Facial and body skin care in autumn: advice from a cosmetologist

Warm sunny days are already ending, and our skin will face the test of low temperatures, dampness and wind. Autumn is a transitional period when the skin, so accustomed to the heat and sun, adapts to the cold. But you can take care of it by planning in advance for the transition to autumn care. Let's start checking out your makeup bag and all the shelves with your favorite products! And then we’ll look at caring for dry, combination and oily skin in the fall.

• Dryness appears due to dehydration and impaired barrier functions; • thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and dullness; • hyperpigmentation is a consequence of exposure to the sun in summer; • increased sensitivity – this is how the skin suffers from low temperatures and dry autumn air; • redness – this is how blood vessels react to cold.

But we are ready for any bad weather.:) With proper care, even in the fall, your skin will remain healthy, smooth and glowing!

What happens to the skin in autumn

After summer, the skin begins to rebuild. She is attacked by low temperatures and biting winds. She is forced to adapt to harsh realities. It is especially difficult for her if the summer was very hot and she was constantly under the rays of the sun. After all, autumn is a changeable time. It’s cold, then it’s hot, as if it’s summer outside again.

Here's what happens to her in the fall:

  • It becomes dry. This is due to dehydration and impaired barrier functions.
  • The stratum corneum thickens. The skin becomes dull and rough. This condition gets worse if you spent the entire summer without exfoliating to avoid damaging your tan.
  • The number of age spots increases. This is also related to sun exposure.
  • She becomes more sensitive.
  • Redness appears. These vessels react to cold weather.

Peelings and cleansing

Chemical peeling is one of the most effective non-invasive anti-aging procedures. Special preparations containing active acids help soften and exfoliate the upper layers of the skin. In this way, cosmetologists effectively eliminate hyperpigmentation, flaking, uneven areas, and reduce wrinkles.

Cleaning with ultrasound has a similar effect. It helps get rid of excess peeling and reduce the number of blackheads. These procedures are especially in demand in the autumn, as they require careful treatment of the skin during rehabilitation.

How to properly care for your skin after summer

In autumn it must be moisturized, nourished and protected. The weather at this time of year is unpredictable: it can be cold in the morning, very warm in the afternoon, and heavy rain in the evening. The hydrolipid mantle of the skin is the first to suffer from such changes. Therefore, it is so important to use products that are aimed at restoring the natural protective barrier.

Experts recommend using comfortable cleansing products: lotions, milk and toner, creams with oils. It is better to remove products containing alcohol from regular care, especially if the dermis becomes drier in the fall. And in sub-zero temperatures, forget about their existence altogether.

Tip 4. Nourish

When cold weather sets in, our skin needs extra nutrition. Light gel products, which we enjoyed using in the summer, are being replaced by thick nourishing creams. Thanks to their texture, such products create an invisible barrier on the skin that protects against adverse environmental conditions. And most importantly, they replenish the deficiency of lipids – the skin’s own fats. Accordingly, the key ingredients of a nourishing cream are fats, such as vegetable oils:

  • shi;
  • jojoba;
  • olive;
  • apricot and many others.

However, those with oily skin should choose a nourishing cream with caution: a product that is too thick can clog the pores. It is better to choose something with a lighter texture, such as fluid. Try to avoid ingredients such as mineral oil, paraffin, and petroleum jelly in the cream.

Facial skin care in autumn

Care at any time of the year should consist of cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. In the fall, exfoliation or peeling is also added to this.

Never skip sunscreen with SPF, because ultraviolet rays can even penetrate clouds.

You also need to eat regularly and properly. At the “Flourish” marathon, you will learn about how nutrition affects the quality of your skin and how to properly cleanse your body of toxins. Read more here.

Autumn skin rejuvenation: procedures, methods, methods

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of products, injection and hardware techniques to restore the beauty and youth of the skin.
In the fall, cosmetologists recommend undergoing the following procedures: • professional facial cleansing using vacuum, laser, ultrasound technology, brushing and disincrustation to cleanse the pores of the skin;

• peeling using a weak solution of glycolic, mandelic, pyruvic, trichloroacetic acid to remove keratinized epithelial cells;

• face lift using massage techniques and SPA treatments to restore the clarity of the facial contour.

Caring for combination skin in autumn

Combination skin is characterized by the fact that some areas are oily and others are dry. Thus, the T-zone area is oily, and the cheeks are prone to dryness.

How to determine the combined type:

  • Large secretion of sebum in the forehead, nose and chin
  • Enlarged pores, especially in the T-zone
  • Black dots
  • Frequent inflammations
  • Feeling of tightness in the cheeks and periphery of the face

Skin of this type should not be overloaded with products with a rich texture, as they can cause oily shine in the T-zone. In the fall, before leaving the house, be sure to apply a thick protective cream, and make moisturizing masks at home.

How to care:

  1. Before going to bed, be sure to wash off your makeup to eliminate the possibility of inflammation. To do this, use micellar water and hydrophilic oil.
  2. When washing your face, choose soft cleansers, as aggressive cosmetics will only worsen the condition of the skin: oily areas will shine even more, and dry areas will begin to flake. We recommend hydrosol.

  3. Also add a toner to your daily care routine. It restores the pH level after washing and saturates the skin with useful substances (if it contains vitamins or plant extracts).
  4. From time to time it is worth carrying out exfoliation procedures. Delicate scrubs or acid-based cosmetics are suitable for this. They effectively remove dead cells. Scrubs also help regulate sebaceous secretions and prevent the appearance of acne and other inflammations.
  5. Hydration. It is important for any skin type. But in the case of the combined type, it is important to pay attention to the fact that for dry areas you need regular moisturizing creams with oils, and for oily areas - light gels or fluids.
  6. Clay-based masks are suitable for deep cleansing, as they slow down the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the growth of bacteria in the pores. But they should only be applied to oily areas.
  7. And where would we be without food? In autumn and winter, thick moisturizing creams save combination skin from dehydration. And for very dry areas, there are oil-based serums. Squalane does this job very well.

Useful life hack for the combined type:

First, apply a product with a gel texture to your entire face, and then apply a layer of thick cream to dry areas.

Autumn face masks at home

Natural masks are necessary for skin care in the autumn-winter period. They provide protection, nutrition, hydration, and restoration that are important for cold weather.

The mask must have several properties. The first property is the ability to protect, the second is to vitaminize. Below you can see five recipes for masks that have nutritional and vitaminizing effects that improve metabolism.

You might be interested in reading this article: Winter Skin Care

Nourishing mask “Autumn”

Take 3 tbsp. l. warm cream (or milk), pour a tablespoon of oatmeal. You can optionally add 1 tsp. honey After the flakes swell under the influence of the cream, take the warm mass and apply it to the skin. Keep this mask for about 25 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water without using soap.

Toning cottage cheese mask

This mask nourishes and tones the skin well. For the mask you need to take: a dessert spoon of cottage cheese, tsp. honey, tsp. sour cream and tsp. yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and add a little baking soda. Let it brew for about ten minutes and settle the resulting mass.

Apply to the face, neck and décolleté for twenty to thirty minutes. Afterwards, rinse everything off with warm water and rinse with cool water.

Moisturizing bean mask

Boil beans of any color, mash them well, pour in a dessert spoon of lemon juice, add a dessert spoon of olive or almond oil. Apply a warm mixture to the face and neck for 25 minutes. Rinse with warm, then cool water.

Vegetable mask made from sweet peppers

This mask is very rich in vitamins. It also helps increase blood circulation. Grate the fruits of bell peppers (any color) on a grater (made of plastic). Add tsp to one dessert spoon of the resulting slurry. sour cream and one beaten egg, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to face and neck for twenty or thirty minutes.

Vegetable pumpkin mask

Pumpkin is rich in many vitamins. It nourishes the skin wonderfully. Take a piece of pumpkin and its setting, pour half a glass of cream and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. The result is a thick paste, which we apply warm to the face and neck for twenty, thirty minutes. We wash ourselves with warm water.

All experienced cosmetologists advise women not to neglect natural masks as skin care in the fall. By doing them regularly, you will soon notice a pleasant and beautiful result - your skin will be soft and radiant.

Facial skin care in the fall should be as adapted as possible to changing temperature conditions. Undoubtedly, such worries take a lot of time. But they fully live up to expectations. Beautiful healthy skin means prolongation of youth!

Be beautiful and happy this autumn!

Dry skin care

In this case, the emphasis should be on additional hydration. Because it is in the fall that dry skin can become even drier and even begin to peel.

What to do:

  1. Clean carefully. Milk or thermal water are suitable because they do not destroy the hydrolipid film. Forget about products with alcohol if you don’t want to dry out your skin. We recommend washing with hydrolate. Unlike tap water, it does not dry out, but moisturizes.
  2. Apply foams and gels only before bed, otherwise the skin’s protective barrier will not have time to restore.
  3. For peeling, it is recommended to use products based on AHA acids. They will gently cleanse the skin and get rid of dead cells.
  4. Don’t forget about humidification, because in the cold season we often stay indoors, and the air there is very dry due to heating devices. Choose products with a denser texture. It’s good if the composition contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, E and natural oils like coconut. The store www.beauty365 has a hemp verbena balm that can save even the roughest skin on your heels. In general, it is suitable for any part of the body.
  5. To nourish dry skin, products with a dense texture with vitamins and oils are also suitable. These include various creams, serums and masks. By nourishing the skin, you can maintain or restore its smoothness and silkiness.
  6. The best products for dry skin types are those that contain both moisturizing components (hyaluronic acid or ceramides) and those that will create a protective film on the skin so that the resulting moisture does not evaporate (squalane or glycerin).

  7. It is recommended to replace aggressive peelings with products containing AHA acids, as they have a gentler effect on the dermis.

Autumn is the best time to restore the beauty of your skin

Cosmetologists consider autumn the best time to restore health and youth to the skin.
With the onset of cool weather and a decrease in the intensity of sunlight, solving aesthetic problems is much easier than in other seasons. In the summer, high levels of ultraviolet radiation, heat, and heat prevent the face from maintaining moisture and freshness. In winter, the skin experiences constant stress due to temperature changes, cold, and dry air in heated rooms. In spring, during the flowering period, there is a risk of an allergic reaction and increased skin sensitivity. After winter, the body is weakened. In autumn - full of energy after the season of fresh vegetables and fruits, summer holidays.

If you want to eliminate aesthetic defects, autumn will be the best period for rejuvenation with the help of modern cosmetology products.

Oily skin care

In autumn, oily skin also needs hydration and additional nutrition.

  • Choose products with a dense texture.
  • Despite the oiliness, oil-based products should be applied periodically. Squalane is also suitable for this skin type.
  • Autumn rains can easily play into your hands when it comes to hydration. Before leaving the house, apply products with hyaluronic acid. This component actively attracts moisture from the outside, saturates the skin and makes it more elastic.
  • It is recommended to exfoliate once a week.
  • It is also recommended to use products with AHA and BHA acids during the cold season. They make the skin softer and increase the effectiveness of subsequent care.

Autumn care for oily skin types consists of:

  1. Washing with foam or hydrosol.
  2. Scrubbing. Any scrub will do for this.
  3. Masks or nourishing the skin with squalane. Masks can either be bought in a store or made at home.

Hand skin care in autumn

The thin skin of your hands suffers from cold weather no less than the skin of your face. Many people don’t even try to protect their hands from the cold with gloves or mittens, since they need to constantly be in touch and respond to incoming SMS.

Here are some recommendations for hand care during the cold season:

  1. Always carry a moisturizing nourishing cream with you. Make sure that the composition does not contain petroleum jelly and paraffin. Typically, such funds are low in cost, but they are of no use. These components prevent nutrients from penetrating the dermis.
  2. Also put the cream on your workplace so that it is always visible and you don’t forget to moisturize your skin from time to time.
  3. Always apply cream before leaving the house and before going to bed.
  4. Never warm your hands in hot water after going outside. Water at room temperature is best.
  5. Make baths and compresses for your hands. Just a couple of minutes, but the dermis becomes noticeably softer and healthier.
  6. Scrubs can also be used on the skin of your hands. Once or twice a week will be enough.

Body skin care in autumn

Don't forget about the skin of your body. Although she is protected from the autumn cold by clothes, she also experiences the stress of change.

Regularly moisturize and nourish the dermis with body milk. It contains all the necessary active ingredients, oils and vitamins. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes.

And the most important point in skin care is nutrition. Cosmetic products alone will not be enough if you are starving or on strict diets. The body also needs vitamins.

Dietary recommendations for beautiful skin:

  1. Drink water regularly. You've probably noticed that in the cold season we drink water much less often, because we are no longer thirsty. So we just forget about it. Try to keep a bottle or mug of water on your desk. Next to the moisturizer. Double benefit!
  2. The most important vitamins for the skin are vitamins A, B, C, E and D.
  3. Eat less sweet and salty foods, fast food, and also reduce your consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Do you want to learn more about the impact of nutrition on your skin? Then come to the “Flourish” marathon. It contains two whole blocks about nutrition: one of them is about the effect of foods on the skin of the face and body, and the second is about cleansing the body of toxins. Read more about the marathon and other blocks below.

What salon treatments should you take a closer look at in the fall?

Autumn is the best time to actively visit a beauty salon. During this period, all beauty procedures are not only allowed, but also recommended. So, if you think about skin renewal and care, you can safely go to a session:

  • phonoresis,
  • thermolifting,
  • microcurrent therapy,
  • iontophoresis,
  • ultrasonic cleaning,
  • chemical and aesthetic peeling,
  • laser resurfacing,
  • cosmetic massage, etc.

A professional cosmetologist will help you determine the need for certain procedures. We must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. If you are prohibited from certain manipulations with the skin, then you should find another, less intense analogue. Ideally, try to maintain a balance between beauty and health.

In the fall, you will come across interesting offers from beauty salons offering thermal treatments. Such sessions bring a lot of pleasure and help prepare the skin for future temperature changes. Be beautiful and cheerful, and remember: skin is a mirror of your health!

Taisiya Kozeryuk

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