What is mesotherapy for the face: types, indications and effect

Individual approach to each patient.
Special author's programs.

  • Indications for “beauty injections”
  • Benefits of beauty injections
  • Preparations IAL-System and Restylane vital
  • Preparing for injections
  • How is the procedure performed?
  • What happens after biorevitalization?
  • In what cases are beauty injections contraindicated?
  • How much does facial biorevitalization cost?
  • Questions from patients about the biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization is an effective rejuvenation technique that makes it possible to stop time and eliminate age-related skin changes in the shortest possible time. The procedure is often also called “beauty injections” or “youth injections”.

Biorevitalization is based on the injection method of introducing a special drug into the dermis to replenish the necessary balance in tissues, accelerate metabolic processes and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

In aesthetics, hyaluronic preparations IAL-System

(Ial-system) and
Restylane vital
(Restylane vital). Hyaluronic acid, being a natural component of the intercellular space, responsible for maintaining the required amount of moisture in cells, is gradually lost under the influence of age-related changes. This leads to increased dryness of the facial skin, dehydration, the formation of deep wrinkles, and deterioration of the skin texture. But with the help of hyaluronic preparations it is possible to solve all these problems.

What is the procedure

Mesotherapy of this type is the introduction under the skin using microinjections of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, amino acids, and useful minerals. As a result of their introduction, the dermis stops aging and becomes hydrated. The composition for administration is selected individually in each case, depending on the patient’s condition. Also, after the procedure, the specialist gives a number of tips on subsequent skin care so that it continues to remain in good condition. Vitamin cocktail mesotherapy is very popular and is an excellent alternative to contouring.

There are practically no unpleasant sensations during the procedure. The injections feel like a slight tingling sensation. After performing the technique, the patient will need to avoid drinking alcohol and drink more water to flush out toxins from the body. The result that vitamin mesotherapy gives is manifested in the elimination of minor cosmetic defects, stimulation of metabolism, filling the skin with moisture, and rejuvenation of the dermis. One of the side effects of the method is that minor bruising or redness may form. But usually they go away within a day. Otherwise, vitamins are very well absorbed by the dermis.

Do I need to prepare for beauty injections?

All procedures involving injections involve puncture of the skin with the introduction of the drug into the tissue, and therefore require careful preparation. General recommendations:

  • cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking 2–3 days before the procedure;
  • avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen-based medications, and other medications that cause dilation of blood vessels.

The main indication for beauty injections is skin condition.


Before giving the injection, the specialist:

  • cleanses the skin of makeup;
  • treats the face with an antiseptic;
  • anesthetizes the desired areas by applying a lidocaine-based gel.

What vitamins can be used in the process of mesotherapy

During the procedure, a vitamin cocktail with the following vitamins can be used:

  • C – capable of removing age spots, whitens the dermis;
  • A – restores the skin;
  • E – rejuvenates the dermis, makes it smooth;
  • B – relieves skin diseases.

In addition, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, calcium magnesium and plant extracts can be added to the cocktail. The most popular cocktail is a product consisting of hyaluronic acid and vitamins.

Features of therapy with vitamin C

The use of injections with vitamin C makes it possible to give the skin a healthy appearance, make it smooth, whiten age spots, and remove wrinkles. Often patients turn to a cosmetologist specifically with the problem of a lack of ascorbic acid in the body. To carry out the procedure, a substance with pure vitamin is used.

It gives a pronounced effect and helps lighten the skin by several tones. However, before getting rid of age spots, their cause should be identified, and after the procedure, special preventive measures should be taken.

What is mesotherapy for the face: types, indications and effect

Mesotherapy is a procedure that is always heard. “Let’s get some vitamin injections,” you hear in many beauty salons. We decided to find out why the procedure is so popular, whether it is worth going for it at the first signs of aging, and what its features are. An expert answers!

Maria Marusina

Cosmetologist, @dr.marusina

What is mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is the intradermal administration of various cocktails of active chemicals in microscopic doses. The name of the method “mesotherapy” comes from the term “mesoderm”. Mesoderm is an embryological layer that is formed in the womb and from which the connective tissue base of the skin, bones, cartilage, skeletal and cardiac muscles, blood vessels, blood cells, the urinary system and part of the genital organs subsequently develop.

Mesotherapy is a collective concept. It also denotes the name of the method, which involves many indications for use, and different techniques.

70 years ago, Michel Pistor first used this method to treat bronchial asthma and received unexpectedly good results. Now in traditional medicine, mesotherapy is used to treat migraines, rheumatism, herpes zoster and other diseases. But many girls associate this term specifically with cosmetology.

The essence of mesotherapy is that active substances are injected above the problem site into the upper layers of the skin, not deeper than the subcutaneous fat. Thus, the drug reaches its destination in the shortest possible way.

However, the dose of active ingredients in the mesotherapy cocktail is very small. This concept is reflected in the catchphrase of the author of the method, M. Pistor: “Little, rarely and in the right place.”

@angiecouple @hypebaebeauty

Types of mesotherapy

  • Injection
    - drugs are delivered to the middle layers of the skin using syringes with ultra-thin needles.
  • Hardware room
    - the meso-cocktail is applied to the skin, and then this area is treated with the device’s nozzle. The permeability of the cell membrane during the procedure increases almost 400 times.
  • Using a mesoscooter - a special roller whose surface is covered with short thin needles. First, the drug is applied to the skin, and then rolled with a roller so that the meso-cocktail reaches the deep layers.
  • Fractional
    – microinjection technique. The injections are made with a special attachment with silver-coated microneedles. The insertion depth is up to several mm.
  • Oxygen
    – the drug penetrates the skin under the pressure of a stream of oxygen.
  • Laser
    – the skin is saturated with beneficial substances under the influence of an infrared laser.

A separate point is the “mesobotox” technique. It consists of administering botulinum toxin in low concentrations using mesotherapy techniques. Its goal is to reduce sebum secretion in patients with seborrheic dermatitis and acne. Plus, the surface tension of the skin decreases.

In this material we will analyze in detail the most popular type - injection mesotherapy for the face, body and hair.

@hypebaebeauty @xenia.lau

How the procedure works

Interestingly, for a good effect, not only the introduced composition of the cocktail is important, but also the fact of mechanical damage to the skin with a needle. In this way, fibroblast skin cells are activated, producing collagen and elastin - substances that make the skin elastic and taut.

Moreover, in classical mesotherapy, the procedure is performed without anesthesia in order to stimulate the neurohumoral response to pain and increase the release of biologically active substances. But everyone’s pain threshold is different, so not everyone can tolerate the unpleasant sensations from injections. In this case, an application anesthetic is used to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. But it is not possible to numb the scalp area.

Indications for mesotherapy

  • age-related skin changes, decreased tone and elasticity;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • rosacea, rosacea;
  • local fat deposits, cellulite;
  • scars, stretch marks;
  • hair loss;
  • preparation and rehabilitation after various types of manipulation.

The procedure is a medical procedure, therefore it must be carried out in a treatment room by a specialist - a cosmetologist, dermatologist or nurse, and only as prescribed by a doctor.

How often to do mesotherapy for face, body and hair

The method seems excellent, except for one big drawback: to obtain a significant effect, a course of 8-12 procedures is required, and in case of hair loss problems - 12-16 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. This frequency is difficult for many patients to maintain, which makes mesotherapy less attractive when compared with other cosmetic procedures.


  • allergy to cocktail components;
  • low pain threshold, pathological fear of needles;
  • acute diseases (ARVI, any illness with fever), herpes in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases in the injection area;
  • taking anticoagulants and blood clotting disorders;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • history of oncology (with the permission of the oncologist);
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • minor age (can only be done with parental consent).

@angiecouple @angiecouple

The most common active ingredients in mesotherapy cocktails

  • artichoke extract (lymphatic drainage, choleretic effect);
  • ginkgo biloba extract (vasoprotective effect, antioxidant, improvement of microcirculation);
  • DMAE (lifting, anti-inflammatory effect);
  • coenzyme A (antioxidant effect);
  • L-carnitine (lipolytic effect);
  • sodium deoxyzolate and phosphatidylcholine (lipolytic action);
  • caffeine solution (vasodilation, lipolytic effect);
  • organic silicon solution (defibrosating effect);
  • hyaluronic acid (moisturizing and regenerating effect);
  • collagen hydrolyzate (increasing skin elasticity);
  • vitamins (usually groups B and C);
  • microelements (zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.);
  • plant extract (dandelion, sweet clover, plantain, centella asiatica, etc.).

The doctor can independently compose the necessary cocktails for a particular patient, and can also make his own “author’s” mesotherapy mixes. But to do this, you have to buy a large number of ingredients separately and clearly know which components can be mixed and which cannot. This takes a long time and is not always convenient, so cosmetologists more often use ready-made cocktails, which are produced at the production level and do not require production costs.

@hypebaebeauty @xenia.lau

Restrictions and rehabilitation after mesotherapy

After the procedure, like any other injection technique in cosmetology, it is not recommended:

  1. drink hot drinks on the day of the procedure, alcohol 5 days after;
  2. do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and solarium for 5-7 days after;
  3. do not touch the puncture sites: do not get them wet for 12 hours and do not apply cosmetics.

If you are planning to spend your holiday in the “active sun”, sunbathing, then it is better to stop the course 2 weeks in advance to avoid the formation of hyperpigmentation.

The bumps after injections go away quickly, since most cocktails are liquid and quickly distributed. But it’s difficult to protect yourself from bruises. Swelling, redness and soreness are also possible for 1-3 days after.

Less common side effects: allergic reaction, granuloma formation, infection, suppuration and necrosis.

With proper care and a healthy lifestyle, the results of mesotherapy for the face, body and hair can last up to 1.5 years.

In order for salon treatments to retain their properties longer, it is necessary to properly care for your skin at home. Read about this in our materials!

Cover photo: @xenia.lau.


This is an injection skin care procedure. During it, mesocotails, which are a set of vitamins that nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, are injected into the deep layers of the skin with a syringe with a thin needle. They allow you to restore its fresh appearance, elasticity and normalize the production of sebum. Particularly effective after summer, when the face has been intensively exposed to harmful UV radiation for several months.

Mesotherapy can also be performed at home. To do this, you need a mesoscooter, an antiseptic, an anesthetic gel and a mesocotail, which should be purchased at the pharmacy.

The procedure is a course of 4 – 6 sessions with breaks of 2 – 3 weeks. The introduction of meso-cocktails is allowed from a young age, from 20 years and older.

Having decided on beauty injections, you need to find a salon or clinic that uses only certified original drugs. Its staff should consist only of qualified specialists who will be able to accurately select the necessary procedure, the administered composition and the volume of the drug in order to achieve the result you need, without spoiling your face, but emphasizing its individual features.

Hydrogel patches with vitamin C

Patches have become much more popular in recent years. The components of the patches instantly penetrate the skin around the eyes. They are often used against puffiness and blueness under the eyes.

Also used to get rid of wrinkles that sometimes appear from lack of moisture. In such cases, two types of patches can help: with hyaluronic acid or with gold. The former contain antioxidants, peptides and plant extracts. They cope well with pigmentation and wrinkles. And the second ones can be kept for up to 50 minutes. They contain metal ions, vitamins and glycerin.

There are several types of patches:

  • Hydrogel. They contain more than 90% water and hyaluronic acid. They fit tightly to the eyelid, and the active components penetrate deep into the cells.
  • Fabric. This is a fabric that contains a high concentration of vitamins and oils. Unlike hydrogel patches, they do not fit tightly to the skin, which makes the effect much worse.
  • Collagen. This type helps to perform several functions at once: moisturize, remove swelling and wrinkles.

Patches cannot be used for conjunctivitis, cuts, abrasions and rosacea.

Forms and uses of vitamin C in cosmetics

Some manufacturers add this element to the finished product, and some create a vitamin powder that can be added to any cosmetics. It's important to know that not all forms of vitamin C are suitable for the skin. It is divided into stable and unstable.

For the element to be effective, it must be in the form of powder or ascorbic acid. In the composition of the product it can be recognized by the name Ascorbic acid. However, this acid is unstable and is easily destroyed by heat, oxygen or light. The downside is that it can cause irritation as it is often used at a low pH.

The benefits include the fact that it stimulates collagen synthesis, increases skin elasticity and firmness, reduces pigmentation and post-acne, and evens out facial skin tone.

In cosmetics, the vitamin is used in the form of L-ascorbic acid, scorbyl-6-palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. The first is considered the most stable. It is water soluble and at the same time as effective as regular ascorbic acid.

The quality and effectiveness of the product largely depends on the form of vitamin C used. Scientists believe that the best results can be achieved if the following factors coincide:

  • L-ascorbic acid is used
  • Its concentration ranges from 10 to 20%
  • pH value does not exceed 3.5

But cosmetics alone will not rid you of problem skin. Come to the “Flourish” marathon to learn not only about the best massage techniques, but also about how nutrition affects the condition of the skin. Read more on the marathon page.

Important: The maximum amount of vitamin C taken orally should not exceed 2000 mg per day for adults.

Ampoules for face

Encapsulated forms are created in order to solve the problem of instability of forms and their oxidation. These formulas often contain pure ascorbic acid, which definitely should not be used on sensitive or irritated skin.

This approach works much faster than creams. It is recommended to be used as additional care for severe pigmentation, dull skin or post-acne. After use, smooth and elastic skin and a reduction in wrinkles are expected.

What should the product be in the ampoule:

  • the concentration of the vitamin is no more than 10%, in this case the complexion is evened out, the product fights free radicals and slows down skin aging
  • contains bio-peptides that stimulate collagen production
  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid is present, which is necessary to maintain the skin barrier function
  • pH value is 2.8

How long does the effect of biorevitalization last?

Hyaluronic acid deposited in the skin breaks down naturally and is excreted from the body, so the result after a course of procedures of three injections lasts on average 4-6 months. Moreover, this period depends not only on the drug, but also on the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle - smoking, sun rays, ultrasonic waves, etc. accelerate the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. In addition, new generation drugs, for example, Profhilo biorevitalization, provide hydration for up to 6 months after a double procedure. The same technique can be used for the neck, décolleté and hands.

How to use vitamin C for your face

The method of application depends on what form of vitamin C you are going to apply to your face.

If it is a powder, make sure it is for topical use and not for consumption. Otherwise it will not be effective at all.

How you can nourish your facial skin with vitamin C:

  • if it is a powder, take a small amount. There will probably be information on the packaging about how much is recommended to use.
  • Mix the powder with serum or lotion in your palm. Can be mixed with squalane.
  • it is necessary that vitamin C constitute at least 8% of the product received, but not more than 20%, otherwise it will cause skin irritation.
  • Apply the resulting solution to your face or body.

Be sure to do an allergy test: 24 hours before the procedure, apply a small amount of powder to the skin.

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