Treatment of thermal skin burns of different degrees: main points

A large number of people have encountered such an injury as a skin burn. Typically, such injuries to the epidermis occur when preparing food as a result of direct contact with a hot surface, liquid vapor, or during ironing. Often such injuries are accompanied by blisters.

The stage of the injury depends on how long the body surface was in contact with the provoking factor. If this provoked the appearance of a bubble, then we can conclude that the injury is serious. Treatment is sometimes necessary to eliminate the consequences.

The causes of blisters vary. They are present in the second degree of damage. Inside it is a fluid consisting of lymph and intercellular fluid. Such consequences that occur after burns interfere with the life process and spoil the appearance.

Providing first aid for different types of burns

Burns are the most common injuries at home and at work.
Depending on the type of damaging agent, its volume, time of exposure and area of ​​damage, burns can be of varying severity. The article will tell you about first aid methods for various types of burns and what absolutely should not be done in case of such an injury. Types of burns:

  • thermal - are the result of careless handling of fire, hot water and steam;
  • chemical - can be caused by caustic alkalis, strong acid solutions and concentrated substances harmful to human health (chemical burn of the esophagus with vinegar belongs to this type);
  • radiation – consequences of exposure to ultraviolet, ionizing and infrared radiation;
  • electrical – tissue damage through exposure to electrical discharges on the body.

There is a certain classification of burns depending on the depth of tissue damage. According to it, the first two degrees (erythema stage and blistering stage) are considered mild, and the next two (skin necrosis stage and underlying tissue necrosis stage) are severe and refer to deep burns. Scars after a severe burn site has healed usually remain for life.

Burn Blister: Further Recommendations

Next, you should carefully press on the skin of the bladder and release all the serous cerebrospinal fluid. After this, you need to again treat the problem area with an antiseptic and prepare gauze bandages for everyday wear.

Important: Solcoseryl is the best remedy for burns

To apply the bandage correctly, you will need a disinfectant and ointment. The use of various creams and alternative medicine in this case should be excluded. If, instead of an ointment, some liquid preparation is used, then it is necessary to completely saturate the entire bandage, which is then applied to the affected area.

The ointment is applied directly to the area of ​​the former bladder. This procedure is repeated three times a day. On top of that, it is important to ensure that the area of ​​the former blister does not get wet and that nothing gets there.

After the procedure, a sterile gauze bandage must be applied to the affected area.

Providing first aid

Eliminating the source of damage is the first priority when providing assistance. If clothing is on fire, you must remove it as quickly as possible or throw a blanket or blanket over the victim. This will cut off the access of oxygen to the fire. The second stage is to free the damaged areas from clothing. This should be done easily, without effort.

Cooling the affected area. Relevant for mild burns. When providing first aid for a deep burn with hot steam, this should not be done.

Closure (isolation) of the burn surface. This can be done using a gauze bandage, which is applied as easily as possible to avoid irritation of the wound and increased pain.

Pain relief is carried out with tablets and injections.

Hospitalization. The victim must be taken to a medical facility as quickly as possible. Especially when it comes to a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye due to welding.

What you should absolutely not do:

  • treat the surface of the burn with improvised means;
  • treat the wound without anesthesia and sterile dressings;
  • do not puncture blisters from burns;
  • use a tourniquet;
  • remove stuck clothes.

On our website you will find more specific recommendations for first aid, including what adults should do if a child is burned by boiling water.

Duration of healing of blisters

Often the blisters go away on their own within 10-14 days. But for such healing to occur, it is necessary to treat the problem area with prescribed specialized medications and avoid re-traumatization of the burn site. Sometimes the blisters disappear after a week, but this is only possible with a minor burn and with almost complete absence of damage in the lower layers of the epidermis.

In circumstances where the skin has deep damage, the blister can last for about a month, that is, as long as the therapy lasts. In addition, the healing of blisters may take longer in people with particularly sensitive skin, as well as in young children. But as a rule, in this case we are talking only about a few extra days.

A burn blister on the hand causes discomfort and interferes with work

Features of providing assistance to children

Unfortunately, burns in children occur frequently. When helping parents, there are some things to keep in mind:

  • when cooling the affected surface, the baby should be well wrapped, avoiding general hypothermia;
  • a sterile dressing must be applied as lightly as possible to avoid increased pain;
  • you can use Panthenol spray, which helps against sunburn and household burns;
  • under no circumstances should you puncture the resulting bubble;
  • The baby should be given soothing drops and antihistamines.

After providing first aid, you should call an ambulance. Many parents are interested in the question: “is it possible to smear Levomekol on a burn?” Doctors recommend using the ointment twice a day for two weeks.

How to puncture a burn blister?

If the situation develops in such a way that it is not possible to avoid puncturing the blister, then it is important that the procedure is carried out in compliance with all precautions. To begin with, the area affected by the burn, as well as the skin around it, must be treated with an antiseptic (but not with alcohol-containing products).

It is also necessary to disinfect the needle with which you plan to make a puncture (it should be as thin as possible).

Before making a puncture, the skin must be thoroughly disinfected

Then you need to prepare several sterile bandages: one for the puncture procedure, and the second for subsequent dressing. The puncture of the bladder should be carried out at its base, applying a sterile bandage to this place (but not cotton wool, in order to avoid villi getting into the wound).

Chemical burns to the eyes: treatment

First aid consists of flushing the eyes with plenty of running water for 10 minutes and applying a gauze bandage. To avoid complications, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. The effects depend on the type of substance, its concentration, volume and aggressiveness.

Important: proper and timely qualified care for burns will help the patient restore the affected skin as quickly and painlessly as possible. Contact the medical center. Experts will help in any situation and tell you what to do if red spots similar to hogweed burns occur. You can sign up for a consultation on the website and by calling the above phone numbers.

Related services: Consultation with a dermatologist Emergency call

When is it advisable to get a puncture?

It has been emphasized more than once that it is appropriate to puncture blisters only in extraordinary cases. Doctors often do not advise touching the burn area, but it makes sense to eliminate the bubble when it is localized in places subject to pressure or often comes into contact with other objects (shoes, clothing).

Therefore, it is possible to lance and remove fluid from a blister on the feet and hands, as this really makes life difficult for the victim. However, it is unacceptable to pierce a burn blister on your own and it is best to pierce it in a hospital setting or at a clinic doctor. Contacting a specialist will help minimize the likelihood of complications.

Contact a specialist

Thanks to the thin film that peels off from damaged skin, damage to the affected skin is prevented and it is protected from infection.

The main method of treatment after a burn, which will help cope with post-burn blisters and reduce the possibility of inflammation, is cleansing the surface of the skin from pus and dead tissue. To drain the blister, and also to injure the already inflamed area less, you need to seek help from a professional, i.e. in hospital. Most often, this requires opening the infection bladder, and only a doctor can do this correctly and safely.

The use of antiseptics helps eliminate the infection. The hospital will apply a hygroscopic and antiseptic dressing, which will help not injure the drying wound. The healing time of the burn will last 2-2.5 weeks.

Piercing procedure

If there is a need for a puncture, then this must be done very carefully. Here you need to adhere to all safety rules and some recommendations from experts. The blister is punctured in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to treat the damaged surface with a disinfectant. This could be hydrogen peroxide or a special antibacterial gel. It is also worth treating your hands with alcohol, which will reduce the risk of infection in the wound during the puncture process.
  2. After this, you can begin to sterilize the working instrument. An ordinary needle is used as it. It must be thoroughly sterilized. To do this, the needle is dipped in hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. The main thing is to make sure that there is no rust or other contaminants on it.
  3. When the sterilization of the instrument and bladder is completed, you can proceed directly to piercing it. This must be done very carefully. After the puncture is completed, the liquid must be carefully drained from the blister.
  4. After this, an antibacterial wound is applied to the wound.

As you can see, you can puncture the bladder after a burn with your own hands. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the sequence of steps and recommendations of specialists.

Causes of bubbles

The appearance of blisters indicates the presence of at least 2 degrees of burn severity. After redness and swelling, a bubble appears at the site of the lesion, filled with transparent contents. This is lymph - a tissue fluid, it should form a new layer of skin replacing the injured area.

If therapy is carried out correctly, the swelling soon begins to subside. The liquid gradually disappears, and the damaged top layer, which acted as a “dome,” dries out and then falls off completely. The pink spot of newly formed skin eventually acquires its normal color. When piercing a wound, you need to know that some consequences of these actions cannot be avoided.

When to call an ambulance

  • the burn occurred in a child under 5 years of age;
  • the face, groin area, hands, feet are affected;
  • in case of electrical injury;
  • the affected area is more than five palms of the child, in children one year old and younger - one palm;
  • the child has chills, fever, and loss of sensitivity at the site of the lesion;
  • if damage to the respiratory tract or eyes is suspected.

The sooner the victim is in the hands of doctors, the more effective the assistance provided to him will be and the higher the likelihood of a favorable prognosis.

Burn Blister: Other Tips

Before applying these products, you should thoroughly wash and treat your hands with antiseptic. Ointments are applied three times a day, at approximately equal intervals. In circumstances where particles of tissue or traces of dirt were noticed in the wound, it should be washed with chlorhexidine before applying the ointment. Of course, whether it is possible to pierce a burn bladder or not, everyone decides for themselves.

But if a person decides to do this, then he must first take care of purchasing antibacterial agents, healing ointments and sterile materials for dressing. However, if negative consequences are noted after the puncture, then you should not delay a visit to the surgeon, so as not to give a chance to develop suppuration or, even worse, tissue necrosis.

What could be the consequences?

About 150 species of various microorganisms live on healthy human skin, some quickly turn from harmless to pathogenic. When opening a bladder on your own, there is a high risk of infection, penetration of infection into the wound - microbes living in the skin, sweat or sebaceous glands. By piercing the skin, the victim opens an easy path to their goal.

An inflamed burn will delay healing for months. Blisters that are not punctured, on the contrary, disappear in 1-2 weeks. In addition to redness, the infection causes severe pain, and the body’s possible reaction to it is inflammation of the lymph nodes. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor, since the next likely development of events may be a deadly disease - blood poisoning (sepsis). Its first symptoms are high fever, vomiting, and severe dizziness.

Opened blisters containing microorganisms threaten the victim with cosmetic defects. After recovery, marks often remain on the skin - scars or cicatrices. Such imperfections can only be removed surgically. Therefore, before embarking on such risky actions, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. It is still unsafe to pierce the skin in any case, especially for a non-specialist at home.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are not as effective as pharmaceutical ones, but they can be used for minor superficial burns. Moisturizing ointments for the care of damaged skin can be made independently, using Vaseline or propolis as a base.

carrot dressing

You need to take 1 small fresh carrot and grate it. The crushed plant should be placed on a clean cloth or gauze. The finished bandage should be applied to the burned area and held for 40-45 minutes.

Before applying the compress, the carrots need to be chopped

Cabbage leaves can also be used as a natural dressing. They help relieve swelling and eliminate redness.

Aloe for thermal burns

You will need a fresh aloe leaf. It must be washed thoroughly so that no dust remains on the plant. After this, the entire top skin of the aloe must be cut off and attached to the damaged area with a bandage or gauze.

The top part of the aloe skin needs to be cut off

Aloe has a soothing and antiseptic effect. The plant helps when the blister is already swollen. A kind of aloe dressing should be applied to the burn 2 times a day.

Calendula ointment

You will need: half a glass of water, 3 tablespoons of calendula, Vaseline. First you need to prepare a decoction, for this you need to pour boiling water over the calendula and put it on low heat. After 5 minutes, turn off the burner and let the broth brew for an hour. Subsequently, the mixture must be filtered and Vaseline added to it in a ratio of 1:2.

Calendula ointment is good for getting rid of blisters

The product should be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. The ointment works well for blisters. It should be applied 2-3 times a day to the burned area.

Propolis and beeswax

Propolis has a healing and antiseptic effect. The product is contraindicated for use by people prone to allergic reactions.

Read also: Why dark spots appear on the skin - how to remove them?

You will need:

  • olive oil 100 ml;
  • propolis 30 gr;
  • beeswax 50 gr.

Propolis and wax need to be melted in a steam bath

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and melt using a water bath. The mixture must be brought to a homogeneous consistency. The ointment should be stored in refrigerators and should be warmed before use. If necessary, apply the product to the affected area in a thick layer 2 times a day.

Linden infusion

You need to take 1.5 tablespoons of linden and pour 300 ml of boiled hot water. The mixture must be allowed to brew for 3 hours. After this, the infusion must be strained. Soak gauze in this mixture and then apply it as a compress to the burned area. After half an hour, the bandage can be removed. Linden infusion relieves redness and protects the injured area of ​​skin from infection.

Linden infusion relieves redness from the burned area

Herbal bath

To make a bath, it is best to take a ready-made herbal mixture (200 g). You can make it yourself, but to do this you need to first dry and grind chamomile, valerian root, St. John's wort, celandine, string and sage. All these herbs together give a healing and soothing effect, thanks to which the burn stops hurting.

To prepare the bath you need to use dried crushed herbs

200 grams of herbal mixture should be placed in a bowl of warm water. The container should contain 3.5-5 liters of liquid. The mixture must be allowed to cool and brew for 2 hours. As a result, the bath should be cool. The affected area should be dipped into it for 15-20 minutes.

Plantain for blisters

To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of crushed plantain leaves (dried or fresh). They need to be filled with a glass of hot boiled water and left for 10-12 minutes. After this, the infusion can be used to wet gauze and subsequently make a bandage. The product should be used once a day until the blisters disappear completely.

All traditional methods of treatment are strongly recommended to be combined with medications.

Plantain decoction will help burns heal

How to provide first aid correctly?

If you receive a burn, you should immediately try to cool the area of ​​damage as much as possible. For these purposes, you need to keep the painful area under the pressure of cold water for 10-20 minutes, but try not to overcool the skin. Ice packs or just ice wrapped in a clean cloth are also suitable as cooling agents.

The burn site is washed with soap and water, a solution of manganese (low concentration) or furatsilin.

Let us determine the most important areas of assistance for a burn:

  1. Cooling the affected area.
  2. Treatment of the wound with a bacterial agent (chlorhexidine).
  3. Applying an anti-burn agent to the blister and bandaging it.
  4. Taking measures to prevent or eliminate burn shock in humans.
  5. In the event of a complex incident, it is mandatory to go to a medical facility.

Important! There is no need to try to pierce, cut or rip blisters that have formed at the site of the injury - this is dangerous due to the development of infection or inflammation.

Alternative medicine

Traditional healers do not always provide methods that are safe for treatment, so before starting your recovery, consult your doctor.

Popular recipes:

  • compresses with mashed potatoes (it is not advisable to add onions);
  • aloe and Kalanchoe juice as antibacterial agents;
  • special clay (sold in any pharmacy), used in the form of applications.
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