old cells are eliminated, the skin is replenished with new microelements, toned, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.

How exactly does this happen? The hardware point can release heat from 25 to 55 degrees. A certain temperature is set for each type of procedure. When skin cells are heated, the protein coagulates and the fibers contract, allowing the skin to become saturated with collagen and restore its elasticity.

There are four methods of thermolifting:

  • Infrared (uses an infrared ray with a temperature of up to 39 degrees; penetrates up to 5 mm into the skin; age barrier up to 35 years);
  • Laser (process of deep penetration up to 7 mm using a laser beam; ideal age from 35 and above);
  • Radio wave (the desired area of ​​the skin is exposed to radio waves, the frequency varies from 0.5 to 4 cm). This method is suitable for people of Balzac age.
  • Fractional (combination of radio wave thermolifting and injection therapy)

You can learn more about the types of thermolifting!

Photorejuvenation or laser rejuvenation: which is better?

Let's summarize what to choose for rejuvenation: photo procedures or laser?

Photorejuvenation is suitable for patients aged 30 to 55 years. Ideally copes with age spots, dilated blood vessels and pores. Also good for removing fine and superficial wrinkles.

In contrast, laser rejuvenation is suitable for patients over 45-50 years old. Because laser copes better with deeper skin rejuvenation and has a pronounced lifting effect. Fractional CO2 lasers help remove moderate to deep expression lines.

Such procedures can easily replace both plastic surgery and other methods of rejuvenation and facelift.

However, to accurately determine which procedure is right for you, it is best to consult with a cosmetologist. At the Lazmed Clinic, both rejuvenation methods are used; our highly qualified doctors will be able to choose the best rejuvenation method for the individual characteristics of the skin.

Features and types of thermolifting around the eyes

Thermolifting for the skin around the eyes is the process of tightening and rejuvenating the epidermis of the eyelids and the periorbital zone. The area around the eyes is exposed to thermal radiation. The infrared ray does not damage the protective layer of the dermis; on the contrary, it improves blood circulation and the skin receives a tonic effect. The procedure will take a minimum of time and will give excellent results.

Effect after the procedure:

  • Reduction of large and disappearance of small wrinkles;
  • Under-eye circles decrease;
  • Improves complexion;
  • The eyelid area is tightened.

Before and after Fig.1

Before and after Fig.2

Before and after Fig.3

There are two types:

  • Quick effect. Using a device with an infrared ray, heated to 40 degrees, the skin of the face is affected. At high temperatures, cells produce collagen, and the structure of the dermis framework is stretched. It becomes firm, elastic and gets a fresh look. The process is safe and the result is noticeable on the same day.
  • Gradual effect. The procedure is carried out with a laser device, but at a gentle temperature. It can be done by a professional cosmetologist or at home. The result is achieved over a period of time. The rejuvenation process is performed several times.

These types of thermolifting for the skin around the eyes improve the condition of the dermis and give it a second youth.

How does photorejuvenation work?

The essence of this rejuvenation method is based on the action of a special cosmetology device that creates a light beam of a certain frequency. The specialist independently adjusts the wavelength of radiation, depending on the condition of the patient’s skin.

There are several methods and types of photorejuvenation. The doctor selects individually which device can best cope with the patient’s skin problems.

  • Laser photorejuvenation is considered one of the most effective; a neodymium laser is used here.
  • IPL – this technique uses fairly intense pulses of light. The skin is exposed to frequent flashes of radiation of a given intensity.
  • Elos photo-rejuvenation - a device is used here that combines electro- and photo-rejuvenation of the face; it emits light of electrical origin.
  • Collagen photorejuvenation is performed using collagen lamps. Unlike elos rejuvenation, they affect the skin with light rays of a certain length.

Photorejuvenation helps patients with various skin problems. Indications for this type of rejuvenation include:

  • dark spots;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • gray skin tone;
  • signs of skin aging: sagging, sagging tissue, the appearance of jowls and a double chin;
  • rosacea;
  • enlarged and contaminated pores;
  • increased skin oiliness.

The photorejuvenation procedure takes place in several stages. In order for the patient to be calm and know what will be done with him, it is worth knowing in advance how this type of rejuvenation is carried out.

1. Cleansing the skin and applying gel for cooling and better contact between the skin and the light pulse;

2. The patient wears special glasses to protect his eyes;

3. The rejuvenation procedure itself begins, the specialist applies the device to the treatment area and a photo flash is fired, with rays of a certain length. So the doctor goes around each area on the face. The procedure itself lasts from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

4. At the end of the session, the doctor treats the skin with an anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic gel, which helps soothe the skin and maintain the effect of the procedure.

As a rule, redness is visible on the skin immediately after the procedure. However, it goes away after a few hours. Thus, the rehabilitation period after each procedure is quite short. But visible changes can be noticed within 10-14 days after the first visit to the doctor. According to patient reviews, they noticed that, unlike conventional anti-aging procedures, after the first visit to photorejuvenation, the skin becomes smoother, tightened, and small wrinkles are smoothed out. The doctor decides how many photorejuvenation sessions are required. He assesses the condition of the skin, looks at the reaction after the procedures and calculates how many visits will be necessary. Plus, the patient himself notices a significant difference in the condition of his skin.

Each patient should familiarize themselves with the contraindications before undergoing one or another photorejuvenation procedure. And inform your doctor about their presence. So, photorejuvenation is not performed when:

  • the presence of tumors in the body;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood diseases;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • presence of pacemakers;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.

How is thermolifting performed for the skin around the eyes?

The high efficiency of the technique puts it in a leading position among other anti-aging procedures. The result is obvious after the first session. The main course consists of 2-5 sessions. After which the effect lasts for about two years. But to increase the effectiveness and duration of the result, you can do prophylaxis (one procedure every six months).

When preparing for thermolifting, you need to cancel all cosmetic procedures for the skin around the eyes a couple of weeks in advance.

Before starting the process, the dermatologist lubricates the desired area with a gel with a cooling effect. Then he runs the manipulator over the entire treated area for 10 minutes. There is no pain, only slight heat from the laser. The patient completely relaxes and trusts the specialist.

One session lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. Their number per course is prescribed by a cosmetologist.

After rejuvenation, it is not recommended to stay in rooms with high temperatures (bath, sauna, solarium) or in direct sunlight. Protect yourself from active sports for a couple of weeks.

Body Thermage

The skin of the body is also subject to natural aging and needs protection and care. The Thermage procedure is effectively used for lifting body skin, eliminating age-related changes, tightening skin after liposuction, severe weight fluctuations and childbirth.

Traditional correction areas: abdomen, inner shoulder and forearm, arms, back, knees, buttocks and thighs.

Active exposure to radio frequency energy allows you to achieve a visible effect of rejuvenation and strengthening of the skin of the body, reducing the appearance of cellulite and even reducing volumes from 1 to 3 cm (due to the restoration of natural metabolic processes in skin tissue).

Advantages and disadvantages

Hardware rejuvenation using thermolifting has many advantages over other procedures. Namely:

  • The result is visible after one session;

  • Suitable even for sensitive skin;
  • No pain;
  • 100% safety;
  • Minimum time for the procedure;
  • Acceptable pricing policy;
  • Does not harm deep tissues;
  • The procedure is carried out at any time convenient for you;
  • Postpones the trip to the surgeon for a long time;
  • There is no risk of infection;
  • The skin is restored and looks ten years younger;
  • No complications;
  • The result lasts for about 2 years.

However, there is a minus: to achieve a stunning result, you need to carry out several procedures. And in the future, periodically repeat the thermolifting course for the skin around the eyes.


Despite its high safety, the Thermage procedure nevertheless has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of a pacemaker or other implanted electrical device;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • history of cancer;
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the affected area;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

The presence of reinforced gold threads in the treatment area may also be a contraindication due to the high risk of severe swelling after the procedure.

Home method for eye lift

It is possible to do a similar procedure at home. The effect will be visible after 7-10 applications. But you need to understand that the result from home thermolifting cannot compete with salon technology; the severity of lifting at home will be much lower.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cleanse your skin with micellar water to remove impurities and makeup;
  • Apply moisturizer. A cream with sesame oil is best; it penetrates deep into the skin and helps to moisturize and restore it;
  • Massage the skin with circular movements;
  • Warm up the dermis in the eye area. Soak the tampon in hot boiled water and apply it several times until redness appears;
  • Wipe off excess cream with a cotton pad;
  • Apply a soothing cream or gel. It should contain sedative herbs and vitamins C, K and B2, this will make the skin elastic and improve its metabolism;
  • After the cream is completely absorbed, wipe the eye area with a piece of ice;
  • In case of pronounced age-related changes, you need to consolidate the effect with a wrinkle smoothing cream.

Thermolifting for the skin around the eyes can be alternated with other cosmetic procedures, and can also be combined with rejuvenation procedures for other areas of the face.

Facial Thermage

Wrinkles, ptosis, a “swimming” oval of the face - these are the markers of age that “age” a still young face and give it an exhausted look. Thermage helps erase the telltale signs of aging from the face and make it look young and rested again.

The procedure helps reduce nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth, tightens the skin, improves skin texture, strengthens the oval of the face, models the contours of the angle of the lower jaw, corrects the “double chin,” and erases signs of age from the neck and décolleté.

The difference between Thermage and RF lifting

Both devices affect the skin using radiofrequency energy, but have different technical parameters, which ultimately lead to different effectiveness of the methods:

  • During RF lifting, most of the radio frequency energy is absorbed by the epidermis, practically not penetrating into the dermis, since the frequency used for RF lifting is several times lower than that of Thermage.
  • With Thermage, tissues are heated to 60°C, and with RF lifting - to a temperature not higher than 40°C, so in the first case, the compaction of all collagen fibers is ensured, and in the second, remodeling occurs only at the level of tertiary collagen structures.
  • In order to achieve a visible aesthetic effect with RF lifting, a course of procedures is required, but Thermage, due to its higher efficiency and deep penetration, is carried out once.
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