Exfoliant cream: what is it, what is it for, how to use it?

Due to the influence of various internal and external factors, the skin may become dull, acquire a sickly tint, and become covered with small defects. An exfoliant cream allows you to correct the situation safely and quickly. It cleanses the skin, freeing it from dead particles. In its action, an exfoliant is similar to peeling, only unlike it, such a cream does not damage, but rather delicately breaks down dead cells. Even one application allows you to get rid of minor defects and give your skin a healthy look.

Mechanism of action

The result of using an exfoliant cream depends on the ingredients it contains. The components of the product are absorbed into the skin, dissolving and eliminating keratinized, excess particles. At the same time, the natural processes of creating new cells are accelerated. Cosmetologists borrowed this idea from dermatologists. After all, it is on this principle that medicinal drugs that fight skin pathologies work.

When dead particles are removed from the surface of the skin, its cells begin to quickly renew themselves, replacing the vacant space with elastic tissues. At the same time, even minor scars and wrinkles disappear, and the skin itself acquires a beautiful glow. The exfoliant cream has a rejuvenating effect, which is clearly visible even after the first use.

Such products should be used with extreme caution. After all, aggressive chemical composition can damage the skin in inept hands. If you use such a cream, following the instructions exactly, you can get amazing results.

Contraindications and precautions

Exfoliants are contraindicated for use:

  • in case of intolerance to any of their components, allergies;
  • infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • acne, pimples, wounds;
  • skin diseases;
  • papillomas, warts, other neoplasms;
  • injuries, burns;
  • extensive capillary network.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use and not overexpose the drugs on the body. Before first use, you should do a test on a small area of ​​skin.

Take physical exfoliation methods from professionals in beauty salons.


Exfoliant creams can restore lost skin elasticity and slow down the natural processes of aging and fading of the dermis. The effect of using the product depends on its type and the type of skin itself. There are several types of creams.

  • Acid cream-masks. Exfoliants of this type have a delicate effect on the skin due to the presence of active acids in the composition. They dissolve the cellular connections of dead cells with living ones, thus eliminating all kinds of impurities.
  • Acid-free creams. Such products do not have an aggressive effect during cleansing. They contain natural, delicate extracts that are recommended for those with overly sensitive or mature skin. After using such drugs, there is definitely no traumatic effect observed.
  • Enzyme exfoliants. The enzymes included in such products carefully act on keratinized particles, touching only the outer layer.

Characteristics and Features

Exfoliation has several varieties, which differ in the way they affect the skin:

  • Chemical is based on the oxidizing properties of organic acids.
  • Mechanical uses scrubs and abrasives made from natural ingredients. In the “brossage” technique, the skin is treated with brushes and sponges, and “gommage” removes dead cells using fruit acids.
  • The physical one contains ultrasound, laser, cryotechnology (dry ice and liquid nitrogen).
    These types of cosmetic procedures should only be performed by trained professionals to avoid causing irreparable harm to your health.
  • Biological uses enzymes (enzymes). This is a more delicate method compared to the previous ones.

The depth of penetration of the peeling also varies:

  • superficial affects the upper keratinized layers of the epidermis, penetration is carried out to a depth of 30–50 microns;
  • the middle reaches the papillary layer, the penetration depth is 50–120 µm;
  • deep cleanses the skin down to the reticular layer, going 120–200 microns deep.

Composition of acid products

Creams and gels with acids are perfect for girls with problem skin and acne. And all because such products are perfectly absorbed into the skin and solve the problem from the inside.

Exfoliant creams can contain one type or a whole complex of different acids. Chemicals delicately corrode the surface of the epidermis, destroying dead particles and penetrating as deeply as possible to the base of the skin, where tissue renewal occurs. Most often, such creams include:

  • AHA acid containing tartaric, acetic, glycolic, lactic or malic acid;
  • BHA acid, which consists of salicylic acid, overcomes the lipid barrier and disinfects the skin.

Difference from peeling

It is known about an exfoliant that it is a product that is used in the process of cleansing the upper dead layer of skin through exfoliation. Special particles in its composition make it possible to mechanically remove the so-called “skin” from dead cells.

Such preparations do not leave marks on the skin, do not spoil its integrity, and also make it possible to split or dissolve the stratum corneum.

The active component in the composition corrodes and dissolves the upper layer of the dermis, passing through dead cells to the basal structure of the skin, where new cells are formed.

At first, this effect was needed in solving dermatological problems, when it was necessary to reach living cells through old flaky skin. The same result also interested cosmetology, which began to use exfoliating exfoliants to rejuvenate and cleanse the face and body.

What is the difference between peelings and exfoliants? And are they different at all? The concept of “peeling” literally means “cleaning”, “cleansing”. The term refers to the direct function of cleansing the skin. Any type of peeling, mechanical, chemical, bio, is aimed at removing dead skin cells. An exfoliant is not a peeling, but a means for carrying it out .

Exfoliants are usually divided into the following categories:

  • Mechanical,
  • Acidic,
  • Acid-free,
  • Enzymatic.

Mechanical agents are scrubs. They include large abrasive particles and have a very intense effect. Like sandpaper, the products remove dead cells from the surface without affecting the processes inside it. Therefore, due to the use of scrubs, regeneration processes are not accelerated.

Exfoliants with acids of lactic or fruit origin work “from the bottom up”. Getting into the skin, they dissolve and eliminate dead cells, providing high-quality cleansing.

These drugs accelerate skin restoration processes, so it renews itself faster.

How to choose the right product

Like any other chemical peel formulation, the exfoliant should be tailored to your skin type. For example, if you have skin prone to oily skin and various rashes, then you will need salicylic acid to achieve good results. For you, it will be a real salvation from blackheads and pimples. The main advantage of salicylic acid is that it is able to penetrate deeply into the skin and allow other ingredients to penetrate. In addition, it is famous for its antibacterial effect.

If you have sensitive dry skin, then too aggressive exposure can only harm you. But be that as it may, dry skin also needs regular cleansing. And water-soluble acids, such as lactic, malic or tartaric acid, are perfect for this. Such components not only effectively cleanse the skin, but also protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, water-soluble acids help the epidermis retain moisture.

For those with allergy-prone skin, it is best to stock up on a cream that contains a combination of lactic and glycolic acids. They cleanse the skin very carefully, however, the result will not be as pronounced as with other exfoliants. But your skin will definitely remain completely safe and intact.

Exfoliants with glycolic or salicylic acid

The use of a cosmetic product with glycolic acid promotes rapid renewal of skin processes. Old cells die and slough off while new ones begin to regenerate as quickly as possible.

Subsequently, the skin becomes even, its color and structure change. Increasing the level of hyaluronic acid helps smooth out fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

An exfoliant with salicylic acid is more suitable for problematic skin with acne, blackheads and increased sebum production. This acid has an antibacterial effect and prevents the appearance of new rashes.

Tips for choosing

In order to stock up on a truly effective product, you should learn to understand its chemical composition. Thus, the concentration of active ingredients in the exfoliant plays a very important role. Alpha acids in the composition of the product should be about 5-10%, and beta acids - a maximum of 2%. It is very important to pay attention to this nuance and choose the right cream. If there are too few acids, then you simply will not see any effect, but if their concentration exceeds the permissible level, then you risk severely damaging the skin. Believe me, to return the dermis to its former state you will have to make titanic efforts.

Who are cosmetic products with acids contraindicated for?

Cosmetologists warn that acid exfoliants should not be used in certain cases.

  • Any mechanical damage (fresh wounds, cuts, herpes, eczema) is a taboo for the use of these products. Acids will only aggravate the situation and cause exacerbation of inflammation and infections.
  • You cannot use the drugs in the summer when the sun is active. Their use can cause burns and hyperpigmentation.
  • Individual intolerance, like increased skin sensitivity, is also a contraindication to the use of exfoliants.
  • Pregnancy and lactation are good reasons to temporarily abandon concentrated medications. Acids can harm the fetus and the body of the newborn.

Expert recommendations

True, manufacturers do not often honestly indicate the percentage of active ingredients. But this does not mean that you cannot determine it yourself. You can determine the concentration of components by paying attention to the order of the ingredients listed. For example, water-soluble acids should be in 3rd, 4th or 5th place, but salicylic acid should be no higher than in the middle of this list. And pay attention to one more nuance: the composition must contain acids, and not their derivatives or the substances from which they are obtained.

Some people mistake retinol for a substance that has the properties of water-soluble acids. After all, it is often added to exfoliant creams. But in fact, these components have completely opposite purposes. Retinol does not cause peeling or remove dead particles; on the contrary, it is designed to make the skin soft.

Choose by skin type

It’s not difficult to choose “your” acid; it’s more difficult to find a competent and honest specialist who you can safely trust with your face.

Salicylic acid will help care for problematic, oily skin. Blackheads won't stop her. Thick and uneven skin reacts worse to BHA; dry and irritable skin with incorrect or high concentrations during chemical peeling risks serious burns. However, BHA passes through the multi-layered skin flakes and is a vehicle for other drugs.

It is often included not only in antibacterial complexes, but also in anti-dandruff and anti-psoriasis formulations.

AHAs are suitable for cleansing normal to dry skin, sensitive, dry, and prone to pigmentation. At the same time, they affect the degree of skin hydration, its elasticity, ability to regenerate and increase sun protection properties.

There is also such a variant of AHA as PHA (a complex of lactic and glycolic acids), it is also called polyhydroxy acid). It has a milder effect on the skin and does not cause an allergic reaction. However, the “renewal” of the skin and the degree of penetration will be somewhat lower due to the larger structure.

Feedback on the most popular creams

If possible, read reviews about the brand you like. Experts advise choosing products from popular brands with a good reputation. For example, reviews of the exfoliant cream “Bark” with fruit acids are overwhelmingly positive. Girls who have used this product note its high effectiveness and safety. According to them, the exfoliant cream “Cora” perfectly cleanses the skin, eliminates minor imperfections and tones it. Even after one application, the effect becomes visible: clean, smooth skin, radiant with health. It perfectly revives problematic skin, lightens age spots, eliminates small scars and post-acne - that’s what the “Bark” cream mask is capable of. The exfoliant of this brand is popular and has rave reviews, so you can safely buy it without any worries. Just be sure to choose a product that suits your skin type.

“Belita Vitex” is another equally popular cream mask with fruit acids. Reviews about the exfoliant of this brand are also mostly positive. The product from the Belarusian manufacturer gives excellent results after the first use. The skin acquires an even tone, healthy appearance and shine. Girls who have used this product note a pleasant feeling of freshness and lightness after the procedure. According to reviews, the exfoliant cream “Belita Vitex” is absolutely safe when used correctly and gives excellent results.

Retinol and hydroacids

Retinoids are often confused with hydroxy acids, in the belief that they also exfoliate the skin. The removal of scales is an undesirable effect of using products with retinol and its derivatives. The intent of using retinol is for anti-aging benefits, but dryness and flaking indicate improper use.

Exfoliants form the basis of proper anti-aging care. The point of such a system is to prolong the health and youth of the skin in natural ways, without stress and alternative options (laser or plastic methods).

Of course, there are many more secrets to glowing skin, but your own reflection will speak louder than words. Long-term adherence to a specific technique will make you look younger than your peers and increase self-esteem with the results. The main thing is to be attentive to yourself and your skin.

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How to use the facial product

Using an exfoliant is actually quite easy. There are only a few rules to follow during the process.

  • Masks and exfoliant creams with fruit acids can be used no more than twice a week. Their peculiarity is that they can be used to treat the skin near the eyes, avoiding only the eyelids.
  • If the product you choose contains water-soluble acids, it is advisable to apply micellar water or any toner to the skin before using it. This way you can achieve a more pronounced effect. Don't worry if you feel a slight tingling or tingling sensation during the process - it will go away within a few minutes.
  • Be sure to pay attention to your skin's reaction. If after the procedure it turns red, then the cream is not suitable for you. In this case, you should choose another product with a different composition or lower concentration of acids.
  • It is especially useful to use an exfoliant in the summer. After all, it creates a kind of barrier on the skin that protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight. But do not overuse such products, especially if your skin is still young. If the epidermis loses its top layer, it becomes extremely vulnerable and tender.

  • Before using the cream, it is advisable to steam the skin - in this state it will absorb all the beneficial components much better. Apply the exfoliant to the neck and face along the massage lines. After a few minutes, the cream will dry slightly and become covered with a thin, soft crust. By removing it, you will remove dead skin particles from the skin.

What is facial skin exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the removal of the upper keratinized particles of the skin using modern cosmetic procedures, another name is “peeling” or exfoliation. The main active agent of this process is usually called an exfoliant.

An inexperienced person may have a question: why is an artificial effect on the skin necessary? Isn’t their natural renewal enough?

Indeed, nature provides a mechanism for replacing dead cells. Human skin consists of several layers. The topmost layer, protective, consists of keratinized particles that retain moisture inside the skin. Gradually, the dead scales peel off, and young healthy cells rise to the surface from the lower layers.

Under the influence of wind, sunlight, allergens, aggressive substances, incorrectly selected cosmetics, and a busy lifestyle, the renewal processes are delayed, take too long, the upper layer of the dermis becomes horny, becomes rough and unattractive. This is where exfoliation comes to the aid of nature, after which:

  • the face becomes noticeably younger, begins to shine with health and beauty;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • acne, keratosis, seborrhea, scars, scars, sunburn after such exposure recede and become less noticeable.

Then skincare products begin to produce better results, and nutrients are absorbed more efficiently.

Peeling improves the condition and appearance of the skin, stimulates the process of cell regeneration. Experts recommend carrying out such procedures at least 3 times a week. The main thing is not to overdo it and, instead of improving your health, not to unnecessarily injure your face.

How to use a body exfoliant

The fruit acids contained in such creams perfectly cleanse the skin and stimulate the production of new cells.

The exfoliant is recommended to be applied to problem areas to get rid of cellulite and tighten the skin a little. This effect is achieved due to increased blood circulation, improved metabolic processes and massage action.

Regular use of creams with acids can significantly improve the condition of the skin and its appearance. And the process itself is extremely simple. First, you need to cleanse the skin by taking a shower or bath, and then simply apply the chosen product. After application, you must wait 8-10 minutes and rinse off the cream with warm water.

Scrub and exfoliant - what's the difference?

Scrubbing is a rough, mechanical cleansing of the skin from dead cells. Not suitable for every woman, especially those with very dry and sensitive skin. In this case, it is better to replace it with a softer product with an exfoliant, such as powder or gommage.

Exfoliant and what it is is being studied to this day, so surely in the near future cosmetologists will release new and improved cosmetic products, or you can always prepare an affordable home remedy.

Bilancia: Exfoliant gel from IOM. Positive experience)

Hello everybody!

Today I want to share with you my impressions of the soft cleansing gel exfoliant “She is different” from Olesya Mustaeva’s Workshop (Kazan).

Price: 440 RUR on the website for 130 ml and 180 RUR for the 45 ml version.

This gel was also recommended to me by employees on VKontakte. I needed some kind of gentle cleansing, because my skin is prone to rosacea and something harsh won’t suit me. I'm glad I listened to the advice)

For the first time I saw this gel in the picture, I thought: “Oh, cool, a beautiful bottle and an unusual name. I just wish I knew what an exfoliant is)).” I had to conduct an educational program for myself and find out what kind of animal it was. I think most of the “old people” of the portal will not have any questions, but there are also people like me)

Exfoliation is, in simple terms, cleansing the skin of dying cells, while leaving healthy skin intact. This procedure also helps to cleanse pores, refresh the complexion, eliminate small wrinkles and make scars less noticeable. This is achieved with the help of AHA and BHA acids. The active substance in the product corrodes the upper layers of the skin, dissolving them ( ** sounds so scary)) ) After removing rough, dead skin, cell renewal occurs, hence the rejuvenation effect.

Here's something like this in a nutshell. In principle, this was quite enough for me to want this gel)

My exfoliant arrived without any additional packaging ( ** why do we need extra cardboard ). A bottle made of thick plastic with a dispenser that does not spit, does not give excess, everything is strictly according to the norm)

A huge plus is that the dispenser can be turned and closed so you can take the bottle of gel with you. ( ** Having already tried several different dispensers, I understand that this one is the most convenient!) .

And even after a couple of months of use, the bottle looks like new - nothing has broken, leaked or deteriorated) The label has not worn out either) But the drawback of the jar is its non-transparency - it is difficult to control the amount of gel remaining - either by weight, or unscrew and look deep ) It’s still not very convenient to read the label on such a round bottle)

But all this is not important, these are trifles) But the lack of a more detailed description of the use of this product is a more significant minus. I mean that there is no information about what skin type and how many times a week the gel can be used. Not everyone knows that you can consult with employees on the Internet)

I really liked the design, as I already wrote - stylish, black, nothing superfluous, minimalistic. Well, the mysterious name is a separate enticement)

On the back of the bottle there is a sticker with additional information: purpose, use, contraindications, storage conditions, expiration date and manufacturer’s contacts and composition.


Purified water, coco glucoside*, delta-gluconolactone, decyl glucoside*, hydrolyzed wheat protein, sorbitol, papaya extract, sodium PCA*, glycerin (vegetable), rice bran oil, inulin*, alpha-glucan oligosaccharide*, panthenol, hemp oil , green coffee oil, witch hazel extract, green tea extract, sweet honeysuckle extract, Japanese honeysuckle extract, coffee extract, allantoin, xanthan gum, mixed tocopherols*, beta-sitosterol*, squalene* (vegetable), orange essential oil, clove essential oil , jasmine essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oil, neroli essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, rosewood essential oil, rose essential oil, sandalwood (amyris) essential oil, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, benzyl alcohol**, hexylcinnamal**, geraniol**, citronellol**

Nothing criminal was found, but Ekolgolik did not recognize:

* papaya extract - this is what helps get rid of dead skin cells, helps even out complexion, cleanses, stimulates regeneration. It has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and soothing effect on the skin.

* hexylcinnamal is a yellow oily liquid with a floral odor. Used for making perfume compositions. Safe in acceptable quantities.

What else does an exfoliant do? If such products are made on the basis of acids, then we are looking for acid in the composition)

In our case it is gluconolactone. In the TM group on VKontakte, this is what is written about this acid:

» Gluconolactone is a polyhydroxy acid, which is obtained as a result of the oxidation of glucose (natural sugar). The ingredient has much in common with the AHA group of acids. But its advantage is that due to the large size of the molecule, it penetrates the skin more slowly, thus remaining in the stratum corneum. This provides better hydration and does not cause irritation to the structures under the stratum corneum. Therefore, it is ideal for dry and sensitive skin, its effect is gentler.

It stimulates:

* skin renewal, it becomes more even and smooth

* retains moisture in the skin

* smoothes wrinkles and reduces their number and depth

* strengthens skin barrier functions

* protects against free radicals - Gl-on is an effective antioxidant

* lightens age spots

* reduces the severity of inflammation in acne, dermatitis, rosacea.”

After reading this information, it seems there should be no doubt that such an exfoliant is needed by many, if not everyone)))

The volume of our miraculous gel is only 130 ml. To be honest, I thought it was catastrophically small and kept wondering how long it would last me. Then a surprise awaited me - I’ve been using it for almost 2 months, and it hasn’t run out yet) As advised, I use it 2-3 times a week, alternating with the ROSE washbasin, also from MOM. The manufacturer indicates that only regular use will give the desired result, well, everything is logical)


The gel is not very thick, it starts to “leak” on the palm if you don’t start foaming in time.

Before use, I always remove makeup and then do the same as with the ROSE gel - one press and “foam” in my palm, then apply it to damp skin, wash the T-zone especially thoroughly, and more recently I started applying it to the neck and a little décolleté area. I didn’t find anything, is it possible, but I don’t do it that often just in case. Of course, I try to avoid the area around the eyes. The gel spreads over the skin easily and naturally, and is washed off the same way) And when it was washed off, I applied the rest of the care - cream, serum, etc.. The gel is homogeneous, without any impurities, and the color reminds me of honey - just as yellow and pleasant.

a smell , not very bright, a little sour, but pleasant. It smells like rosewood to me, which is nice.

My skin is oily, but naturally dehydrated, with large pores and some strangely large layer of skin in the T-zone. Apparently this is why I felt the result on my skin earlier than I could have) The exfoliant perfectly cleanses the skin, leaving behind only a pleasant feeling of smooth skin. There is no feeling of tightness, dryness, irritation, no film on the face. On the T-zone, I felt the effect of the gel perfectly - the skin became smoother, and any pimples began to appear less often. I read that some girls’ faces begin to get even more oily at first, but that didn’t happen to me. Neither at the beginning nor in the middle of use. I want to touch and touch my skin after the procedures) I like it)

Separately, I would like to note the shelf life - generally the period is 24 months from the date of manufacture, and after opening it decreases to 12 months! It is very nice that the manufacturer made sure that the consumer had time to use the product before the expiration date. And considering that the consumption of the product is very economical, this is a big plus!

I also read in a VKontakte group that this washing gel can be used to exfoliate the scalp - before washing your hair, wash your skin with an exfoliant, massage for 60-90 seconds and rinse. Use 1-2-3 times a week. I haven’t tried this method yet, but I have plans - I liked doing little experiments) And the second method is for shaving . And so we tried it on my husband))) Well, the shaving itself, according to my husband, is much worse, there is not enough foam. But after shaving, he says the skin seems to have become smoother)) I don’t know, maybe we’ll experiment further)))

It turns out that you buy only for your face, but you get both for your husband and for your head))

To summarize, I will say that I really like the gel, I will 100% buy more and more) It fulfills its promises - it cleanses, removes dead cells, improves complexion. I’m already thinking about what I’ll give my mom for the New Year, she has the same skin type and I think she’ll like She’s Different too)

PS While I was writing this review, it became noticeably colder outside and I noticed that sometimes after washing my skin became a little tight. Therefore, this product may not be suitable for all seasons.

Girls, who uses it, tell me, do you have any changes depending on the season? Or maybe I just imagined it)

What is a chemical exfoliant?

Chemical exfoliants are acids that react with the skin to remove the accumulated layers of dead cells and excess oil that cause dull skin and blemishes.

The results of chemical exfoliation are generally more uniform than physical exfoliation. While physical exfoliators do remove dead skin, they still work like sandpaper on a wood surface—if you look closely, you can see the scratches.

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