How to get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead with Botox?

Decreased skin and muscle tone, excessive facial activity and age-related changes - all this leads to the appearance of signs of aging on the face. The skin becomes dull, a tired expression appears, tissue droops, jowls and a double chin appear.

Injection face lifting demonstrates high effectiveness for mild and moderate age-related tissue changes, as well as in combination with plastic surgery. It is effective for targeted correction of nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves, longitudinal and facial wrinkles. Injections help in the fight against a double chin and an unclear contour of the oval face.

Types of injection procedures

1. Trigger natural cell rejuvenation

This type of injection promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for youthful skin. Blood circulation and oxygen saturation of cells improves. This type includes biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, and collagen rejuvenation.

2. Blocking muscle activity

Botox or Dysport is used to get rid of expression wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes, under the eyes, and in the area between the eyebrows.

3. Correction of facial volumes

You can either add volume with filler injections or get rid of local fat deposits with lipolytic injections.

All of these types of procedures cannot guarantee an ideal aesthetic result for patients who are elderly or have pronounced signs of aging at an earlier age due to genetics. When cosmetology is powerless, face and neck plastic surgery is recommended.


How to remove wrinkles on the forehead? There are two options - plastic and non-surgical techniques. We offer our patients to undergo innovative non-surgical rejuvenation, which has results comparable to plastic surgery, but costs less, does not require serious interventions and a long rehabilitation period. Advantages of correcting wrinkles on the forehead with injections, laser, and hardware techniques:

  • minimal trauma;
  • instant visible results;
  • fast rehabilitation;
  • natural effect;
  • safety;
  • Possibility of complex or individual use.

How is the procedure performed?

The session usually lasts from three to twenty minutes and consists of three stages:

  1. Preliminary stage. Antiseptic treatment and anesthesia. As before any injection, the skin at the site of wrinkles is treated with an antiseptic solution. At the client's request, an anesthetic drug is applied to it. This is not mandatory because Botox injections are made with a very thin, small needle and do not cause pain. The exception is the area around the eyes, where sensitivity is increased.
  2. Main stage. The doctor performs Botox injections. To determine the exact injection site, the patient is asked to wrinkle the problem area. This allows the specialist to “take aim” with pinpoint accuracy.
  3. The final stage. Antiseptic treatment and cooling of the injection site.


All the ways to remove wrinkles from the forehead:

  1. Butolotoxin injections are the main way to solve problems in this area. According to a predetermined scheme, a drug with a paralyzing effect is injected into the area of ​​the eyelids, bridge of the nose, and forehead, blocking the ability of the muscles to contract. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are removed with 3-4 injections, vertical wrinkles – with 2-3.
  2. Mesotherapy – vitamins and nutrients are introduced under the skin, accelerating the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen in problem areas. The epidermis begins to actively rejuvenate, and turgor improves. The injections are given in courses, the effect wears off over time.
  3. Plasmolifting is the introduction of the patient’s own blood platelets. In this case, no drugs are used; platelets are obtained in a special centrifuge.
  4. Contour plastic surgery – injections of dense biogels, fillers that fill and smooth out wrinkles. The main active ingredient of modern fillers is hyaluronic acid.
  5. Peels – chemical and mechanical. For mechanical, a special attachment for microdermabrasion is used, chemical ones are carried out using special products with acids, TCA. As a result, active microcirculation processes are restored, skin color and texture are evened out.
  6. Threads – non-surgical lifting. The procedure involves the introduction of threads made of polypropylene or gold. Threadlifting creates a new frame, which helps smooth out wrinkles and restore the oval shape.
  7. Laser – resurfacing with a laser beam of varying depths and intensity allows you to eliminate almost any age-related changes.
  8. Hardware techniques – mainly RF lifting. The technique has minimal contraindications and results are high.
  9. SMAS lifting using the ULTHERA SYSTEM device – an ultrasound image of the deep layers of the skin is displayed on the screen, and the optimal depth of treatment is selected. Then, in the therapeutic mode, successive ultrasound pulses are generated, thermocoagulation points are created in the dermis, and active processes of cellular regeneration are launched.

How to remove wrinkles with the help of a cosmetologist 09.26.2018 10:51

Botox injections are one of the most effective and popular methods of eliminating wrinkles in modern cosmetology. The main active component of the drug is Botulinum toxin, a protein neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

At the end of the 60s of the 20th century, its use began in ophthalmology, and then in other areas of medicine. It was only in 2002 that Botox was officially approved for use in the beauty industry. And it all started with a wrinkle between the eyebrows.


Forehead wrinkle removal for men and women is performed with minimal preparation. Avoid visiting solariums, beaches, and increased physical activity 2 weeks before the procedure; stop taking blood thinning medications at least 3 days before. After peelings and injections, you should not sunbathe, visit baths, saunas, or use makeup. Your doctor may give you individual recommendations for care. Contraindications – acute and chronic diseases, pathological changes in the epidermis in the area, oncology.

In this article, dermatologist and cosmetologist Evgenia Samoilova will talk about the effectiveness of facial biorevitalization; will this procedure help get rid of wrinkles?

Biorevitalization is carried out by introducing hyaluronic acid into the surface layer of the skin using injections.

This procedure is also called a breakthrough in the field of cosmetology, it is mainly performed in cases where it is necessary to moisturize the upper layer of the skin.

If we compare it with mesotherapy (it has a similar technique), then after biorevitalization a longer-lasting effect is obtained due to the fact that drugs with a higher content of active substances are used. Among other things, the drug, entering the surface layer of the skin, creates and preserves hyaluronic acid for a long time.

What is the secret of efficiency?

The skin naturally produces hyaluronic acid, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity by retaining water molecules.

Two important factors needed to maintain healthy skin are adequate hydration and sufficient elastic fibers.

As a person ages, fibroblasts, the skin cells responsible for the production of collagen, reduce their activity, and the concentration of hyaluronic acid decreases, so the skin becomes flabby and less attractive.

Wrinkles are folds in the skin that become noticeable due to overactive facial muscles, loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, etc.

Next, we’ll figure out what wrinkles can be and what methods of correcting them can help.

  • Biorevitalization injections can effectively deal with superficial wrinkles, which also arise due to dry skin: by actively moisturizing, they smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • For medium wrinkles, biorevitalization will not have an effect. The reason for this kind of wrinkles is excessive facial activity (in the area of ​​the eyes, nose, forehead). In this case, both the epidermis and dermis are affected. In such situations, botulinum toxin demonstrates good effectiveness.
  • As a result of the natural processes of skin aging, weakening muscle tone and gravitational ptosis, deep wrinkles appear. The formation of deep skin creases is typical in the area where natural folds are located (for example, the nasolabial area). Biorevitalization or botulinum toxin alone will not be able to cope with this type of wrinkle. This will require an integrated approach, often including facial contouring and replenishment of lost volume in the upper, lower and middle thirds of the face.

What are the indications for the biorevitalization procedure?

1. As a preventive measure and when the first age-related changes appear.

2. For dry skin with fine-wrinkled aging.

3. With frequent and/or long-term visits to solariums.

4. As a rehabilitation for patients with elements of post-acne.

The procedure is contraindicated for:

1. Hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.

2. Pregnancy and lactation.

3. Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.

4. Inflammation at injection sites.

5. Autoimmune diseases.

6. Tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars.

7. Blood clotting disorders

8. Taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

To be sure of the advisability of biorevitalization or other procedures, you should contact a cosmetologist for an initial consultation.

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The procedure for injecting Botox into the forehead is simple and fast!

Botox injections into the forehead do not require special preparation from the patient and are carried out in a cosmetology office. This procedure should only be entrusted to a qualified specialist who works in a medical center or clinic, since recently on the Internet you can often find offers to carry out botulinum therapy at home. The price of Botox injections in the forehead in this case is usually much lower, but the results of such savings are most often disastrous.

The professionalism of the doctor guarantees that the injection sites for the drug will be determined accurately, which will allow for maximum effectiveness of the procedure. It is very important to consider the following features:

  • Botox injections into the forehead are aimed primarily at eliminating horizontal wrinkles, which become more expressive when the eyebrows are raised. In order to correctly select the injection site for the botulinum compound, the doctor will ask the patient to make a surprised grimace, which makes it possible to accurately determine the area of ​​maximum accumulation of facial wrinkles.
  • Botox in the area between the eyebrows - injections into the area between the eyebrows make it possible, first of all, to cope with wrinkles and furrows between the eyebrows, which are often called angry. These folds may also extend to the bridge of the nose and into crow's feet, approaching the eyes. It is very important that Botox injections in the area between the eyebrows are not a so-called monocorrection. That is, injections in this case should be multiple in nature to ensure better distribution of the drug in the tissues. It is also very important to maintain the symmetry of the injections to prevent asymmetry of the eyebrows and distortion of the face.
  • Botox for eyebrow lifting . Many patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to raise eyebrows with Botox. Botulinum therapy is indeed the most effective way to slightly raise the eyebrows, correcting age-related sagging or correcting genetically low eyebrows. Injections of the drug for this purpose are also made in the area between the eyebrows and directly in the tissues around the eyebrows. It is very important to remember here that a qualified specialist will never inject below two centimeters from the eyebrows. Violation of this rule can lead to drooping of the upper eyelid.

After the Botox injection site has been determined, the specialist proceeds to treating the affected area with a solution of an antiseptic and local anesthetic. Thanks to application anesthesia, the patient does not experience pain or discomfort during the injection of Botox into the forehead. The use of ultra-thin needles makes the procedure as safe as possible and reduces trauma to the skin and subcutaneous structures. The procedure itself takes from 10 to 20 minutes, after which the patient can leave the cosmetologist’s office and return to normal life.

How much do Botox injections into the forehead cost?

The price of Botox injections in the forehead is determined primarily by the number of units of the drug that are necessary to ensure a sufficiently pronounced effect. In addition, an important factor determining the price of Botox injections in the forehead is the location of the procedure.

In the modern Cosmetology Department of the Neomed clinic, the price of Botox injections is 300 rubles per unit, which is significantly lower than all competitors’ offers. In addition to the availability of the procedure in our clinic, the patient can be confident in the high qualifications of our cosmetologists and in the effectiveness of Botox rejuvenation, because we use only high-quality drugs and safe injection techniques.

Find out the cost of the Botox procedure

Consequences of Botox injections in the forehead

Negative consequences of Botox occur extremely rarely and are most often associated with insufficient qualifications of the specialist who performed the injections, since the composition of the drug itself does not have a systemic toxic effect. Complications of the procedure come down to the following conditions:

  • hematomas and bruises - a consequence of violation of the technique of administering the drug or carrying out the procedure during menstruation in women, disappear within a week;
  • headaches are an individual reaction to botulinum toxin, which occurs in less than 1% of people;
  • swelling of the Botox injection area - occurs in 4% of patients and usually goes away a few days after the procedure;
  • allergy to Botox is a rare form of hypersensitivity that occurs only in 1-2% of the population;
  • drooping of the upper eyelid is a side effect that occurs when the injection site of the drug is incorrectly determined (too low) and represents severe ptosis of the eyelid, occurs only in 0.14% of cases.

If complications and side effects occur, you should immediately contact a specialist to correct such reactions. Some of them disappear on their own as the drug is removed from the patient’s body.

What should you not do after Botox on your forehead?

It is very important that the doctor after the procedure conducts a detailed consultation with the patient regarding post-procedure restrictions, since the effectiveness and duration of action of the drug will depend on compliance with these recommendations. So, what should you not do after Botox on your forehead?

  1. for at least 4 hours after the procedure, you cannot take a lying position;
  2. 12 hours after Botox injection into the forehead, you should not touch the area where the substance was injected, and especially make significant efforts, such as facial massage or other cosmetic influences;
  3. During the day you should refrain from using decorative and hygienic cosmetics;
  4. for about 14 days it is recommended to avoid overheating of the frontal area, which involves limiting visits to baths and saunas during this period;
  5. You should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking for at least 2 weeks;
  6. from 10 to 14 days after Botox rejuvenation, you should not take certain medications, including antibiotics, anticoagulants and muscle relaxants;
  7. You should not resort to intense physical activity or intensive training for about a month.
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