How to fight cellulite with hardware massage

Is it worth contrasting manual anti-cellulite massage with hardware anti-cellulite massage? What should be an effective anti-cellulite massage?

Our experts are Andrey Syrchenko, professional massage therapist, head of the International SPA School and CITYSPA, and Natalya Kazarina, medical massage therapist.

Cellulite is commonly called unaesthetic “lumps” and “hollows”, which are the result of mechanical deformation of the skin due to hypertrophy of superficial fat cells and swelling of fat lobules. This problem is often typical even for thin women when there is poor circulation in adipose tissue and fluid retention in it. Cellulite, depending on the degree of manifestation, is divided into four stages. With III and IV degrees of cellulite, swelling, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) develop in the tissues, and connective tissue septa grow and thicken. This leads to the appearance of painful fibrous compactions, which are already a sign of adipose tissue disease.

The objectives of anti-cellulite massage are to stimulate blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, remove fluid from the body, improve metabolic processes and destroy fibrous formations. If during a manual massage a specialist achieves the desired effect with his hands, then during a vacuum massage a handpiece with a vacuum and rollers is used. Moving along the body, the manipulator sucks in the skin with subcutaneous tissue, rolls it between the rollers, freeing the tissue from excess fluid and kneading cellulite “tubercles”. Both with manual anti-cellulite massage and with hardware anti-cellulite massage, the effect is carried out along the course of the lymphatic vessels.

Manual anti-cellulite massage

Advantages of manual anti-cellulite massage

According to Andrey Syrchenko, anti-cellulite manual massage should include at least three phases: drainage, working out striated muscles and subcutaneous fat. The transition from one stage to another depends on the readiness of the tissue for the next exposure. You cannot work with subcutaneous fat on unheated striated muscles - this can lead to rupture of capillaries. Unlike a device, a specialist performing manual anti-cellulite massage can accurately determine this moment. After all, even one person has different vascular plasticity at different points in life: the same stress makes the vessels more fragile. That is why manual anti-cellulite massage today is a fairly popular procedure for restoring the beauty and health of the skin.

Manual anti-cellulite massage is more accurate and effective in some cases.

When choosing a treatment method, first of all you pay attention to the degree of manifestation of cellulite, its severity. In stages III-IV, when fibrous formations develop, in my opinion, anti-cellulite hand massage has a greater effect. The hands feel better when to press, when to rub, for how long and with what intensity to influence the problem area. Of the movements inherent in massage (anti-cellulite hand massage is carried out by stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, etc.), anti-cellulite hand massage is more characterized by kneading, but they are also different. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it, act gently and gradually. The strength of the manual anti-cellulite massage should increase from procedure to procedure

Only manual massage is characterized by so-called grasping kneading. In this case, the muscle head rises from the inert bed and moves left and right. Single, double ring kneading and so on are built on this principle. It is almost impossible to lift and work a muscle and achieve such a volume of impact with the help of a device. And in massage this phase is fundamental. Muscle is supplied with blood many times better than subcutaneous fat, and it is very important to use this potential. Anti-cellulite hand massage allows you to create a kind of oxygen storm in the tissues, increase the flow of arterial blood, and only then work with subcutaneous fat. Figuratively speaking, adipose tissue on unheated muscle is like foil on frozen butter. If you remove the foil from unsoftened butter, you can easily tear it (in our case, damage the vessels)

Manual massage can improve the condition of the skin through the use of essential oils, creams, algae-based complexes, etc. (Although, of course, proper nutrition, the functioning of the detoxification system, etc. come first). Hardware massage is done “dry”. But here it is very important that the consumables are of proper quality. Manual anti-cellulite massage thus restores not only health and beauty, but also skin elasticity.

Disadvantages of manual anti-cellulite massage

The downside of the individual approach is the so-called human factor. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure directly depend on the skill and efforts of the massage therapist. In practice, massage therapists get tired, are inattentive, the best ones sometimes suffer from star fever, etc. While vacuum anti-cellulite massage is performed using special devices that can be programmed as needed.

Manual massage is often quite traumatic.

There is still an opinion that manual anti-cellulite massage should be very hard, to the point of bruising. Moreover, this myth is actively supported by the clients themselves, who often have not even tried vacuum anti-cellulite massage in specialized clinics. In fact, this is not true. There are two aspects to anti-cellulite massage. The first is that by improving the blood supply to tissues, metabolic processes are enhanced, which in turn leads to an anti-cellulite effect. Secondly, we patiently and consistently act mechanically on adipose tissue, sorting it out like cereal with our hands. With mechanical influence (the so-called vacuum anti-cellulite massage or hardware anti-cellulite massage), a lot of “blunders” are allowed. A rough mechanical approach leads to tissue injury, swelling, and hematomas. In any case, fibrosis does not tolerate rough work: be it a machine or hands

When is anti-cellulite massage indicated?

  • the appearance of an orange peel effect;
  • prevention of cellulite formation in problem areas;
  • the presence of excess adipose tissue;
  • colon diseases;
  • pain in the lumbar region, back and neck;
  • violation of cell metabolism;
  • circulatory disorders.

In what cases can anti-cellulite massage not be performed?

Despite the unconditional benefits of this massage, unfortunately, not everyone can do it. There are a number of serious contraindications for which such treatment is not recommended. They can be roughly divided into three categories:

General contraindications to anti-cellulite therapy through massage:

  • malignant formations;
  • venereal diseases;
  • aneurysm of blood vessels and aorta;
  • infections caused by the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • acute mental disorders that are accompanied by excessive excitement;
  • diseases of the circulatory system and a predisposition to bleeding;
  • trophic ulcers, gangrene;
  • severe form of tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis in acute and chronic form;
  • Buerger's disease, atherosclerosis of cerebral and peripheral vessels;
  • circulatory failure and heart failure.
SpecializationUniversal masseur
    Soviet Pedagogical School.
  • Capital.
Special Skills
  • Anti-cellulite
  • canned
  • French
  • honey
  • Brazilian massages
  • madeiratherapy
  • buccal facial massage
  • original body modeling programs
  • manual lipoplasty
  • face and body treatments

  • Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 6, bldg. 3, metro station Verkhniye Likhobory
  • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya
Work experienceMore than 25 years


  • SpecializationNursing. Massotherapy.
    • First Kiev Medical School.
    • Kyiv College named after. P.I. Gavrosya, Faculty of Advanced Studies.

    Special Skills
    • Medicinal
    • lymphatic drainage
    • anti-cellulite
    • honey massages
    • hydromassage
    • all types of SPA massage
    • underwater shower massage
    • treatment of spinal osteochondrosis
    • st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya
    Work experienceOver 18 years


    Recommended Doctors

    • Elizaveta Vladimirovna Egorova


      Anti-cellulite, cupping, French, honey, Brazilian massages, Madeiratherapy, buccal facial massage, original body modeling programs, lipoplasty.

  • Kirill Yuryevich Maslennikov

  • Hardware anti-cellulite massage

    Advantages of hardware anti-cellulite massage

    A clearly defined regime, with the help of which a hardware anti-cellulite massage is performed, protects us from the freethinking of the master. Modern devices have several modes; the vacuum strength and the impact of the rollers are selected depending on the condition of the tissues

    Hardware vacuum massage is the procedure of choice for the initial stages of cellulite, which are largely associated with the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous fat. Vacuum anti-cellulite massage gives a very fast and good drainage effect without damaging the tissue. The result that an effective anti-cellulite massage gives is perhaps enhanced by the fact that, under the influence of vacuum and rollers, the connective tissue partitions are stretched, as a result of which the fat lobules begin to be located under the skin more evenly. With more pronounced fibrous formations, on the contrary, before the 5th-6th procedure, deterioration occurs: the fluid leaves, and the “potholes” become more pronounced. “Breaking” fibrosis and tightening the skin is achieved through subsequent procedures. The number of sessions that will consist of a vacuum anti-cellulite massage depends on the degree of manifestation of cellulite. If you work with fibrosis without removing the swelling, the impact will be very painful. This applies to both hardware and manual massage.

    It has been proven that endermology, a French technique that underlies vacuum roller massage, helps improve both microcirculation and the overall functioning of blood vessels. In Russia, this was confirmed by studies carried out in the vascular department of the First City Hospital. But here you must keep in mind that low vacuum pressure is beneficial for vessels. That is, the use of parameters aimed at lymphatic drainage, and not at kneading tissue.

    Hardware vacuum massage has a peeling effect: it gently exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis. After which caring cosmetics can be applied to the skin. Thus, an effective anti-cellulite massage allows for a comprehensive restoration of skin elasticity.

    Disadvantages of hardware anti-cellulite massage

    With hardware vacuum massage, the feedback is insufficient. Although the power of the device’s impact is adjustable, it is quite difficult to produce a finer gradation of the impact depending on the condition of the tissue on the device.

    Another drawback that characterizes hardware anti-cellulite massage is the small number of techniques. During manual massage, a specialist can use different techniques and combine techniques depending on the condition of the body or the wishes of the client. Often it is the variety of techniques that gives the desired effect.

    Intense vacuum massage, aimed not at lymphatic drainage, but at intensive kneading of subcutaneous fatty tissue, is contraindicated in poor vascular condition (hardware anti-cellulite massage is excluded in case of varicose veins, severe rosacea, etc.), as it can lead to even greater injury.

    How to prepare for a session

    To achieve maximum healing effect and feel comfortable, it is recommended to follow several rules.


    • take care of hygiene;
    • do not wear jewelry that may interfere with the specialist’s manipulations;
    • give up perfume;
    • eat no later than 1 hour before the procedure;
    • Avoid epilation of legs and other areas on the eve of the procedure - massage oil can get into micro-wounds and provoke inflammation;
    • if exposure is expected in the abdominal area, you need to eat no later than 3 hours before the procedure.

    During the session, you need to relax as much as possible so that the massage therapist can work on the skin and muscles without encountering muscle resistance. After completing the procedure, you should lie quietly for several minutes.

    How does massage help?

    This procedure is considered one of the most beneficial for health. It helps to improve well-being and get rid of many pathologies, including cellulite. At its core, massage is a mechanical effect on tissue, as a result of which metabolic processes are activated at the level of blood flow and lymph. As a result, swelling and congestion disappear, and fat cells are destroyed. Thus, manipulation helps not only to restore the smoothness of the skin, but also to lose weight.

    To achieve good results from a massage, you must follow some rules. Firstly , it needs to be done systematically, since one-time sessions will not bring noticeable benefits. Secondly , to enhance the detoxification effect, it is important to drink enough liquid during the course. It should be pure water or herbal teas. And thirdly , the skin will smooth out much faster if regular physical activity appears in your life.

    What is cellulite and why fight it?

    Cellulite is an uneven accumulation of fat cells in the subcutaneous tissues, causing characteristic bumps to form on the surface of the body. Often this problem plagues women with normal or overweight, however, “orange peel” is also a common phenomenon among thin girls. Age does not matter at all. And by the way, contrary to popular belief, the problem can even affect men.

    Cellulite usually appears in the thighs and buttocks area. Somewhat less often, it can be “found” on the stomach or arms. The immediate causes of its appearance include:

    • circulatory disorders;
    • problems with the lymphatic system;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • hormonal fluctuations.

    There are four stages of cellulite : from a barely noticeable thickening of subcutaneous fat to pronounced lumps that cause pain even with slight squeezing. Thus, cellulite is not only a cosmetic defect, but also causes physical discomfort. That is why you should not put up with such a pathology, especially since there are a large number of treatment options, one of which is anti-cellulite massage.

    Impact on the body

    In essence, massage is a wellness session that helps eliminate various cosmetic defects. It is carried out manually or using special devices. This does not change the principle of the effect on the human body and skin. During the procedure:

    • metabolic functions improve;
    • cell regeneration is stimulated;
    • lymph flow accelerates;
    • tissues are saturated with oxygen, and blood begins to circulate properly.

    These properties help eliminate congestion in the body and free cells from excess fat deposits, salt and fluid from the subcutaneous layer. Types of equipment are selected by medical doctors individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the cosmetic defect, which helps to correct the body in a short time without any harm to health.

    Who invented the LPG machine

    The author of the technique, Louis Paul Gitey, during the recovery period after a car accident, underwent a course of painful massage sessions. Being an engineer, he realized that it was not necessary to torture the patient to get the same effect. As a result, the first LPG device appeared, the name of which is represented by the first letters of its developer. The second common name for the technology is endermology.

    Since the advent of the first apparatus, research into the methodology and its improvement have not stopped. The latest development is the LPG integral device. The new technology is called Ergodrive. The manipule captures a large area of ​​the surface being treated and acts more deeply. As a result, a more sustainable and tangible result is achieved.

    LPG massage may have other names:

    • endermolifting;
    • lipomassage;
    • cosmechanics;
    • endermological massage;


    • Efficiency and accuracy of impact.
    • Possibility to combine massage techniques.
    • The use of means that enhance the positive effect.

    When performing manual anti-cellulite massage, the professionalism of the master plays an important role. At GMTClinic, the procedure is performed by massage therapists with higher medical education who have fundamental knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the human body.

    The hardware technique helps to achieve good results in the treatment of “orange peel” skin. The procedure improves blood circulation, breaks down fatty knots, and models the body. One of the most effective treatment methods is anti-cellulite LPG massage. At GMTClinic (Moscow) it is carried out using certified equipment of the latest generation LPG CELLU M6 INTEGRAL.

    The I-Lipo and VIP-Line body shaping systems also help get rid of fat deposits and cellulite.

    For maximum effect, it is recommended to combine manual and hardware massage techniques in combination with mesotherapy with lipolytics - fat-burning drugs.

    An anti-cellulite massage course at GMTClinic (Moscow) consists of 10-12 procedures, 2-3 times a week. For maximum effect, it is necessary to take several courses, but improvements are observed after the first 10 sessions.

    To speed up the weight loss process, experts recommend supplementing anti-cellulite massage with lipolytic injections, which will help quickly remove local fat deposits.


    • Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • Disorders and diseases of the nervous system;
    • Diseases of the respiratory system;
    • Gastrointestinal diseases outside the period of exacerbations;
    • Skin diseases;
    • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • Eye diseases;
    • Metabolic disease.

    Lymphatic drainage massage of arms, chest, abdomen, legs

    Indications for performing lymphatic drainage massage of the hands are any operations on the mammary gland, in the armpit area. Inviting the patient to stretch his arm in front of him, the massage therapist slowly strokes it with his fingers from the wrist to the elbow joint. Circular strokes with the palm are performed on the shoulder - from the elbow to the armpits. After completing at least ten circles, move on to massaging the other hand. The final stage is rubbing the brushes. Stroking is carried out from the fingertips to the wrists. To disperse lymph in the palm, use the thumb.

    Lymphatic drainage of the abdomen is performed in a circle. At the initial stage, the massage therapist, with careful movements allowing slight vibration, presses the muscles in the area of ​​​​the projection of the liver and gall bladder. After this, light pressure is applied to the location of the pancreas. It can provoke rumbling in the patient coming from the abdominal cavity. The next stage of abdominal massage is the impact on the left and right iliac region. It is aimed at improving the condition of the large intestine. Lymphatic drainage of the stomach and spleen is carried out by intermittent light vibration.

    Lymphatic drainage of the legs is performed after surging. Blood flow is improved with stroking, kneading and squeezing movements. Strokes can be spiral, zigzag and straight. They are performed in the direction from bottom to top, from the knee to the hip joint, along the inner and outer surface of the thigh. 6-7 movements of each type are enough.

    To perform push-ups, use the inner edge of the palm and ridges, which are obtained by clenching your fingers into a fist. With energetic, painless movements directed from the knees to the groin area and to the hip joints, the massage therapist rubs the thighs. Repeat both types of push-ups at least six times. At the kneading stage, specialists at the Yusupov Hospital use many massage techniques. Kneading can be circular, transverse and longitudinal. At this stage of lymphatic drainage massage, the felting technique is used. The massage therapist performs movements from bottom to top. Massaging the legs is carried out exclusively from the back side, stroking from the ankle joints to the popliteal fossae. To perform vigorous push-ups, she uses the grasping technique. When kneading, it does not cause intense stretching of the skin. Lymphatic drainage massage of the back can relieve the patient of stress and muscle pain.

    In what cases can the procedure cause harm?

    Harm from massage is possible in the following cases:

    • — performing massage if there are contraindications;
    • — exceeding the recommended duration of the procedure (more than 1 hour);
    • — visiting a massage room during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • — performing a massage in the presence of fever (flu, ARVI);
    • - contacting specialists while intoxicated.

    Be attentive to your feelings - if slight fatigue occurs after a massage, then visit a specialist no more than every other day so that the body recovers. Before a massage session, it is also recommended to measure blood pressure for those who suffer from hypotension or hypertension, so that the massage therapist can select a tonic or relaxing technique.

    Allergy sufferers need to be careful

    Domestic scientists N. S. Zvonitsky and D. E. Alpern proved an increase in histamine in the blood after a massage session. Individuals with severe allergies may feel harm because the condition is treated with antihistamines.

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