Menopausal skin aging. Main aesthetic problems

For many centuries, humanity has been trying to unravel the secret of beauty and youth. More and more new theories are being put forward about the reasons for the aging of our body, but an unambiguous reason for the changes occurring in us cannot be found to this day. Fortunately, in our time, science has advanced greatly, and affordable ways to slow down the aging process have emerged.

People feel the greatest concern about the condition of their skin, because it is the largest organ in our body, and even visible to others. This is especially true for the skin of the face, because, as you know, people are greeted “by the cover.” Each person is individual, which means that the skin aging process is also individual.

There are 5 main types of aging.

Chronological aging

The first type is chronological skin aging - a genetically determined process, as a result of which over time the skin gradually becomes thinner, loses elasticity and firmness. This occurs not only due to a decrease in the proliferative and biosynthetic activity of fibroblasts, but also due to the aging of the entire organism as a whole. That is, skin aging is secondary and is associated with the entire complex of intraorganismal changes, the main of which is a violation of general trophism. All this leads to disruption of fibroblast activity, loss of the ability of skin cells to divide and the ability to renew. The structural integrity of the dermis is disrupted, its qualitative and quantitative composition changes (the amount of intracellular fluid, the shape of the nucleus and mitochondria decreases). Over time, the skin's production of collagen and elastin decreases, the structural composition of collagen changes - it becomes stiffer, its fibers become randomly oriented, which affects the density of the skin. As a result, the face becomes covered with fine wrinkles, the healthy tone and oval shape are lost. Changes appear that are characteristic of your type of skin aging. The speed of these skin changes depends on the individual, genetically programmed characteristics of the skin, as well as on the influence of various factors: sleep and rest patterns, quality of nutrition, mechanical pressure (sleeping face down on a pillow, computer posture “hand on the chin”), chemicals, etc.

What aesthetic problems bother women during this period?

Formation and deepening of static wrinkles

With menopausal aging, pronounced changes occur in the dermis, where there is a decrease in the number of fibroblasts and a decrease in their functional activity, a decrease in the concentration of glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, etc.). Collagen fibers undergo dystrophic changes; they become denser and rougher. A decrease in the elasticity of collagen fibers and their ability to swell is the reason for persistent imprinting of the pillow on the face after sleep. Injection of biotechnologically obtained hyaluronic acid is indicated for all patients with reduced skin turgor. The following drugs for biorevitalization have proven themselves well: Ial-System, Viscoderm, Achyal, Surglift plus, Teosyal MesoExpert. In the spring of 2010, a new injection drug appeared, intended for skin rejuvenation after 40-45 years, Meso-Wharton P 199 (Mezovarton). The mechanism of its action is associated with the activation of the proliferation of the skin’s own stem cells and the restoration of the intercellular matrix. After a course of procedures, the skin texture is noticeably smoothed, the oval of the face is tightened, and the level of hydration increases. Meso-Wharton P 199 is indispensable in the recovery period after laser facial rejuvenation and midline peels in menopausal women. Of the mesotherapy drugs, the drug Dermaheal HSR deserves attention - an anti-aging cocktail with 1% hyaluronic acid containing EGF (epidermal growth factor), IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), b-FGF (beta fibroblast growth factor), TRX (Thioredoxin), copper tripeptide-1, 14 vitamins, 24 amino acids and minerals. The course ranges from 4 to 8 procedures once every 2 weeks. The visible effect occurs 6-7 days after the procedure. After a course of procedures, the quality of the skin improves significantly.

To fill static wrinkles, contour plastic surgery based on stabilized hyaluronic acid is widely used. Commercial names of the drugs: Restylane, Juvederm, Surgiderm (Surzhiderm, Surzhiderm), Teosyal, Belotero. They are safe and have a huge number of positive reviews all over the world.

Facial oval deformation

Gravitational ptosis - pronounced sagging of the skin under the influence of gravity - is formed as a result of involutional changes in the underlying structures (fascia, muscles, ligaments). RF lifting or thermolifting using the Reaction device is the No. 1 procedure in correcting facial oval deformities. The procedure is non-invasive and virtually painless, well tolerated, and no rehabilitation period is required. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the selected parameters, which are selected strictly individually by the doctor during consultation.

Increased skin sensitivity

Patients are often concerned about dryness and tightness of the skin, fine-plate peeling, and increased sensitivity to cold, detergents, and cosmetics. With minor trauma, wounds appear that take a long time to heal. This is due to a decrease in the protective properties of the skin (changes in the lipid barrier of the epidermis and the natural moisturizing factor complex), as well as an increase in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which play an important role in the development of some dermatitis. A consequence of the aging of the skin's immune system is low resistance to infectious agents, especially viruses and fungi. An important element of caring for sensitive skin is corneotherapy - restoration of the full stratum corneum of the skin. For this purpose, drugs from the CoCo dermatological line (Germany) are used. The system of individual formulations allows you to create a large number of compositions not only for complete care of sensitive skin, but also for the correction of age-related skin changes during menopausal aging.


Greasy shine, enlarged pores, inflammatory elements in the T-zone - a typical picture of late-type acne in premenopausal women. Against the background of a gradual decrease in the level of estrogens, which have antiandrogenic activity, relative hyperandrogenism develops and, as a consequence, increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Changes in the composition of sebum and the rate of its production predispose to the development of seborrhea. The tactics for managing patients with acne during menopause are practically no different from traditional therapy. Good results were obtained when using photorejuvenation in the treatment of late acne using the Ellipse Multi Flex device. It is based on the principle of selective absorption of light by chromophores with their subsequent heating and destruction. Chromophores in the treatment of acne are porphyrins of pyogenic bacteria and melanin. When light energy is absorbed, the skin is sanitized, acute and chronic inflammatory processes are stopped, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is eliminated. The course of phototherapy for acne is 3-6 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

The condition of the skin improves significantly when a gynecologist prescribes hormone replacement therapy.

Male-type facial hair growth (above the upper lip, along the oval of the face)

This is also associated with the development of relative hyperandrogenism during premenopause. The vellus hair above the upper lip becomes pigmented. To remove unwanted hair, photoepilation using the Ellipse Multi Flex device is successfully used. The mechanism is based on photothermal damage to the main structural elements of the hair follicle. The interval between procedures is 3-4 weeks, sometimes less. Electrolysis in this anatomical area is not indicated due to the risk of scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in women with phototype III. Bioepilation with wax is also not recommended, as it can provoke increased hair growth.

Male pattern hair loss (formation of bald patches on the forehead and thinning hair in the parietal area)

Most often, patients note the following symptoms in the frontoparietal region: hair thinning, replacement of long hair with shorter ones, loss of pigment and thinning hair. Sometimes the thinning process is diffuse in nature, as a result of which the shaft hair turns into vellus hair, the hair follicle gradually atrophies and the hair eventually falls out. All this is combined with hyperproduction of sebum, which forces women to wash their hair more often.

The most effective method of solving problems of the scalp and hair is the administration of drugs using mesotherapy. The effectiveness of mesotherapy is due not only to the pharmacological effect of the administered drugs, but also to the stimulation of nerve endings. The main course of mesotherapy is 6-12 procedures once a week. An integrated approach allows you not only to stop hair loss, but also to restore lost volume. Along with mesotherapy, drugs are prescribed that normalize hair growth, one of them is Pantovigar. Its patented formula allows you to supply the hair follicle cells with all the necessary nutrients, which ensures a pronounced restoration of the hair structure.


The dilation of the veins due to the thinning of their walls is accompanied by the formation of single telangiectasia in the area of ​​the cheeks and wings of the nose. The method of choice for vascular removal is phototherapy of vascular formations on the face using the Ellipse Multi Flex device. The chromophore in this case is hemoglobin. During the procedure, the vessel coagulates and, depending on the depth and diameter, the vessel disappears immediately or changes color and disappears over time.

Home skin care

Home skin care is an integral part of the therapy for involutional skin changes during menopause. To solve the problem of hormonal aging of the skin, certain substances of plant origin are of particular interest - isoflavones, which exhibit estrogen-like properties. When applied cutaneously, they exhibit estrogen-like activity in relation to the skin, but do not affect the hormonal status of the body as a whole. They also have an antiandrogenic effect by blocking the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is why isoflavones are included in acne treatment products.

Renophase laboratory (France) rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the modern cosmetology world and offers a wide selection of highly concentrated products for home care based on soy and wild yam. The preparations are easy to use, have a light texture, and their composition is as close as possible to professional products. Home care products are selected by a cosmetologist after consultation and skin diagnosis. The minimum set includes makeup remover (gel or milk), day and night cream, and eye cream.

The cosmetic line for home care Dermaheal (South Korea) contains dozens of different types of peptides, cytokines, growth factors, immunomodulators, which make it possible to stop and reverse the processes of biological and physiological aging of the skin. Penetration of active ingredients is carried out thanks to nanoencapsulation technology. When growth factors are introduced into mature skin, wrinkles are reduced due to the activation of the division of its own cells, skin elasticity increases due to the restoration of the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other components of the extracellular matrix, the pH of the skin is normalized, as well as the function of the sebaceous glands.

In the arsenal of modern cosmetology there are methods and technologies that can help women of the “second transitional age” maintain healthy and beautiful skin. The combination of home care and professional procedures allows you to achieve excellent results in a relatively short time.

How to determine if you have the deformational-edematous type

It is not necessary to wait for age-related changes to understand that you have exactly this morphotype. This can be done before the age of 30, just look at your mother and grandmothers. This type is closely related to heredity.

There is another way - look at famous mature actresses and singers in their youth. Find those with whom you have common features in appearance. They indicate that you have the same morphotype of age-related changes. You will age about the same as they do.

If you are overweight or have a predisposition to it, then most likely you have a Slavic type. In this case, you need to constantly monitor your body weight to avoid sagging and drooping tissue.

However, it should be borne in mind that based on all of the above, one can only assume what changes will occur to the face in old age. Of course, in many respects everything depends on genetics, but other factors (care, lifestyle, etc.) cannot be ignored.

What to watch out for

When deciding what to do with the deformation type of facial aging, you need to carefully consider the choice of procedures. They may not only not give the desired result, but also create the opposite effect.

Hyaluronic acid injections

Preparations based on this substance, as well as soft fillers for contouring, attract water as much as possible. They are effective for other morphotypes, as well as for excessive dry skin. With the Slavic type, they provoke swelling. Due to such procedures, jowls, bags, and molar wrinkles may appear prematurely.

Various peelings

They won't cause harm, but they won't do any good either. Even the deepest ones will not be able to affect the subcutaneous fat.


Loss of moisture in many cases has extremely negative consequences if it occurs regularly and provokes chronic dehydration. It is necessary to achieve retention of a certain volume of moisture in the deep and superficial layers of the epidermis. The stages of aging of different types of skin of the face and body, where cosmetology can still stop negative changes, do not differ much.

Some people argue that you can get by with external measures without following the drinking regime. Actually you can't. If the amount of fluid is insufficient, the body will begin to quickly slagging, disturbances will occur in the gastrointestinal tract, which will immediately affect the condition of the skin.

Plastic surgery

With a deformation morphotype of aging, it makes sense to resort to plastic surgery. Deformities of this type are associated with subcutaneous fat. The surgeon will work with it, due to which in just one operation he will help get rid of age-related defects.

Of course, plastic surgery is a radical method. It should be resorted to only when cosmetic procedures do not give the desired result. You must first consult with a specialist, since plastic surgery has many contraindications.

Remember your youth

And of course, positive emotions are very important. Therefore, stop delving into grievances, troubles and difficulties - everyone has them, and you shouldn’t get hung up on them. No matter how old you are, a little youthful carelessness won't hurt. After all, you can’t redo all the things - there’s no point in trying. So periodically try to forget about everyday life and work problems. Decisively break the vicious circle of home - work - home - work and go out into people: go to theaters and museums, walk around the evening city, meet friends in a cafe, go on dates in the end. Just be careful with alcohol - otherwise all the work on yourself will go down the drain. By the way, it is better to replace coffee with green tea - this drink will give you no less energy, and in addition, it will perfectly help remove toxins and eliminate swelling. And of course, a decisive battle against nicotine!

A few more words about decorative cosmetics. Indeed, a thick layer of foundation will not save the matter. But you will definitely need something else. To look fresher and younger, use a skin corrector cream (will hide visible imperfections), loose mineral powder rather than compact powder (even out skin texture), and highlighter (will give your face a radiant tint). Voila!

Let's sum it up

If you have a deformational type of facial aging, there are many preventive measures and elimination of signs of aging. You should not immediately resort to radical methods of struggle. First, bring your weight back to normal and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If there are no obvious signs of aging yet, home care with cosmeceuticals will be quite sufficient. It is recommended to resort to cosmetic procedures at an older age, when creams and masks no longer cope with their task. Plastic surgery should be the final stage in the fight for youth. It is turned to when other methods become ineffective.

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