How to make your face smooth and clear at home


It is not always possible to get clear skin without the help of specialists: as we know, there are many reasons for the appearance of acne. This article will discuss 5 steps, following which you will certainly eliminate some of them, which will have a good effect on the condition of your skin. Therefore, in the matter of how to make our skin beautiful and clean, we can do a lot ourselves, simply by making small adjustments to our lives and forming the right habits.

How to achieve perfect facial skin: basic care rules

In fact, there is no secret to perfect skin. A healthy lifestyle and proper care work wonders. But what kind of care can be called correct?

  1. Cleansing
    - instead of tap water, it is best to use hydrosol. There are few places where good, clean water flows from the tap. Usually it contains a lot of chlorine and other components hazardous to the skin. Try lavender hydrolate - it is universal and suitable for all skin types. And as a cleanser, use a soft natural gel or foam for washing. You can’t wash your face with soap - it dries the skin;
  2. Moisturizing and nourishing
    is a mandatory step even for oily skin types. Allows you to maintain the required level of moisture in the dermis, thereby preventing the appearance of fine wrinkles, cracks and other problems. Vegetable squalane serum copes well with this function;
  3. UV protection
    - don't forget to use Sunscreen even in winter. Sun exposure is one of the main causes of premature aging;
  4. Masks
    - use them at least once a week. They can perform different functions, so choose what suits you best in a given situation.

Scrubs at home

Most commercial scrubs can be easily made at home. To do this, you will need a base oil, for which it is best to choose coconut or shea butter. The composition will also include hard components. Peeling components can be:

  • Sea salt. This product is ideal for cleansing the pores of problem and combination skin. Sea salt is considered hypoallergenic, but is highly abrasive. Using this product you can get rid of scars as well as acne marks. Sea salt also has some lightening properties.

  • Sugar. Sugar dissolves much faster in water than salt, so it is recommended to use it to cleanse oily skin so as not to scratch the already sensitive areas on the face. Sugar helps even out the color, make the epidermis velvety and soft to the touch, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Coffee. This product massages well and cleanses mature and problematic epidermis. Coffee has a strong antioxidant effect; after use, a lifting effect remains. Coffee, like salt, is highly abrasive and does not dissolve in water. That is why it is best to use finely ground coffee, which is used for coffee machines, as peeling.

To make an effective and affordable scrub, combine 10 grams of any of these products with a small amount of oil. The resulting mixture is applied to moisturized facial skin; it is best to lightly steam it before the procedure. For 5 minutes, the skin is actively rubbed along the massage lines, after which the mixture is washed off the face with water. After the scrubbing procedure, cream is applied to the face. This event must be held at least once a week.

How to get a perfectly groomed face in a salon

Modern cosmetology offers many different procedures to make your facial skin perfect. Let's look at the most popular:

  • Thermolifting
    is a hardware technique that involves deep thermal exposure. In fact, heat should activate the production of your own collagen and hyaluronic acid. The face is cleaned, a special gel is applied and the nozzle begins to warm it up;
  • Photorejuvenation
    - here the main task is also the production of natural collagen, as well as accelerating cell renewal;
  • Peeling
    is the essence of the procedure in getting rid of dead epidermal cells. A special device or only professional cosmetics can be used.

Despite the tempting description, the procedures can cause great harm to humans. Peels cause the skin to become inflamed, red, and sometimes take weeks to heal. Aggressive injury weakens the protective functions of the skin and local immunity. The devices are addictive and can cause the opposite effect. Therefore, it is better to use old and proven home techniques. And you can start with advanced intensive courses from Melannette.

Possible causes of problems

The causes of skin problems can be varied. They can even consist of simple lack of hygiene. Some of them involve serious health problems. The main causes of problems:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Bad habits.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If, despite all efforts, you cannot cope with skin problems for a long time, you should definitely consult a specialist and examine your body.

Is it possible to bring your skin to an “ideal” state using homemade masks?

Of course, masks alone will not be enough for perfect skin (by the way, as well as visits to a cosmetologist). But they can be an additional effective tool. Try different recipes and see how your skin reacts.

Moisturizing mask:

  1. 1 tablespoon cream;
  2. 1 yolk;
  3. 1 teaspoon carrot juice.

Mix everything and apply to face. Keep for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil and rinse your face with rosehip decoction.

Mattifying mask:

  1. 1 boiled potato (cook directly in the skins);
  2. 1 tablespoon of grated apple;
  3. 1 tablespoon milk.

Peel the potatoes, puree them and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Revitalizing mask:

  1. 1 teaspoon dry mustard;
  2. 1 teaspoon of cooled boiled water;
  3. 2 teaspoons of any unrefined vegetable oil.

Mix everything and apply for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and then rinse your face with cool water.

Traditional products and skin care

After washing with warm water, smooth epidermis cannot be achieved for a natural beauty effect. Enlarged pores, lack of moisture and other skin defects are eliminated comprehensively.


Three types of masks help in this case:

  1. Nutrition. Try applying “Beauty Derm” (banana), “Vigor” (sea buckthorn and mango), “Nourishing and restorative” (“Green Pharmacy”) on your face.
  2. Hydration. Applying Japanese cosmetics means getting a high percentage of quality. Complete absorption occurs when using Kiso products.
  3. Rejuvenation. If the skin loses its freshness, “F-99” and the hyaluronic acid “LiftAktiv” are used for cleansing and lifting. The products must be applied strictly according to the instructions to avoid skin rashes. In some situations, prescriptions will be needed. The legs after the epilator are also treated with them.

Extracts for rejuvenation

Serum Snail + EGF Perfect Ampoule has intense anti-aging, moisturizing, restoring and smoothing properties, fights against antioxidants. It will be useful for people suffering from acne, acne, rosacea and other skin pathologies. Herbal extract SK-CO2 with a whitening effect and improving facial image.


Bioderma Hydrabio Moisturizing Toning - when using this tonic you don’t have to worry about the area around the eyes Weleda Belebendes Gesichtswasser - improves the structure and texture of the skin, while maintaining hydrolipid balance, prevents the formation of inflammation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on blood circulation.


Lierac lotion Sebologie Keratolytic - this lotion can be used to smooth out facial skin from scars. Small scars also disappear. Clean&Clear - a lotion for deep cleansing sensitive skin, effective in combating post-acne, blackheads, acne, oily shine, and enlarged pores. Removes dead cells.

Thermal waters

These include Vichy Thermal Water Spa Mineralisante - this thermal water should be used to start the cell regeneration process

Narrowing of the vascular network

Medical centers respond more actively to such procedures than professional salons. Using a gel to narrow the vascular network and improve its condition will not work. Skin type is of great importance in this case. Websites and articles of such clinics offer relatively expensive means for narrowing the vascular network:

  1. Photorejuvenation. It became possible to undergo this procedure upon reaching adulthood. A maximum of 7 sessions within a month, and the problem becomes a resolved issue.
  2. RF lifting. Medical websites and articles recommend narrowing the vascular network with radio wave pulses. No more than 10 sessions without pain stimulate the process of internal regeneration, which gives the skin smoothness.
  3. Laser therapy. The process is too painful for sensitive skin, which is why some people did not like this procedure. The breaks between sessions are up to 3 weeks. The scrub cannot be used during this period.

Such facial skin care is necessary if there is a risk of the formation of aesthetically unattractive “stars”. You won’t be able to moisturize them, tidy them up, and dissolve them on your own.


A gentle cream base and the use of new cosmetologist technologies are mandatory in this case. Peeling cannot be stopped without them. If you want to restore smoothness to aging skin with light actions, Adapalex cream (Contact-TM) is suitable. The cream contains natural ingredients with the addition of collagen. For greasy areas, it is suitable to wipe them with “Cleanance Hydra” (France) and “Anti-acne Cream Active” (“Clean Line”, Russia). The cream will be perfectly complemented by Kiso skin serum with vitamin C. It is safe to carry out such care within a few minutes from Japanese manufacturers. Masks of this particular line have earned the trust of customers. Foundation with collagen Collagen Moisture Foundation is especially good at hiding minor wrinkles of aging and unevenness from peeling. After application, the effect is visible, allowing you to restore complexion.

Even a large amount of cosmetics is not able to improve and even out the color of even elastic facial skin at once. All that remains is to contact an experienced cosmetologist. For him, doing such sessions is a feasible task. Anyone who wants to cleanse their face will start by correcting its color. This can be achieved with the help of cosmetics and proper nutrition. However, sometimes you have to act more radically:

  1. Sedatives. Stressful situations dramatically affect the condition of the skin. Decoctions of chamomile, hops and valerian root will help. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Skin photothermolysis. Hands, décolleté, neck and face become beautiful under “hot” or “cold” influence. The body loses its pigmentation defects.

The condition of women's skin improves significantly after the mentioned processes. Anyone can receive them for a certain fee in a trusted clinic.


You don’t have to wait long enough for the effect to actually look great. The smoothness of a woman’s facial skin is visually most noticeable after a procedure in several sessions per week. The massage can be done with an ice cube. Wipe and massage gently the face, eyebrows, forehead, nose. If massage movements are not enough, oil will be used. Among its varieties, it is recommended to pay attention to:

  1. Olive. The oil helps provide a safe massage for oily skin. It is enough to use it and get results after a couple of times of use.
  2. Sunflower. This oil is considered a 100% budget option for skin massage. A liter of this product is enough for a week of such use.
  3. Sesame. The process of washing your hands when using it is not canceled. Massage therapists deny oiliness during this skin treatment, just as when purchasing tea tree oil.

Specialists in massage parlors often use their own oil. It is recommended to be wary if the technician is unwilling to test any products first. What additional things can you do for yourself?

Beauty injections

For the beauty of their skin, women most often do not want to do without them. It is not difficult to find the reason for the hype in the hype of the product. Self-care for unknown reasons is seen as miraculous injections. But don't count on miracles. It makes sense to work daily for your skin when you have:

  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization;
  • injection contour plastic surgery.

Injections improve the condition of the skin. However, such care cannot keep it fresh forever. It does not have a moisturizing effect, and dry skin becomes flabby.

Use of plastic

Facial skin sagging quickly begins when you reach a certain age. Most of all, in the situation of the occurrence of pathology, genetic heredity, health and characteristics of the epidermis affect. Thanks to plastic surgery, the facial contour takes on clear outlines. This is also influenced by the process of introducing “golden threads”. Even dry skin then becomes smooth for a long time. The main problem of any procedure is its considerable cost and the need to re-insert expensive threads under the skin. It will have to be done more often than plastic surgery.

Proper nutrition for facial skin

We are what we eat. Remember this saying before you throw “junk” food inside yourself.

If you want to be healthy and beautiful, give up the following foods:

  1. Sweets - sugar itself, buns, cakes, pastries, white bread, soda and other products with a lot of sugar in their composition. It provokes the appearance of acne and signs of premature aging;
  2. Salty - salt retains moisture in the body, thereby causing edema. Of course, you don’t need to give up salt as such. But it is better to exclude canned food and marinades from the diet;
  3. Fast food and processed foods - Processed meats contain too much sodium, which causes swelling. And fatty and fried foods (and fast food is usually just that) disrupts the functioning of the liver, which provokes premature aging;
  4. Coffee dehydrates the body and dries out the skin. You can, of course, drink it in small quantities, but you shouldn’t abuse it;
  5. Milk is necessary for children, but the adult body does not digest lactose well.

So what should your diet be like to keep your facial skin glowing with health?

  1. Eat a balanced and varied diet;
  2. For almost everyone, the optimal eating schedule is 5-6 meals a day. Don’t forget about breakfast, and dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  3. Each meal should be supplemented with a fruit or vegetable;
  4. Maintain a drinking regime (at least 2 liters of clean water per day);
  5. Eliminate or at least limit your consumption of foods from the previous list.

Tips from cosmetologists

How to make skin elastic

Cosmetologists advise not to get too carried away with tanning in the summer. Frequent exposure to the scorching sun dries the skin, causing the appearance of fine wrinkles and moles. In winter, experts also recommend using protective equipment with a UV filter, because the cold and winter sun can cause just as much damage.

Skin protection from the sun

Advice. The most important vitamins for the skin, A and E, are recommended to be taken orally (they are sold in any pharmacy) and used as part of homemade masks. Not only the skin, but also the hair will thank you for this.

Collagen, which makes facial skin elastic and smooth, is more actively produced in people who regularly exercise. The production process is accelerated by saturating the cells with oxygen. Therefore, going to the gym and daily jogging will be a real salvation for those whose skin loses its elasticity and healthy color.

You won't be able to achieve perfect skin condition in a week. You will have to spend several months on this, performing the necessary procedures every day. Nutrition, walks in the fresh air and exercise play an important role in improving appearance. The correct selection of care and cosmetic products is equally important. With their help, your skin will become truly perfect.

Lifestyle and clear skin

More than half of the success in the fight for beautiful skin depends on lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, and constant stress do not have the best effect on our appearance. If you want to look your best, it's time to change something:

  1. Giving up bad habits
    - remember that you will never be able to see what is happening inside you. But the face quickly shows some problems. Therefore, throw away the last pack of cigarettes and put away the bottles of champagne until the New Year, not even in the name of a beautiful face, but for the sake of good health;
  2. Balance your diet
    - fried, sweet, too salty, smoked and fast food are the main enemies of our beauty. Do you want to be healthy and attractive? Then eat more vegetables and fruits (at least 5 per day), give up dairy and processed foods. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time, and cook at home more often;
  3. More activity
    - no need to torture yourself with grueling workouts. Just replace your evenings watching TV with a walk in the park - that will be enough to get you started;
  4. Contrast washing
    - practice contrast washing at least once a day. Just alternate between cool water and almost hot water. This increases blood circulation and helps you wake up.

Problem skin: pores, oily areas

The following basic properties and indicators are unfavorable for facial skin:

Enlarged pores

They serve as a direct source for the penetration of contaminants into the epidermis. As a result, there is a risk of blackheads, comedones and acne.

Oily facial skin

It has a different character from a strong effect to a combined option. Masking with powder in such a situation will not always help hide the defect.

Sensitive skin reaction

Because of it, there is a process of rejection of many cosmetic procedures. The body rejects certain products with further peeling of the skin and allergic reactions.


In adolescence, when hormonal changes occur, acne appears. The consequence of this is the risk of getting scars from self-squeezed acne and blackheads. The rash, after squeezing, leaves scars and spots, which contributes to the formation of roughness. The situation is worse with adults, where we are not talking about temporary trouble. For problematic facial skin, it is important to organize proper care. Enlarged pores, areas of redness and acne after puberty are a serious request for special emergency measures.

Use acid-based peels regularly

Such products allow you to remove dead cells and fat. As a result, the skin surface becomes smoother and pores become less noticeable.

A good choice is a cleansing peel based on salicylic acid. The 5 Best Ways to Shrink Your Pores, According to Dermatologists / Prevention.

Megan Feeley

Doctor of Medicine, dermatologist. In a comment to the online publication Prevention.

This is a beta-hydroxy acid that effectively interacts with sebum and deeply cleanses pores.

Acid peels and cleansing gels can be bought at any supermarket or pharmacy. But keep in mind that products for home use contain a small amount of acids - usually 2-10%. If your pores are very large, you should try peels with a higher concentration of active ingredients. For these, you should contact a professional dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Apply retinol cream at night

Retinol and other retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A.

Megan Feeley

Doctor of Medicine, dermatologist. In a comment to the online publication Prevention.

Retinoids dissolve sebum and dead skin cells. This way they clean out the pores and make them smaller.

In one study, Anne Bouloc, Andre Luiz Vergnanini, Maria Claudia Issa A double-blind randomized study comparing the association of Retinol and LR2412 with tretinoin 0.025% in photoaged skin / Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, women used a retinol night cream for three months in a row. After completing the experiment, they noted that the pores on their face became less noticeable.

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