Facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgery - effective methods and procedures

Fading skin after 50 years is a natural aging process. To look good at this age, home cosmetic procedures are not enough. Rejuvenating salon activities can restore skin elasticity, freshness, even and beautiful color. The Sanmedexpert Clinic offers its clients cosmetic services that will be an excellent solution against wrinkles, sagging and dry epidermis. An individual approach to each client is due to the rich clinical experience of cosmetologists.

Chemical peeling

One of the most popular rejuvenation procedures is chemical peels. There are three types of peels according to the degree of penetration of the active substance - superficial, medium and deep. The procedure is not a radical method of rejuvenation, but it can solve problems such as fine wrinkles, age-related pigmentation, enlarged pores, scars. Peeling is based on the use of fruit acids, which are applied to the skin by an experienced specialist and remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Sanmedexpert specialists use advanced procedures technologies and modern drugs:

  • with retinoic acid;
  • with salicylic acid;
  • with mandelic acid;
  • with glycolic acid;
  • TCA peeling.

For people over 50 years old, it is recommended to carry out superficial peeling, which will help cope with pigmentation and refresh the face, or medium peeling, which can eliminate fine wrinkles, get rid of scars and scars, and remove age spots.

Lifting massage: technique

  1. Preparation. Clean your skin of decorative cosmetics and apply moisturizer to your hands. Choose a comfortable body position and relax.
  2. Light stroking along the massage lines to slightly warm up the skin.
  3. Tingling. No excessive effort is required.
  4. Smoothing. The essence is to perform smoothing movements with the back of the hand, which are called simply and clearly - friction.
  5. Patting along the contour of the face. Particular attention is paid to the cheeks and chin.
  6. Stroking to soothe the skin.
  7. The final stage is washing and applying a cream with a lifting effect.

Age mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a rejuvenation method that can restore youthful skin after 50 years. The essence of the procedure is the injection of special substances. The active components are vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and microelements. During the preliminary examination, the cosmetologist determines what substances are necessary to improve the condition of the skin and creates an individual medicinal cocktail. Mesotherapy has a lifting effect, eliminates wrinkles and scars, whitens the skin, and treats rosacea. Popular active ingredients for the procedure:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • collagen and elastin;
  • organic acids.

New in cosmetology: lift without plastic surgery

Non-surgical facelift is performed using HIFU focused ultrasound. It works at different depths and gives a multi-level tightening effect, in particular, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The non-surgical facelift procedure involves the innovative Ultraformer device. At the moment it is used in more than 80 countries, including Russia. Ultraformer tightens the skin many times more effectively than other similar devices.

Ultraformer heats the dermis and SMAS layer to a high temperature. Due to this, muscle fibers begin to actively contract. As a result, the consequences of gravitational ptosis are eliminated, and the face becomes noticeably younger.

Ultrasonic pulses act strictly at the depth specified by the specialist and do not affect nearby cells and tissues. This precision completely eliminates the risk of injury.

Thread lift

Thread lifting is a radical solution to the problem of aging and sagging skin. The procedure is based on the use of absorbable threads, which are inserted under the skin with thin needles, remaining inside for a long time. This guarantees long-term results after a cosmetic event. The Sanmedexpert clinic uses high-quality mesothreads produced in South Korea, made from polydioxanone. Biological inertness and sterility of the material ensure high safety of the procedure.

Thread lifting is indicated for sagging eyelids and sagging skin, if there is a need to correct the shape of the face. The procedure helps eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, around the eyes and lips. The results are noticeable immediately after thread lifting. To make the use of mesothreads more effective, doctors recommend combining them with other rejuvenating procedures (peeling, contouring, biorevitalization). The main advantages of mesothreads:

  • Efficiency. Mesothreads quickly solve the problem of skin laxity, eliminate wrinkles and other defects of the epidermis.
  • Safety. No side effects or injuries.
  • Painless procedure.
  • Short recovery period.
  • Quick results.
  • Hypoallergenic.

Non-surgical methods of rejuvenation

Mature skin requires constant care. Eliminating wrinkles after 40 is one thing, but the period after 50 is really difficult for women. Signs of aging manifest themselves in different ways and each of them has its own means of combating it.

Non-radical methods of rejuvenation include:

  • ethnoscience;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • cosmetology.

Traditional medicine is simple and accessible. For example, it is useful to wash your face with cold water every day. This procedure strengthens the muscles and helps keep the skin toned. You can also wipe your face with pieces of ice. Pamper yourself with fruit masks more often, they will make your facial skin more elastic.

The range of cosmetics is wide and varied. Check the composition of the product, it should contain vitamins and minerals, glycolic acid, retinol, etc. The basis of cosmetic care is toning. To avoid injury or dry out your skin, use an alcohol-free toner. Also massage your face regularly.

Wanting to preserve their youth, women turn to cosmetology services. In beauty salons and clinics you will find many different anti-aging procedures. Most popular:

  1. injections, with the help of which special preparations based on hyaluronic acid are introduced into problem areas, as well as dysport and xeominchemical peeling, which accelerates the process of cell renewal, evens out skin texture, and stimulates blood circulation;
  2. biorevitalization;
  3. rejuvenation with stem cells and fibroblasts;
  4. RF lifting;
  5. laser resurfacing, which eliminates pigmentation and smoothes the skin;
  6. Altera is an ultrasonic lift that is performed using the American Altera device.

Biorevitalization after 50 years

Another effective method of combating aging skin is biorevitalization. During the procedure, stabilized hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. The substance is identical to the one that the body produces on its own, so it is perfect for correcting epidermal problems. After all, if there is not enough natural hyaluronic acid, the skin loses its tone, becomes flabby, and wrinkles appear. The substance helps retain water molecules and solves problems such as:

  • loose skin;
  • fine wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • dry epidermis that has lost elasticity and tone;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • unhealthy skin color;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • enlarged pores.

Why does the oval of the face droop?

Against the background of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, the production of elastin and collagen decreases, the structure changes, pigmentation increases, elasticity is lost, wrinkles deepen, and bags form under the eyes. Characterized by dry skin and a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer, impaired microcirculation.

The aging process of facial skin is accelerated by the following factors:

  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • unhealthy diet (both overeating and strict diets);
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • irregularities (especially lack of sleep);
  • stress, anxiety.

And if it is quite difficult to fight the heredity factor in the appearance of age-related changes, then eliminating bad habits and normalizing your daily routine will not be difficult.

Contour plastic surgery for rejuvenation

Contour plastic surgery can help quickly get rid of wrinkles. During the procedure, drugs called “fillers” are used, which are injected into the area of ​​​​wrinkles and fill them. The main components of cosmetics are hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers. Thanks to the filling, fine lines and wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, and the skin regains its tone and elasticity. The result after the procedure can last up to 2 years if you properly care for your skin.

In addition, contouring can enlarge the lips, correct their shape, and fill the volume in the chin, cheekbones, and cheeks. Advantages of the method:

  • painlessness;
  • short recovery period;
  • quick results;
  • long-term effect;
  • high security.

Facial procedures


While there are many other methods aside, the classic option has been and remains rhytidectomy - a facelift. This procedure copes well with sagging and wrinkles, has a minimum of complications and guarantees a long-term (up to fifteen years) effect.

And those who don’t like the prospect of going under the knife can try lifting massage - a set of simple exercises that tones the facial muscles in a natural way. This gymnastics can be easily done at home, allowing you to smooth out wrinkles without the involvement of doctors.

However, of course, you should not hope for a panacea - even with daily procedures, decisive changes will have to wait from a year.

Dermal filler (filler)

If a facelift still seems too harsh to you, dermal fillers can come to the rescue. This product will smooth out folds, soften wrinkles and fill in the resulting “hollows”, but will do little to help sagging skin. To achieve maximum effect, fillers are used in combination with other procedures.


A change in skin tone from light to parchment yellow or brown is the clearest sign of aging. To disguise its traces, you can use dermabrasion, a short procedure that evens out and brightens skin tone.

The main disadvantage of dermabrasion is post-operative recovery - after it you should avoid the sun for about six months.

For those who are interested in a quick result with a minimum of consequences, it is recommended to choose microdermabrasion, a more superficial, but no less effective operation. It will do a great job with wrinkles and age pigment, and the sun will not be a hindrance for you.

Botox and Xeomin

For people over 50, a procedure using botulinum toxin - botulinum therapy - will be effective. The Sanmedexpert clinic uses two popular drugs that contain this substance - Botox and Xeomin. Botulinum toxin reduces neuromuscular activity, allowing not only to eliminate, but also to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles. The procedure is especially effective against “crow’s feet” around the eyes, wrinkles on the forehead, and the bridge of the nose. Benefits of botulinum therapy:

  • rapid appearance of results;
  • long-term effect after the procedure;
  • safety and painlessness;
  • short duration of the procedure.

The Sanmedexpert clinic employs professional cosmetologists who will help you choose the appropriate procedure individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body and skin condition. Advanced technologies used by doctors, as well as high-quality drugs, ensure high safety and effectiveness of anti-aging procedures, allowing you to look young after 50 years.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

The essence of the procedure is the effect of laser beams on the deep layers of the skin. During it, keloid scars, old traces of scars and acne are evaporated, and the relief is evened out. During the irradiation process, patients do not experience any unpleasant painful sensations, since the session takes place under local anesthesia.

As a result of causing microdamage to cells, collagen production is stimulated, the oval is tightened, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and spider veins are resolved. The achieved effect lasts up to 5 years.

Factors contributing to premature aging

You won't believe it, but the causes of skin aging are quite common. These are lifestyle, nutrition, frequent illnesses and environmental pollution. Let's look our opponents squarely in the face.

1. Ecology and weather

Not only polluted air, but also particularly humid and even too dry air, winds and precipitation actually cause premature aging of the skin. The consequence is clogged pores, gray color, inflammation, metabolic disorders. What is not a reason for rapid skin aging?

2. Solar radiation and lack of moisture

This reason can be called “photoaging”. Hydraulic deficiency cannot be eliminated by simply drinking water. The skin becomes dehydrated, its structure is disrupted, and without special ways to capture and retain water, this process cannot be stopped.

3. Smoking

In the process of smoking, the body is deprived of oxygen, blood vessels narrow. The top layer does not receive enough substances necessary for life, destruction occurs quickly under the influence of free radicals.


5. Toxins and alcohol

Here the manifestations can be stronger than with smoking, the work of the whole organism is paralyzed, the skin constantly experiences an “acute” shortage of “building” materials. How the skin reacts - we all see this clearly in our acquaintances who “abuse”.

6. Lack of vitamins

The body does not always cope on its own; you need to help it, of course, without abusing chemicals that slow down the metabolism.

7. Stress and an exhausting lifestyle

A very important reason. The entire body is negatively affected, not just the skin. Nervous exhaustion can destroy the results of all your efforts to achieve beauty in just a week. Have you ever seen people who, as a result of severe stress, grew old literally before our eyes? Negative results appear within a week.


An innovative technique that involves using your own blood plasma enriched with platelets as a cosmetic product. As a result of the procedure, collagen production is activated and metabolic processes in tissues are accelerated. The skin becomes more elastic and fresh.

For rejuvenation, 7–10 plasma lifting sessions are necessary. Blood for subsequent infusion is taken from the patient on the day of the visit to the clinic, and it is run through a centrifuge, separating the plasma. The finished drug is administered subcutaneously.

How to fight skin aging? The answer exists!

Look 15 years younger? The first thing that comes to mind is plastic surgery. But keep in mind that before each operation the patient signs a special agreement with the clinic, which means that in case of complications there will be no claims! That is, you will sign an obligation in advance not to react to complications. And they will! And these are not only negative results of operations, side effects, but also loss of self-confidence, depression, and divorce. In addition, new wrinkles appear at the same speed as the previous ones, and this nightmare will continue and continue.

Meanwhile, there are methods that actually eliminate the root cause of premature aging and effectively combat the emerging consequences without the use of plastic surgery!

These are modern hardware techniques that aesthetic medicine represents.

Fractora Firm thermolifting with a special attachment uses high-frequency influences to impact the skin in such a way that its resources are activated. You will again feel beautiful, attractive, sexy. Looking younger before our eyes is not a dream?!

In addition, you will receive a strong boost of youth, and all this with the help of one device that renews the “strength” of tissues. Your face will never turn into a frozen, lifeless mask, like with plastic surgery! It is impossible to imagine a better therapeutic effect against premature skin aging. You will no longer have complexes around young beauties! By eliminating the root causes of aging, BodyTite hardware techniques, developed by Israeli scientists, solve aesthetic problems of skin of any sensitivity and type.

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