“No” to acne on the head in the hair of men and women: causes and treatment of rashes

Causes of acne in hair in men and women

Pimples on the scalp under the hair are painful and cause discomfort.

Appear on the head for the following reasons:

  1. In children, the first acne appears in infancy; the reason may be prickly heat, dysbacteriosis, an allergic reaction to baby formula, or bathing products. Poor nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding also causes an allergic rash. A bacterial purulent infection can be a serious cause.

  2. In adolescents, acne on the head is associated with hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands during puberty, as well as with simple neglect of hygiene rules.

Irritation and frequent rashes on the scalp impair hair growth and can lead to baldness.

In adults, acne under the hair forms for external and internal reasons, which must be taken into account during diagnosis for proper treatment.

Internal causes of acne formation:

  • Disturbances in the hormonal system - provocateur hormones are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Insufficient estradiol also causes acne.
  • Impaired adrenal function. They produce hormones, and their deficiency leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Bacterial diseases provoke the active proliferation of microbes, and general infection of the body provokes the formation of acne.
  • A number of medications - anabolic steroids, barbiturates, halogen-containing agents can cause the appearance.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the appearance of acne on the face and head.
  • In women, acne may be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. The predominance of male hormones is expressed in the form of acne, seborrhea and blackheads on the scalp.
  • Changes in hormonal levels that occur in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and menopause also provoke rashes.
  • Expert opinion

    Zemlyanukhina Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

    Ambulance and emergency paramedic at the Clinical Emergency Hospital #7 in Volgograd.

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    I will add that in adults, as in children, dysbiosis of the microflora of the scalp can be observed. The reasons can be both internal and external (inflammatory processes, use of antibiotics and hair care products with inappropriate composition). In this case, dandruff, seborrhea and those very foci of inflammation of the hair follicles appear - acne. In this case, it is worth monitoring your diet and the products that you usually use for hair care.

External causes of acne on the head in the hair of women and men:

  1. The appearance of acne is caused by an allergic reaction to hair care products. Constant use of styling cosmetics clogs pores and prevents the skin from breathing.
  2. Polluted and chlorinated water dries and irritates the scalp, creating the preconditions for their formation.
  3. Allergic reaction to synthetic bedding, fillings in pillows.

  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards.

  5. Temperature effect. Both overheating and hypothermia are harmful.
  6. Poor ecology – polluted air has a negative impact.
  7. The rash often appears in men who shave their heads. Irritation occurs due to ingrown hairs or infection in microdamages.
  8. In men, acne also appears from tight hats, in military personnel - due to the constant wearing of caps, hats, and baseball caps.
  9. Hats made of airtight fabric provoke increased sweating and cause acne on the scalp.

Human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Acne forms in the dermis, in the connective layer consisting of sweat and sebaceous glands, follicles, and nerve endings.

Skin structure

The skin of an individual consists of several layers:

  • The epidermis is the uppermost one, it is constantly renewed. Some cells die and are exfoliated, while others appear again.
  • Dermis – average. It contains small blood vessels, capillaries, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles and nerve endings.
  • Hypodermis – internal. It is responsible for thermoregulation of the skin and accumulates nutrients.

The sebaceous glands produce a secretion to lubricate the hair and form an emulsion hydrolipidic film on the surface of the skin. It has a slightly acidic environment, which prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, regulates the water-salt balance, protects the epidermis from drying out and protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. When it is damaged, harmful bacteria freely penetrate the dermis and cause acne to appear on the back of the head in men.

Types of rashes

There are the following types of acne on the scalp:

  • White pimples are called closed comedones, pimples or wen. Such acne is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands; they do not become inflamed and do not increase in size.
  • Red color occurs when the skin is irritated; as a rule, they are not isolated. Cause itching and discomfort.
  • Blackheads are called open comedones and are formed in the hair follicle from subcutaneous fat and epithelial remnants. When oxidized, the top of the comedones darkens and looks like a black dot. Blackheads can become infected and inflamed.
  • Purulent ones are formed when an infection gets into the skin pores or hair follicle. When inflammation worsens, a purulent compaction forms in the center, which opens over time.
  • Acne of viral origin . The cause of a rash in the form of small blisters affecting the scalp is chickenpox.

If you have a sore and it is not similar to the ones mentioned above, then click here and find out about other types. Any type of acne can lead to undesirable consequences, including numbness of the scalp, which we will talk about in this article.

What should be the treatment for acne on the scalp?

It is necessary to pay attention to all symptoms that cause inconvenience, and not just the rash. Hair problems are solved in the trichologist's office. If the symptoms are limited to the skin, you can immediately go to a dermatologist, but it is possible that he will recommend visiting other related specialists.

In the treatment of acne, systemic and topical medications are used, which are prescribed depending on the severity of acne18. For example, a dermatologist may prescribe the use of topical antibiotics, which include Clindovit® gel6,18. The composition of the drug includes clindamycin phosphate6. Klindovit® gel exhibits antimicrobial activity against Propionibacterium acnes and reduces the concentration of free fatty acids on the skin6. To reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, it is recommended to combine the drug with benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid, for example, Azelik®28 gel.



Take a look at the photos of various pimples:

Symptoms of scalp inflammation

Before acne appears on the head, the individual experiences dry skin and itching. After several days of discomfort, bumps appear between the hairs, ranging in color from pale pink to dark red. Their diameter can vary from 1 mm to 3 cm, and pain appears. As it matures, purulent pimples form on the back of the head, which can also appear on other parts of the head. Sometimes the swelling goes away on its own after a few days, without forming an abscess or leaving any traces.

Individuals prone to the formation of an inflammatory rash need to constantly monitor the edges of the hair near the neck, forehead, temples, and examine the back of the head. If you notice the first symptoms, contact a dermatologist or trichologist. Advanced forms of the disease are difficult to treat and lead to hair loss and bald patches.

How to get rid of acne on the back of your head?

The appearance of acne on the back of a man's head can be caused by many reasons. It is recommended to start the treatment process with the following points:

  • Make changes to your diet. Review the daily menu, add to it a sufficient amount of foods containing microelements and vitamins: various greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals and dairy products. Significantly reduce the consumption of smoked meats, fatty meats, canned food, spicy and salty foods.
  • To refuse from bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Eliminate allergen. It can be found in shampoos, conditioners, medications and foods.
  • Visit your doctor if the measures taken do not improve your condition. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe effective therapy.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor identifies the causes of acne on the back of the head in the hair by conducting the following examinations:

  • Collecting data for anamnesis - when talking with a patient, the doctor listens to complaints, receives information about the state of health and heredity, about previous treatment experience, if any.
  • A visual inspection of the scalp and hair condition is carried out.
  • A general blood test is prescribed.
  • Blood biochemistry is taken - the content of microelements in the serum is detected, the level of sex and thyroid hormones is determined.
  • Computer diagnostics are carried out - trichoscopy, which allows you to obtain complete information about the condition of the scalp and hair.
  • If necessary, a phototrichogram is performed to clarify the cause of hair loss.
  • Consultations with other specialists are scheduled.

Based on the collected data, it is determined what caused acne on the back of the head and an individual treatment program is developed. During the course of therapy and after its completion, control trichoscopy is performed to evaluate and correct treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes for getting rid of acne on the head

When treating acne on the back of the head and other places on the head, you can use traditional recipes along with medications, after consulting with your doctor. To combat the problem, use the following proven recipes:

  • Tincture of calendula. Its use helps to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The product is sold at the pharmacy. To use, dissolve two tablespoons of the tincture in a glass of boiled water. Wipe the pimples daily until they disappear.
  • Aloe juice. Cut off the bottom leaf from the plant, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the damaged areas of the skin.
  • Tea tree oil. A good antiseptic to fight acne. Add a few drops of oil to shampoo and wash your hair. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form; it can cause skin burns.
  • Apple vinegar. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a solution containing water and vinegar in equal quantities.
  • Strawberry juice. Squeeze it from fresh berries and lubricate damaged areas of the head. Quickly heals wounds, cleanses the skin, kills pathogens.
  • Tar soap. Cleanses the scalp and fights harmful bacteria.

There are a lot of traditional medicine recipes to combat skin rashes on the back of the head and other parts of the head. They should not be used without consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the problem.

Doctors' advice to help fight acne on the head

Dermatologists advise to combat acne on the back of the head in men:

  • Choose the right hair hygiene products. Shampoo for men, which contains salicylates, dries the scalp and promotes the healing of purulent pimples. Preparations containing selenium sulfide help eliminate itchy rashes. Anti-fungal additives in hair washes cure dandruff. Tar shampoo or soap will cope with the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Use hair styling products carefully. They cause the scalp to become dry or, conversely, oily, and the pores become clogged. All this contributes to the appearance of dandruff, itching and rashes.
  • Get short haircuts. It is easier to maintain a healthy scalp with short hair. Long ones increase sweating, provoke the growth of bacteria, cause inflammation and acne.
  • Do not squeeze pimples - you can cause the infection to spread extensively to new areas of the scalp. Serious complications are possible.

Treatment using physiotherapeutic agents

Physiotherapy procedures have a good effect in treating acne on the head. Most often used:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation dries, sterilizes and gives an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Microcurrents - low-frequency impulses penetrate deeply into the layer of the epidermis, improve lymph flow and blood flow, nourish cells with oxygen and activate metabolic processes in them. They are used for various inflammatory and fungal diseases, seborrhea, hair loss, and dandruff. They give a good effect for subcutaneous acne on the back of the head.
  • Cryotherapy is used to treat low temperatures.
  • Galvanization, or vacuum desincrustation, allows you to remove the cores of blackheads.
  • Darsonvalization is based on the use of high voltage alternating current. With the help of the procedure, metabolism is accelerated, skin nutrition and oxygen supply are improved, and pathogenic microflora is destroyed.

All physiotherapeutic agents have contraindications for use. They are not recommended for various neoplasms, purulent processes, infectious diseases, bleeding tendency, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke.

Drug therapy

Treatment of acne on the back of the head in men depends on the cause of its occurrence:

  • Infection of a bacterial nature - antibiotics “Tetracycline”, “Azithromycin”, “Erythromycin” are used in the form of tablets for oral use and external use in the form of gels, solutions and ointments. In complex treatment, antifungal drugs are also prescribed.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - drugs are used to restore intestinal microflora “Linex”, “Laktovit”, “Laktiale”.
  • Allergies - antihistamines are prescribed: Telfast, Loratadine, Zodak. In addition, drugs that normalize the nervous system are used: “Glycine”, “Novo-passit”, “Persen”.
  • Hormonal disorders - antiandrogen drugs help. If there is a deficiency of nutrients and microelements, they are replenished with vitamin complexes, brewer's yeast, selenium, calcium, and zinc.

For topical use, ointments such as Ichthyolova, Levomikol, and Boro-Plus are often used. Damaged areas are treated with hydrogen peroxide, camphor and salicylic alcohol. For diseases caused by fungi, it is recommended to use special shampoos “Ketoconazole” and “Nizoral”.

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