7 easy and affordable ways to whiten your face at home

04/23/201803/2/2020 Julia Norman

In the East, white skin is considered a divine gift, and its owner is considered a beauty. In the old days, Chinese princesses drank crushed pearls dissolved in water and ate lily roots, and Cleopatra bathed in milk. It is not surprising that the question of how to whiten your face worried many girls.

Fair skin was given more importance than the grace of facial features. Dark-skinned women usually worked in the fields or spent a long time in the open air, which is why they tanned until they were black. This meant family poverty and lack of prospects.

In Russia and Europe, a light tan is encouraged. The main fight is with age spots and freckles. No matter how hard cosmetologists try to convince you that perky red dots on the face are charming, girls are unshakable in their decision to reduce them. The war for smooth, fair skin does not stop either at home or in beauty salons.

Causes of bad complexion

The skin of the inhabitants of central and northern Europe is naturally white and easily burns in the sun. As soon as you lie on the beach a little longer or forget to apply protective cream against UV rays, it turns red and after a couple of days begins to peel off. As a result, the tan does not apply evenly. Finding yourself in such situations from year to year can provoke the appearance of age spots, especially unwanted ones on the face.

Red-haired girls with thin, light skin develop freckles when exposed to sunlight, even in winter. It is important for them to use a protective lotion or cream on a clear winter day in the city and at ski resorts. If freckles still bother you and spoil your mood, a whitening mask will be a wonderful solution.

Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of pigmentation in young women. If this is the problem, then cosmetics will help little. A visit to the doctor and prescribed treatment will restore health to the body, after which the skin color will quickly restore.

Review of whitening cosmetics

The table below presents a rating of popular cosmetics for skin lightening, as well as a description of its action.

NameComposition and application
Styx Naturcosmetic Alpin Derm Night CreamAlmost completely natural product. Consists of goat milk proteins, wheat extract and base oils. Contains coenzyme Q10. Helps even out colors and smooth out wrinkles.
Tony Moly Panda's Dream White Sleeping PackNight whitening mask from Tony Moly is the most famous Korean cosmetics for lightening. The active ingredients are vitamins and herbal extracts.
Himalaya Tan Removal Orange Peel-Off MaskThis mask is designed specifically to control melanin synthesis and reduce tanning. Consists of natural honey and orange peel extract.
Day face cream against freckles and age spots from VitexContains a proprietary active “smart” lightening formula. Suitable for any type of epidermis, characterized by a quick effect. Supplemented with wheat germ oil.
Lightening emulsion against age spots with SPF 20 Babe LaboratoriosAn organic combination of passion fruit concentrate, fruit and lactic acids and some other ingredients. The effect is noticeable the very next day after use.

Don't forget to apply sun protection before going outside. If the cream has SPF or more, then this is not necessary. In addition, combine special care products, additionally apply emulsions, serums and fluids to the epidermis.

How to whiten your face: basic products

There are a lot of publicly available products that can not only bring your skin into ideal condition, but also lighten it. The effect of the mask will not occur instantly. The procedure will have to be repeated over a month or two to achieve lasting results.

However, when wondering how to whiten your face at home, many people choose masks.

Hydrogen peroxide

The oxygen contained in peroxide, when in contact with the skin, causes an oxidation process in it, which allows you to get rid of toxins and harmful substances. The solution should contain no more than 3% of active ingredients so as not to cause burns. It is much safer to use peroxide in combination with additional ingredients.

Yeast mask

Mix a spoonful of dry yeast and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide and apply to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, the skin is moisturized with cream.

Curd mask

A nutritious and at the same time whitening mixture can be obtained from a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese, yolk and a few drops of peroxide. This mask is also kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Lemon juice

Lemon or grapefruit juice will give the skin vitamins, tone it and prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. Lightening of pigmentation occurs due to the presence of organic acids in fruits. Mixing the juice with other ingredients will avoid drying out the skin.

Mask with lemon and honey

This mixture will also work as an excellent scrub when washing off the mask. Add 50 g of honey and half a teaspoon of olive oil to the pulp of a whole lemon. After thorough mixing, apply the product to the face for 15 minutes.

Vegetable oil will relieve the skin from the feeling of tightness after the procedure and additionally nourish the skin.

Glycerin mask

Glycerin perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin by absorbing water from the environment. This property allows it to neutralize the drying effect of lemon juice while maintaining its beneficial effects.

It is necessary to ensure that the air is not dry, otherwise glycerin will cause harm instead of benefit, drying out the skin.

For a whitening mask, you need to take two tablespoons of lemon juice and glycerin and a teaspoon of boiled water. Problem areas of the skin are treated twice a day for several months. The result will become noticeable after one and a half months of use.

Lemon lotion

A lotion made from citrus juice will not only lighten the skin, but also help accelerate its regeneration processes. For teenagers, it will help disinfect the skin and avoid the appearance of a rash.

Lotion composition:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of witch hazel decoction.

After mixing, it is recommended to store the liquid in the refrigerator and use it twice a day. Do not apply lotion to your face in the morning before going out into the bright sun. Lemon juice makes the skin sensitive and prone to sunburn. The best time to use lotion is in the afternoon and at night.


Lactobacilli and amino acids, contained in abundance in the drink, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. They cleanse and moisturize it, and amino acids also help lighten age spots and freckles.

With cucumbers

Kefir with cucumber will give the skin elasticity and relieve dullness. It is enough to apply such a mask 3 times a week. Half a cucumber is grated and 2 tablespoons of kefir are poured into the pulp. The microorganisms present in kefir are active for a short period of time, so the mask should be used immediately after production. Wash it off after 20 minutes, and dry skin is additionally moisturized with cream.

If you use warm milk instead of water to cleanse your face, the effect of the mask will increase.

With honey

4 tablespoons of full-fat kefir are added to slightly heated honey, and then mixed with the beaten white of one egg. The nourishing mask should not be kept on the face for more than 20 minutes. It will make the skin velvety and eliminate fine wrinkles. In addition, it tightens pores and visibly reduces oily shine.


Since ancient times, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has been considered a panacea for many diseases. It perfectly eliminates inflammation and irritation, but due to the strength of its effect, it is advisable to use soda solutions for skin whitening no more than once a week.

Soda lotion

Soda is diluted with water in equal proportions and gauze is moistened in it. The fabric is applied to the darkened areas of the skin for 10 minutes. After rinsing, the skin must be moisturized with cream, since soda is very drying.

With hydrogen peroxide

A teaspoon of baking soda is mixed with two tablespoons of full-fat yogurt without dyes or additives and a third teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 5 minutes, and then cleanses the skin with cool water. Thanks to yogurt, the skin will not peel.

With soap

This mask is very tight on the skin after rinsing, so you should prepare moisturizers in advance. Take baking soda and water in equal proportions, and foam the soap. Using a cosmetic sponge, the foam is distributed over areas of the skin with pigmentation, and a soda solution is added on top. After 7-9 minutes, wash off the mask.


Vitamins A, C and B, trace elements and folic acid contained in parsley give the skin shine and perfectly nourish it. Finely chopped parsley twigs and leaves are used for masks.

With dandelion

Equal shares of finely chopped dandelion and parsley stems are poured with a small amount of mineral water and left for 12 hours in a dark place. You should start making the mask in the spring, when the active sun causes increased pigmentation. It is kept on the face for 20-30 minutes, then removed.

Cosmetic ice

You can pour a decoction or tincture of parsley into ice cube trays and put it in the freezer. The resulting ice cubes tone the skin and improve complexion. They have a stronger effect on the skin due to the resulting stress from low temperatures.


After mixing the gruel with water in a ratio of 1:10, the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes and then filtered. Wash your face with the cooled decoction twice a week.

With rowan

Recipe for a mask that successfully fights freckles:

  • 1 teaspoon parsley juice;
  • 1 tsp. rowan berry juice;
  • 1 tsp. vodka;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.

The solution is quite caustic, so you need to apply it to freckles with a cotton swab, avoiding contact with the delicate skin around the eyes.

Essential oils

Essential oils rich in vitamins and microelements are beneficial for the skin, and parsley, ylang-ylang and vanilla oils intensively brighten it. It is contraindicated to use the oil in its pure form to avoid irritation and burns. To obtain the desired result, add a few drops of oil to cream, clay or water for washing. The whitening course lasts 3 weeks, then take a break for 2-3 months.


Vinegar is a well-known folk remedy, suitable for those looking for a recipe for how to quickly whiten your face at home. It came from the Roman Empire, where beauties also dreamed of having marbled skin. Mix water with vinegar in equal parts and wipe the face with a cotton swab for 8-10 minutes, then rinse the mixture thoroughly.

If your skin is sensitive, you can try applying undiluted vinegar.

Speed ​​whitening

Sometimes girls, not knowing how to whiten age spots on their face before an important event in one day, rely on expensive cosmetics. Bringing only disappointment, miracle jars usually end up in the far corner of the shelf. A worthy and effective replacement at home is boric acid, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

It is not recommended to use boric acid powder as a stand-alone product due to its strong action. But using it as a component of lightening masks is always in favor. Moreover, in addition to its whitening properties, the powder is also an antiseptic, which allows you to get rid of skin rashes for a long time.

Cucumber Power

The enhanced formula of this recipe is based on the interaction of the strongest whitening products: boric acid and fresh cucumber. A short vegetable is finely grated and half a teaspoon of powder is added. The container in which the mixture is located must be heated in a water bath. The warm pulp is spread on gauze, and then covered with it on the face. Leave for 15 minutes.

Cosmetics for skin lightening

An effective modern procedure is to use a laser to whiten facial skin. Many aesthetic medicine clinics or online beauty salons have special devices for resurfacing the skin or carefully removing its rough top layer. Getting rid of dead cells allows you to even out your skin tone and achieve noticeable lightening.

You should be careful with tablets and creams imported from China and Thailand. Local girls have had a cult of white skin for centuries, and nowadays manufacturers of cosmetic products actively take advantage of this.

Many creams contain mercury, which is poisonous to humans. Its permissible limit is exceeded thousands of times compared to its European and American counterparts. Of course, mercury gives a quick lightening effect, but when it accumulates in the skin, it poisons the body. The composition of the tablets with instructions written in hieroglyphs is a complete mystery that it is better not to try on yourself.

In beauty salons you can make a peeling or mask based on patented foreign cosmetics, but a whole course is needed to achieve the goal. Salon treatments are not cheap, so it is better to take care of your skin at home by choosing a suitable cream or mask made from natural ingredients.

Brightening Greens

Our mothers also used parsley when they wanted to whiten their faces at home in one day. From healthy green leaves, they prepare pulps, decoctions, and even rub freckles with frozen cubes of parsley juice. The most effective method is wiping your face with tonic.

Homemade lotion

Add 2 teaspoons of finely chopped parsley to a glass of hot water. Place the container with the composition on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. As soon as the lotion has cooled, wipe your face along the massage lines.

Useful tips

A clay mask perfectly helps to nourish the skin and remove dead cells. After dissolving the powder purchased at the pharmacy with warm water and applying the resulting paste to your face and neck, you should let it dry. After washing off the layer of clay, the skin will become smooth and silky, and the complexion will be more fresh.

The mask is well suited for girls going on vacation to the sea. After it, the tan will lie evenly, but you still shouldn’t neglect protective equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of cosmetics and creams. If you experience even a mild allergic reaction or unpleasant tingling sensation during use, you will have to discard this product. The skin of the face is very delicate and should be as comfortable as possible.

The cause of pigmentation can be metabolic and hormonal imbalance in the body. Pregnancy and childbirth, taking certain medications and even severe stress contribute to the appearance of brown spots on the skin. Sometimes they disappear on their own after the body’s condition normalizes, but more often they have to be countered using the above methods.

How to Lighten Skin in 1 Day Naturally for Women and Men

Are you getting ready for a party or looking for an instant way to make your skin healthy and glowing? You are on the right page as it describes how to get lighter skin within 1 day.

How to make your skin lighter in 1 day

Several factors such as poor diet, stress, use of harmful beauty products, inadequate sleep, pollution and harsh UV rays contribute to facial skin damage. However, you can keep your skin healthy and bright by adopting a proper skin care regimen. Here are some important steps that you need to follow to have healthy skin.

· Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water daily.

· Consume fresh fruits and vegetables to provide your skin and body with vital nutrients.

· Cleanse your skin twice a day.

· Apply a good quality moisturizer before going to bed every night.

· Avoid using many cosmetic products and never sleep with your makeup on.

· Exfoliate your skin frequently and apply a suitable mask to ensure proper nutrition to your skin cells.

What is proper skin care?

In the above lines, you have learned some basic rules to keep your skin glowing and bright. Now we will tell you how to make your skin whiter within 1 day.

Pamper your skin by thoroughly cleansing your skin with a facial cleanser and drying it off.

Facial sauna: The next step is a sauna for your face. This will help open the skin pores in addition to improving blood circulation to the skin cells.

Exfoliate: After steaming, relax your skin by gently scrubbing. This will help you get rid of dead skin cells, accumulated dirt, and other impurities.

Apply a face mask and toner: Apply a suitable face mask to nourish the skin cells, leave it on for an hour and a half and then rinse off. Rinse skin thoroughly and apply toner.

Moisturize your skin: Apply moisturizer or lotion and feel the difference.

Application of peelings

A more budget-friendly alternative to laser whitening is peeling. They won't turn a dark girl into a porcelain doll. Their property is to reduce hyperpigmentation and even out tone.

During the peeling process, acids act on the stratum corneum, removing dead cells. With deep peeling, the effect reaches the dermis, actually injuring the skin. After the procedure, update processes are launched. The new layer is clean and looks younger.

There are two types of peelings:

Mechanical peeling erases the upper stratum corneum under the influence of hard particles. The skin becomes more sensitive to care; it is advisable to use whitening creams and serums.

Chemical peeling can be acidic, retinoic, using plant extracts and other means.

Chemical peeling includes:

  1. Acid peeling is not a pleasant mask, but a serious procedure that causes discomfort during and after the procedure.
  2. The most gentle is peeling with lactic acid. It can be done for people with dry and sensitive skin, as well as during periods of solar activity.
  3. Glycolic peeling, on the contrary, is the most effective and deep, and does not cause long-term irritation.
  4. Peeling with salicylic acid is chosen for skin prone to inflammation. Salicylic acid accumulates in the pores and retains its healing effect for a long time.

Why do piquant places get dark?

Many people complain that their private parts often become dark. Although this is a common occurrence, it is not a serious cause for concern. However, there are rare cases of a condition called acanthokeratoderma.

It is characterized by darkened skin and requires special treatment. So before you try home remedies to lighten your skin, make sure that your case is not acanthokeratoderma. Before using each product, it is also necessary to conduct a skin test for allergies.

Body care is an important component of most cosmetic procedures. Caring for intimate areas turns out to be the most difficult, since the skin in these places is sensitive, prone to various types of rashes, allergic reactions and darkening.

But darkened skin in sensitive areas makes us uncomfortable, and can even cause stress and self-doubt. Therefore, the question of how to whiten your armpits, or how to whiten the skin between your legs, is relevant for most of us. And especially for women who always strive to have a perfect appearance.

Although it is completely normal to have dark skin in your private parts, this darkening can be caused by several medical reasons. Which you need to consider before bleaching your skin.


Whitening compositions often use various acids and other aggressive components. Their exposure can cause harm in a number of cases:

  1. Extensive inflammatory phenomena - multiple acne, pimples and irritations.
  2. Thin skin with increased sensitivity, dry or chapped.
  3. Skin diseases: papillomas, rosacea, dermatitis, melanoma, vitiligo, keratosis and so on.
  4. Wounds, stitches, injuries, facial injuries.
  5. Recent procedures done at home or in a salon.
  6. Ideal whitening will not only lighten your skin, but will also give a lasting result without side effects.
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